Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida




Regular Public Meeting

February 21, 2012

9:00 a.m.


Present:               Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Gene Morgan, Vice-Chair, District 3

                                Eugene Lamb, District 1

                                Doug Croley, District 2

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk

                                David Wise, Assistant County Attorney

                                Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator




Chair Taylor called the meeting to order then led in an invocation followed by the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.


The roll was called by Deputy Clerk Beryl Wood and the attendance was recorded as noted above. 





The following amendments were made to the agenda:  Pull Item # 6

Motion: Addition timeline: National Solar – 20A (discussion purposes only)Morgan/Holt 5-0







Update – Brownfield Community-Wide Grants and Advance Monitoring for Hazardous Substance and Petroleum grant No.  BF-95460910-0


Background:  In October of 2009, staff applied for EPA Brownfield’s Assessment Grant and was awarded $400,000 in April of 2010.  This grant will allow the county to pay an environmental consultant to conduct and complete community-wide hazardous substance and petroleum assessments, which will identify properties in the county that could be redeveloped if the site can be eradicated of any kind of contamination that may be present.   This will ultimately lead to discouraging premature development in unsuitable sites and help in the effort to create and maintain a living wage.  Therefore, concentrating on those sites that can promote economic revitalization for economic development is the primary goal of the process. 


While the grant will not pay for remediation and cleanup of the properties identified, the county can pursue other funding for those activities through the Environmental Protection Agency and other sources.


Following the county’s procurement policy, the county ultimate engaged Cardno TBE as the consultant to do the site inspections.  Olga Perry , Project Manager of Cardno TBE prepared a progress report which is attached. 


Action Request:  None.  The update is for informational purposes only.


Presenter: Roger Register gave presentation to the Board.  He also gave handouts to the Board and read the letter handed into record.


Commissioner Holt asked Mr. Register to explain the Brownfield’s Assessment Grant.


Mr. Register properties that are abandoned placing back on tax roll, it’s an assessment.


Commissioner Lamb asked did they include homes.


Mr. Register stated he won’t say homes can’t be involved, but mostly


Action Taken: Informational Purpose only




Presentation of County Finance and County Clerk Issues


No Report

CONSENT AGENDA    Item 10 pulled from





Approval of Minutes


                January 3, 2012 – Regular Meeting

                December 6, 2012 – Regular Meeting


Action Taken: Approved as part of the Consent Agenda



Ratification of Approval to Pay County Bills As Reflected in the Warrant Vouchers Listed Below:


                Accounts Payables Dated:           January 20, 27, 2012

                                                                                February 3, 10, 17, 2012


                Payroll Dated:                                   January 26, 2012

                                                                                February 9, 2012


Action Taken:  Approved as part of the consent agenda


Request for Law Enforcement Educational Fund for Training Purposes and Grant Budgetary Authority  - $3,325.00 for Civil Processing Services


This request was made by Sheriff Morris Young to use the Law Enforcement Educational Fund to provide proper training for law enforcement personnel for civil processing services.  This training will allow the personnel to become updated on the laws relating to civil processing.  Avalon Legal Information Services, Inc. from Port Orange, FL will conduct the training, which includes 2 days of live presentation for Road Patrol on Civil Process as well as domestic violence training.  The fee for training 35 people and related manual and materials is $3,325.00. 


Requested Action:  Approval of Budgetary Authority and for the use of the use of Law Enforcement Educational Fund to conduct this training.


Board Action Taken:   Approved as part of the Consent Agenda





Request for Budget Authority and use of $101,190 of the Law Enforcement Educational Fund for Training Law Enforcement Personnel for the Implementation of the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team (SRT)


As a result of recent incidents requiring the deployment of Special Response Teams from surrounding counties, Sheriff Morris Young decided to implement its own Special Response Team.   He engaged in discussions with Sergeant Charlie Strickland of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Unit which led him to his decision.  Subsequently Sheriff’s staff looked into what it would cost to train and equips a SRT, which would consist of eight appointed sworn law enforcement officers, a team commander, training sergeant, assistant team leader with the remaining members being entry personnel and perimeter personnel.  


The SRT would initially consist of six months of extensive specialized training both physically and mentally.  The tactical team will continue to train regularly in special weapons and tactics.  The team will also train with other tactical units associated with fellow law enforcement agencies in the surrounding counties including Leon.


All team members will be on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 


In compliance with FL 938.15, this agenda request was an official request to use second dollar funds (Law Enforcement Education Funds) to provide the specialized training and to purchase the tactical equipment for the implementation of the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Special Response Team.


The Clerk’s office confirmed that the balance in the law enforcement education funds was $201,984.46.  A detailed breakdown for the cost of the training and equipment is attached to the agenda report submitted by the Sheriff.


Requested Action:  Approve the Proposal and Grant Budgetary Authority


Action Taken:  Approved as part of the Consent Agenda



Approval of the Request for the Gadsden County Fire Service to Conjointly Apply for the FY 2011 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant (SAFER) with the Quincy Fire Department


Statement of Issue:

This item seeks approval for eh Gadsden County Fire Service to conjointly apply for the FY 2011 SAFER with the Quincy Fire Department.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Grant Program Directorate implements and administers the SAFER grants, which provides financial assistance to help fire departments increase frontline firefighters, rehire firefighters that have been laid off, retain firefighters facing imminent layoffs or filing for positions that were vacated through attrition.  By applying for the grant, it will guarantee fire service response and improve fire service response times in Gadsden County.


