Agenda & Notes

Thursday, May 15, 2014

6:00 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

7 East Jefferson Street

Quincy, Florida


Present:         Commissioner Regina Davis, At - Large Member, Chair

                       Commissioner Edward Allen, Vice – Chair

                       Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges – Bright

                       Commissioner Diane Sheffield (absent)

                Commissioner Larry Ganus

                Commissioner Mari VanLandingham

                Commissioner David Tranchand

                           Commissioner Frank Rowan

                             Commissioner William Chukes

                             Commissioner Edward J. Dixon (arrived late)

                           Commissioner Catherine Robinson (absent)

                             Commissioner Isaac Simmons, School Board Representative (absent)

                             Allara Gutcher, Planning & Community Development Director

                             Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk






Chair Davis called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with a quorum and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.




Each member present stated his or her name and district for the record.


3.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 10, 2014 tabled until the June meeting.




5.        Agenda Modifications/Additions – Policy 1.1.23 Policy 5. – Future Land Use Element (Commissioner Ed Allen)

Commissioner Allen questioned Policy 1.1.23 and Policy 5.6.3 which is the Future Land Use Element, Conservation Element and Mining Issues that was brought before this Commission during the EAR Amendments. He said in 2012 they agreed, they would be brought back. He said they have not been brought forward.


 Jill Jeglie asked was he asking for it to be placed on a future agenda.


Commissioner Allen yes, so it can be discussed.


Commissioner Tranchand expressed his concern for not having the minutes from the last meeting.






Documents: Crossroad Academy Expansion Site Plan (SP-2014-02) Agenda Report & Attachments/ Crossroad Academy Expansion Site Plan (SP)-2014-04) – Attachment 2


Commissioner Dixon arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


Mrs. Jill Jeglie, was sworn by the deputy clerk. She then gave an overview of the public hearing. The property owner, Community and Economic Development Organization of Gadsden County, Inc. (CEDO), represented by Ms. Millie Forehand, Crossroad Academy Charter School, applicant; and Brad Begue, P.E. with Barkley Consulting Engineers, Inc. has requested and submitted for conceptual/preliminary site plan as described below.


The subject property is located at 470 Strong Road, on the southwest side of the intersection of Strong and Frances Kelly Roads, 2100± feet east of Highbridge Road (Cr268) Tax ID#3-20-2N-3W-0000-00221-0000)


Consideration of approval for a conceptual/preliminary site plan (Class 2) for the phased expansion of the existing school is requested. Phase I will include a 12,150 square foot 9sf.) gymnasium, 12,568 sf. high school, and expansion and relocation of existing stormwater pond and facilities, a bus loop on Frances Kelly Road, and reconfigured driveways and parking lot; Phase 2 will include a 2,700 sf. Music room and 5,180 sf. Pre-k building (Attachment #2, Sheet C-104). The proposed site is located on 12.29± acre parcel within Urban Services Area (5:1) future land use category. The total impervious area will be 178,260st. upon completion of Phase 2. (Attachment#1).


   Berry Pujol, Brad Begue of Barkley Consulting, both were sworn by the deputy clerk and addressed the Commission. He said they believe they will move the pre-k to retain the oak tree. He said they would request a variance to be able to move the trees that they have to move. He said on buffering they will have to adjustments on C2; C3 they meet; C5 curb will be around parking lot; C4 will demonstrate signs.


Mrs. Jill Jeglie said with anything they couldn’t meet we ask that they apply for a variance.


Chair Davis suggested they table since they haven’t requested a variance.


Millie Forehand, said she spoke with Mrs. Gutcher on the tree variance.


Commissioner Ganus said it sounds like we are putting the cart before the horse.


Commissioner Allen clarified they had a public meeting and only a couple showed up (2) people.


Mrs. Forehand said yes.


Commissioner VanLandingham said it needs to be demonstrated on the plan.


Mrs. Jeglie said the process is it comes to commission, certain things have to be shown on the site plan, approval by PC and then moves to BOCC.


Commissioner Ganus asked would they see this again.


Mrs. Jeglie said with the variance you would but not the site plan.


   Motion: Bright/VanLandingham approval with conditions described by Mrs. Jeglie with them taking care of variance, make adjustments from C2-5 and D1.

Mari VanLandingham, Bridges-bright, Dixon, Chukes, Davis (for) Rowan, Tranchand, Allen, Ganus (opposed) Motion carried 5-4


        Commissioner Ganus called for discussion and asked how many trees would be in the variance.


Mr. Pujol 6 definitely trees to be removed, other 3 technical removals may not have to remove, one area just changing the slope.


Chair Davis asked that they just discuss items C2-5 and D1, variance is not in question yet, since they haven’t applied for it.


Motion was recorded above.


7.      PUBLIC COMMENTS - None




9.      ADJOURNMENT @6:37pm