PRESENT:             Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Gene Morgan, Vice-Chair, District 3

                                Eugene Lamb, District 1

                                Doug Croley, District 2

Brenda Holt, District 4

Nicholas Thomas, Clerk

Deborah Minnis, County Attorney

Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator


Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call


Amendments and Approval of the Agenda


   The following changes were made to the agenda:


·         Move Item  22c (Agreement for Actuarial Services with Stanley, Hunt, Dupree and Rhine) to General Business as 18a.  Croley/Holt 5 – 0

·         Add  Alternate Appointment to Value Adjustment Board  - add  as 18 C  Croley/Holt 5 – 0

·         Add Award of RFP 11-13 for Financing of Renovations to the Property Appraiser/Tax Collector’s Building  to Sun Trust as 18B  Croley/Morgan 5 – 0

·         Move Item 12 to the front of the Public Hearings A9.  Croley/Morgan  5 – 0


Morgan/Lamb approve the agenda as amended.  5 – 0



Awards, Presentations and Appearances



   Presentation of Leon County School Board’s Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Initiative


As the county’s public works department is facing having to replace five dump trucks and other heavy equipment, Mr. Chapman proposed looking into replacing them with equipment that uses compressed natural gas (CNG)  to operate.    The alternative option is available at this time, but significant research would  be required by the county staff. 


Mr. Manny Joanos, with the Leon County School Board addressed the board telling them that Leon County School Board purchased 14 buses operated by CNG, which is a much cleaner and less expensive alternative to gasoline or diesel.   They expect to add 30 additional CNG buses to the fleet in the upcoming year.


They began by applying for US environmental Protection Agency grant  for $350,000 to buy the first eight buses.  They also installed a fast-fill CNG fueling station at their bus maintenance facility located on the east side of Tallahassee .


Jorge A. Herrera, Co-founder and Executive Director of nopetro addressed the board and made a PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of how their company had developed in particular markets.


Jack Locke, Co-founder and President and CEO of nopetro, was also present.


Commissioner Croley made several remarks to the presenters and to the board.   He first heard the presentation at a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Destin, FL. 


Chair Taylor called for comments from the board. 


Commissioner Morgan asked questions regarding where is the break even point for the additional cost for the vehicle.  


Public Works Director Charles Chapman requested direction to have the staff flush out whether or not the investment in CNG infrastructure and equipment would be a cost effective option at this time for the county.


There was a consensus that staff should make some exploration



   Brownfields Grant Activity Update


Cardno TDE Project Manager Roger Register addressed the board giving a report.  Progress has been made.  Phase I has been completed on five properties with two more to be done.  Ready to move to Phase II on several properties.  Brochures were complete and delivered to the county today.  Look at additional site around the county.  The grant that the county has only does the assessment phase of the properties.  The county can then apply for grants for clean-up of any contamination. 


Havana site – former Butler’s Dry Clearner  (US 27); Northside High School; old hotel;  Assisting Havana Middle School with Phase I 


Gretna – no properties have been looked at.   They look at properties that are brought to them by the advisory committee.


Cattle dipping vats would be eligible for clean up.  They would be good candidates for Phase I and Phase II assessment of the property.


Dr. Henry Grant would have knowledge of sites that need to be assessed.


Mr. Register was asked to provide the list of properties to the county administrator   







No report.



Items 5 & 8 were pulled for discussion   Lamb/Holt approve the remainder.  4, 6 & 7.   5 – 0



Ratification of Approval to Pay County Bills



Approval of the 2012 Holiday Schedule



Renewal of Services Contract with Lab First, Inc. to Provide Drug Screening  for the County


Lab Fist, Inc. is a local lab service that provides pre-employment, random, post accident, and reasonable suspicion drug screenings on a five, eight, or ten level drug panel.  Lab Fist, Inc. is licensed, insured and accredited by the National Drug and  Alcohol Testing Industry Association. 


The Board entered into a service contract with Lab First on November 2, 2010 with a provision to renew it at the end of the year if all parties agree.  They are conveniently located in downtown Quincy with convenient hours of operations. 


Each drug test is a cost of $30 and is included in the budget for 2011/2012.