Because the City of Quincy has an established paid fire department, they will facilitate the grant and all fire department operations.  The grant cycle opened January 31, 2012 and closed February 24, 2012. 


Background:  The objective of the SAFER Program is to augment or restore local fire departments’ staffing and deployment capabilities so they may effectively respond to emergencies.  With the enhanced or restored staffing, a SAFER Grantee’s response time will be reduced sufficiently and an appropriate number of trained personnel will be at the incident scene.


The grant is comprised of two categories:

1.       Hiring of Firefighters – A two year grant with no match and no requirement to maintain the program after the grant period.

2.       Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters – Four year grant with no match and no requirement to maintain the program after the grant period. 


Analysis:  The enhanced or restored staffing level of all SAFER Grantees should improve the safety to firefighters by ensuring all first-arriving engines are staffed with a minimum of four qualified personnel or are able to meet NFPA and OSHA standards.  The grantees should be able to demonstrate that they have achieved more efficient response and safer incidents scenes; thereby ensuring communities have improved protection from fire and fire-related hazards.


Fiscal Impact: The SAFER grant requires no matching funds. 


Requested Action:  Approval to allow the Gadsden County Fire Services to apply for the FY 2011 SAFER Grant Conjointly with the City of Quincy Fire Department.


County Administrator’s Recommendation:  Approval of the request.


Action Taken:  Approval as part of the Consent Agenda approval.



Approval of Annual Support Agreement for EMS Billing Software


Statement of Issue:  This item seeks Board approval for the Chairman to sign the 2012 EMS Consultant’s Annual Support Agreement for EMS Billing and Collections software.


Background:  This agreement covers the technical support services for the EMS Billing and Collections software for 2012.


Analysis:  Because this agreement commits the county to payment of funds it must bear the signature of the chairman as the governing authority.


Fiscal Impact:  This cost of $3,000 is a budgeted line item expense in the EMS Billing and Administration budget.  The payment is in arrears for the 2011 support.   It will need to be a line item budget expense in the upcoming 2013 budget.




Approval of Interlocal Government Contract for Cooperative Purchasing with the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) (pulled by Commissioner Morgan


Statement of Issue:  This item seeks Board approval for the Chairperson and the Interim County Administrator to sign the Interlocal Contract for Cooperative Purchasing with HGAC.


Background: HGAC is a regional council of governments operating under the laws of Texas.  The HGAC uses mass circulation, minority emphasis print media and internet services to post legal notices and bid solicitations.  The HGAC Board then awards contracts which are made available to local governments nationwide.  The Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act and the state Interlocal cooperation authority permits participation by local governments, states, state agencies and certain non-profit corporations.


Gadsden County has used HGAC in the past to purchase ambulances.  Use of this process expedites the process, saves on advertising expenses and meets the requirements of the local purchasing policy. 


Fiscal Impact: There is no cost to become a member of the Cooperative.  If the contract is used for the ambulance purchases, there is a charge of $600.00 per purchase order.


Requested Action Approval of joining the cooperative and authorize the chairperson and the interim administrator to sing the HGAC Interlocal Contract for Cooperative Purchasing. 


Interim Administrator’s Recommendation:   Approval as requested.


Commissioner Morgan asked did this limit their buying.


Mr. Baker replied no


Action taken:  Motion for approval: Morgan/ Lamb 5-0



Approval of the FY 2012/2013 Proposed Budget Calendar (Attached)


Statement of Issue: This item seeks acceptance of the proposed budget calendar for FY 2012/13.


Background: Each year the Budget Office prepares a budget calendar for the upcoming budget year. The proposed calendar outlines various deadlines for management and staff to accomplish in order to complete the required budget timely.


Analysis:  This year the Budget Office has proposed 4 public budget workshops, one in the months May, June, July, and August. There are also several tentative dates in that are too early to confirm. Once the Budget Office is able to confirm, the Board will be notified.


Staff Recommendation:  Approval of the calendar.


Action Taken:  Approval as part of the Consent Agenda approval.



Acceptance of  the FY 2012 1st Quarter Report


Statement of Issue:  This item seeks acceptance of the 1st Quarter Report for FY 2012.



Background:  In April of 2006 the Board adopted a comprehensive financial management policy. Section 3.03  - Budget  Management  and  Amendment Policy  states  the  following: "...Finally, consistent with the spirit of this policy, the Board shall require the County Administrator or his designated budget officer to develop during FY 2007 and thereafter regularly submit quarterly  (three month) budget status reports to  the Board.   These reports shall include:

1.  The status of major revenue collections and/or projections

2.  The status of actual departmental expenditures in comparison with budgeted expenditures.

3.  Notification of special issues that could possibly affect the current or future financial status of the Board."


In summation, operating departments under the jurisdiction of the County Administrator have expended approximately 23% (versus the County's established benchmark of 25%) of their allotted budgets through the first quarter of the fiscal year.  Overall, data through the first quarter (October 1, 2011 thru December 31, 2011) provides enough definitive data to constitute the adjustment of original budget estimates at this time. This report is preliminary due to the fact that the final close out budget amendments and any Finance adjustments may not have been posted.


