Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida




Regular Public Meeting

March 6, 2012

6:00 p.m.




Sherrie Taylor, District 5, Chair

Gene Morgan, District 3, Vice- Chair

Eugene Lamb, District 1

Doug Croley, District 2 (Arrived Late)

Brenda Holt, District 4

Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of the Courts

Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator

Deborah Minnis, County Attorney

Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk


   Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call


Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. then led in an invocation and the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.  She then called for all cell phones to be silenced and requested all speakers to file a “Speakers Request Form” with the clerk.


The roll was called by Deputy Clerk, Beryl Wood and recorded as noted above.

Motion: Lamb/Morgan4-0 to excuse Commissioner Croley for being absent.


   Amendments and Approval of Agenda/ motion by: Addition Resolution #2012-003 Authorizing the Financing of the EMS Ambulances 14a


Motion by Lamb/ Holt 4-0

Awards, Presentations and Appearances


1.            Girl Scouts Centennial Proclamation (Commissioner Sherrie Taylor, Chairperson)            


Chair Taylor on behalf of the Board presented the Girl Scouts with a Centennial Proclamation. She stated March 12, 2012 would mark the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, which began in 1912 when Savannah, GA native Juliette “Daisy” Gordon low gathered 18 girls to provide them the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. She went on to state the Girl Scouting has helped build millions of girls and women of courage, confidence, and character who act to make the world a better place.


Commissioner Croley arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


2.            Request for Disposition of the 3-Plus Acres of County Owned Land off Martin Luther  King Boulevard (Millie Forehand, Executive Director, Community and Economic Development               Organization of Gadsden County, Inc.)  


Millie Forehand, Executive Director of Community and Economic Development Organization (CEDO) came before the Board seeking disposition of the 3-Plus Acres of County Owned Land off Martin Luther King Boulevard in Quincy that was donated to the County for the Boys and Girls Club. She added she would like the acreage confirmed of the county owned parcel.


Commissioner Lamb said he would want to consider, he would like to know what goes on the land.


Commissioner Holt stated she was in favor.


Commissioner Croley asked Mr. Lawson has the land been declared surplus.  He asked had it been listed with the Real Estate Firm.  He said he was not in favor of donating due to


Mr. Lawson stated that the land was bought at $120,000. There has been no appraisal.


Commissioner Morgan said he would entertain an agenda item needed to make an intelligent decision and we need clear direction.


Chair Taylor she agreed with more information and would like to have it placed on the agenda. We need true intent. She would like to know true intent of land. She asked that she come back with clear direction.


Commissioner Holt said we shouldn’t put a dollar item.


Commissioner Lamb said he agreed with Commissioner Holt we have donated land in the past.



Clerk of Courts  


3.            Presentation of County Finance and County Clerk Issues

                (Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of the Courts)


Report – Tallahassee that are number of bills pending may have financial impact on the County – Property Appraiser, Medicaid – Pension, JD Alexander – cut Clerk’s Budget by 7%.

Croley – Fuel Municipalities, do we have written policy that deals with this matter, $77,000 & $22,000.


Clerk Thomas it is said they should be in 45 days.  He said they are aware they behind. He said Finance Directors conversed they know they are behind. So we felt next step was to put in written. He said one municipality has paid.


Croley asked should there be some time of policy in placed. He asked that it be agenda at the appropriate time.


Commissioner Lamb said he was disappointed on the length of time that had passed.


Clerk Thomas said they have talked to Finance Director’s and he was glad to hear that response. And they Clerk’s Office will update in a timely manner.


Commissioner Morgan said he appreciated them making the Board aware. He said Clerk Thomas mentioned a 7% in his budget, Ad Valorem Taxes hit, Medicaid Cuts. He asked that policy be considered ASAP.


Clerk Thomas said there has been a sensitive issue in the past.


Commissioner Holt said this is a great time to have Workshop with Municipalities.


Chair Taylor said very good points with policy are being placed.  She asked that Municipalities are made aware of what’s coming so they can govern accordingly.