LSTA  Library Grant - ___11  LSTA-E-02 _____Grant Agreement to Engage Tweens, Teens and Their Community Through Science Exploration


This grant seeks to engage middle school-age youth, teenagers and the community in using library resources to explore science.  The Public Library System will host a variety of science themed programs in schools, outreach locations, and public libraries to generate science awareness in the Community.   The grant is for $47,256.00.



Approval and Signatures for Satisfaction of Special Assessment Liens for


Maurice E. and Felecia C. Evans





Approval of the 2012 Holiday Schedule


Commissioner Croley opposed to 12 holidays. 


Lamb/Holt approve the 2012 Holiday Calendar.  4 – 1




Approval and Signatures for Satisfaction of Special Assessment Liens for


Maurice E. and Felecia C. Evans


Phyllis Moore, SHIP Coordinator, addressed the board.   It was satisfied by the board during the time that Bill McGill was Chair.


Holt/Lamb approve  5 – 0






Ms. Nell Cunningham, 310 Bostick Road, Havana, FL  thanked each commissioner for the nice park the Eugene Lamb Park.  They have enough donated money to order the equipment for the park.





Public Hearing:  Transmittal of Bostick Road Future Land Use Map Amendment (CPA-2011-02)


The BOCC was requested to consider approval to transmit an administrative amendment to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM)  for seven parcels totaling 34.75 acres from Commercial to Rural Residential to reflect the actual use of the property.  Once the FLUM is reviewed by Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), Division of Community Planning (DCP), the amendment would come back to the board to be adopted by ordinance.


The parcels are located on Bostick Road north and adjacent to the Havana Golf and Country Club, west of the CSX Railroad tracks and U.S. 27 (FL-GA Highway)   Access is primarily from Bostick road, a private residential roadway and Red Fox Lane.  Neither was constructed for commercial development.  Access from S.R. 27 (FL-GA Highway) is via Country Club Drive.


The  Planning Commission met on September 15,2011 and voted to recommend approval of  the transmittal of this amendment based on the findings as listed on the agenda report and determined that it was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.


Chair Taylor called for public input.  There was no response.


Croley/Holt Motin to   approve transmittal of the Bostick Road Administrative Future Land Use Map Amendment (CPA-2011-02) to amend the adopted Future Land Use Map by changing the land use category on seven parcels totaling 34.75 acres, more or less, from Commercial (COMM) to Rural Residential (RR) based on the findings 1-11 (Page 4) of the agenda report  and determined that it was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.   Vote 5 – 0






Public Hearing: – Escambia County Housing Finance Authority = Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program for First Time Home Buyers  Interlocal Agreement  and Resolution 2011-033



This agenda item is to conduct a public hearing to consider the approval of a finance plan to provide capital, which will include the issuance of the Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program on behalf of Gadsden County.


The program provides 30 fixed rate mortgages at interest rates that are below normal market rate.   The 2010 bond issue offered mortgages at 3.95% and assistance with closing cost and down payment of up to $8,000 per homebuyer at zero percent interest amortized over the first 20 years.


There is no cost or liability for Gadsden County to participate.


Chair Taylor called for public comment.  There was no response. 


Holt/Morgan approve the above.  4 – 0  Commissioner Lamb was not present for this vote.



Public Hearing:  First of Two Public Hearings Required for Gadsden County to Apply for Florida Department of Community Affairs 2011 CDBG Economic Development Grant


Interim County Administrator Arthur Lawson introduced the agenda item.


Mr. Auburn Ford, on behalf of Mr. Charlie Harris, conducted the first public hearing required for Gadsden County to submit a grant application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (FDCA) under the CDBG Program for Gussie’s Garden Inn Assisted Living Care Facility.  The grant would fund infrastructure improvements at the site.  This is Gadsden County’s second application for this project.  The 2010 application was denied due to the submittal of an incomplete application.


A conceptual plan for Gussie’s Garden Inn ACLF was approved by the BOCC on March 1, 2005.  The property is located on US 90, west of Quincy city limits.  He is converting  his mini storage business into the assisted living facility, which will house forty-eight clients and provide eleven (11) low to moderate incomes.  The site is now serviced by septic and will be required to hook to the City of Quincy sewage.  The connection requirement will cause an undue financial hardship on Mr. Harris and, therefore, he is requesting the county to pursue a CDBG Economic Development grant to provide the infrastructure to his business.  This infrastructure improvement may also benefit future development in the area.   The project will install sewer lines, lighting and paving of access roads. 