Options:  1)  Approve Acceptance of the  FY 2012 1st   Quarter Report  2)   Board Direction


County Administrator's Recommendation: Option #1


Attachments:  FY 2012 1st Quarter Report


Action Taken:  Approval as part of the Consent Agenda




Item 10 pulled Morgan/Lamb 5-0












Support Letter for a Grant Proposal – Second Chance Act Technology Careers Training Demonstration Projects for Incarcerated Adults and Juveniles


Presenter: Sheriff Young,

Annie Berry spoke in support of the program which they have partnered with the University of Florida. She explained they would receive certificate at the end of the program which will help them when they return to Society

LabFirst, Gadsden Chamber, WorkforcePlus, Gadsden Leadership


Dr. Gary Knox, University of Florida, Horticulture training,


Statement of lssue:  The Sheriff’s Department  sought  a letter of support for a grant proposal to fund the expansion of the Gadsden County Sheriffs "Faith Behind Bars Re-Entry Program" through a collaborative partnership with the University of Florida, Gadsden Research Center.


Background:  The Gadsden County Jail faces the challenge of maintaining and operating a facility within the constraints of budget cuts making it difficult to meet the needs in an overcrowded jail and combat recidivism at a rate that continues to increase year after year.  Instead of learning how to change their lifestyles, many offenders adopt more dangerous behaviors. Once their time is done, they must re-adjust to society, restore relationships with their family, locate a home, find gainful employment, and deal with the addictions that may have been the cause of their convictions. Unfortunately, many ex-offenders are unprepared to navigate the challenges of reentry. In a culture slow to understand why prisoners should have a second chance, they will end up homeless, unable to find sufficient work, in need of substance abuse treatment and, most critical of all, without a support system to assist them. An estimated 70% of these inmates will be re­ arrested within two years of their release. Such a high recidivism rate not only indicates the failure of our society to address the needs of ex-offenders, but also demonstrates the public safety risk if offenders cannot learn to become productive citizens.


Analysis:  The Sheriff’s Department is the most appropriate entity to apply for this grant which will help address issues the inmates face.  Sheriff Young recently implemented the Faith Behind Bars Re­ Entry Program. The program has a threefold purpose, one to address the issues of recidivism among the inmates, second to provide the inmate with skills that assist their re-entry into the community  with  a  support  system  to  help  them  find  employment,  housing,  and  provide  a marketable skill by earning a certificate in landscaping, pesticide, and gardening. Thirdly, the program has the potential to save the tax payers thousands of dollars.

The grant will provide funding to expand services to 25 additional inmates.

Fiscal Impact:  None

Options:  1.  Write the support letter.  3.   Provide other direction.

County Administrator's Recommendation:  Write the support letter.

Attachment(s)  1.  Document from the Sheriff’s Office

Points of Discussion by Commissioners:

Commissioner Lamb is this volunteer basis.


Berry said we want them to volunteer, but the incentive is gain time.


Sheriff Young we are training to train them while there in jail, so when they return to society the would be skilled. He said the Chamber of Commerce is doing the entre part of the program.


Commissioner Croley said he thought the program was a great idea, but how will we handle future cost.


Corder – Jail get’s commission on sales. He said it is 100% financed for this year.  He said they will also partner with the businesses in the County.


Sheriff Young stated they would have to look at ways, for community to build a jail, 1cent sales tax has been diverted know it’s going to other projects, but know it’s time to go back to tax payers, the 1cent what do we with the penny. It’s and issue with overcrowding

Commissioner Croley ordinance that was passed in 2005, public safety coordinating council. Have you had meetings.


Chair Taylor stated the support letter is on the agenda. This item she asked that it be agenda for another date.


Commissioner Holt spoke in support of the project and in support of the Gadsden County Jail.

Commissioner Lamb inquired about females in the project and spoke in support of the enhancement to the Jail.


Action Taken:   Motion :Approved Letter of Support 5-0 Croley/ Morgan


Sheriff Young – CBS News will be in the County covering this particular story






   Approval of Request from Sheriff’s Office to Use Electronic Monitoring Devices for Non-Violent Inmates As Opposed to Incarceration


Statement of lssue:  The Sheriff’s Department sought funding that would allow for the use of East Coast Judicial Monitoring services as an alternative to jail for non- violent offenders.


Background:  The Gadsden County Jail is currently unable to facilitate the needs and or civil rights of those incarcerated due to the issue of overcrowding. A larger number of those incarcerated are non-violent offenders and meet the criteria for alternative sentencing. Alternative sentencing also known as "Smart Justice" addresses the issues of budget cuts and overcrowded jails. Smart Justice allows non-violent offenders to be monitored electronically at their home for a third of the cost to house them in the jail. East Coast Judicial Monitoring uses SCRAMX to ensure offenders are in their home and sober. The SCRAMx device is an ankle bracelet that performs transdermal ethanol test which show if an offender has been consuming alcohol. These tests are performed every 30 minutes for a total of 1488 alcohol test per month. The SCRAMX device can also be used simultaneously as a house arrest electronic monitor. If the offender leaves the established perimeter the device will electronically notify authorities. Many states and counties are already using this program and have great success. Texas was one of the first states to implement the Smart Justice approach and their research has found that not only did the SCRAMX device alleviate the overcrowding and budget crisis in their jails but it also drastically reduced the recidivism rate.


Analysis: By using alternative sentencing strategies provided by East Coast Judicial Monitoring Gadsden County will drastically reduce their inmate per diem, alleviate many problems created by an overcrowded jail, and reduce recidivism all while continuing to provide the taxpayers of Gadsden County a safe place to live.


