PRESENT:             Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Gene Morgan, Vice-Chair, District 3

                                Eugene Lamb, District 1

                                Doug Croley, District 2

                                Brenda A. Holt, District 4

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk

                                Deborah Minnis, County Attorney

                                Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator


Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call


Chair Taylor called the meeting to order then opened with a prayer.  She then led in pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag. 


Deputy Clerk, Beryl Wood called the roll and documented attendance as noted above.








Ron Sachs Communications Presentation  (Ron Sachs, President and CEO)


Ron Sachs addressed the Board. He discussed areas where he has helped the County. He

Discussed Public Relations issues. He has decided to end a long relationship with Gadsden,

As of January 2012 my firm will no longer represent Gadsden County. He mentioned the

Sales Tax for Healthcare that they helped spearhead. We are gifted a Crisis Manager

I am used to dealing with challenge situations we will not be working with Gadsden

County. He discussed the items that they have achieved for Gadsden County.


He discussed a Community Retreat for the TDC, you need unity, you lack a vision. We

have not wasted your funds. My has often felt your bite. We are hired for crisis

management. He said they lack unity, they need a shared vision. You need to promote

yourself in a positive light. He said they represent National Solar, FAMU. He said that he was proud to have the opportunity to serve the citizens of Gadsden County. He asked that they have a

special events.


Commissioner Croley said that he appreciates the work of Ron Sachs.

Commissioner Holt concurred with the work of Ron Sachs and the Hospital Work.

Commissioner Morgan thanked Mr. Sachs for working with Gadsden County.


Commissioner Taylor commented that at the last Commission meeting they worked together

Said that they have to be able to work together and agree to disagree and still work together

At the end of the day. She said that end the month of January you will have see positive

Insight from this Board. She thanked Ron Sachs for his work and wished him the very best.

Community Wide Events that bring people to Gadsden County. Tomato, Coke, Hidden

Treasure Festivals that draw people to Gadsden County.



 Pat Thomas Insurance Presentation – John Pat Thomas , Vice President

John Pat Thomas, Florida League of Cities who you partner with for insurance. They are

Paying dividends. He presented the Board with a check in the amount $37,406.00 check

Chair Taylor said that they will  decide where the funds should be placed she asked that

It be brought back to the Board at a later date.


Future Site of the Gadsden County Law Enforcement Youth Community Center Presentation 



Morris Young, Sheriff of Gadsden County addressed the Board concerning the future site of the

Gadsden County Law Enforcement Youth Community Center. He asked that the Board take a

Proactive approach in making a request to the Board of County Commissioner’s to look at putting

Youth first. The education and development of Gadsden County youth should not be sacrificed as a

A way of reducing budgets. Our youth must be our main priority today and always in order for

Gadsden County to have a balance in growth and development. He said that the Sheriff’s Office

Is planning to join two organizations that are recognized nationally as the most productive youth

Program in the Country (National Police Athletic League(PAL) & Celebrate Life International (CLI).

The Sheriff would like to meet with all non-profit organizations that provide services to youth wit

Gadsden County and have them maintain their current identity but join forces strategically to

Levy funds through foundations, local, state & federal government and the business community.

Through one of the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office business partners (Graves Williams), the

Sheriff has been introduced to Mr. Jay Taylor the owner of North Florida Tomatoes Inc. The

North Florida Tomatoes warehouse is located off Highway 90 west and Ben Bostic Road behind

The Piggly Wiggly shopping plaza. Mr. Taylor has agreed to give the Sheriff’s Office the 34 acre

Property which includes a 73,774 square foot modular metal building and 2 large portable building at a cost of $1.00 per year. The future plan is to donate the property to the Gadsden County Sheriff’s

Office. He said they are asking for approval for the Sheriff Office to continue moving forward with

Plans for the future site and operation of the Gadsden County Law Enforcement Youth Community

Center. He discussed faith based re-entry program.


Captain Robert Barkley addressed the Board in support of this program with the vision for our

Youth of Gadsden County.


Dr. Beverly Nash, Consultant for Sheriff’s Department she addressed the Board with the

Vision for the Sheriff’s Department.  She then discussed the mission: Partnering with our

Community, empowering our youth to achieve and make positive choices.


Sheriff Young ended the presentation by asking the Chair to have staff assemble and help

them by a small county surtax. He asked them to look at it and they will also take to the

Legislative and they will seek funds from all levels.



Commissioner Holt commended the Sheriff for a great vision she added that job training

Should be added. (Dave and Buster’s in ATL she encouraged the Sheriff to look into). What’s

Cost and how long is lease.


