FY 2013 Budget Special Meeting

Agenda & Notes

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners



Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Gene Morgan, Vice-Chair, District 3

                                Eugene Lamb, District 1

                                Doug Croley, District 2

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Jeff Price, Budget Director

                                Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator

                                Deborah Minnis, County Attorney

                                Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk


Chair Taylor called the meeting to order.

Mr. Lawson gave overview.

Mr. Price said the budget is now balanced.  He said they made a list of all the major changes.

Budget Highlights – FY13

§  Used the Property Appraiser July 1 assessed value of $1,255,680,324 and added the $70 million for the natural gas pipeline to the tax toll per the Property Assessor ($1,325,680324) and kept the millage rate the same as FY 12 at 8.9064.

§  Property taxes decreased by nearly $340,000.

§  Used the State’s revenue estimates, information from Florida Association of Counties, Small County Coalition, and estimates based on historical trends – to project a decrease of top 12 majors revenues by approx. $400,000 over FY12 budget.

§  Medical insurance – established a 4 (four) tier plan that saved the County approx. $ 85,000 compared to FY 12.

§  Cut 3% from the Fy12 budget numbers of the Board Departments and Judicial – total $402,000.

§  3% cuts with Constitutional Officers $307,000.

§  Budgeted $100,000 in the Reserve for Contingency account.

§  Increase Medicaid budget by $348,000 for projected future billings.

§  Funded all non-profits and community organizations at last year’s level $312,000 (except reduced Chamber by $45,000 & eliminated Emergency Housing $24,500).

§  Budgeting $100,000 for bus service.

§  Drew down $172,000 from General Fund to balance budget.

Discussion by the Board:

Chair Taylor asked for input from the Board.

Supervisor of Elections

Commissioner Lamb asked about the 3% for the Supervisor of Elections.

Mr. Price said it was $15,000.

Commissioner Lamb said she was the last person of needs to be cut, with the tight election.

Chair Taylor said she should be fine.

Fire Engine Replacement with the City of Quincy

Commissioner Croley said he questions about list and fire engine replacement. He asked did he look at the City of Quincy.

Mr. Price stated it was not included.

Mr. Lawson said they could go back and take some of those funds.

Mr. Baker said it’s been about 5 years since it has been replaced.  $200,000 was last quote and maybe refurbish for half the price.

Mr. Price said nothing is earmarked.

Commissioner Croley said the fire engine should be replaced. He said it’s not a want it’s a need. He asked that some of the one cent money be moved to purchase fire engine.

Commissioner Lamb asked why it needs replacing now.

Mr. Baker said because of age.

Commissioner Holt asked about Road & Bridge Fund.  She asked what could be cut in Road & Bridge. Switch out or do loan.

Chair Taylor said Wetumpka Fire Department is getting a new truck through USDA. She said they are willing to help and teach us how to receive the same. She it is set up 80/20. She mentioned Transportation Reserve Fund.

Mr. Lawson said they have proposed to use some to get some equipment. 1.8 million after deductions it would be 1.3 million, but it’s restricted to transportation.

Commissioner Morgan said if something happens you owe it to Citizen’s to have funds in disaster.

Mr. Chapman said the purpose of the transportation fund is for disasters.  He said you don’t always have to have full amount. He said they have agreed to get some equipment this year and some next year.

Morgan – what is cost to buy new fire truck - $200,000; He said it is an important issue.

Lamb – voiced he thought the City of Quincy should be attempting to help County.

Holt – Commented on the need of USDA dollars; partnering with the City to write grants. She spoke of the need for a grant writer. She spoke of the County being fiscal needy county.

Chair Taylor stated she hears about condition, not age and weather they are able to respond to fires.  She spoke of the importance that has equipment on hand that are in good working condition.  She said management needs direction on grant writing and give them 3 or 4 items to look at immediately.  She said it’s an urgency, but we need to find way.

   Commissioner Croley we have contract with the City of Quincy. We are paying them to provide fire services in the other municipalities.  She said there is two county own fire engines.  He said if they allocate in this budget. He said they need fire engine for residents in this County.

   Commissioner Morgan voiced putting together wants and needs and things that are nice to have. He said prioritize and budget.   He mentioned Fund Balance heading in right direction.  He said we need to replace needed equipment. He said some of the dollars from Public Works diverted to replace Fire Engine.  We need to redo and take a look at all Fire Agreements with the

   Commissioner Lamb asked how do the City use funds the County gives.

Mr. Baker replied it goes toward salaries.

Lamb – do they use the truck to respond in the City of Quincy.  He said he would question some of the funds and added some of the non-profit should be cut also.