*2012 inmate daily cost- $53.34                      *ECM daily cost- $12.00

Current Inmate Per Diem

Increments of 5

ECM Inmate Per Diem

Increments of 5

Annual Savings


5 x $53.34 x 365days = $97,345


10 x $53.34 x 365days = $194,691


15 x $53.34 x 365days = $292,036


20 x $53.34 x 365days = $389,382


5 x $12 x 365days = $21,900


10 x $12 x 365days = $43,800


15 x $12 x 365days = $65,700


20 x $12 x 365days = $87,600









*Figures are based on information provided by Florida Department of Corrections website.


About SCRAMx


SCRAMx is the next generation of SCRAM that will elevate the alcohol offender management program to a whole new level. By integrating continuous alcohol monitoring (CAM) with house arrest in one device, SCRAMx lets you:


·         Go broader in having additional options with which to manage your offenders

·         Tum on CAM by itself or combine it with house arrest as needed -depending on the offense, situation, or behavior while on the program

·         Go deeper with how much information you're able to compile on offender drinking patterns and whereabouts, which further heightens accountability

·         Eliminate the need to place offenders on two separate devices Saves considerable time and resources


The three components to the SCRAMx system are: The SCRAMx Bracelet, the SCRAMX Bast Station and the SCRAM Net.


The patented SCRAMx ankle bracelet - the heart of the SCRAMx system - is attached to the offender with a durable and tamper-proof strap.  It is worn 24/7 by the offender for the duration of his or her court-ordered abstinence period, typically 90-120 days.


Every half hour, the bracelet captures transdermal alcohol readings by sampling the insensible perspiration collected from the air above the skin. The bracelet stores the data and, at pre­ determined intervals, transmits it via radio-frequency (RF) signal to the base station.




·         24/7 transdermal alcohol detection plus house arrest technology in one light-weight tamper-proof bracelet

·         Performs 48+ alcohol tests/day and stores data

·         Provides full data vs. a snapshot view

·         Tamper- and water- resistant

·         Automatically collects, stores, and transfers all data via the SCRAMx base station on a predetermined schedule (at least lx/day)

·         Date- and time-stamps readings for easy reporting and analysis


The SCRAMx Base Station


The SCRAMx  base station is the mechanism  by which data is transmitted to AMS for analysis and reporting.


During installation the offender  will also receive a SCRAMx  base station, which plugs into an analog telephone line- usually in the offender's home or place of work. At a pre-scheduled time(s) each day, the SCRAMx  bracelet "communicates" with the base station, which then retrieves all available  data from the bracelet and sends it to SCRAMNET.



       Plugs into an analog telephone line at the offender's home or office

       Uploads all available data from the SCRAMx bracelet

       Stores and sends alcohol readings, tamper alerts, and diagnostic data to SCRAMNET for detailed analysis and reporting

       Sends operational messages directly to the client via the LCD screen




Where the SCRAMx bracelet is the heart of the system, SCRAMNET is the brains. It is the information  hub that not only houses all offender  data, but lets you flexibly  manage  it in the way that is the most effective  for your offender  management program.


When data is received  from the SCRAMx base station, it is stored in SCRAMNET, the web­ based application managed by AMS where offender  data is collected, analyzed, and maintained in a secure, central location.


SCRAMNET provides  a wide range of reports and graphs at your fingertips- from a snapshot  of a single event to a comprehensive view of an offender's behavior  over time. SCRAMNET lets you customize  and easily tailor the reporting  that best suits your needs and individual cases, and helps reduce your workload  through exception-based reporting.



        Can be accessed around-the-clock, from any location, using a standard web browser

       Provides exception-based reporting to reduce workload

       Flags and graphically depicts any alcohol ingestion, tampers, or removal attempts

        Lets you easily customize testing, synchronization, and reporting schedules for each offender

       Provides customized reports and graphs to best suit your information needs

       Allows you to cost-effectively monitor and manage numerous offenders simultaneously


Fiscal Impact:  $87,600


Options:  1.  Approve the request;  2.  Do not approve the request.  3.  Provide other direction.



County Administrator's Recommendation:  1.  Approve the request.


Attachment:  Information About SCRAMx


Presenters: Power point presentation

Sheriff Young

Mike Harrison, East Coast Monitoring – asking for funding for 20 people at $87,000

Duffer Harrison – Power Point Presentation


Discussion Points by Commissioners:

Commissioner Lamb asked what other Counties are involved in the program.


Commissioner Morgan as important as this is, it is not budgeted for this year. We need to place I n upcoming budget. He also inquired about overcrowding of the jail.  If we could find another way to alleviate overcrowding, would this program be necessary.


Corder over half would qualify for outside monitoring.


Commissioner Croley thanked Corder for bringing this information before the Board. He agreed the money is not there in the middle of the budget year and consider for upcoming Budget Year.  He said the Public Safety Council should be working on the overcrowding issue at the Jail.  Not in support of raising mileage rate on tax papers.


Commissioner Holt commented it needed to come back.  She commented the Board does not see the importance of the program, since it has the potential of lawsuits.  She asked that it be placed on next month’s agenda and brought back at that time.


Commissioner Morgan stated that the needs have to be prioritized.


Commissioner Lamb said this is something we need to look at and it could enhance the Jail.


Arthur Lawson said it was an oversite.


Chair Taylor echoed Commissioner Morgan and Croley.  This size request has to go through the procurement process and it must be budgeted.  She asked the Jail to go out for competitive bidding and present during Budget process.  She said they don’t want to be that far behind in technology.