Sheriff Young replied that they have partnered with the Chamber of Commerce to help with

jobs. The lease is available for 100 years. Commissioner Croley when you referenced Mr.

Williams, what Williams?


Sheriff – Grave Williams


Croley – it’s a money issue, we already support Boys & Girls Club.


Sheriff – It’s not helping with Boys & Girls Club.


Commissioner Lamb stated it was a great concept and vision, you have my support. This

Program is for the whole County.


Commissioner Morgan applauded the Sheriff’s effort and Mr. Williams for helping. The word

Parent is missing from program, please look for ways to involve parents, extended family

Please encourage parent participation. Education is also greatly needed. The program is

Positive for our County. Boys & Girls in Chattahoochee is great and positive gains have come

From the program in that Community if done right it does work. He asked for clarity in lease

Or buying building, not in favor of owning an additional building, cost, up keep.


Chair Taylor stated that all Commissioner have brought fine points. I agree with Commissioner

Morgan, Holt on education. The funding that you have sited here, we will have to have legal

Look at it.  We will have to make an agreement to have County Staff work with you. We will

Have to give direction. She spoke of her program Children Are our Future, I have worked

With children all my life, we must invest in our children. We will do our job as a body and

Follow law, to find right path to take. If it can be done you have our support and you are

Doing a great job.

Motion : Lamb/ Holt – to have Board direct County Administrator to organize staff to work

With Sheriff.

Question Croley – I support your concept, I look at business fact, monies are an issues, is

Staff looking at this objectively.

Chair Taylor asking to help, but follow law.

Motion Carries

Motion: 1 cent sales tax to see legally can we do it, have Attorney research  Holt/ Lamb 5 -0

Motion: Holt/ Lamb 4-1(Morgan)– to have other funding sources

Morgan changed vote now 5-0 (he has clarity of the motion)

Jim Corder mentioned that it will not cost tax payers – the Sheriff’s Reentry Program.





Presentation of County Finance and County Clerk Issues ( Nicholas Thomas Clerk of Courts)

Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court addressed the Board on Fiscal Report 2011. General Fund

Balance 4 million dollars, which is great. Transportation fund had a good year. Library Services

Money from State was down. EMS collected about a  1.7 million, you will probably have to

Transfer monies to EMS. He cautioned the Board not to be


Commissioner Morgan said that the Auditor’s say that we should have around 5-8 million



Clerk Thomas stated that it would be hard to get at 8 million with all your other obligations.

5 million is great, 8 million unrealistic.


Morgan – What is your primary concern.


Thomas – There is a lot of need, do we have enough money to get done what we need to

Get done, pleased with fiscal year, EMS concern, Jail Repairs concerns.


Morgan – Property Appraiser – Ad Valorem Tax Dollars will be lower, I think we should

Focus on need.


Thomas – could be  a potential problem, County Government have been fortunate in the

State of Florida. State Revenue that they haven’t significant cuts.


Commissioner Morgan – what does this cover? Fund 112 county transportation what can be


Thomas – He discussed the period it covered. Yes it can, all transportation needs.


Commissioner Holt not in favor of raising funds for EMS.  See if there are things they need to



Thomas let me clarify, the first time in budget that county didn’t subsided from General Fund

For EMS.


Chair Taylor County has a surplus. We should highlight this we have a surplus. Good News.




Items 8, 10   were pulled for discussion.





Approval of Minutes 

                August 23, 2011 Special Joint Meeting with Tourist Development Council

                September 20, 2011 Regular Meeting



Ratification of Approval to Pay the County Bills


                Accounts Payables Dated:           December 9, 2011

                                                                                December 16, 2011


                Payroll Dated:                                   December 15, 2011



Approval of Chair’s Signature for Special Assessment Liens and Rehabilitation Contracts – State Housing Initiative



Acknowledgement of Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Grant in the Amount of $94,050 for 2009 Hospital Renovations (Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator and Michael Glazer, Assistant County Attorney) - pulled


Commissioner Morgan

Connie McClendon – It had expiration date

Commissioner Holt what are they going to do with it.


Chair Taylor have staff to look at mandate to see what we can do with dollars.

McClendon – we need to hurry.

Croley – Air Condition is


Motion: Holt/Lamb 5-0 for approval


Approval to Accept the 2011-2012 Mutual Aid Operations Plan between Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service and Gadsden County Fire Departments and the Annual Forestry Report and Operating Plan (Tommy Baker, EMS Director and Andre Walker, Fire Coordinator/Paramedic)



10. Approval to Accept The FY 2011 Preliminary 4th Quarter Report. (pulled)

Commissioner Morgan questioned Public Works.

