Gadsden County Construction Industry Licensing

Board of Adjustment and Appeals

Agenda & Notes

May 13, 2014 – 1:00 p.m.


Meeting Facilitators:  Clyde Collins, Building Official (A);   Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk (P)

Members:           Isaiah Cole, Chairman (A)

                                Rusty Black (A)

                                Tony Colvin (P)

                                Michael Francis (P)

                                William McMillan (P)

                                John Samford (P)

                                Joel Sampson (A)



I.                    Meeting Called to Order


Mr. Colvin called the meeting to order and then led in pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag followed by a prayer.


II.                  Approval of Minutes for the March 14, 2013 Meeting McMillan/Samford 4-0 Approve


III.                Old Business Items  


Kimmie Lewis 


 Mr. Colvin asked had Mr. Lewis received his county license.


Discussion occurred among the Board. They mentioned it was a $5,000 fine for not having a license to do work.


Mr. Samford said if they address one, they should address them all operating without license.


Mr. McMillan said Mr. Lewis has been coming for the last two years.


Mr. Samford asked if a person has a license in the City and not the County. He asked could they work in the County.


Mr. Colvin said they would pass to next meeting and it might require a special meeting if necessary.


IV.                New Business Items


a.)    Approval of Emile D. Barnes, III, Great Southern Demolition, Inc., a Registered Building Contractor


Motion to accept: Samford/ Francis 4-0

Approval: Samford/Francis 4-0


Adjournment at 1:10pm