Motion: Croley for deferral to Budget Process to see if we have funds, then work with County Administrator on Procurement Process (died for lack of second)

Amended the Upcoming 2012-2013 Budget Process Croley/ Morgan 5-0 (Motion Approved)




Action Taken:  Defer to Budget Process



Discussion of Possible Changes to the Gadsden County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to Allow for a More Expedited Development Review Process


Statement of lssue:


The Board of County Commissioners (Board) is asked to discuss and provide direction to Planning & Community Development (P&CD) staff regarding possible changes to the Gadsden County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code (LDC) to allow for a more expedited development review process.




The Board has asked the Planning & Community Development (P&CD) staff to start the process of changing the County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code in order to expedite the development review and permitting process.




The first step in changing and simplifying the County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code in order to expedite the development review and permitting process is to identify areas in both documents where changes may be most effective in achieving the aforementioned goal.   These changes generally fall into the category of process or development standards.   Some of these changes might include:


1.       Reducing the creation of illegally subdivided parcels by creating a system of checks and balances with the Clerk of the Court and the Property Appraiser offices so that no new parcels are created or old parcels re-configured without the required County approval.  (This is the number one delay in the issuance of housing permits.

2.       Consider amending the Comprehensive Plan to change residential densities in Agricultural Land Use Districts to allow for more residential units.  For example, AG-3  currently  allows  for only one (1)  residential  unit  per twenty  (20)  acres; and/or re-visit the 'Immediate  Family Exemption'.


3.       Consider reviewing the following development standards:


a.       Consider the creation of a Zoning map with multiple zoning districts to implement  each of the future land  use  districts  adopted  in the Comprehensive Plan.  A Zoning Map will allow more flexibility within districts; may reduce the need for Comprehensive  Plan amendments; and may better segregate uses in a more logical and effective manner.   Most local governments have done this;

b.      Expanding the number and types of uses allowed by right in each land use district;

c.       Expanding   the  types  of  uses  allowed   in  Neighborhood   Commercial Districts and consider allowing some of these uses by right;

d.      Expanding the list of Class I Commercial uses and reduce the list of uses requiring Class II review;

e.      Expanding  the  list  of  Class  II  Commercial  uses.    The  uses  currently require Board review and approval;

f.        Expansion of the list of Home Occupation uses;

g.       Consider lengthening the current two (2) year deadline requirement for the replacement of a nonconforming residential structure and one (1) year deadline  requirement   for  the  replacement   of   a  nonconforming   non­ residential structure;

h.      Modifying the Land Use Intensity provisions of the code;

i.        Streamlining site plan requirements  based in the intensity  and density of the proposed project;

j.        Easing buffering requirements for low-impact projects;

k.       Modifying corridor road requirements;

l.        Modifying sidewalk requirements to require fee-in-lieu where connectivity cannot be achieved;

m.     Simplifying parking requirements;

n.      Simplifying tree and vegetation standards;

o.      Simplifying and reducing signage requirements;

p.      Simplifying rules and regulations governing cell towers;

q.       Adopt standards that will promote the re-development of existing non­residential and commercial sites.


4.        Consider revising the following processes:


a.       Shorten the subdivision review process by eliminating or making the conceptual plan requirement optional;

b.      Allow the Planning & Community Development Director to have more discretion and flexibility in making code interpretations in matters such as setback requirements, parking, etc.  This will dramatically reduce time and expense for applicants who are requesting small variations to the rules;

c.       Limit the types of development actions that require a Citizen’s Bill of Rights meeting.   Consider requiring a CBR only for major developments such as major subdivisions and land use amendments;

d.      Consider  the  creation  of  a  Unified  Development  Code  which  includes Comp Plan polices and land development  codes grouped together  in an easy-to-read and understand format and in one document.


Fiscal Impact:


Unknown at this time.  However, each one of the items listed above will require planning resources. Therefore,  it is recommended that the Board consider including funds in the 2012-2013  budget  to  retain  a  planning  consulting  firm  to  work  with  Planning  & Community Development staff to review and rewrite the County's  Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code.




1.  Discretion of the Board


County Administrator Recommendation:


Option #1


Mr. Lawson commented this is a general list of items. This process will take more than one meeting.


Presenter: Anthoney Matheny stated it was an indebt process.


Commissioner Morgan’s remarked why does the process seem to take longer in Gadsden County.


Matheny he said people don’t like being told what they can do with the property. He said it could be streamlined to make process much easier


Commissioner Lamb agreed that this is not an easy process.  He said the process could be enhanced, to make it more speedy for the public.


Commissioner Croley agreed with the Commissioner Lamb.  He stated we need standards. The problem is steps I have to take, flow chart, to make process easier.  He said people don’t understand the process.


Matheny we should always work to make process understandable.  He said forms are very descriptive.  He cautioned some people don’t want to go to through the process.


Commissioner Croley didn’t agree with complaints.


Commissioner Holt stated they need both. I have asked for Workshop on Comp Plan & Land Development Code. (3A) Not customer friendly


Clerk Thomas if document comes all we are required to do is make it has necessary signatures and once it was recorded it just that recorded not the legalities of it.


Commissioner Holt process with the Citizen’s Bill of Rights.


Matheny the have to host meeting a their property, advertisement of meetings in 3 papers, take notes positive and negative comments.  He said that normally it would take 3-4 weeks.


National Solar would have to go through the Citizen Bill of Rights.


Holt it doesn’t fit everyone feet (Citizen Bill of Rights).


Commissioner Croley where does it come up with advertisement and 3 newspapers.


Matheny it was in place from the former Administrator.


Mr. Lawson said that it was a requirement in our Procurement policy about advertisement in the newspapers.