Mr.Price they had a number of savings with equipment and payroll.

Commissioner Morgan thanked Public Works for all that have done.

Chair Taylor also thanked them.

Commissioner Holt let’s get work done.

Mr. Chapman noted that they do not pave roads without Board of consent. We monitor

Work up intake.

Motion: Morgan/ Croley  5-0











   Items Pulled for Discussion


Citizens Requesting to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items(3 minute limit)



Marion Lasley – 5 Dante Court – National Solar Update


Chair Taylor it will come up under Commissioner Items.

Public Hearings - None


   General Business


12.  Approval of Financial Support for the Shuttle (Edward Waters, General Manager, Big Bend Transit, Inc.)


Mr. Lawson said the request is for $49,130.00 to assist with the Shuttle. Mr. Waters addressed the

Board it is regarding the Shuttle that operates within the City of Quincy. Funding will expire March

2012.He noted that it was a very successful project. He added that they have asked the City of

Quincy and they table the issue. He asked the County to assist in the funding for the


Commissioner Morgan thanked Mr. Waters for their effort. He mentioned other transportation

Needs for other municipalities and he could not support.


Commissioner Holt does it support outlaying areas. I think we need to show service to whole County.


Mr. Waters said they have it set up for door to door services(coordinate services- transportation



Croley asked for clarification on door to door services. How much is fare? He thought the Express

Service would better serve Gadsden outlaying areas


Mr. Waters fare is 50 cents.


Commissioner Lamb focusing on Gadsden Express


Vinetta Anderson – that felt strongly that they do quality service in your County. The coordinated service brings people in and then they get on the local shuttle. It provides for residence in County,

That stay in Gadsden County.


Chair Taylor commented that it is connector that works and they depend on it. Mr. Lawson how

Much do we have in Contingency Fund? I would hate to see them take this away. In favor


Mr. Price $175,000.00 (Contingency Fund)


Commissioner Lamb they can use the Gadsden Express, then move around Quincy in the Shuttle.


Commissioner Holt no problem with agenda this item, but also look for other funding sources.


Croley – What is cost and shortfall.


$7,500 a month to operate.


Chair Taylor asked when will it expire.


Mr. Lawson 2013.


   Chair Taylor have said that they would like to see this tabled and asked for a motion.


Motion to table Holt/ Lamb to meeting in January 3, 2012 meeting 5-0



   13.   Discussion and Consideration for Approval of Additional Funding for State Lobbying Services (Gene Morgan, Commissioner)


Commissioner Morgan addressed the Board concerning Legislative Issues. He mentioned areas  such as Corrections for Closures Florida State Hospital (Corrections). To $10,000 to $25,000, he is asking for an additional $15,000. He asked the Board to fund this at a 100%, to increase lobbying contract to $25,000.


Commissioner Lamb – I would like to see it bid out. I hate to hand pick someone. In support of



Chair Taylor – We want to protect FSH,  We are a member of FAC, we pay $5,000. How can we go



Minnis – I would look into contract, time is of essence to term a contract.


Lawson – you have already signed contract, you would have to rescind contract.


Holt- we have contract in place let’s go forward. Let’s all lobby together Board, City and School

Board have a united effort and have Mr. Dooling coordinate.


Croley appreciate your feelings Commissioner Morgan. Where are the other folks, Jackson, Liberty County they need to be in same fold. We do have $5,000 going to the same firm. We can’t stand alone on this. Not in support.


Morgan – the other counties don’t have as much in stake as we do in Gadsden County. We have made

Much progress. 


Lamb – We are we giving additional funds for lobbying services.


Morgan – yes, you make it number 1 priority and to do it you need funds.


Chair Taylor -  It already a contract in place for $10,000. Let’s move forward


Motion:Morgan/Lamb to approve 3-2 to (opposed Taylor/Croley)



   14. Request by Angie Raines for a Waiver to the Variance Process/Fees in Seeking Relief from Provisions of a Previously – Approved Immediate Family Exception (Anthony Matheny, Planning and Community Development Director)


Mr. Matheny addressed the Board. Angie Raines would like to sell property and the immediate Family

Exception does not allow for that she would like a waiver.


Commissioner Lamb spoke in favor.


Motion to support: Lamb/Holt


Commissioner Croley who asked for this to be put on the agenda. When property was conveyed was

There a deed restriction that says the property must be sold back to family member. I never supported this because of this reason, if the Board takes action you would still be held up.