Consent  -  Motion by: Lamb/ Croley 5-0


4.            Approval of Minutes – January 17, 2012 – Regular Meeting


5.            Ratification of Approval to Pay County Bills


6.            Approval of Agreement for Library Technical Systems Support (Carolyn Poole,

            Library Director) pulled by Commissioner Morgan Motion Morgan/Holt 5-0


Commissioner Morgan pulled item. To make sure they work with the IT Department. He asked they look at this service that we grow and learn.


Commissioner Holt said they should show caution when using Public Computers at the Library.

Statement of Issue:

Dr. Poole seeks Board approval to continue the services of a professional library            technical systems librarian for the Gadsden County Public Library System.



The Gadsden County Library System needs professional assistance from a qualified systems librarian to handle the complex and unique requirements of information technology that is accessible to the public.  The libraries reached a critical point with dangerous security breaches on public computers, computer viruses, and inoperable hardware/software.




There is historical precedence for outsourcing Library information technology support.  The Director budgeted for part-time, hourly support in the FY 2011-2012 County Budget that was approved in September 2011. An expert systems librarian began in February to address urgent library needs and his continued support through the fiscal year will ensure the availability of secure, operating computers to public users.


Fiscal Impact:

Fiscal impact is $5,000 funded in the Professional Services line item of the library Administration budget.


7.            Approval of Physio Control Technical Support Agreement for Cardiac Monitoring            Equipment (Tommy Baker, EMS Director)


Statement of Issue:

Tommy Baker, EMS Director seeks Board approval to renew the FY 2012 technical services support contract.


This agenda item presents the Technical Service Support Agreement for FY 2012, beginning December 1, 2011 through November 30, 2012.   The covered equipment and/or software are as follows: Six(6) Lifepak 12 units, one (1) annual on-site inspection and ship in repair as necessary. The vendor sends a loaner unity and the vendor pays return shipping on the unity for repair; one (1) device case change for Lifepak 12, provides for extended battery replacement coverage, and covers charging devices for these units.


Required data management support and software upgrade services are also covered by this agreement.


Gadsden County Emergency Medical Service is and Advanced Life Support provider and as such is required by FAC 64E2 to utilize and maintain in property working cardiac monitors.  Gadsden County EMS utilizes the Lifepak 12 manufactured by Physio Control.  Inspections and periodic preventive maintenance is necessary in order to assure that the units are functioning properly and are operating within FDA guidelines and recommendations.



Approval required for Chairperson’s signature on the FY 2012 Physio Control Technical Service Support Agreement for cardiac monitoring equipment,


Fiscal Impact:

The fee to the vendor under this renewed Professional Services Agreement is $7,366.00 payable in one annual installment.  This expense is a budgeted line item in the EMS Operation budget.



Items Pulled for Discussion


   Citizens Requesting to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items (3 minute limit)


Ø  Danny Miller, 1600 Reynolds Rd, representing Dan Miller Design & Construction Inc. regarding Talquin Shores Sub-Division. (vested development rights, building permits). He said he is having difficulty with Growth Management Department. He said this is a vested subdivision. I was denied vesting on 15 of the lots, please instruct the Growth Management to give building permit.


Chair Taylor thanked Mr. Miller for coming forward. She then gave direction for Mr. Miller and Mr. Lawson to communicate.  She commented on the rules and regulations that needed to be followed.  She asked Mr. Lawson to do research.


Mr. Lawson stated Mr. Weiss they are aware of the situation and they would sit down with Mr. Miller.


Commissioner Lamb thanked Chair Taylor for directing to the County Administrator.


Commissioner Morgan would like for it to be moved along quickly.


Chair Taylor directed Mr. Miller to contact Mr. Lawson and if needs to be agenda it is brought back.


Ø  Ed Allen, Lake Talquin, CW Roberts – 300 signatures Citizens of Lake Talquin brought in petition. The Board gave 2 years to have it removed, they asked for 6 month extension.  They were given to January 31, 2012. He noted they are still out there. He asked that they be fined if not abated. He asked how would they resolve the problem.


