Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners

Planning Commission Regular Meeting




Thursday September 12, 2013


Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

7 East Jefferson Street

Quincy, Florida


Present:          Commissioner Regina Davis, At - Large Member, Chair (absent)

                        Commissioner Edward Allen, Vice – Chair

                        Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges – Bright

                        Commissioner Diane Sheffield (absent)

                 Commissioner Larry Ganus (absent)

                 Commissioner Mari VanLandingham

                 Commissioner David Tranchand (absent)

                                Commissioner Frank Rowan

                              Commissioner William Chukes

                              Commissioner Ed Dixon (absent)

                                Commissioner Catherine Robinson (absent)

                                Commissioner Isaac Simmons, School Board Representative (absent)

                              Jill Jeglie, Interim Planning & Community Development Director

                              Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk





Vice -Chair Allen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. There was not a quorum present for this meeting.




Each member present stated his or her name and district for the record.


3.       Approval of Minutes: Minutes were tabled for approval, due to not having a quorum.


§  August 15, 2013




                                                                                GENERAL BUSINESS


5.       PUBLIC HEARING – Rosedale Park (FRDAP) – Discussion and recommendation to approve a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant application for the renovation of the Rosedale Park, located at the southeast corner of CR 268 (Hardaway Highway) and Charity Davis Circle, on Parcel ID#2-14-3N-6W-0000-00324-0100.  


Mrs. Jeglie commented that the Gadsden County Parks & Recreation is requesting that the Gadsden County Planning Commission, as the local planning agency, discuss a proposal for a ‘Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program’(FRDAP) Grant for the Rosedale Park to be submitted for the 2014-2015 grant application cycle (Attachment #1). Rosedale Park is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Hardaway Highway (CR268) and Charity Davis Circle (Tax Parcel I.D. #2-15-3N-6W-0000-00441-0300). The FRDAP grant is requested to fund improvements to the park.


Justin Ford came before the Commission and explained they are putting together a park out in Rosedale (FRDAP). He said the grant is municipal and county governments who have the responsibility to provide public outdoor recreation. He said applications will be evaluated and scored based on the information submitted by the end of the submission period. He said one element in the grant is to present to as many people as possible to get feedback. He passed out a map with intentions of what they plan on doing. He said they are holding a meeting next Thursday at a church in Rosedale for community participation and input. He also noted this was a matching grant, but with projects requesting less than $50,000 the State of Florida will fund 100%, so there would be no additional cost to the County.


Mari Vanlandingham asked about restroom facilities.


Mr. Ford said there would not be enough funding for restroom facilities. He said it’s not cost feasible at this time.


Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges – Bright inquired about the name of the church.


Mr. Ford said the church was Rosedale Community Church and the meeting would occur on September 16, 2013 at 6:00pm. He said they have ran ads in the paper trying to get the word out, trying to get as much attendance as possible.


Commissioner Chukes asked what was already out at the park.


Mr. Ford said playground equipment would be replaced all except basketball court which would be refurbished.


Commissioner Bridges asked about water and sewer.


Mrs. Rowan asked about a water faucet for park.


Mr. Justin said they do have water available. He said if there is existing tab he is not sure, but it would be something that they could include.


Commissioner Allen asked who would oversea the project.


Mr. Justin said the County would oversea the grant funds.


Commissioner Allen mentioned the park in Midway.


Mr. Justin said the last park that was built with FRDAP funding was Drake Acres Park.


Advisory Opinion:

Consensus for approval to proceed: Vanlandingham/Chukes 5 -0 motion for approval with the addition of a water faucet.


6.       PUBLIC COMMENTS – Next Meeting: Nov. 17, 2013 @6pm



Mrs. Jeglie mentioned they had made an offer to someone concerning the Director’s position and if everything goes through they may be starting by the next meeting.

8.       ADJOURNMENT Rowan/Bright @ 6:25pm