Monday, October 20, 2014

Special Regular Meeting: 3:30 pm



Lee Garner, Chair of TDC, City of Chattahoochee Manager and Tax Collector

Matt Thro, Vice – Chair of TDC, H & H Furniture

Jeff DuBree, Sportsman’s Lodge, Bed Tax Collector - Lake Talquin

David Knight, Midway Councilman

Keith Dowdell, City of Quincy Commissioner (absent)

Peter Patel, Hotel Industry

Clarence Jackson, City of Gretna

Brenda Holt, BOCC (arrived late)

Lynn Badger, Bed Tax Collector – Havana

Attorney David Weiss, County Attorney

Sonya Burns, TDC Administrative Assistant

Allara Gutcher, Planning Director/TDC Administrator

Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk


1.      Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call

Lee Garner, Chairman of TDC called the meeting to order at 3:30p.m. with a quorum present and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 


The roll was called by the deputy clerk and stated above.


2.      Amendments and Approval of Agenda    Knight/Patel 7-0


Item 6 move up to 3a from County Attorney


Mrs. Gutcher introduced Joe Bouch with Chisano Marketing via Skype.


3.      Minutes Approval - DuBree/Knight 7-0


3a. County Attorney  


We recently received demand letters from the prior consultants on invoices they say have not be paid. He discussed being a public body dealing with public funds. You really need to understand and follow all the rules. He said the statute is very broad concerning funding. He said the statute doesn’t limit you to just bed nights. He said they need to know and follow the rules. He said with the new contract with the new consultants they have tweaked to not have this issue again.


Mrs. Holt entered at this juncture.


Mrs. Holt asked what the issue was.


Mr. Patel asked did they do anything wrong.


Attorney Weiss said it was not that you did anything wrong. He said it dealt with the Fighting Tigers. He said they represented TDC but, they also the consultant with grant applicant that never submitted the application. He said the


Mr. Thro


Chair Garner is there anything they can do as a Council, to help rectify the situation.


Mrs. Holt said they were to work with Mr. Burns. She recalled the situation how she remembers it.


Attorney Weiss said the prior Consultants need to get with Mr. Burns.


Chair Garner asked was that the only invoice that has not been taken care of.


Attorney Weiss said the only other thing was footage for the Lawn Mower Parade. When we get video it will be paid.


Mr. DuBree asked about doing things correctly, would we follow the Strategic Plan.


Attorney Weiss you must follow your rules as they stand today.


Mr. DuBree what is your suggestion.


Mrs. Gutcher said the word grant is a gift of money with no strings attached only non-profit, Art Center, Music Theatre; Marketing funds promote tourism, reimbursable funds.


Attorney Weiss said in trying to follow the grant applications, eligible use of the funds; he mentioned 2/3 of the funds; bed nights. Follow rules, if you don’t like, change it.


4.      General Business


          a. Approval of Chisano Marketing Group Task Orders and Discussion of Additional Tasks

Ø  Allara Mills-Gutcher, Planning Director/TDC Administrator  

The Task Order for travel for Chisano. She said the reason for going this route is to prevent from what happen


Mr. Bouch I can assure that you need the task order for anything outside of the $2500.


Joint Workshop with the Economic Development, BOCC, CRA Quincy, MainStreet –Chattahoochee on October 28, 2014.


Task Order – October 9, 2014 for travel $300 not to exceed Holt, Thro 8-0

Task Order – October 15, 2014 for Mobile App part is covered under Visit Florida - $8,000 DuBree, Holt 8-0


Mr. Thro asked for basic info on app, is this the correct time to do this or do you.


Mr. Bouch said yes, they are going through a process, right now the need to put together. We need to go through the process with preliminary approval.


          b.   Strategic Plan Revision Selection   

Ø  Allara Mills-Gutcher, Planning Director/TDC Administrator 

Mrs. Gutcher gave background and said this was prompted after the conclusion of two visioning sessions this calendar year.

Mr. Bouch we had first concern call with the TDC team. He asked what the potential stage to be set. He gave overview. He truly understands everything that is going on in this County. To rally all the stakeholders. You guys become mouthpiece for the county. Initial cheat sheet, on the planning put it is a list of possibilities. He said it was just some things for the Council to think about.

Mrs. Gutcher asked for direction.

Mrs. Holt said if they have updates often, they would be fine.