There will be staff time devoted to the grant application process, which may involve the County securing a consultant to apply for the grant.  If a consultant  is needed, the matter would come back to the board for approval.


The BOCC previously instructed staff to prepare this agenda item and to proceed with the first Public Hearing.


Chair Taylor called for public comments. 


  Commissioner Holt clarified that the board is approving an application to construct sewer lines to the property only – not construction of the project.


Holt/Morgan approve.  5 – 0


   Special Request by Mr. Ford – Need a special meeting for the board to do the second public hearing so that the grant can be submitted  expeditiously.   Staff will look at this, but no decision was reached about special meeting.  


Set second public hearing for the first meeting in November.




   Public Hearing:  Neighborhood  Commercial Land Development  Code Text Amendments (LDR-2010-01) Proposed Ordinance No. 2011 – 005


At this public hearing, the board was asked to make a decision on the second reading of an ordinance to adopt revisions to the Land Development code (LDC) so that the LDC is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan  amendments to the Future Land Use Element Policy 1.1.52(D) Neighborhood Commercial (NC).


At the September 6, 2011 public hearing, the Board voted to approve the ordinance on first reading moving it forward for the second reading.   The ordinance has not changed since the


LDC amendments are to be reviewed as a TYPE IV Legislative procedure pursuant to Subsection 7402 and are subject to public notice requirements as established in Subsection 7501 of the LDC.  Public Notice requirements have been met.


The BOCC has amended the policy twice in recent years.  The second amendment was adopted on March 1, 2011.  As a result of amendments to Policy 1.1.5(D) Neighborhood Commercial (NC) sections of the LDC are no longer consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.  The county must now revise sections of the LDC, specifically Chapter 4, Subsections 4104, 4202.C and Chapter 5, Subsections 5204 and 5900 so that they are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.


At the March 20, 2011 and April 14, 2011 public hearings, the Planning Commission discussed and recommended amendments to the LDC that would bring it into compliance with the amended NC policy (Policy 1.1.5(D). 


Chair Taylor called for public comments.   There was no response.


Lamb/Holt  to approve the ordinance.   5 – 0


Review the Comprehensive Plan requirement for vacated businesses to reopen their business.  It currently states two years.  



Public Hearing:  Transmittal of Bostick Road Future Land Use Map Amendment (CPA-2011-02)


Moved to A9 for discussion.



   Public Hearing:   Resolution 2011-035;  2011-036; 2011-039 and Budget Amendments  OMB BA 110094; 110095 and 110125


Resolution 2011-035 and Budget Amendment OMB BA 110094 – close fund 325  Court Facilities

Resolution 2011-036 and Budget Amendment OMB-BA 110095 – close fund 318 Affordable Housing

                                                                                                                                  close fund 111 Law Library

Resolution 2011-039 and Budget Amendment OMB BA 110125 – close fund 119 Choose Life for FY 2011


This process provides a method  for the Board to establish budgetary authority for newly awarded grants and re-establish budgetary authority for grants that overlap multiple fiscal years.  The process, via approval of budget amendments allow for funding for specific grants approval in current and previous fiscal years to be appropriated or re-appropriated in the current fiscal year to support the continuation of these respective grants.

Option 1:  Approve resolutions and the associated budget amendments for FY 2011 awarded grants and carry forward grants.


Chair Taylor called for public comments.   There was no response.


Holt/Lamb motion to approve.  5-0




   Public Hearing:  Approval of Resolution 2011-037 and Budget Amendments 110100, 110123, and 110124 to transfer funds for Hospital Expenses for FY 2011


Two major things are addressed by the – money to cover heliport – BCC voted to do the Heliport.  Clean up of past actions of the board.  It was within the approved budget.


Last of the draw down from the Trust to purchase equipment.



Chair Taylor called for public comments.   There was no response.


Lamb/Croley approve   5-0




   Public Hearing:  Resolution 2011-034 and Budget Amendment 110107 to the FY 10/11 Budget to set up Funds for Jail Maintenance


This agenda item requested that funds be taken from fund 301 (Capital Projects – General Fund) to provide funding to complete various infrastructure projects at the county jail.  All of the designated projects for the jail will not be completed prior to the next fiscal year. 


Clerk Thomas explained the budget amendments.  


Chair Taylor called for public comments.  There was no response.