Commissioner Morgan asked for a point of clarification.  He said they are in agreement that any way we can enhance the Land Development Code & Comp Plan is a positive thing for the public, spoke of importance of the flow chart.  He said it should be clearly communicated.


Chair Taylor agreed with Commissioner Holt and Morgan with the complaints on P&Z.  She said it was personality differences, sometimes it is policy and procedures. This department controls economic development (growth & development). It needs to customer friendly, workshop on Land Development Code- follow policy and procedures (flowchart up front). She said they are feeling a lot of complaints because of barriers that are being placed.  Customer friendly P&Z Department.  We want smart growth and development.  She asked the Administrator to put something in place, workshop, etc. She asked for day of dialogue.


Mr. Lawson clarification get with staff and vent issue and schedule workshop for issue of concerns.


Chair Taylor step process when they walk through the door(flow chart), Land Code, Competitive & Customer Friendly


Matheny supported his department by stating they are customer friendly and they get the steps.


Action Taken: Informational Purpose Only (Discussion)








Selection and Approval of 2012 Transportation Grant Projects   





Statement of Issue:


This item seeks Board of County Commissioners (Board) selection and approval of transportation capital projects for the 2012 transportation grant season through the Florida Department of Transportation.




In recent years, Gadsden County has been very successful in receiving grants funds to improve the County's  transportation system.  The majority of these funds were received through the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).  FDOT routinely solicits county governments to submit projects for funding through their various programs.  The grants programs of note are:



               Small County Road Assistance Program (SCRAP)

               Small County Outreach Program (SCOP)

               County Incentive Grant Program (CIGP)


*Programmatic information is provided on each of the programs in Attachments A, C, D, and E.


Annually the grant cycles open in May or June. In preparation for the 2012 grant season, staff has worked with Preble Rish Engineering, Inc. (PRI) to provide a sampling of projects for the Board to select from and approve for the various grant programs identified above.




In order to provide a sample list of the projects for the Board to choose from, county staff and PRI reviewed the County's paving history (1998 to present) and selected projects that best fit the grant criteria and fell within the respective life cycles (12-15  years) for the various re-surfacing projects.  A color coded density map is provided as in Attachment A


with  green  coloring indicating older  paving  jobs  (circa  1998)  and  red  being  the  most recent completed.


Candidate  projects  based  on the various criteria  and relative  pavement age is provided  in

Attachment B for the Board's review  and selection.  The Board  is to select projects  from Attachment B as follows:

One (1) SCRAP project

Two (2) SCOP projects

One (1) CIGP project


Fiscal Impact:


None.   The  County  will enter into a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA)  with FDOT  for the release of grant funds  if the selected projects are awarded.




Option 1:             Select one (1) SCRAP  project, select two (2) SCOP projects, select one (1) CIGP project  and approve  staff to proceed  with the application process.


Option 2:               Board provide direction


Interim County Administrators  Recommendation:


Option 1


Attachment (s):






SCRAP -Select 1     SCOP - Select 2      CIGP- Select 1








Of Work

Cost Estimate

Eligible Program




Dover Road






Sheline Dr.






Raymond Dr.






Salter Road






Porter Mitchell Road






Providence Road






Telogia Creek Road






Juniper Creek Road






Bridge # 500023






Peck Betts Road

Dirt Road paving





Hardaway highway








Dirt Road Paving





M & M Lane






David Thomas Lane






McCall Bridge Road






Hopkins Landing Rd.






Sadberry Road






Bridge 500045






Presenters: Charles Chapman



Recommendation (s) – Ben Bostick Road(widening), Little River Bridge, Telogia Creek Road


Discussion Points by Commissioners:


Commissioner Taylor asked about the projects that were rejected last year.


Justin There was no feedback, DOT.


2 projects – State. It appears in the last two years the projects have been split across the district


Chapman the are looking at how to relive


Commissioner Lamb – HighBridge Road, it’s being used a lot.


Scrap Program  Suggestion(s)– 5Bridge 5000145 Highbridge Road, Peck Road – District 4; Telogia Creek – CIGB; Scrap Project – McCall Bridge


Commissioner Morgan recommended they go with the recommendations for District 3.


Action Taken: Lamb/ Holt for 4 recommendations 5-0(Approval)






Approval of the 2012 Small County Consolidated Grant Agreement with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)  Agreement No. 209SC for $70,588.00  October 1, 2011 thru September 30, 2012


Motion for Approval : Croley/ Lamb 5-0




Statement of Issue


This agenda item sought Board approval of a funding agreement  between  the Gadsden  County Board  of  County  Commissioners  and  The  Florida  Department  of  Environmental  Protection (DEP) for a Small County Consolidated  Solid Waste Grant.   Staff also seeks approval  for the Chairperson to sign as the Authorized Representative and execute the agreement. .




The Department of Environmental Protection has provided grants to county solid waste programs since  1988.    Since  1993  DEP  has  made  available  the Small  County  Consolidated  Grant  to fiscally constrained counties with a population under 100,000.  Gadsden County historically used these funds to provide recycling opportunities.




This grant in the amount of $70,588 subsidizes the solid waste program and reduces the burden on the citizens of the county.  This year the funds will be used to repair the retention ponds located at the closed Chattahoochee Landfill, water quality monitoring, hazardous waste collection efforts, and waste tire disposal.