Mr. Baker said no, they use it in the County. 

   Commissioner Holt stated some of what we had, was because of grants.  She said she has no problem purchasing fire truck, but added you must cut something out of Road & Bridge or somewhere. EMS can’t afford it.

Mr. Lawson said Charles would have to change, move or cut something out of his budget.

   Chair Taylor said her concern is if they try to move $200,000, someone would lose their job.  She voiced the trucks are still functioning.  We have been made aware of this issue, to protect this County. She directed the Manager to get funds from USDA to get truck into the County. Grant Writer is needed.

Commissioner Croley/ Morgan – 1cent sales tax($200,000) be  allocated to replace fire engine.

  Attorney Minnis no way to verify motion. Chair Taylor

Lamb – asked Mr. Lawson his recommendation.

Lawson yielded to Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker said it came up at the last budget meeting. He added the truck was 13 years old.

Chair Taylor said they reached out with a quote.

Baker - County responsible for about 28 fire trucks. We need to come up with replacement plan.

Lamb stated the truck is needed.  He said his bigger concern was that it was not presented to staff.

Holt said she can’t vote until they can tell her where funds are coming for.

Croley – he said this issue has been brought up before. He said it’s an honest need.

Lamb – how will it affect your budget?

Chapman – he said they need the $200,000, but they will have to try to carve it out.


Commissioner Croley/ Morgan – 1cent sales tax($200,000) be  allocated to replace fire engine.  3-2 to deny.  (Opposed Holt, Lamb, Taylor) motioned denied, was not passed.

Budget Highlights

   Morgan - 3% hit for Department s and Constitutional – Non – Profits should take hit also.  Chamber should be funded at 3% less. Current fund balance 4.3 million.

4.5 million – ½ million restricted.

Clerk of Courts

Croley – asked about $100,000 for bus service. He discussed Clerk Functions asked to take money for Judge’s Travel to be reallocated to Finance $17,000 and transferred to Clerk’s Finance Department.

Motion: Croley/ Morgan move $17,000 Judge’s travel to Clerk’s Finance Department.

Holt – referenced the Judge’s Travel; she discussed the commitment of travel. What effect does that have if we pull back a judge. She felt they should be contacted.

Taylor – What would the $17,000 be used for.

Lawson – additional resources is needed with staff.

Holt – Finance is funded by the Board.

   Andy Davis, of Chief Judge Francis Office representing Grant Slayden.  He said yes you are the only county that pays Judge’s Travel. He said they have 16 Circuit Judges. He said the money really helps the JA. 

He explained process and stated they had gone to 12% decrease.

Lamb – I don’t want it to go to the Finance Department. He would like it to go to General Fund.

Morgan – Haven’t they taken significant reduction in the recent years referring to the Clerk’s Office.

Lawson – he spoke of assistance with the retirement, which they didn’t receive as all other County employees received.

Croley – I don’t have anything against the Judges.  The is a source they need assistance they  haven’t had a raise in 6 years.

Lamb – we haven’t got an recommendation from the Clerk’s Office.  I want money to go back to General Fund.

Lawson – we received one from all Constitutional’s.

Croley – conserve $17,000 (amend) motion to cut out Judge’s travel)

Taylor – We need to be careful; you need to continue process it helps with the Jail. Let’s get them through this year, but look at cutting with the next budget process. They are coming more frequently because of funding. Asked Mr. Davis to explain rationale for travel.

   Davis – Have Judge and JA assigned to the County. He said travel really helps JA, because of low salary. He spoke of importance of Judicial Assistance; she keeps process going, keeping paper work steady and up to date, and swift process of court dates.

Croley – With all do respect; How many counties 6; furthest is Franklin. It doesn’t make sense it didn’t happen as planned.  We have a legitimate need to take care of Clerk’s Office. He said he would not amend his motion.

Holt – $17,000 was a minimum amount to take care of jail.  She voiced she is not in favor.

Motion: Croley/Morgan in favor of $17,000 taking out of Judge’s Travel and transfer to Board’s Finance Unit to help boosts/supplement Finance Office. 3-2 to deny (Opposed Holt, Lamb, Taylor- opposed) Motion failed.


Morgan – eliminate reserve for Contingency for $100,000. He said reason is $100,000 that can be spent later in the year. We could save unless it’s an emergency. He said it would free up dollars to make whole Chamber that we reduced and it could go toward Emergency Housing. Use dollars to fund less 3% for the Chamber. He said it would create an more responsible budget.

Lamb – I support Commissioner Morgan. I would like to reconsider the Emergency Housing.