Commissioner Croley asked a question of the Administrator: he asked where they doing inspections.


Chair Taylor asked Mr. Lawson to do followup and provide reports in the future. Make recommendation with you and County Attorney on how to proceed (direction.)


Public Hearings


8.            Public Hearing – Reimbursement of Building Demolition Expenses (Horne Property)

                (David Weiss, Assistant County Attorney)  


Deborah Minnis, County Attorney addressed the Board concerning the Reimbursement of Building Demolition Expenses on the Horne Property at 79 Carver Avenue, Havana, FL 32333.  He said the options were upon a determination of property ownership, substantially comply with the terms of Section 34-68 from this point forward; and adopt the proposed order by resolution and record it in the public records or the Board’s discretion.



Ordinance Number 08-33 is entitled “Gadsden County Property Management and Nuisance Abatement Ordinance,” and is codified at Chapter 34, Article IV of the Gadsden County Code of Ordinances (the “Code”). Section 34-68 of the Code (8 of the Ordinance) sets forth the procedure for the maintenance or demolition of unoccupied, unsuitable and dangerous or unsafe, buildings or structures “which are not lawfully occupied and unsuitable for occupancy and are dangerous or unsafe, or which constitute a fire hazard or a hazard t the safety or health or the general public whether by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, abandonment or otherwise: a public nuisance. Section 34-68 authorizes, but does not require, the County to appropriate and expend such funds as are necessary to carry out its provisions; and requires the County to follow the following procedure to effect the repair or demolition of building or structure determined to be a public nuisance.


Fiscal Impact:

The County will expend $3,000 initially, which should be recovered from the property owners over the agreed period of time.  The order by Resolution, setting for the costs of demolition and repayment terms, will be recorded in the public records, together with the Repayment Agreement, as a special assessment lien against the property, so the County may be able to foreclose the lien, subject to provisions of Florida law, including but not limited to those associated with homestead rights, in the event that the Horne’s default on their repayment or other obligations as provided in the Repayment Agreement. The homeowner’s have agreed to repay the $3,000.


Chair Taylor announced the Public Hearing and asked for Public Comment and there was no public comment.


Motion: Holt/ Lamb


Commissioner Morgan have you addressed shortcomings. She asked what’s in place if they don’t pay in timely manner.


Mr. Lawson stated they have something in place if this happens again.


Attorney Minnis stated it is covered ordinance. She said it could be assessed. Any time you take action you are setting precedent, case by case.


Commissioner Croley asked the Attorney if you set a precedent every time you make a rule it needs to be stopped. He stated he was concerned about the future, he said could you make liens be sold then the party’s involved pay liens. He asked could that be something they could look into.


Attorney Minnis stated yes that is something they could look into. She said this is separate Land Use Ordinance. He said he was in agreement


Clerk Thomas expressed the concern fronting tax payers money.


Commissioner Croley agreed with the Clerk Thomas about lending money.


Attorney Minnis had it followed the process in the Ordinance. She said this is not the normal way this would have come to you.


Commissioner Holt reiterated the Workshop for the Comp Plan.


Motion: Holt/Lamb 4-1 (Morgan Opposed Motion)


Chair Taylor said this item needs to be Workshopped, she asked for dates to get it scheduled at the next meeting.


Attorney Minnis asked for Clarification did they want to look her to look at both ordinances.



9.            Public Hearing - Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Authorizing the Gadsden        County Board of County Commission to Grant Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions to     Certain  Businesses as set out in Section 196.1995, Florida Statutes

                (Deborah Minnis, County Attorney)  


Deborah Minnis, County Attorney announced Public Hearing on the Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance ________ authorizing the Gadsden County Board of County Commission to Grant Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions to Certain Businesses as set out Section 196.1995, Florida Statues.



