Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

September 20, 2011 Reqular Public Meeting

9:00 a.m.


Eugene Lamb, District 1

Doug Croley, Distict 2

Gene Morgan, District 3

Brenda Holt, District 4

Sherrie Taylor, District 5

Nicholas Thomas, Clerk

Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator

Deborah Minnis, County Attorney




Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call


Amendments to and Approval of the Agenda

  Additional Material added to the items already on the agenda.

Lamb/Holt approve the agenda 5 – 0


Awards, Presentations and Appearances


   Clerk of Courts

1.       Cash in Bank Summary Report – Daily snapshot of the daily cash position 4.5 million in the General Fund –

2.       Presentation of County Finance and County Clerk Issues - Unfinished projects – Gretna Project may need to be carried forward to next year’s budget.  County Administrator was instructed to contact Gretna about the invoices and inform the


Consent Agenda   Lamb/Holt approve consent with exception of     8 & 10 - they were pulled for discussion

3.       Ratification of Approval to Pay County Bills

4.       Approval to Apply for the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Grant for Gadsden County – Supervisor of Elections Shirley Knight

5.       Approval of Workforce Services Plan 2011-2012

6.       Approval of Surplus Property Disposal  - Kimbrel Brown, Facility Manager, Gadsden County Health Department

7.       Approval of Annual Contract Between the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners and the Commission and the Florida Department of Health for the operations of the Gadsden County Health Department

8.       Approval of Applications for the E911 Rural Grant Program

9.       Approval and execution of State Aid Grant Agreements – Dr. Carolyn Poole

10.   Approval of Inter-Local Agreement with Local Municipalities and the Gadsden County School Board

11.   Approval of Mosquito Control Agreement with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) and Annul Certified budget.


Consent Items Pulled for Discussion


Approval of Applications for the E911 Rural Grant Program – Commissioner Croley stated that there needs to be an interlocal agreement with the Sheriff for them to administer this program.  Commissioner Morgan did not want to move forward with approving the grant application because the information was submitted too late for him to review it.  There was no one present from the Sheriff’s office to answer questions.  


Motion by Croley/Holt  to table action on this matter until  later in this meeting only to discern whether there is a deadline on this application.  Administrator will contact Sheriff during this meeting.   Vote 4 – 1 (Morgan)


Approval of Inter-Local Agreement with Local Municipalities and the Gadsden County School Board – Commissioner Croley took issue with rates being charged for these services.  


Croley/Holt – approve the agreements with the understanding that the clerk, public works, staff look at the rates in October for a review to determine if the costs are being adequately reimbursed.   5 – 0 approved.



   Citizens Requesting to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items


   Bob Lauther – 805 NE 15th St.  Havana, FL  - TDC representing Havana Merchant’s Association- last TDC meeting was not held because of lack of quorum.   Have issues with TDC invoices that have been submitted for Clear Channel advertising – was told that TDC funds have been frozen.  Mr. Lauther was directed to speak with Mr. Lawson and BCC will go further if needed.


Jim Kellum- TDC – 104 North Main St.  Havana, FL – TDC


Henry, Shirley & Johnnie Mae, Marilyn Willams 3845 3839 FL GA Highway  -


Public Hearings


General Business


12.      Consideration of Talquin Electric’s  Proposal to Extend Water Service 600 Feet North along Highway 27 near the Intersection of Highway 27 and County Road 159  BCC has been requested to share in the cost of this project to deliver central water to six residents.  Health issues are at risk.   The supplier of water could cut off their supply at any time. 



Shirley Parker 3839 FL GA Highway – have been getting water from a renter on the property.  Need to get water extended from Talquin


Henry Parker 3839 FL GA Highway, Havana, FL – reiterated


Johnnie Mae Bookery – Got a meter from Talquin Electric and it is just sitting there of no use to anyone.


Morgan – questions – Is this a community well?  Yes.  The tenant is providing water, but the water pressure is not adequate.   Talquin pressure will be adequate.  Funding sources -  Project cost is $16,600.  Talquin is asking county to pay half - $8,300.


   Croley – matching money could come from the one-cent discretionary tax.   Commissioner Holt asked staff to reference how a similar request from St. John was handled to make certain BCC is being consistent.


  Motion by Lamb/Croley & Holt  to move forward  with funding this project with some funding source other than fund balance. 




13.   Approval and Authorization to Pursue TIGER Discretionary Grant Funding


Croley/Morgan – move approval  5 – 0


14.   Approval of change Order Number 1 for Cairo-Concord Road (CR 157-A) County Incentive Program (COGP) to Close the Project


Croley/Lamb approve  4 – 1 (Taylor- consistent with her position to never approve change orders.)


15.   Approval of Task Order 2011-120 for Preble Rish Engineering to Design the Resurfacing of Dodger Ball Park Road


Morgan/Lamb approve 5 – 0


16.   Approval of Appointment to Tourism Development Council


TDC is not in compliance.  Must rescind the appointment of Clarence Jackson because the appointee must be a tax collector.   Commissioner Morgan has resigned so he must be reappointed. 


Commissioner Holt/Lamb  made motion to rescind the appointment of Clarence Jackson to the TDC board.  5 – 0


Commissioner Lamb had questions for Jeff DeBree, TDC Chair.  Determined not to be a matter for discussion on this meeting as it was not on the agenda.


  Jim Kellum, TDC Member addressed the board.  TDC recommendation of Matt Thro as appointment to the TDC.


