Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida


Regular Public Meeting

February 3, 2015

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, PhD, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3 - absent

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair Holt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


  Morgan/V 4-0




Recognition of Americorps Gadsden Reads

  Chair Holt asked everyone to step forward for the Presentation of the Plaque.


Commissioner Hinson arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


Chair Holt read the proclamation aloud.



Alex Quintana, Field Representative with Senator Gwen Graham’s Office,

   Alex Quintana appeared



Update from Bid Bend Transit Regarding the Gadsden Connector

   Shawn Mitchell appeared before the Board to give an update regarding Big Bend Transit.


Commissioner Taylor reappeared at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Morgan thanked him for the update and had some questions.


Commissioner Taylor thanked him. 


Commissioner Hinson thanked him for attending the meeting.  He asked about expanding the services and having different “drop-off” spots.  Commissioner Hinson added that when the commissioner hold their retreat, Mr. Mitchell should attend.


Chair Holt said when started initially, was done with Star Metro, agreement fell through.  Bus is too small.  Looking for grant money, but also looking for opportunities.


Mr. Presnell asked him to enlighten the Board regarding the “Call Ride” program.





  Morgan/Hinson 5-0


Approval of Minutes



Approval of Signatures for Special Assessment Liens and Rehabilitation Contract-SHIP Program





Commissioner Hinson wanted to recognize Black History Month and thanked everyone for the struggles.





Mrs. Kruize, Black Heritage Museum










PUBLIC HEARING-First Public Hearing Regarding Community Development Block Grant Application for the Purchase of a New EMS Facility

   Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.  Was one of two required hearings in this process.  Chair Holt asked if anyone wished to speak regarding this item


Commissioner Morgan said had looked through item and recognized Citizens Advisory voted against building and asked reasoning.


Tommy Baker, EMS Director, appeared before the Board and informed them the Task Force suggested acquiring property at the hospital and having a new building erected.


Dr. V said understood line of thinking of the Task Force-personally toured grounds last week at hospital and have square feet of unused space.  Makes sense to use what county had and not go to expense of grant money for building.


Commissioner Morgan asked how less money.


Dr. V said already have space at hospital, “penny saved is penny earned”


Commissioner Morgan asked Administrator if would use less money renovating existing building versus remodeling hospital for use.


Presnell said would like to see done with grant money to save the Board the expense.


Commissioner Taylor asked Mr. Baker the makeup of the Citizens Task Force.  She said if able to utilize grant for Thomas Motor Cars building, would be at no cost.  If build out at hospital will be at county expense.  She asked if a funding source had been found.  Concerned that would be cost to county if moved forward with building; know no-one available to write, implement or facilitate it. 


Commissioner Hinson said concurred with everything everyone said.  Believes in purchasing property because may need property down the road.  If given 5 acres of land with building, don’t see where could go wrong.


Chair Holt said was against project, hospital not built out, if opportunity to build out hospital, opportunity to go after.  Not in favor of taking property off tax roll.  Need to back up, fix hospital & do what told folks would initially do.


Emmanual Sapp 821 2nd Street, Quincy, FL, appeared before the Board, of same perspective of Dr. V and Commissioner Holt said. 


Commissioner Hinson asked once property obtained, did it have to be used for EMS. 


Chair Holt stepped out at this juncture of the meeting.


Mr. Presnell said if obtained grant, would have to be used for EMS-Yes.


Commissioner Hinson asked if could be shown in contract where it had to be used for EMS.


Mr. Baker appeared before the Board to explain.


Chair Holt reappeared at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Hinson said before making a decision, wanted to have all facts before him.


Commissioner Taylor agreed there was not enough information before them-additional information needed.


Commissioner Morgan moved approval of Option 1 before second, Chair had comments.


Chair Holt said they looked at two options, could have applied for 2 CDBG grants, did not.  Don’t take property off tax roll.


Morgan/Taylor  Hinson called for question.


Hinson said if not approved-will be another hearing-yes first meeting in March.


Hinson said interesting, 1st thought to approve, if not approved-dead.  Hate to kill it, wants to do more research.


Dr. V asked clarification of motion, either done today or done for some other purpose.


Chair said if approved tonight, how does it affect contract.


Presnell said if voted in the affirmative, will incur expenses, will come back for second public hearing.


Holt said advising as commissioner to wait because attorney could not answer.