During the January 31, 2012 election, the citizens of Gadsden County voted to authorize the Board of County Commissioner to grant ad valorem tax exemptions pursuant to Section 196.1995, Florida Statures. Pursuant to section 196.1995(5), Florida Statues, after a majority vote in favor of such authority, the board of county commissioners must enact a ordinance relating to its authority to exempt from ad valorem taxation up to 100 percent of the assessed value of all improvements made by or for the use of a new business and of all tangible personal property of such business and of the net increase in tangible personal property acquired to facilitate such expansion of an existing business made after the day such ordinance is adopted.


Fiscal Impact:

To be determined on an analysis of the statutorily required application each business requesting abatement must submit.


Chair Taylor announced Public Hearing and asked for Public Comment.


Public Comment:

Ø  Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Court, Tax Exemption, stated the document was well drafted.


Commissioner Croley several questions on the Ordinances. He spoke of concerns of this item going on the ballot, he said the majority prevailed. This Ordinance drafted he said he didn’t understand definitions: what’s definition as a full-time employee, no time specific.  He gave examples. He said definitions aren’t clear. Matters related to Agriculture Lands, did apply to unincorporated areas. He said the Ordinance needs to be cleaned up more.


Minnis – a person that works at 30 hours a week. She stated this is the 1st phase, generic ordinance, separate Ordinance for each business, where they will have to explain.


Attorney Minnis whatever Board instructs me to do I will. If you would like to get another definition, she said she would provide. Abatements only last for 10 years. It only applies to unincorporated areas.


Commissioner Morgan we meet the FL Statue with this Ordinance. He said this Ordinance is about growth. He asked that it be moved forward.


Attorney Minnis commented yes.


Commissioner Lamb said this is what we asked for and thanked the Attorney for her work.


Commissioner Holt 4A section about 10 jobs, she wanted it to be tied to Gadsden County residents. Tax Abatement is tied to the property not equipment. She suggested it be a cut-off.


Clay Vanlandingham – only applies to Tangible Personal Property. It’s up to the Board to decide that the exemption be granted or denied.


Commissioner Morgan said this is a general document to attract industry to Gadsden County.


Commissioner Croley –  The real estate the dirt, if a build a process building I may be able to get abatement. Timeframe of the 10 people, how long do they have to be employed. Ordinance leaves questions. Is Ordinance tracking state statues, it meets minimum statue.  Supports



Motion: Morgan/ Lamb adopted as written by legal 5-0



General Business


10.          Discussion of Possible Uses of the $94,050 Health Resources and Services           Administration (HRSA) Grant Funds (Arthur Lawson, Interim County               Administrator)  


Mr. Lawson discussed and sought direction from the Board on the possible uses of the $94,050 federal grant funds granted through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).



On May 19, 2009, the Commission approved the County Administrative Coordinator’s request to apply for federal grant funding through the Health Resources and Services Administration to be used for repairs and renovations to the Gadsden County Community Hospital.  The grant was submitted and subsequently approved by HRSA on September 15, 2009.


During the year-long period following the grant award the County was eligible to draw down the $94,050 in funds but did not because certain reporting requirements were not done.  Over the past few months the County has submitted all outstanding reports and our Finance Director has requested the funds.  Although the funds have been requested, as of the writing of this agenda report, the funds have not been received.



With the County’s impending realization of the grant funds, staff has been requested to present an agenda request to the Board for discussion of possible uses of the funds.  Since the hospital renovations have been completed and debt services being paid from the indigent sales tax the funds are a reimbursement to the County and may be used as designated by the Board.


The initial intended use of the funds was for hospital related renovations.  Therefore, it is staff recommendation that the funds should be used for the hospital related needs such as the chiller issue or boilers. That equipment was not replaced during renovations and repairs when needed will be very costly.  The Clerk and the Finance Director are in agreement with staff’s recommendation.


Commissioner Holt said the Referendum was passed for 25 beds not for this item.  She said citizens are becoming frustrated.  She asked that they look into getting swing bed. She suggested they check with ACHA on funding. She stated they consider they


Motion: Lamb/Croley (to discussion only)- Option 1


Commissioner Morgan Chiller top priority. Staff needs to move forward.


