Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners

Planning Commission

Agenda & Notes

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

7 East Jefferson Street

Quincy, FL



            Commissioner Diane Sheffield, Chair

            Commissioner David Tranchand 

            Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges –Bright

            Commissioner Edward Allen

            Commissioner Mari VanLandingham

Commissioner Isaac Simmons, School Board Representative

Anthony Matheny, Planning & Community Development Director

            Willie Brown, Gadsden County Planning Principal Planner

            David Weiss, Assistant County Attorney

            Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk



Commissioner Larry Ganus, Vice – Chair

            Commissioner Willard Rudd

            Commissioner Catherine Robinson

            Commissioner Frank Rowan    

Commissioner Ronnie Butler

Commissioner Regina Davis, At-Large Member


1.       Pledge of Allegiance 


         Chair Sheffield called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. with a quorum and then     

         led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.


2.       Introduction of Members/Roll Call    


  Each member present stated his or her name and district for the record.


3.      Approval of Minutes – July 12, 2012   


Minutes were not approved due to quorum not being present.  For the Record a correction was brought forth that should reflect Mari VanLandingham, being absent at the July 12, 2012 meeting.


4.       Disclosures and Declarations of Conflict - None

5.       EAR –based Amendments Workshop /Hwy 90 Special Area Plan Workshop/ Lake Talquin /Wetumpka Special Area Plan Workshop -  (Anthony Matheny, Director Planning & Community Development and Jon Sewell, Kimley – Horn & Associates)  

Mr. Matheny addressed the Planning Commission and expressed it was his hope that this would conclude the Workshops.  He thanked Kimley – Horn & Associates for all their hardwork.  He said the Public Hearing would be scheduled for October 11, 2012 at 6:00p.m.

   Commissioner Ed Allen clarified comments that were turned in earlier by Mr. Darrin Taylor.  He said that Mr. Taylor stated 8 times there was no data analysis data in the Lake Talquin/ Wetumpka Overlay Plan.  He said he disagreed with those statements and he had the data analysis.  He pointed out there were 9 times where he mentioned there was a need for a study. He presented the study which had already been done.  He said as a lobbyist for the Mining Industry it was his opinion that Mr. Taylor was to delay these proceedings and cast doubts.  He read into record the County’s Comprehensive Plan Data & Analysis Document – Appendix A. He reemphasized the County does not need a study, a study has already been provided by the State of Florida. have Mr. Allen give copy.)  discussed concerns with the Commission. He said they have everything they need to do what the State is telling them to do. He asked Mr. Safriet, C.W. Roberts – to ask

   Mari Vanlandingham commented on the June 11.2009 Planning Commission meeting they spent several hours coming up with an abatement plan for CW Roberts.  She said it sounded like a Code of Violation.

Mrs. Sheffield asked Commission to please stay on task.

Mr. Matheny you have a request from Mr. Kent Schrinever from his client for and Land Use Amendment.  He noted he could still go through the Board of County Commissioners or the can do application process and can come through office.

Update on CW Roberts – still equipment, concrete piles, etc. most is moved.  He said the County Commission is attempting to handle.  He said it was not appropriate for this Commission to discuss. He said the Board is dealing with that issue directly.

Mrs. Sheffield said our purpose tonight is the EAR based Amendments.

Ed Allen/ Issac Simmons – worried about non-development.

Jon Sewell, Kimley- Horn – Updates


Project Status:

·         EAR –based Amendments: Completed

·         US – 90 East Special Area Plan: completed

·         Wetumpka – Lake Talquin Special Area Plan

-Final edits made

-Boundary needs to be finalized (still need to have discussion, develop different options)

-Awaiting direction from Planning Commission

Remaining Issues:

·         Language regarding cross drains has been added to the Infrastructure Element

·         Copies of comments from Darrin Taylor have been provided as requested by Planning Commission

·         Copies of Land Use Amendment request from Kent Safriet have been provided as requested by Planning Commission

·         WLTO Boundary needs to be finalized

WLTO Boundary:

·         Option 1: One mile west of SR 267

·         Option 2: To SR 65

·         Option 3: To SR 267

·         Maps revised to follow parcel or roadway boundaries (except Option 1)

Commissioner Vanlandingham stated she would like to see to Hwy 265 considered also.  She added that area is all critical concerns.

Chair Sheffield commented there was already a hyrdogeological survey map  and nothing would go through the clay and it would not affect the lake. She asked about safeguard plans that are in place.  She said she was afraid if you push too much you would get nothing.

Commissioner Allen said it is up to the Board of County Commissioners.  He said the County has everything they need.