Hinson asked if item could be tabled.


Dr. V said motion is not to approve to apply for CDBG grant, motion is to apply and if approved, dealership will be purchased.


Hinson asked if could be tabled-if vote against it-dead-if move forward-will have 2nd hearing.


Holt called for the vote.  Morgan, Taylor-yes; Holt/V no.  Hinson did not vote either way. After discussion, Holt said his vote no.


Hinson motion to table/Taylor  Presnell asked if should be “continue”.  Motion and second amend  4-1 Morgan against.



Approval of Agreement Between Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit, Inc. for the Operation of the Quincy Shuttle

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.  


V/Morgan 5-0



Appointment to the CareerSource Capital Region Board

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Hinson said had opportunity to talk with Mr. Roy Moore and due to misunderstandings wasn’t attending meetings but will be able to attend meetings.


Morgan said in favor of suggested replacement.  Holt wanted to keep Mr. Moore


Hinson/Taylor to keep Roy Moore 4-1 Morgan opposed.


Approval to Utilize County Law Enforcement Funds to Conduct the 4th Annual Rural County Summit  Item pulled



Approval of Agreement with the Gadsden County Chamber of Commerce Small Business Service Center



Comments before vote


Holt spoke with Mr. Gardner and reporting part only thing had concerns with.  Discussion followed.


Dr. V said strongly support but sees sore spot focusing on contract. 


Morgan asked if Chamber ever failed to provide report when asked-no-have they been late-have been late


Taylor said always contended that that anyone with tax payers money be accountable-they are.  GCDC required to do report.  No problem with reporting-wants to make sure fair across board.


Holt asked Hinson if he had problem with suggestions V mentioned.


V asked if he would amend motion for performance based report


Taylor said protection, don’t think can entertain another contract-not agendaed-move forward with Chambers contract


Holt called for vote-4-1-Holt opposed



Approval to Sell House owned by the County Located on Brumby Street

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Hinson asked if put out for bid-yes in all three local papers.  Asked if money could go into affordable housing


V/Taylor approval of option 1


Morgan said what some would say “teachable moment” and hoped was prime example of poor choices.


Morgan stepped out at this juncture of the meeting.


Holt explained how county came to own property.




Approval to Sell a Parcel of County Property located on Crawfish Road

  Mr. Presnell said similar item as #11.


V said one of things expressed concern with at last meeting.  What methods used where only 1 bid received-need to attract more bids.


Holt said need to see advertisements for sales attached to agenda item.


Morgan/V option 1 5-0



Discussion of Lease-W.S. Stevens Alternative School

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Emmanual Sapp, 821 2nd Street, Quincy, FL appeared before the board-Mrs. Ford been good housekeeper of property. Since 2010, same board has been using facility for personal gain and wanted to bring to Board and Attorney’s attention that commissioner overstepping and receiving personal gains from building.   Need to re-negotiate lease agreement with Mrs. Ford.


Presenting documents to county attorney for him to investigate-


Mrs. Kruize appeared before the Board and said had been at Stevens School since February, 2014 and has Black Heritage Museum at building.


Holt said she spoke with Mrs. Ford, told Ms. Taylor, spoke with Manager, does not want to make judgment calls, wants attorney to look into matter.  Wants proof of insurance and upkeep, and individuals there that did not have contract but had access to building.


Taylor asked that she hear from Ms. Carolyn Ford.


Ms. Carolyn Ford appeared before the Board.


Taylor asked the validity of the sub-contract and what she could expound on.


Mrs. Ford said had to replace roof and has tried to maintain it.  Last black high school left in county.  Has not been able to get grant because county owned. 


Taylor said question raised regarding compensation for building, spoke with attorney, no compensation on her behalf, and documentation in place to support.  She asked Mr. Presnell of he had toured building-yes- he and building inspector did and in good shape.  She said for record, she asked for tour.


Taylor said came into building before she was commissioner and provided after-school services. Received grant and has provided services for 23 years.  Provide parenting classes, adult education,   Taylor said this was after her, did not have anything to do with school.  Cautioned those-when person fulfilling their purpose in life be careful, her purpose is to serve.


Holt asked what different programs were there, allowed Mrs. Kruize to come-no contract.  Another program there on west side & large food pantry where serve 400 families a month


Hinson asked Mrs. Ford if she approved everything that goes on there-no.  She sub-contracts with Ms. Taylor.


