Tourist Development Council


Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners

Tourist Development Council & Gadsden County Sherriff Office

 Agenda & Notes


Thursday, May 19, 2014



Lee Garner, Chair of TDC, City of Chattahoochee Manager and Tax Collector

Matt Thro, Vice – Chair of TDC, H & H Furniture (via phone)

Jeff DuBree, Sportsman’s Lodge, Bed Tax Collector - Lake Talquin

David Knight, Midway Councilman

Keith Dowdell, City of Quincy Commissioner

Peter Patel, Hotel Industry (absent)

Clarence Jackson, City of Gretna (absent)

Brenda Holt, BOCC

Lynn Badger, Bed Tax Collector - Havana

Attorney David Weiss, County Attorney (absent)

Sonya Burns, TDC Administrative Assistant

Allara Gutcher, Planning Director

Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk





Lee Garner, Chairman of TDC called the meeting to order at 3:30p.m. and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The roll was called by the deputy clerk and stated above.


a.      Introduction of new member Ms. Lynn Badger – White Dog Plantation  


Chair Garner introduced and welcomed the newest member to the Council, Ms. Lynn Badger.


Ms. Badger said she bought the old Nicholson Farmhouse and opened up as a bed and breakfast (retreat). She said she also owns Shady Rest, people have started booking weddings.  She said it’s a nice place to visit and was happy to be on the Council.


2.               Amendments and Approval of Agenda - None

3.               Approval of Minutes – March 17, 2014, April 10, 2014 and April 21, 2014

Motion: DuBree/Knight 6-0


4.               General Business

a.      River Way South AC – Pam Portwood – Letter of Commitment for financial assistance  

Pam Portwood discussed powerpoint “Beyond Boundaries”. She gave history on Riverway South. She explained what they did this year with funds which included organizational development, organizational survey, scholarships, educational forums and additional trainings, etc. She discussed having two fan tours one which included Gadsden County. She presented the Council with a self-guided tour for exits 181-192 North in Gadsden County.  She asked for a commitment letter from Gadsden County in the amount of $5,000.She said they will also offer technical assistance for counties that may need them anything related to tourism or marketing.


Mr. Garner asked when they needed letter of commitment.


She said she would like to get the application to the State by June, but as soon as possible for the letter of commitment.


Mr. Garner said they already have $2500 commitment.


Mrs. Portwood said if they are encouraging all counties to contribute $5000, if needed $2500 now and $2500 new budget year which would total $5000.


Mrs. Holt said that she didn’t see minorities in the handout. I’m trying to find a way to balance county out. She also suggested they place addresses in the brochure.

Mr. Dowdell said he was in support, but needed it to be diversified.




b.      2014/15 Crappie Tournament – Larry Clark – Crappie USA  

Mr. Clark addressed the Council. He spoke on the 2014/2015 Crappie Tournament. He presented a 2 day Super Event that would better for all economically. He said in the past they have been in Leon County with the event. He said Gadsden County has a superb niche and would draw a lot of people to the tournament. He said the event is scheduled for February 5-7, 2015 and most try to make a week event for the family or friends.


He said they really want to be back on Lake Talquin. He said the competition would be held in Lake Talquin or Crescent Lake. He said for the Super Event it would run around $12,000.


Mr. DuBree said the previous events that were held in Quincy were really successful. He said it was a one day event and bed nights were great. He said Leon County use to fund the events, but they no longer showed interest and it faded way.


Mr. Clark said as for volunteers they bring in 4 employees with them. He said that on Saturday they do a Kid Rodeo and would solicit help to get them there in addition and they give scholarships to youth that qualify.


He said right now he needs commitment, small deposit. He mentioned two ads as sponsors that he would need by mid – August.


Mrs. Gutcher said he needs to let us know how much he will need, so that they can put in the budget.


Mr. Clark said he would need commitment, deposit and funds $12,000 at a later date and IFAS or someplace like that can seat over a 100 people in theater style seating or chairs.


Mrs. Gutcher reminded that the County Commission would approve budget in September.


Chair Garner spoke in support of this event.


Mr. Dowdell asked what they are committing too.


  Mr. Clark said they are committing to sponsoring a 2 day Super Event for $12,000 that would in return give Gadsden County a boost in economy.


Mr. Knight asked was the event $12,000 total or $12,000 was Gadsden’s part.


Mr. Clark said he is asking $12,000 from Gadsden as the sponsor and host site.


Mrs. Holt said promotional we can do up front.


Mrs. Sonya said take a look at expenditures and look at TDC event fund for this year in the amount of $10,000. She reminded them in the new budget you can take the funds from there.


Mrs. Holt said it should be publicized locally.


Mr. Clark said they would do publicity with press release and poster’s event.


Mrs. Holt what if they did $5,000 pit pf TDC event fund and $7,000 advertisement.


Mrs. Sonya said you would be the sponsors as a TDC event.


Mr. Knight left at this juncture of the meeting.


Mr. Thro asked was it possible to cover this event out of this year budget.


Mrs. Gutcher asked when did they need the funds and how much.


Mr. Clark said they need a $1,000 by August and the rest in February around the 5th or 6th.


Mr. Dowdell stated he was not comfortable with this.


Mr. Thro said this was by far one of the best presentations. He asked for support of this event.


Chair Garner said no vote would be taken today, but they would discuss at the next meeting.


5.               Staff Business (no vote items)

a.      RFQ for marketing services – BOCC item – informational purposes only   already reviewed and approved.

b.      Visioning Session with Lynn Cherry, part II – SWOT Analysis output   refresher included in packet. How we are spending money, so we can move forward updating the Strategic Plan. She said the date is May 27, 2014 at 3:30pm.

c.       Discussion/Approval of the marketing material for the July event (Tour of Gadsden)  

Mrs. Sonya said they have to be careful how the do this. If they stay between $10,000 or under will not have to do RFQ or RFP. She presented the proposed tour.

d.      Expenditure Report   Mrs. Gutcher presented expenditure report.

e.      Discussion of June meeting for budget hearing.    June 16 or June 23, 2014. June 24, 2014 was date set for meeting at 3:30pm.

f.        Agenda – Mrs. Sonya asked did they prefer emailing or mailing information for agendas. Consensus was email worked great.


6.                  Items of discussion from Council members (no vote items)  Bike Trial – Mrs. Holt mentioned bike racks for people to put their bikes on that may be traveling throughout town, especially downtown area.  She said they want tourist to stay and shop. She asked that they take a look.


Mrs. Gutcher called their attention that 15% of their budget needs to be spent on infrastructure.


Mrs. Holt also mentioned local ads. We need to sell the Council to the community.


Mr. DuBree said there is nothing that keeps the TDC from advertising.


7.                  Public Comments     - Win - Win Camp

Leroy Smith thanked the Commission for the donation for the Win-Win Camp. He mentioned the 707 tournament that would occur from out of town football teams. He thanked the Council for the $2,000 but asked for additional funding to help with advertisement.


Mrs. Gutcher said this item wasn’t on the agenda.


Chair Garner asked that he get with staff to be placed on a future agenda.


Mrs. Gutcher said she would talk with him after the meeting.


8.                  Adjournment @ 5:34pm


Upcoming meetings: May 27, 2014 at 3:30 pm – Visioning Session, part II

            July 21, 2014 at 3:30 pm