Financial Impact



The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has approved funding in the amount of

$70,588 for these projects.  There is no match requirement.  This agreement is retroactive to

October 1, 2011 for approved FY11-12 expenses




Approval to Award RFP 12-01 to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp of Towson, MD for Financing of Ambulance Purchases (Tommy Baker)


Statement of lssue:


This agenda item seeks Board approval to award RFP #12-01 for financing of Ambulance purchases to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. of Towson, MD.




At the January 3, 2012 regular meeting, the Board authorized staff to solicit a Request for Proposal for the financing  of ambulance purchases. As a result, an RFP was solicited in order to secure a financial institution to provide financing for the project.




There were ten (10) proposals received to finance ambulances. The proposals were received from the following financial institutions:


               Midwest Leasing, Inc. 5-year financing@ 1.98%, 7-year@ 2.046%, 10 year no quote, with a $250.00 fee to set up escrow account

               Systems Finance Corp. 5-year financing@ 3.16%, 7-year@ 3.25%, and 10-year @3.48%.

               SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. 5-year financing@ 1.68%, 7-year @ 1.84%, 10-year@ 2.45% with a $200.00 escrow fee.

               Global Strategic, LLC 5-year financing @ 1.95%, 7-year @ 2.10%, 10-year no quote. Prepayment penalty equal to 101% of principal balance and $250.00 escrow fee.

               Pinnacle Public Finance, Inc. 5-year financing @ 1.87%, 7-year no quote, 10-year no quote.

               Municipal Leasing Consultants 5 year financing@ 2.10%, 7-year@ 2.25%, 10 year no quote.

·                        Government Capital  5-year financing@ 2.71%, 7-year@ 2.89%, 10-year no quote. Additional fees I% of issuance cost.

·                        Fifth Third Bank 5-year financing@ 2.28%, 7-year@ 2.42%, 10 year@ 2.68%. Lessee responsible for any legal fees incurred, not to exceed $7,500.00.

·                        US Bancorp Equipment Finance (payment in advance) 5-year financing @ 2.18%,7-year@ 2.46%, 10-year no quote.

·                        US Bancorp Equipment Finance (payment in arrears) 5-year financing@ 2.29%,7-year@ 2.65%, 10-year no quote.

·                        Branch Banking and Trust Company 5-year financing@ 1.80%, 7-year@ 2.05%,10-year@ 2.36%.


The County proposes to finance $900,000 over a five year period.  This amount of funds is approximately the  amount of the ambulance remount/purchases with built in cost increase for known issues with this fleet of I 0 units and anticipated increase in chassis cost.           


Staff recommends that the bid be awarded to the low bid by SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. of Towson, MD for a five year fixed rate of 1.68%. This rate is equivalent to  annual  payments in  the  amount of  approximately $189,172.75  and a $200.00 escrow fee.


Fiscal Impact:


This loan will be financed over a period of five (5) years, with annual payments of approximately $189,172.75.     The payment will commence twelve months from the funding date.  There is a separate agenda item that includes a possible budget source to cover these payments.




I. Approve  award  of  RFP  #12-01  for  Financing  of  Ambulance  Purchases  to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. and authorize the Chairperson to execute the loan documents.

2.  Do not approve award of RFP  #12-01 to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp.

3.  Provide other direction.


Presenter:  Tommy Baker


Commissioner Croley asked Clerk did he agree.

Mr. Thomas stated he has meet with Mr. Baker good plan and good fiscal rate, you must budget money in next budget year. By approving it is priorioty. I


Action Taken: Croley/ Lamb 5-0(approved) Suntrust



Approval of Five Year Replacement Plan for EMS Fleet   

Croley/ Holt – Option 1 5-0 (Approved)

Statement of Issue:


This item sought Board approval of 5 year replacement plan for EMS fleet vehicles.




EMS is experiencing an excessive number of vehicle breakdowns due to the age and condition of the fleet. The following is a summary of the vehicles within the fleet listing year model and mileage:



#                           Year          Mileage        Model              Make






















































This plan is for a 5 year replacement schedule for EMS vehicles. With a fleet size of 10 vehicles and annual miles traveled of approximately 500,000 miles, it necessitates replacement of two vehicles per year to maintain a reliable fleet and avoid excessive repair costs. The last vehicle purchased for the fleet was March 2009. This plan will catch us up on replacements, after a 3 year period of no ambulances being purchased. Once completed, this plan will replace vehicles on a 5 year rotation and by replacing 2 vehicles per year and avoiding a critical situation with the condition of the vehicles. We will initially send three units for remount with a 5 month turn around for completion, and then will begin to rotate two units through the process every 5 months. Based on the availability of the chassis and the schedule of the manufacturer, this upgrade will not be completed until the end of2014 or early 2015. It is anticipated that in FY 2015, we will be able to reduce repair and maintenance costs for the fleet after completing this upgrade. In 2017 we will need to budget for a continued rotation of fleet vehicles for FY 2018 and forward.


Fiscal Impact:


No capital outlay funds were budgeted for equipment purchase in this fiscal year and no transfer was budgeted from General Fund for the EMS operations budget.   Proposals have been obtained for lease/purchase and financing for replacement of the fleet. Results of the bids indicate that it is more economical to finance than to lease/purchase. We are continuing to seek grant funding for vehicles, but the application for 2 vehicles in the current year budget was not approved.


Staff requested financing/lease options for the Board to consider. SunTrust Equipment

Finance & Leasing Corp appears to be the low bidder. They are to finance $500,000 up to

$900,000 with annual payments as follow:


Amount Finance                    $500,000                    $700,000                    $900,000


5-year, rate of 1.68%             $105,096                    $147,134                    $189,173


7-year, rate of 1.84%             $ 76,782                     $107,494                    $138,207


To fund this proposal, staff has identified that the IT Equipment loan of December 2007 with annual payments of approximately $217,000 was paid off December 2011 with a final payment of over $118,000. These payments have been funded by General Fund and the County could use the funds to pay the debt service for the EMS vehicles loan.