Angie Todd Raines, 87 Hidden Valley Trial Havana, FL – spoke in support of waiver. It is a total personal issue.


Matheny – I do believe there is a deed restriction.


Croley – she needs to clear up deed restriction. This Board can not remove deed restriction.


Chair Taylor this should have been waived out, before it gets here. There are laws in place that

Prohibit us. I think you need to go back and look at closely and we can’t move forward.


Minnis -  Yes, me Raines it is little bit more complicated. The situation is the deed needs to be correct.

As County Attorney I can’t advise you, but you should seek legal advice. It’s a multiple process. It will not correct deed.


Motion: Chair Taylor to withdraw motion Lamb/Holt 5-0

Motion to Table: Morgan/Holt – motion removed

Chair Taylor talk to Administrator and if it needs to be agenda and now you have clear direction to move forward.


   15.  Approval of Resolution Number 2011-046 and Sun Trust Documents for Financing of Renovations to the Property Appraiser/Tax Collector Building (Material to be Provided) (Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator)


Mr. Lawson stated that the documents are needed for signatures. He stated that we have reviewed

And pass resolution before the holidays. We will bring in the first meeting in January in Contract


Motion for approval Croley/Holt  4-0 (Commissioner Lamb stepped out)

Mr. Lawson stated he needed the forms signed by allow Commissioners before they depart.

County Administrator

Citizen Advisory Committee

Mr. Matheny needs Advisory Committee, one person for each district. We have Kimberly-Horn we

Need to make sure we have adequate representation. He asked Board members to come up with name.


Chair Taylor asked for particulars such as meeting dates and what is involved.


Mr. Lawson stated they can email particulars.


Holt – We need Committee. In  support


Morgan – I think it should be brought to P& Z Board.


Chair Taylor let ‘s agenda and have formal discussion.


16.   Update on Board Request (Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator)


County Attorney


17.   Update on Various Legal Issues (Deborah Minnis, County Attorney) - None


Discussion Items by Commissioners



Ø  Commissioner Lamb, District 1 – Resurfacing Roads in the Lake Yvette Area (None)


Ø  Commissioner Croley, District 2 – Report and Discussion on Public Issues and Concerns Pertaining to Commission District Two and Gadsden County – Merry Christmas,  Creek Entertainment Congratulations to City of  Gretna and Commissioner Holt. Commissioner Lamb congratulations on opening of Park.


Ø  Commissioner Holt, District 4 – County Concerns: Gretna outstanding job Creek Entertainment, revenue coming into County. When referendum passes you will look additional avenues. Sheriff’s presentation was great. Let ‘s look at variance fees, should be looked at careful.


Ø  Commissioner Morgan, Vice Chairman, District 3 –Merry Christmas, I want to thank Mr. Lawson for all his hard work.  Law firm, Ms. Minnis he thanked her. Item 13 re agenda for next meeting Motion to re agenda: Morgan/Croley 2-2 motion died Holt, Taylor opposed. Ron Sachs he asked the Board to hear and take into consideration what he said, it would make us better as a Board


Ø  Commissioner Taylor, Chairperson, District 5 – National Solar schedule meeting.


   Minnis – Time wise we can’t move forward. We need to put ordinance in place, we not be authorized can’t release yet. March Meeting, Public Hearing Meeting.


Chair Taylor looks like first meeting in March for National Solar. She asked the Manager not schedule to many items on that March date.


Minnis – clarification on emailing to her. She said that would be brought back.


Chair Taylor welcomed new EMS Director, Tommy Baker.


Chair Taylor said that the Board owns the Senior Citizen Building Parking lot issues. She asked the Board for a motion.


Motion: Croley/Holt 4-0 to look at parking lot (paving) and washing of the Building.


Question: Morgan – will you bring back costs.


Mr. Lawson – I don’t know how much it will be, so  it will have to brought back.


Workforce Plus, Kimberly Moore please have agenda in future date. I did contact them with concerns that I have.


Motion: Taylor/ Croley 4-0 to have Workforce Plus added to agenda.


CW Roberts – 1st meeting in January.


Chair Taylor discussed all the positive highlights from this meeting, Sheriff, Check from Pat Thomas, Surplus in General Fund, not having to support EMS next year. She asked everyone to have a Merry Christmas.


Motion to Adjourn: 12:15pm


Receipt and File


         For the Record: Gadsden County Citizens Planning and Zoning Bill of Rights Meeting


January Meeting (s)


-January 3, 2012 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

-January 17, 2012 Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.