  Commissioner Holt nominated Kirk Bradwell, Bradwell Inc.  Tax Collector.  Withdrew his name as he is not a bed tax collector.   She then nominated Peter Patel, owner of Hampton Inn, but resident of District 4.   This is to fill the vacancy for a Bed Tax Collector.  Second by Commissioner Croley.  Vote 5 – 0


The night of the appointment of Rev. Jackson, staff was directed to make certain that the appointment was in compliance with state statutes.   It was determined that the appointment was out of compliance and Commissioner Morgan rendered his resignation in an email to the administrator the following morning with a statement that he was not willing to serve on the board that was not in compliance.  He also stated that he would like to continue to serve on the TDC if the appointments came into compliance.


   Commissioner Croley - Motion to reappoint Commissioner Morgan to TDC.   Motion died for lack of a second. 


Commissioner Lamb was disappointed that Commissioner Morgan had resigned.   He nominated Commissioner Morgan to finish his term on the TDC until December 30, 2011.   Seconded by Commissioner Croley.  5 - 0


17.   Approval to Appoint Sonya Burns as the Tourism Development Council  Administrator/Coordinator   - 10% of the budget $90,000 submitted for approval this year.


Motion by Commissioner Holt/Lamb to approve.   Holt amend the motion for the coordinator to report to the county administrator.    Motion was rescinded.  5 – 0


Croley/Morgan  motioned to approve 10% of the present TDC budget and position will report to the county administrator.  5 - -0


  Jeff Dubree, TDC Chair



  Item 8 – revisited.   Major Wood – E-911 Grant Application


Condolences to the passing of DeVane Mason, former E-911 Director.


Deadline for applying for the grant is October 1, 2011.    Application is routine. 


Croley/Holt approve the application.  4 – 1(Morgan opposed because information was submitted untimely.)

County Administrator


18.   Update on Board Requests


County Attorney


19.   Update on Various Legal Issues  - status of the interlocal agreement with the Sheriff for Emergency Management.   – signed by the county, not by the Sheriff.    Have the administrator check on this matter.


Discussion Items by Commissioners


20.   Commissioner Lamb, District 1

Phone calls regarding the Gadsden Express – Some of the citizens are standing on the bus.  Bus was designed for that.  Would like to see Chairman and the Administrator to meet with Mr. Waters on this.


Commissioner Croley, District 2 – Report and Discussion on Public Issues and Concerns Pertaining to Commission District Two and Gadsden County


Capital Regional Transportation Agency Meeting – budget for the operation was approved 751,899.00 of which the majority of it comes from federal highway administration and FDOT.  Increase to employees salaries was approve to tract with the City of Tallahassee. 


Approximately $3,000 was provided to Mr. Reed for his travel. 


City of Tallahassee has internal accounting firms set up for next year. 


Presentation by  Port Authority Administrator from Port St. Joe.  We are an impacted county and should entertain a presentation by them as well. 


Review by FDOT on the interchanges along I-10.   How does Gadsden County want representation during this review process?  They are very vital to us and need to be proactive in this process. 


Sustainable communities calculator work order program.  CRTPA  will offer free training on online maps – you can see how it will affect your own district. 


Bicycles – there has been an emphasis on bicycle events and we must figure out how we are going to handle these events.


Asked to be placed on the agenda in the future – Interlocal agreements with the sheriff to administer the E-911 program.      – Just good business. 


Jail – one-cent discretionary tax    We have an ordinance making the Sheriff Chief Jailer.  However, we still need an interlocal agreement with the Sheriff about who is responsible for what in relation to


Motion to have discussion on a future agenda of interlocal agreements for administration of the jail and the E-911 program.   


Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – need to be able to count the number that we have.  Business Licenses – do not want to charge for a license – not be oppressive  – just want to see some  type of registration of business for the unincorporated areas of the county that we can count.  Include economic development input from the Chamber of Commerce during the discussion.


Motion by Croley/Morgan to have discussion on the above 4 – 0


Commissioner Holt, District 4 – Economic Development; Discussion of Citizens’ Bill of Rights; other concerns.


Gadsden Express – The bus is full when it leaves Winn Dixie.  People are having to stand.  The buses were designed for standing passengers.  Grant money from CRTPA is limited.  Need to get the City of Tallahassee Bus Director to explain the type of information that is sought.  Need to have the new grant writing position look into writing grants to address overcrowding issues on the bus route.  


As part of the occupational registration – seek information from businesses or potential businesses for an area to see what is needed in a particular community.


Motion by Holt/Lamb 5 – 0


CSX Administrator to see about installation of additional rails.  See if they are still planning to do this and see if there are jobs associated with that project. 


Spent three hours trying to help a young lady save her house.  Behind in their payments. 



Commissioner Morgan, District 3


Jobs – need to fund the small business development through the Chamber of Commerce. 


We have railroad, waterways, airport  and interstate systems.  We need to have productive relationship with economic development arm of the chamber to best utilize those assets.


Asked that the agenda be displayed on the flat screens at each item for the public. 



Commissioner Taylor, District 5


Gadsden Express – ridership has been awesome.  They will apply for grant to increase it.  It will come with a price tag.  Looking at it to continue throughout the county.


There will be a public meeting with Waste Pro at 6:00 p.m. regarding the closing of the waste sites.   Staff directed to have media present to make certain correct information makes it into the papers, etc.

Motion:  Taylor/Croley – Old commodity building - The lease with Gadsden Men of Action lease has expired on the county building.  Looking at least sharing that space as a cold weather shelter.  Bring back to the agenda for discussion.



Thank you to the staff and board for work on the budget.   It is a living document and can be amended. 



Motion to Adjourn



Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.


Receipt and File


October Meetings

October 4, 2011 Regular Meeting – 6:00 p.m.


October 18, 2011, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.