·         Final edits to Wetumpka-Lake Talquin Special Area Plan language

·         Final Wetumpka –Lake Talquin Special Area Map boundary

Next Steps:

·         Transmittal of Special Area Plans and Comp Plan Elements to Board of County Commissioners

   Mr. Allen noted that was not the original policy that was initiated. Policy 5.2.22 (in read) Referenced Minutes 10/21/2010 where he stated it was a different. He said the change was there, it should be a different number.

Mr. Sewell said they would have to bring back. He stated he thought it was moved.

Mr. Matheny said they would add back in as originally written.

Commissioner Allen referenced 5.2.6: He said at one time this policy was 5.2.5. He noted it was changed to allow mining somewhere.  He said that policy was in conflict, it is inconsistent with other policies by changing of the number.  He offered the suggestion of adding the word not.

Chair Sheffield stated they don’t have knowledge.

Mr. Sewell referenced page 11 of the Future Land Use Amendment, section (H).

Commissioner Simmons asked were there places where mining is permissible.

Chair Sheffield stated yes.

Mr. Sewell stated they would have to meet all requirements.

Commissioners Simmons gave his opinion they would need to have an option, whether they would allow or not. 

Mr. Sewell stated the intent is to protect.

There was a consensus of the Commission not change the wording.

Mr. Matheny said it went through the correct process to become 5.2.6.

Chair Sheffield asked for public comment.

Public Comment:

Darrin Taylor, Carlton Fields, BASF & Anderson & Columbia, thanked the Board for the opportunity to share his letter.  He said the decisions that are facing the Commission are really big decisions. He added when you do make changes you need to make sure you have analysis done.  He said a GIS Map, is used for planning purposes, it’s very general.   He said he was of the opinion the boundaries should not be extended to Hwy 65.  He stated mining issue was not the only concern, economic development concerns should be looked at also.

Commissioner Allen questioned Mr. Taylor’s comment on the use of GIS Maps.

Mr. Taylor clarified he said the GIS Info is generalized and is used for planning purposes to provide general guidance when they might do something.

Commissioner Allen voiced by looking at the Wetumpka/Lake Talquin Site Plan you could see they have provisions in there for light industrial or light commercial that could go before the County Commission.  He asked him to look at the wetlands map.

  Commissioner Mari Vanlandingham disagreed with Mr. Taylor on the boundaries.  She said it’s not all about Lake Talquin, it should include Telogia Creek Water Basin. She said that was already designated an area of critical concern by Northwest Florida Water Management.  She added there were other Industrial Parks in the County that are vacant.

Commissioner Tranchand commented on resource based industry.  He said there are pine trees out there right now.  He said a resource based industry to him would be pulp mill.

Mr. Taylor replied the decision they are trying to make would so no industrial in that area, what so ever.  He said and the landowner this would impact is St. Joe and you’ve had no discussion with them on possible uses for the sight.

Commissioner Sheffield said they will have to prove they are not going to impact the land.

Commissioner Simmons conveyed they need to develop to come to this County, we don’t need to detour development. We need to look at attracting businesses.

Commissioner Vanlandingham commented not at expense of natural resources.  She said protecting the Wetlands is important.

Commissioner Allen added that Lake Talquin is one the biggest tourism spots in the County and they would like to protect.

   Pat Curtis, Friends of Lake Talquin, said they are interested in keeping boundary to State Rd 65, after study then you can expand or pull back.  She pointed out the Friends of Lake were clear they would not want Industrial.

Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Crt., commented on the Future Land Use Amendment, pg11 it suggested you delete 3rd line from the bottom of H - Conservation Element. She suggested deleting from mining activities.  She said you should not be able to mine in conservation.

There was a consensus from the Commission to delete the last line in the Future Land Use Amendment  page 11, section  H, starting with the except for mining activities. Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges – Bright and Commissioner Simmons opposed it coming out of the Conservation definition in the Future Land Use Amendment.

Mrs. Lasley said the limiting factor for development in County is the Central Water and Sewer.  She said it should be extended.  She referenced the Wetland Map in Lake Talquin Area and commented she would like to see boundary go to Highway 65.

   Ken Safriet, Hopping Green & Sams, representing C.W. Roberts, – Map opposed to anything further than the blue land. He said there is no data analysis done. He said he disagreed with language. Roberts Property – in 2009 we need to correct FLUM, evaluate what’s going on the ground, map should match. Make the map match what’s on the ground.****

Mr. Allen said we have what the State of Florida is telling us to do. He instructed them to go through proper process.

Discussion occurred among the Board.

There was a consensus (majority opinion) Hwy 65 is the boundary.

6.       Public Comment

  Allen comments

7.       Set Date for Next Meeting

§  September 13, 2012 – meeting cancelled

§  October 11, 2012 – next scheduled meeting (Public Hearing)


























                                                                        GADSDEN COUNTY, FLORIDA





                                                                        DIANE SHEFFIELD, CHAIR

                                                                        PLANNING COMMISSION










