Board of County Commissioners

Tourist Development

Gadsden County, Florida




Regular Public Meeting

February 18, 2013

3:30 p.m.



Lee Garner, Chair of TDC, City of Chattahoochee Manager and Tax Collector

Matt Thro, Vice – Chair of TDC, H & H Furniture

Jeff DuBree, Sportsman’s Lodge, Bed Tax Collector Lake Talquin

Patricia Vice, West Gadsden Historical Society, Tourist Attraction

David Knight, Midway Councilman

Angela Sapp, City of Quincy Commissioner

Peter Patel, Bed Tax Collector (absent)

Alca Patel, Hotel Industry (absent)

Gene Morgan, BOCC

Sonya Burns, TDC Administrator

Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk


Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call  


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call (Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk)


Alca Patel Resignation


Mr. Garner informed the Council he received an email from said Mrs. Alca Patel that was stating her resignation as of today.


Jeff DuBree recommended Hemant Patel, “he is a tax collector.”


Gene Morgan commented Hemant is in town. He asked should the agenda be amended for this discussion.


Sonya said they agenda should be amended, but as far as approval it could be mentioned at the BCC meeting tomorrow, but agenda for the next BCC meeting.


Amendments and Approval of Agenda  


Ø  Amend Agenda to add vacancy on Alca Patel -  DuBree/Thro A(1) 5-0


Ø  Hemant Patel nomination to TDC (District 5, Commissioner Taylor) – DuBree/Knight 5-0



                Mr. Morgan asked that they at least mention to Commissioner Taylor before    tomorrow’s meeting.


1.            Approval of Meeting Minutes (January 28, 2013)  (Lee Garner, TDC Chairman)


Morgan/Thro 6-0


2.            Budget Update   (Jeff Price, Budget Analyst)


                Mr. Price gave budget update. He said they were a head of the game on the revenue   side.


                Mr. DuBree mentioned the GAC/HMA.


                Sonya stated it comes out of marketing funds, but should come out of event marketing.


                Mr. Price said he would make change.


                Mr. DuBree mentioned there was nothing in budget for infrastructure.


                Mr. Morgan commented on the overall budget, is there anything in Reserve. Cash in    Bank is around $45,000.


                Mr. Price stated Finance hasn’t completed audit.


                Mr. Morgan questioned promotional activities.


                Mr. Thro – we entered contract with Ganette.


                Mr. Thro – can we pull money out of Reserve for kiosk.


                Mr. DuBree responded up to 20%.


                Sonya said to remove funds it would have to be agenda for BCC approval.


3.            Kiosk Discussion/Approval   (Lee Garner, TDC Vice-Chairman)


                Sonya explained the difference Kiosk.


                Mr. Thro asked the price of each unit or total price of all units.


Mr. Morgan - $35,000 total for each municipality around $4,500, so if we budget $35,000 should be accomplish.


Mr. Garner recommended giving the go ahead. He said hopefully the Coordinator position would be filled. He asked could company provide overview of how the Kiosk work, if she is unavailable.


Mr. DuBree suggested a company out of Tallahassee that was recommended by Hemant Patel. He suggested looking at other options.


Mr. Garner said he would like to look at it, but didn’t want to prolong approval.


Mr. Morgan said it could work well in conjunction with the Kiosk, he said they all are basically the same price. They all need to look identical, visibly seen in an area with heavy traffic.


Mr. Knight asked about sole sourcing and the additional cost.


Mrs. Sapp also asked for completed package, run through. She said they need more research.


Mr. Garner commented the consensus was we all want it. Get information out to Council. He asked that Gene Morgan, Jeff DuBree work together on kiosk.


Mr. DuBree concurred and asked that they approve a special amount and approve special criteria.

  Mr. Morgan phoned (Joe Swaki) works with Stealth series Kiosk asked questions.

1.)    What is involved installation and keep up cost.

2.)    Could they be hardwired in?

3.)    What are prices for outdoor model?

Joe stated it would be probably around $1,000. He asked how many outdoor units would they like. He offered to prepare quotes. All keyboards are custom built. He also mentioned partnering with software providers would be needed. (Site Kiosk. com) other competitors (Siblo and Olea) to receive other bidders. Ballpark around 4-6 weeks before they could hit county (hardware). He said he would provide quotes on 7 indoor/out kiosk. He said they don’t offer lease options.


Mr. DuBree asked about different features.


Mr. Garner said the Committee would work with him on this and bring info back to Council.


4.            Bylaws Amendment-(Clarification) (Matt Thro, TDC Vice-Chair)  


                Mr. Thro gave clarification on electronic voting and web ex (straw voting out).


                Mr. Garner said straw voting was not acceptable method, as poll voting.


5.            Florida Tourism Day 2013 (Discussion and Attendance Confirmation) Lee Garner, TDC Chairman  


                Mr. Knight consented. Garner said he would be out of town of town.


                Mrs. Vice asked “are we working on goody bags.” She said she would donate pens from the West Gadsden Historical Society.


                Mrs. Sapp said the City would see what they could provide.


                Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Thro (Chamber request) to see if the Council was acceptable for the Chamber to come in discuss items. It was consensus they were budget for $2,500.


Mrs. Sapp Comments

Mrs. Sapp thanked Council for working with her through job change and she is glad to be back.


Mr. Morgan’s Comments

Mr. Morgan discussed Ziosk and being passionate about it becoming reality.



Mr. DuBree’s Comments

Mr. DuBree suggested allowing Hemant Patel to serve on committee also.


Mr. Garner said he was a citizen and that would be a great idea.


                Marketing and Funding Request


Mr. DuBree also commented on the TDC Marketing Vendors, clarifying the gray areas under Strategic Plan, to have list to give to people asking for funds from TDC.


Mr. Thro replied if the Coordinator comes on, she would be the one to work with them on that.





Public Comments and Concerns on Non-Agenda Items (3 minute limit) _- None


Motion to Adjourn          - 4:35pm             





- March 18, 2013

- April 15, 2013


Other TDC Business


BOCC Agenda Item –      TDC Council Reappointments - 2/19/13

                                                 Request to Amend TDC By-Laws (Voting Process) – 3/5/13

                                                Approval of TDC Coordinator Contractor (Tentatively) – 3/5/13