  Commissioner Croley’s remarks about the proper use of the one cent surtax for this expense.   He encouraged the board to have the administrator and the attorney look at this to see if it tracks with Florida Statutes.  He asked that action be deferred until November meeting. 


  Commissioner Holt’s remarks.  Bottom line – we need to fix the jail.


Holt/Lamb approve the budget amendment  and resolution.  4 – 1 (Croley – only because of questions that he has regarding proper use of the money.)





Public Hearing:  Resolution 2011-038 and Budget Amendment 110106 to the FY 10/11 Budget to Fund Tourist Development Council (TDC) Expenditures


The fiscal year for TDC runs from July 1 through June 30 and thus overlaps with the BOCC budget causing shortfalls.  This budget amendment actually increases their budget and must be approved via advertised budget change.   It will decrease the TDC fund balance, but there is adequate money to cover payment on the outstanding invoices. 


   Chair Taylor called for public comment.  No response.  


Commissioner Holt – need supporting documentation or reference in the body of the resolution to


Holt/Morgan  approve.  5 – 0






Data Analysis of Recommended 2% FRS Offset for the BOCC Employees


During the 2011 Florida Legislative Session, the Legislature revised the Florida Retirement system by having employees contribute 3% of their salary to their retirement.   Many local governments throughout Florida helped their employees by offsetting the required deduction by increasing their pay by 1 – 3%. 


During the budget season, the BOCC approved a 2% increase to those employees who work for the Board of County Commissioners (no other constitutional offices were included)  to offset the required contribution.  The approved budget for 2011/2012 included $104,000 for that purpose.


The following data was presented:


122 staff making less than $40,000 per year – Total 2%                                                   $66,162

26 staff between $41,000 - $60,000 per year  - Total 2%                                                     25,131

8 staff making above $60,000 total 2%                                                                                       10,460

12 Part time staff with FRS benefits – Total 2%                                                                                       2,258



  Commissioner Lamb’s recommendation approve the 2% only for those employees making less than $40,000.   In order to do that, you must agenda this matter to rescind previous action. 


There was misleading information in the agenda report that caused the board to be unclear about what  action they could actually take.  


Holt/Morgan accept the data.  5 – 0






   Award Bid 11-12 for Re-Roofing the County Records Center (North and West Wing)


The county’s record center is located at 102 South Adams St.  Approximately 5,700 square feet on the upper area of the building will need to be repaired.  The roof  has been leaking for seven years causing sever stains on walls and mold damage. 


Staff solicited sealed bids until September 7, 2011.  Four bids were received, but only two of the bids met all the qualifications of the bid specs.   They were Rowe Roofing, Inc. and Commercial Roofing. 


Staff recommended the bid be award to Commercial Roofing for a base bid of $56,065.00.


Croley/Morgan approve award to Commercial Roofing.  5 – 0  



Approval of Contract with Stanley, Hunt, Dupree & Rhine in the Amount of $7,015.00


The BOCC approve the award of bid for actuarial services on September 6, 2011.  Subsequent to that meeting a contract has been prepared and is back before the board for approval. 


Holt/Morgan approve contract   4 – 0  (Commissioner  Lamb was not present for this vote.)


Commissioner  Lamb left the meeting at this juncture.  8:25 p.m.



Approval to Award RFP 11-13 for Financing of Renovations to the Property Appraiser/Tax Collector Building


This agenda item sought approval to award the above bid to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. of Towson, MD.


Two proposals were received:  Capital City Bank – 4 year loan @ 3.90% (fixed) and 5 year loan @ 4.25%   (fixed) ;  Sun Trust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp.  4 yr loan @ 1.63% (fixed) and 5-year loan @ 1.68% (fixed).   $2500 closing cost and $250 to use the Lessor as the escrow agent.


See up special account for the money that is returned from Tax Collector and Property Appraiser  each year.





Croley/Morgan approve SunTrust  4 – 0 (


Appointment of VAB Member


Commissioner Morgan will not be available for the meetings.    No action was needed as a quorum can be reached without him.





Lobbying Services


Should he do an RFP or extend his contract.


Broadcast of the Meetings


Taylor/Croley Bring both matters on the agenda for determination. 


Commissioner Morgan asked that motion be amended to include additional $15,000 for the lobbying services.   Chair Taylor would not amend.