Commissioner Holt reiterated what the Citizen’s want.


Chair Taylor asked Mr. Lawson have they received prices on these items. She asked that they amended to receive prices. She asked that the Hospital Board look consider this item. She mentioned the $200,000 (Working Group) to come up with a decision on how funds are spent. She asked for it to come back.


Motion: Lamb/ Croley to explore  4-1(Commissioner Holt)


Clerk Thomas – He mentioned unexpected revenue$37,000 insurance reimbursement. Hospital look to set aside monies for future long term repairs.


Chair Taylor said it would be agenda if needed for the $37,000 for the Chillers/Boilers





11.          Discussion and Direction Regarding the Public Safety Coordinating Council  

                (Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator)


Mr. Lawson stated the Council has not been active in the last several years.


Commissioner Croley said the item is self explanatory. He mentioned crimes, jail overcrowding, etc. He asked that it be set up and got under way. He volunteered his time to serve on Board.


Chair Taylor directed the Administrator to get Public Safety Coordinating started again. She nominated Doug Croley to serve on Board.


Attorney Minnis already have Board and Ordinance in place.


Question: Commissioner Morgan should we agenda item for discussion.


Motion: Taylor/ Lamb 5-0 for Doug Croley to serve on Board and direct Mr. Lawson to start Board again.


12.          Discussion of County Site Plan and Building Fees for Churches

                (Anthony Matheny, Planning and Community Development Director and Clyde               Collins, Building Official)  


Mr. Matheny, Planning & Community Development Director addressed the Board concerning discussion of the Site Plan and Building Fees for Churches.  He commented at her February 7, 2012 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners requested that staff bring back the issue of site plan and building fee waivers for churches for further discussion.



Frequently, churches approach the Planning & Community Development (P&CD) and Building Department with requests for fee waivers.  At the January 3, 2012 Board meeting, the Board agreed that fee waiver requests by churches should be applied for and approved by the Board.  Since that time, P&CD has received two requests for site plan and building fee waivers from St. Matthew Missionary Church, which is awaiting an overall policy decision by the Board regarding fee waivers for churches. Staff is anticipating additional requests from churches in the future.



On October 01, 2006, and as amended on November 06,2007, the Board adopted fees to reflect the Boards “desires to establish fees sufficient, but not in excess of, recover an adequate amount to the related  costs of associated activities: (Attachment #1 &2). County fees are based on a study conducted by the Office of Management and Budget of actual costs to the County for review, inspection, etc.  Fees have not been revised or increased in the four (4) years since.  Staff has been directed that only the Board can waive fees.



Fiscal Impact:

Site plan (staff review) and building fees range depending on the size of the structures.  The fiscal impact for a standalone church ranges between $7,300+ for a 4,000 square foot building to be $9,800+ for an 8,400+ square foot building.  Site Plan and stormwater review fees range between $2,640+ and $3,040+.  Of the site plan review fees, $300.00 (or more if plans require additional review) is required to compensate Preble –Rish, Inc. for stormwater review.  Site Plan costs increase significantly for churches with accessory uses which requiring public hearings and notice for Special Exception site plan approval.  The increase in cost is directly related to expenses for mailing and advertisement.


Commissioner Holt asked about Workshops. I don’t have a problem waiving fees, have problem with case by case.


Commissioner Morgan I recalled how to provide better customer service. I think it’s unfair if policy is unclear. He asked that the two churches


Commissioner Lamb stated they did requested the Administrator to bring back. He stated he checked with other Counties. He said he was in favor of waiving fees. He said churches do house citizen’s during disasters in County.


Commissioner Croley not in favor of waiving fees. He suggested they have a category for religious institutes.


Chair Taylor said based on what she is considering. She asked what are some that have been waived in the past.  She asked for particular language. She recommended look at some form of dialogue between all parties involved Attorney, Mr. Matheny,


Mr. Matheny which fees are greater of the two, building fees.