Chair Garner directed Mrs. Gutcher to continue working with Chisano and keep the Council update.

Strategic Plan -   Attorney Weiss consider both of the proposals. If you don’t take low bid, have a reason.

Mrs. Holt asked is it within your contract to do Strategic Plan.

Mr. Bouch he said it was odd, because that is what they do. He said there would be a little bit travel and handle what we are doing.

Mrs. Holt asked should they contract out.

Mrs. Gutcher said we pay them 2,500 a month for Chisano, 28 hours a month; Carpe Diem and Pam Portwood.

Mr. DuBree said where our money better is being spent.

Mr. Bouch said he would rather

Mr. Jackson said Mr. Bouch Chisano needs to be apart of the Strategic Plan. We need to trust who we hire to do what they do.

Mr. Garner asked about the budget where was it listed for the Strategic Plan.

Bob Lauther, he discussed the redo of the Strategic Plan give it Mr. Bouch and see if it makes sense.

Mr. Knight asked about the RFP.

Mr. Weiss she they didn’t need a formal RFP.

Mr. Thro asked where the two proposals public records, would they like to table to bring a proposals back. What time frame could we get this done.

Mr. Bouch said it could be complete by the end of year and he would let us know what is needed.

Chair Garner said not to take action at this meeting

   DuBree/Jackson -We recommend Chisano for the Strategic Plan and be completed with the monthly retainer with completion date of December 31, 2014. 8-0 approved

        c.   Appointment to the RiverWay South AC (RWSAC) Board (Two Members)  

Ø  Allara Mills-Gutcher, Planning Director/TDC Administrator

Motion: to make Allara Mills-Gutcher- At Large Persons - Thro/ DuBree -8-0

        d.   Florida Governors Conference on Tourism Report  

Ø  David Knight –Sept. 21-24, 2014 we lodged Woldorf Astoria Resort, great conference hosted by Visit Florida.

Ø  Clarence Jackson – gave up as well. When we are all on one accord we can do great things.

Ø  Jeff DuBree – Tourism is helping carry the Florida Economy. Millennium generation.


Clarence Jackson left at this juncture.


        e.   Funding Requests – (Current Balance $22,000.00)

Ø  Rocky Comfort Farms - $3,000.00  Mrs. Gutcher said table to next meeting in Nov. Look over and let evaluation reflect what we have now. We have $22,000 in budget.

                        Have to follow the Strategic Plan for marketing funds.


   Motion: Holt/Knight - to table until next meeting give staff time to do analysis and give recommendation 5-2 (Dowdell/Thro opposed.)


Mr. Dowdell entered at this juncture of the meeting.


Attorney Weiss said his take on the grant application is that it is a grant application for grant marketing funds goes to public or not profit. Marketing grants where you are telling an organization that you will reimburse for up to certain expense. They still have to meet statute. We want to use marketing funds to promote the county. These particular events weren’t budgeted by line items instead lumped in one some.


 Mrs. Badger asked about the 2/3 mile radius and changing name to Marketing Application.


Mrs. Gutcher said they need to do analysis.


Mr. Dowdell asked that they get the tentative approval because it will already occur.


Mrs. Gutcher said there was no timeline; it could be submitted after the fact.


Mr. Lauther said they have put the advertisement out there with the logo in print media and so on.


·         Pumpkin Patch and Hay Rides

Ø  North Florida Education Corporation - $2,500.00

·         Diversity Day

Ø  Havana Merchants - $5,000.00

·         Pumpkin Festival - $2,500.00

·         Lawn Mower Parade - $2,500.00


5.      Discussion of Bed Tax Collection Rate  

Ø  Allara Mills-Gutcher, Planning Director/TDC Administrator

One of counties that don’t collect all the Bed Tax Collection to increase bed tax. Gadsden County collects 3cent.

Mrs. Holt said she would like more data and where we fall.


6.      Report(s) from County Attorney

Ø  David Weiss, BOCC Attorney


7.      Items of discussion from Council members (no vote items)  


Holt – Apalachee Regional Planning Council selling tax credits. We need projects in the Hopper. We need to come up with some projects.



8.      Public Comments


9.      Adjournment @5:30pm



Upcoming meetings:   November 17, 2014 at 3:30


Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, the County hereby advises the public that: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, her or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.


 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should call the Community Development Department at 662-3306, no later than 5:00 p.m. at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.