1.       Approval of financing $900,000 on a 5 year term with Sun Trust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp with annual payments of $189,173 with first payment due in FY 2013. Authorization for Chairperson and Interim County Administrator to sign the necessary financing documents.

2.       Do not approve.

3.       Board direction.



County Administrators Recommendation:


1.  Option 1




1.       Ambulance fleet  information spreadsheet showing purchase cost, 2011 repair cost, and life repair cost for each vehicle.


Action Taken:



Approval of Purchase of three Ambulance Remounts   

Lamb/ Croley 5-0 (approved)

Commissioner Holt where would funds come from.

Mr. Lawson, money comes from Suntrust.

Statement  of Issue:


This item seeks Board approval of replacement/remount of three ambulances and surplus the three old chassis/trucks.





The last ambulance vehicle purchased was March 2009. Our fleet size is ten ambulances and due to annual mileage of approximately 500,000 miles per year, it is necessary to replace a minimum of two ambulances per year to maintain a reliable fleet.   The ambulance boxes are designed to be remounted several times over the life of the unit. The cost for the remount is $89,975.00 compared to $130,000.00 to purchase a new unit with the same specifications. The three units we will remount are the three units donated to us by Leon County for this purpose. The remount of these three units will facilitate this process without taking any current units off line during this process.




This request is to  authorize the purchase/remount of three  ambulances at a cost of

$89,975.00 per unit with Frazer Bilt in Houston, Texas under the HGAC contract.


Fiscal Impact:


Three units remounted at $89,975.00 each for a total of $269,925.00 capital outlay expense.   No capital outlay funds were budgeted for equipment purchase in this fiscal year and no transfer was budgeted from General Fund for the EMS operations budget. Included in the agenda package under a separate item is an option to finance this purchase.




1.  Authorization to purchase/remount three ambulances by Frazer Bilt in Houston

Texas under the HGAC contract.

2.  Do not approve.

3.  Board direction.


County Administrators Recommendation:


1.  Option 1




1.  Frazer Bilt quotes for remount of three ambulances.




Action Taken:


20 a:  National Solar(added to Agenda)


David Wise, Assistant County Atty, we have not heard anything back from National Solar. He said he would do followup with National Solar.


Commissioner Croley commented they want to do things correct and put on front brunner.  We don’t want Gadsden to be hold up.


Commissioner Morgan let’s hear communication at each meeting to make sure iron is in the fire.


Chair Taylor would like to hear report at every meeting, make agenda item.


Commissioner Lamb said they can followup with phone call, but National Solar must respond to phone calls.









Update on Requests Made by the Board






Update on Various Legal Issues


Quail Roast Road

David Wise, seeking direction on Quail Roast, prepared short brief memo regarding potential options.


Commissioner Croley asked for report for Emergency Management Report, importance of it.


Mr. Lawson said they have not received.


Mr. Wise stated they would get followup from the Sheriff.





Commissioner Eugene Lamb, District 1 – Resurfacing of Roads in Lake Yvette Area   


No Items


Commissioner  Doug Croley, District 2   


·         Troop Send Off

·         Jail Facility- asked that it be placed on the agenda. 5 year plan to get it moving Public Safety Coordinating Council Croley/ Morgan 4-0 (approved) Commissioner Holt was not present for this vote.

·         Code Enforcement Board need – Mr. Lawson asked for time, he said they are working on that issue.



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4   

·         Troop send off

·         Funeral Patricia Stephens Due – Proclamation was presented thanked Chair. Spoke of her importance to society. Proposal, Day in her name-coming soon.

·         Bicyclist coming through County in March – economic engine



Commissioner Gene Morgan, Vice-Chairman, District 3    

·         Troop Send Off

·         Code Enforcement 

Mr. Lawson, first thing is to get ordinance in place. We are reworking Ordinance, Code Enforcement Cases, no teeth, set up magistrate, and process to court system

·         Cold Weather Shelter – help from Sheriff in manning the facility



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5   

·         Troop Sendoff

·         Process to adopt Road – Churches, signage – followup – they would

·         Hospital – Buildout $90,000 (agenda use of funds next meeting)

·         City of Quincy – Funding of Shuttle(she asked was the City of Quincy notified- formal notification) breakdown in communication that effects any municipality.

·         Commissioner Holt sharing Resolution on Mrs. Due

·         Veteran Services – consider having facility for veterans. Need to be prepared to receive Veteran’s.

·         County Administrator – permanent procedure(one person with two major positions – spoke of trying times the County could face) Motion for Advertisement of County Administrator  (died for lack of second)

·         Planning and Zoning Issue –

·         Code Enforcement on Odor – Atty has read into law, clarity on. What was read by Mrs. Minnis. (Ordinance on Odor)

·         Municipalities Contractual  Annual Agreement -3-5 year intervals, to be proactive, if it’s not in writing pros & cons. She asked Mr. Lawson to take look. She asked that it be agenda along with Odor Ordinance.


Receipt and File Agenda



Letter from the City of Quincy Regarding Authorization of the Issuance of a Community Redevelopment Note by the Quincy Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)



Town of Havana Annual Report for the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)



Memorandum Regarding Tourist Development Council Term Extension


