Board of County Commissioners

Tourist Development Council

Gadsden County, Florida



Regular Meeting

March 17, 2014

3:30 p.m.



Lee Garner, Chair of TDC, City of Chattahoochee Manager and Tax Collector

Matt Thro, Vice – Chair of TDC, H & H Furniture

Jeff DuBree, Sportsman’s Lodge, Bed Tax Collector Lake Talquin

David Knight, Midway Councilman

Keith Dowdell, City of Quincy Commissioner

Peter Patel, Hotel Industry (absent)

Brenda Holt, BOCC

Clarence Jackson, City of Gretna (absent)

Attorney David Weiss, County Attorney

Sonya Burns, TDC Administrative Assistant

Mary Kelly, Legacy Marketing

Terry Kelly, Legacy Marketing

Allara Gutcher, Planning Director

Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk



Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call


Lee Garner, Chairman of TDC called the meeting to order at 3:30pm then led in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The roll was called by the Deputy Clerk and noted above.            



Amendments and Approval of Agenda: To add March 3, 2014 Minutes under # 1  

1.                  Approval of Minutes (Special Meeting Minutes) –  (Lee Garner, TDC Chairman)

February 10, 2014 – Special Meeting   Thro/Knight 6-0 approved

March 3, 2014 – Special Meeting – Thro/DuBree 6-0 approved


        Amendment to add to Agenda the March 3, 2014 - Meeting Minutes DuBree/Thro 6-0


2.                  Budget Update and Review   (Jeff Price, Budget Analyst)


Mr. Price said looking at revenue, its 2 months behind and it’s picking up. 2 retainers were not paid in February, but in March.


Mr. Garner asked about outstanding invoices.


Mr. Kelly said the Black History Parade at $3,250 is only thing left.


Mr. Garner asked for a moment of silence given for Terry Kelly in the passing of his mom.


Mr. Dowdell asked did the Black History Parade fall under the contract.


Mrs. Burns said the Council gave Legacy authorization to cover Black History Parade.


Mr. DuBree said if you have asked a vendor to do activity my opinion we should approve funding up front. It needs to be clarified.


3.                  Marketing Reports and Video Review (Material to be provided)   (Terry and Mary Kelly, Legacy Marketing Firm, Inc.)


Mrs. Kelly gave a walkthrough of the last 10 months of service. She gave explanation on collecting assets, and then presented video PowerPoint.


Mrs. Holt inquired about brochures.


Mrs. Kelly said they have not done brochures.


Mr. Thro asked Mrs. Kelly the process of video assets.


Mrs. Kelly explained then the process, she said a day before they meet with the lead people, video tape the next day, after the video is collected you go through and get the best shots, you take and build a story line, narration, music. For parades it’s different you can pretty much just show up a couple of hours before event starts. It’s a lot work into it.


Mr. Dowdell asked about the website and calendar of events and target market.


Mrs. Kelly said it is nice, but trying to get people to visit the website is an issue. Target Market was never approved.


Mrs. Kelly showed different video assets.


Suggestion from Mrs. Holt let it play before meetings, they are full of people.


Part of their vision as whole is to go into each of the municipalities. She said by utilizing through video storytelling is what they do best.


Mr. Knight questioned the cost of showing video in New York.


Mrs. Kelly said running TV campaigns, may be out, but we can do video pre-roll.


Mr. Dowdell gave Legacy praise, great work.


Mrs. Kelly thanked him; she said know that they understand the process; things will be a lot smoother. She asked about permission to shoot the Art Show’s big event.


Mrs. Burns pointed out their contract has expired.


Mr. Dowdell said if they voted to approve the funding for Art Show, we can’t keep going because we want have the money.


Mrs. Kelly that type of stuff will benefit county, they don’t recommended shooting every fits.  We try to do assets that will give you exposure, multiple things in video.


Mr. Dowdell we the municipalities we need to come up with lists.


Mr. Knight said that should be at Legacy’s discretion to know what would draw the visitor’s to Gadsden.


Mr. Garner said that they should not be nickel and diming it’s time to get a marketing plan and spend the money of quality events.


Mr. Dowdell said it needs to bid out.


Mrs. Holt said once it’s done when you review. You must check the end product.


Mr. Thro asked what image and message is important that we show the people that we are targeting. He said they should approve a model.


Mr. DuBree said when the Strategic Plan was written it was supposed to focus on the different target markets; majority of tax revenue is tied to the everyday visitor and no events.


Sonya said that she has spoken to purchasing about RFP. She said she needs recommendation from Council, any recommendations of firm or person, and approval from BOCC.


Mrs. Holt asked what on the contract didn’t work.


Mr. Garner said it was the approval process, more than anything else. He said he didn’t feel it was much wrong with the contract. He said a better procedure is needed.


Sonya asked that they email suggestions to her by the 1st of next week.


Mr. Kelly said they are still down $19,000 in payments for video.


Sonya said she has total of $12,000, minus the Ultimate Fighting Tigers amount.


Mr. Thro said they should make a recommendation on this contract.


Connie McClendon came before the Board, she said you need to award more money to video. $11,105 for video

   Pow Wow -$2,000, Pumpkin Fest - $2,000, Ultimate Bash - $3,750, Black History Parade - $3,250


Sonya asked that they add the additional $6,105.00



Mr. Knight/Mr. DuBree $6,105 to cover Legacy Marketing added to marketing: 6-0 approved.


4.                  Municipality Funding Discussion/Approval   (Commissioner Brenda Holt)


Mrs. Holt said she would like to pull those non active towns in for tourism. She said they still need to come and apply.


Mr. Garner said that needs to be something that they include in budget preparations. He asked the County Attorney can they earmark for communities/municipalities based on the statute.