Attorney Minnis it could allow clearer direction for staff.


Mr. Lawson said it can be set, it needs to be advertised.


Public Comment:

Ø  Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Court, Church Building Fees – can churches locate in where any where in the County; Do they pay any property taxes; She mentioned other fees that weren’t authorized. She stated waiving the fees is unfair.


Mr. Matheny said they are allowed.


Clay Vanlandingham property is exempt as long as it used for church purposes.


Commissioner Holt workshop allow churches and people that this could effect to have say so.


Commissioner Lamb reiterated that he could not recall waiving fees, he could recall variances.


Commissioner Morgan agreed with Mrs. Lasley, he said it was at least 3 occasions where fees have been waived. He asked that you be fair to churches.


Commissioner Croley said he couldn’t recall waiving fees. He said not to change rules, churches do many public services for the community. Special category add fee schedule, allow Administrator, Mr. Matheny, Budget Department, etc.



Chair Taylor do you wish to waive all fees she asked clerk to poll Board


Holt  - No idea, No problem

Lamb – No

Morgan – Yes

Croley – No

Taylor – no


Chair Taylor do you wish have some of fees waived

Holt – willing to have manager to have input

Lamb – Willing for manager to be consent

Morgan – Would like for Administrative to be fair

Croley –Consent

Motion: Taylor/ Lamb 5-0- Allow admin to come up with fee schedule churches (religious institution) involved and come back with fee schedule to be used.


13.          Requested Amendment to Proposed Inter-local Agreement with Sheriff re:      Emergency         Management and 911 (Deborah Minnis, County Attorney)  


Deborah Minnis, County Attorney requested amendment to proposed Inter-local Agreement with Sheriff re: Emergency Management and 911.


Statement of Issue:

Consideration of an inter-local agreement between the Gadsden County Sheriff Office and Gadsden County memorializing the transfer of the Division of Emergency Management to the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office except in time of declaration of emergency or disaster under Chapter 252, Florida Statues.



In September 1991, the Board of County Commissioners voted to transfer the job functions and equipment of the County’s Division of Emergency Management to the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office. However, no formal inter-local agreement was drafted to memorialize this vote or clearly address responsibility for the functions and responsibilities of the division during periods of declared disasters of emergencies.  Upon vote of the Board, the County Attorney, County Administrator and a representative from the Sheriff’s Office met to draft and inter-local agreement to formalize the transfer of the Division.  A draft agreement was approved by the Board at its July 5, 2011 meeting and was presented to the Sheriff for consideration.  After consideration the Sheriff requested an amendment to the agreement.  Attached is the agreement containing language that addresses the amendment requested by the Sheriff.




Section 252.38, Florida Statues authorizes counties to create a local emergency management agency.  This provision also requires all local emergency agencies to have a director.  A county constitutional officer or the employee of a county constitutional officer can be appointed as the director of the local emergency management agency.  This agreement will memorialize the appointment of the Sheriff of his designee as the Director of the County’s Division of Emergency Management with the exception of times during which a disaster or emergency as set out in Chapter 252 is declared. The agreement also sets out the procedure for Board approval of the Director as recommended by the Sheriff.  Finally, the agreement sets out the procedure for preparation and submission of grant documents and use of equipment purchased with emergency management funds.


Mr. Lawson stated

Motion: Lamb/ Morgan


Commissioner Croley stated this Board takes responsibility. He said this smells bad and is not the right thing to do.  He said he had a problem with changing the agreement to make it look like exception. He said the wording should remain as County Attorney originally drafted.


Attorney Minnis subsection 3I, allows County to develop job description. It’s up to Board.


Commissioner Lamb said the Director should meet qualifications. He asked attorney, to research other counties. Willing to work with Current director to meet qualifications.

Motion withdrawn:


Commissioner Morgan made a motion to defer  to ask for specifics, What Should

Holt 3I – It could be approved and come back with qualifications.