Vote was 4 – 0 to bring the items back.


Commissioner Lamb returned to the meeting at this juncture.  8:40 p.m.


  What is the status of outsourcing mowing and probation?   Will bring information back.


Status of surplus property – no success.   Rumor - House on Brumby Street – house has been substantially damaged by theft of the cooper from  condenser unit.   







Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Management  - has been executed by Sheriff contingent upon the present upon the current manager stays in place.







Commissioner Lamb, District 1

    Septic Tank issue during Legislature.  It will affect Gadsden County tremendously.  FAC recommended that they grandfather in those with tanks already in the ground.  Contact legislators on the issue.


Commended Commissioner Taylor on completing Advanced County Commissioners training.


Concurred with Commissioner Holt regarding limiting length of time each commissioner holds the floor.    



   Commissioner Croley, District 2


Extend congratulations to David Gardner for his work on the National Solar project.  


On Friday, Mr. Reed and he will meet with the Secretary of Florida Department of Transportation.  He asked for their input.  Regional overview will be given.   Public transportation will be an issue.  Quincy By-pass.  In the planning stages staff may want to consider extending the loop right on around further.


Economic Transportation – Port of St. Joe – Regional impact

What may be needed in transportation support relative to the Solar Farm.


SR 12 between Quincy & Havana will be resurfaced.  Public hearings will be held.  It is being called a Safety Project by CRTPA. 


Respect and appreciate position of the clerk and board regarding jail financing.  Asked that the clerk to have it looked at by the county auditors. 



   Commissioner Holt, District 4


·         Economic Development

·         Discussion of Citizens’ Bill of Rights

·         Other concerns


Need a grant writer to go after the larger grants and be proactive.


Would like the board to be more consistent in actions taken. 


Amount of time that commissioners are given to speak so that one commissioner does not get more time than another.


Parking Lot – need to look at loitering because of the liabilities.  Put out signs that say “No loitering”


Opposed to outsourcing of what is now county jobs – such as mowing rights of ways.


Housing Repairs – are we supposed to come to staff with  housing repairs?  Bring to the County Administrator. 


Holt/Croley Motion to have administrator to contact CRMC about Ambulance/Medicare  transports –  look at the contract with CRMC that will possibly remedy our inability to bill Medicare for transports they are sending to Tallahassee.  5 - 0

Gretna Project – encourage them to hire locally.





Commissioner Morgan, Vice-Chair, District 3


·         Financial Commitment for Defending Florida State Hospital


·         Economic Development Funding


 Parking Lot -  Staff position


  Solar Farms – congratulate the Chamber of Commerce Director and board


  Motion Morgan/Croley  Asked that item be agendaed to discuss regarding amending  the budget to fund the additional $37,000 to the Chamber.  


Commissioner Holt opposed unless they come with a plan.   When we are considering zoning changes, the Chamber needs to be present and have input. 


Commissioner Lamb would like to see Chamber present and  address the board routinely.


Chair Taylor – don’t mind looking at it later in the year. 


Vote was 5 – 0



Motion:  Morgan - Would like to have Item agendaed to increase the Lobbying contract to increase by $15,000 to be $25,000.  Motion died for lack of a second.


Tax Abatements


Gadsden County does not have the ability to offer tax abatements because it has to be approved by voter referendum.  Would like to have discussion around the board. 


Morgan/Holt Motion to agenda Tax Abatements for discussion and for referendum.  5 – 0


Commended Mr. Lawson in how he responds to directions he has given.  Board needs to be careful in how they give directions.


Commended IT



Commissioner Taylor, Chair, District 5


  Solar Farms – need to have a local celebration.  Need more information – where are they going to be?    Where can people go to get a job? 


A representative from National Solar and Chamber are agendaed for the next meeting.


Mobile Health Unit – will be on the next agenda. 


Public Hearing at DOT meeting


November 16 – 18  Legislative Conference in Destin






Receipt and File for the Record



Letter to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Regarding Support for the City of Gretna Grant Application for Construction Funding for State Road 12/Interstate 10 Corridor Wastewater Collection Line



Letter to U.S. Senator Bill Nelson Regarding Fair Share of Funding for Capital Area community Action Program


October Meeting


October 18, 2011, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.










                                                                                                Sherrie Taylor, Chair









Muriel Straughn, Deputy Clerk