Attorney Weiss said he couldn’t answer the question, but would look into it.


Mr. Holt said it was done for Havana, and her point was you can’t single out one municipality.


Attorney Weiss said most events have an application process and if you get in prior it will be including in the budget process. He said if you know about put in the budget.


Mr. Thro said he agrees with educating people of the process, in supporting of getting more people here.


                  Mr. Garner said this needs to be a part of the budget process.


Mr. Price said it should be included in projective budget process; he and Sonya will work on it and bring back to the Council at the next meeting.


Mr. Thro asked did he need to abstain from voting, since it involved Havana.


Mrs.  McClendon said if it’s involving Havana Merchants, you should.


5.                  Finance Policy/Procedure (Tentative)   (Nicholas Thomas/Connie McLendon, Clerk of Courts)


Connie McLendon came before the council; stating their events must produce a bed tax. She said I protect as I pick. What you are counting as Marketing and Grants, so money can be under correct subsections. Revamp Strategic Plan with percentages and infrastructure. Especially policies what is considered a grant? Educate receivers on the process. Incorporate vendors to get inline prior to the budget process. In house, relates to Strategic Plan. Your contract with Marketing Plan was not very clear, need better contract or concerned it looked like double dipping, it has since been resolved. We need to careful, they need to generate bed taxes and I haven’t been receiving.


Mrs. Holt asked that proposal be emailed to Council.


Mr. Thro thanked Mrs. McClendon for all her input.



Marketing and Funding Request

 Major Shawn Woods, Gadsden County Sheriff Office (Material to be provided)   3rd Annual Rural County Summit on July 9-12, 2014, it has grown and is one of the best kept secrets and its right here in Gadsden County. Community Disaster  & Emergency  Responses– Boulder County; Colorado, Moore; Oklahoma, Yarnell Hill, Arizona; West, Texas, Blue Ribbon Fire in North Florida, Volunteer Session, Hospitality Event. Targeting Leadership from all over. The request is for $1,500. Bed nights that will be generated are about 150 bed nights. We have a problem with transportation; they don’t want to have a great time in the state vehicles. Advertising will be grand and will reach the masses 5-10,000 will see email. I’m looking for advice and direction.


Mr. Garner said this is how you showcase Tallahassee.


Major Wood, said transportation is major and they don’t have it yet.


Mr. DuBree said schedule a speaker that can discuss the assets of the County.


Mr. Thro suggested a package with TDC to get a sponsor and asked for a certain amount.


Mrs. Holt said they should be things lined up for families.


Mr. Dowdell said this event is just what the TDC needs.


Mrs. Holt said this is perfect for TDC.


Mr. Dowdell suggested they get team from all municipalities, business and make sure everything is covered.


Mr. Thro asked how TDC could do this.


Mr. Garner said this is event that TDC could sponsor event.


Attorney Weiss said transportation probably isn’t reversible expense. He reminded them of the sunshine rules on


Consensus that they want to assist and schedule meeting of the minds as soon as possible.


Linda Blackshear, River chase Care Center   She previous came to January Meeting, but meeting was long and her representative is here, I think we should allow her to be heard.

Rosalyn Florence spoke on behalf of River chase speaking on health fair and fun day called the Celebration of LIFE.

Mr. Thro asked had the contacted such entities such as Bond.


Mrs. Blackshear said she has they will have the Bond mobile unit.


Mr. Thro said that he didn’t think this meet TDC, but he personally offered to assist.


Mrs. Holt asked have they invited people from out of town.


Mrs. Blackshear said yes they have.


Mr. DuBree said looking at expense list; he said we were just asked by the Finance Director to educate people on the process. He said he was not sure all of this would qualify.


Motion: Dowdell/ Holt - Approval for River Chase for $1,500 and they must be guidelines of the strategic plan before disbursement. 6-0 approval


Upcoming Events for Marketing/Promotions

All Members


Staff Reports and Updates  

Allara Gutcher, Director of Planning and Community Development

·         Visioning Session (Moderator) – Update  Allara Gutcher did find someone that could do it at no cost.


Mr. Garner said he would like the normal business days the April 21 and May 5, 2014.


Attorney Weiss commented he is glad to see they are updating Strategic Plan to make it clear, headed in the right direction.


Mrs. Holt asked Attorney Weiss asked if he could check in and see if we can help.


Check bylaws for election of officers and give update.


Sonya Burns, TDC Administrative Services Assistant, II

·         TDC Items of Discussion

a.      Post Event Reporting Forms and Requirements (Revised) – formula has been added

b.      RFP (Marketing Firm) Update – discussed, will provide previous RFP. Need suggestion for all for RFP

c.       TDC Vacancy (Tax Collector) –Gary, not a resident of Gadsden County, Alca Patel said she would think about it. Mr. Knight said he would check with Comfort Suites in Midway, Bed & Breakfast out of Havana. 

Mr. Weiss said the problem he could see with that is you only have one bed tax collector.



Public Comments and Concerns on Non-Agenda Items (3 minute limit)

Grace Malloy, Gadsden Art Center   Next event will be next Friday encouraged all to attend, will be the biggest event for the Arts Center


Mr. Garner suggested you talk Pam Fuqua from Jackson County that could assist.


Discussion Items by Council Members

Commissioner Brenda A. Holt

Commissioner David Knight

Commissioner Clarence Jackson

Commissioner Keith Dowdell

Councilman Lee Garner

Councilman Peter Patel

Councilman Jeff DuBree

Councilman Matt Thro



May 19, 2014 @ 3:30 P.M.


Upcoming Events

Rural Tourism & Economic Development Summit – Friday, April 4, 2014

Fee: $30 Registration per person (A. Gutcher)


Motion to Adjourn @ 6:30pm