Motion: Lamb/Croley To defer to the language on qualifications for a meeting in near future 5-0



14.          National Solar Update (Deborah Minnis, County Attorney/David Weiss, Assistant          County Attorney)  


Attorney Minnis gave brief update on National Solar, they have submitted draft application and it’s being reviewed by Commissioner Vanlandingham.


Vanlandingham said it is a practice application, he said they have never filled out application.


Morgan – standard form throughout State of Florida.(DR418) He then asked for timeline.

Minnis – hard to set specific dates (May 31), application has to finalized. Ordinance for the specific business.

Morgan – Are we moving forward, not County that is delaying.

Minnis – We have set letter, no ability to waive steps. Everyone is staying in loop. We will need to look agreement, so once application and ordinance is in place it will be vented a Public Meeting. She reminded the Board not to copy each other.


Vanlandingham – National Solar, Board, Property Appraiser all parties are involved. Will need to agree on agreement. He said this is a very important matter, you should already be doing homework.


Croley – send a copy of this new proposed agreement. Have you have ideas for changes. What Land Use Issues do we need to deal with.


Chair Taylor said we moved the Agreement, we need to start discussing. Need to sit down with Board at Workshop, then give Attorney clear direction. Agreement,Code Enforcement, Zoning Fees & Abatement. She said let’s get scheduled in the next two weeks.


14. A Motion: Lamb/ Croley 5-0 – Approval of Resolution# 2012-003 Authorizing the Financing of EMS Ambulances.


County Administrator


15.          Update on Board Requests

                (Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator)               




County Attorney


16.          Update on Various Legal Issues

                (Deborah Minnis, County Attorney)


Croley -Where do we stand on Paving Ordinance.

Attorney Minnis -Tentative Ordinance will be sent


Discussion Items by Commissioners      



                   Commissioner Lamb, District 1 – No Items


                Commissioner Morgan, Vice Chairman, District 3 – District 3 Concerns

Agenda 37,000 earmarked for Hospital Chillers Motion/ Lamb for next appropriate meeting. 5-0


                   Commissioner Holt, District 4 – County Concerns

National Solar Issue – What are setbacks?          

Paving Issue      

Lewis Lane – Paving 2013-2015


Charles Chapman we have automated schedule to maintain roads after heavy rain.      

Farmers – denied loans descendants May 1 deadline to get reimbursed.             


   Commissioner Croley, District 2 – Report and Discussion on Public Issues and Concerns Pertaining to Commission District Two and Gadsden County


Motion: Financial Policy related to fuel & municipalities Croley/ Lamb 5-0

Code Enforcement


                   Commissioner Taylor, Chairperson, District 5 – Code Enforcement – Odor

                                                                                                                   - Sign Municipal Agreements in 3 to 5                                                                                                                                      Year Intervals  

Road Signs – Churches Adopted (agenda for 1st meeting in April) Taylor /Croley 5-0

FEMA Funds – potential funds for further discussion (agenda for 2nd meeting in April) Taylor /Croley 5-0

Senior Citizens – Thanked Mr. Lawson for work. Timeline on parking lot.

National Solar – discuss agreement/workshop next 2 weeks at next meeting after morning meeting: Motion Taylor/ Morgan 5-0

Legislative Session – update (someone to come in on issues that they may affect us).

Clay Vanlandingham –session ends Friday, come back next week for redistricting.

Municipality Agreements /Interlocal Agreements – All expire at the end of the County’s Fiscal Year.

Charles Chapman – We send out the Interlocal Agreements. Continue with Annual.



Motion to Adjourn@ 9:20pm                    


Receipt and File



                a.            For the Record:  Gadsden County EPA Region Programmatic Review Report On-                                               Site Evaluative Review


                b.            For the Record:  Ordinance Number 2012-1 from the City of Gretna Regarding                                   Annexation within the Corporate Limits


March Meeting(s)


          - March 20, 2012, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.