   Motion: Morgan/ Lamb: Reduce to zero dollars reserve for Contingency from Line Item.


Holt – When you need money go straight to could to fund balance? 

Lawson – You don’t have to have money put into Contingency and yes it can go back into fund balance. We don’t necessary have to have a line item for Contingency. Some of the funds would be reallocated to look at Non-Profits.  Yes, I feel you should have Contingency Fund.

Holt – I think Board should decide what to do with the $100,000.

Morgan withdrew motion and Lamb second.

Taylor – leave it where it is.

Morgan – 3% reduction to all non-profits. 

Motion: Morgan/ Lamb 3% taken from Chamber. 3% less from the Chamber $2,100 - $93,400

Holt – Did they present a plan? She voiced at a last meeting they did not have a plan presented. What are objectives of the Board? What product will they deliver.

Croley - Is there a Contractual Agreement in place with the Chamber and this Board.  He voiced he would abstain from voting.

Lawson - He voiced they approved one last year.

Attorney Minnis – an impression of conflict.

Holt – good point Commissioner Croley, she asked for contract or list of the members on the Chamber.

Morgan/Lamb: motion to fully fund Chamber at 3% reduction. Motion failed 2-2(Holt, Taylor opposed motion.) Croley abstained from voting.

Taylor – we need to have some funding they all can agree on. Last year it was $66,000 on the Chamber.

Morgan – you need to remember you are eliminating the small business.

Motion: Morgan/ Lamb – to fully fund Chamber 2-2 (opposed Holt, Taylor, motion failed.) Croley abstained from voting.

Holt – funded should be split between Small Business and the Chamber. I want documentation

Motion: Taylor/Holt to fund at $66,000 total and fund Small Business ($20,000) Chamber ($46,000) toward and will be disbursed once plan is presented to the County. 4-0 (Croley abstained from voting.)Motion passed.

Motion: Holt/     - requiring all requested documentation from Chamber be turned into the Manager. (Motion died for lack of second.)

Lamb – directed Manager to have Chamber to give names of members and plan for Economic Development. He added it should be attached to a motion.

Motion: Holt/ Lamb: Emergency Housing - $25,000 out Contingency for Emergency Housing-$5,000 each per district 3-2 to deny (Morgan, Croley opposed.)Motion passed.

Croley asked was this a staff recommendation.

Lamb – In favor, give it to the Administrator.

Morgan – No

Holt – No in favor, as along as Commissioner’s are involved.

Motion: Morgan/Croley – to eliminate balance Contingency and place in Fund Balance 2-3 motion failed (Taylor, Lamb, Holt opposed.)

$59,000 in Contingency Fund

Holt – Non Profit Funding

Lawson – all funded is funding at last year’s level with the exception of Chamber.

Community Development Council

Holt - Economic Development Council – Look at funding.  Do we have one established?

Chapman- He said he serves on the Community Development Council.  He said Dr. Grant chairs Council.

Motion: Holt/ Motion move $10,000 Community Development Council (motion died for lack of second.)

Motion Holt/ Taylor: to leave in Contingency $59,000 (opposed Lamb, Morgan, Croley) motion failed

Discussion from the Board.

Motion: Morgan/Lamb – to be take $25,000 and direct to Small Business Center (opposed Taylor, Holt) Croley abstained from voting. (motion failed.)

***Commissioner Croley stated his motion was silent, which is yes, but later added since the Small Business Center is not a separate entity. He would have to abstain from voting on this matter.

Motion: Lamb/Taylor to stay in Contingency (withdrawn)

Lawson – Stay in Contingency

Taylor – stated part should remain in Contingency.

   Lamb – 1cent sales tax  (Reserve)stay in Transportation – resurface Lake Yvette West

Attorney Weiss – If it’s not budget item, then you’re getting out of the budget process.

Lawson – If Charles has money allocated in his budget, then you can bring back for approval.

Croley – Have not seen Mr. Chapman’s budget. 1 cent tax that went into Transportation you originally say it was for operations. Are you saying you having earmarked monies for Capital Projects?  Comments you mentioned Lake Yvette. It seems to me that the 1 cent tax is used for paving.

Chapman – No Gadsden Dollars allocated for Capital Projects.  They only are tied to State and Federal monies/grants.

Croley –questioned Bus services – $100,000.00

Lawson – Gadsden Express, money was put in there to keep services.

Motion: Croley: $17,000(Judges) to place back in fund balance. (Died for lack of second.)

Motion: Lamb/ Taylor – to stay in Contingency (motion was not carried.)