Taylor asked if on occasion, there are people that contact Taylor, she has them contact Mrs. Ford.  Young man there, ultimate decision was with Mrs. Ford.  Taylor said people contact her because they think she owns building.


Holt said should be treated as any other county building.


Dr. V said he was “new kid on the block and does not have history”-asked if someone hurt, who would be primary person responsible.


Weiss said had reviewed lease, acting like private property, lease requires insurance and has indemnity provision.


Holt said if had insurance and meets criteria, ok-but no proof of insurance.


Hinson said had phone call from young lady, everything that county rents to Mrs. Ford was in her name-no


Mrs. Ford said Ms. Taylor subleases, she is to maintain her part of building, don’t charge anyone any money; said only gave Taylor one room but took 2.


Holt asked if Administrator had requested proof of insurance and discussed with Mrs. Ford and have not received it.


Mrs. Kruize re-approached podium-said did try to get insurance and would not because of shape of building and can’t afford to renovate. Hope to stay there and felt important because of school. 


Taylor said glad of having discussion because needed to be made clear.  No longer running programs-stopped in 2011 or 2012.  No agreement in place, had liability insurance when doing services there. 






Update on Various County Issues

  Economic Development ordinance completed and asked for workshop.


Focus group going well and will continue to meet each Thursday at 6:00 p.m.


Appreciation dinner at Riverchase


Morgan asked questions regarding focus group- had talked at length and asked if being implemented asked to see ads


Asked to be provided P&Z ordinance and asked it be agendaed for discussion.


V said thought with commissioner’s appointment, document specified what board commissioners appointed to and numbers and thought every commissioner was to appoint 2 from each district.


Holt asked if he would tell what problem he had-don’t have to appoint from their own agenda; not


Televising meeting-if in financial position to do so-


Holt stepped out


V asked how much money in bank when was advertising


Taylor said why won’t support now was because of trying to get funding in middle of year


Holt returned.


Taylor said will support, but not until next fiscal year.


Both Morgan and Holt talking at same time, she sated officer in meeting.  Morgan asked if she was going to have him removed and stated did not think so.




Update on Various Legal Issues



Hinson asked what discussed with other attorney regarding Havana Heights.





Report and Discussion of Public Issues and Concerns Pertaining to Commission Districts and Gadsden County



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, PhD, District 2

  2 items-what potential buyer’s intention of property-drive is economic development

other is list of discretionary expenses sent and was lot of items-Administrator has tremendous discretionary latitude and if not out of order move to reduce


Morgan left at this juncture of the meeting.


V said if not out or order move to amend and reduce funds to $,500-Hinson seconded


Weiss said needed to be placed on agenda.


Taylor called for discussion. Said with amount that low, could hinder and would need to come before Board at every meeting.


Presnell said keep in mind each item on list would be an agenda item.


Holt said could be discussed, suggested they call Manager or Assistant Manager.


Taylor said when they call, Administrator to have info as to how could hinder.



V said would like to have on record his suggestion was not indication that Administrator had abused, think latitude too liberal and was his personal opinion.



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor, District 5

  GCDC Contract-adding in necessity of reports and wants to make sure brought back and other contracts amended-need accountability


All County Buildings-if walk in any of them, could be sued.  Be accountable


Dr. V stepped out.


 Concerned about tabling of CDBG grant-may have missed the boat.



Commissioner Eric Taylor, Vice-Chair, District 1

   Thanked the administration team


Said one of most liberal commissioners,


reason for pausing


V returned


Reason for pausing because get info from leaders, need to get in front of things and hold onto money.



Commissioner Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

  Focus group did good job, looking after going after funding, group had no problem in stating why they go to Tallahassee at 1:00 a.m. to eat, etc.


Being innovative and need to bring community together.


She asked that they tour the hospital, see sections not developed, physician asked about putting facility there. 


Governor talking about cutting state positions, most of Gadsden County works for government, FSH, school Board, need to look at economic development, come to meetings and have voices heard.


Hinson said wanted to thank Shawn Mitchell for getting grants and thanked Stacey for doing awesome job her first month.  Need to make sure to find full-time economic development person.  Tallahassee just added international airport and economic opportunities will be coming. 


Holt said Focus group meets Thursday at 6:00 p.m.


Wants to talk with Gwen Graham and see if way can get match to bring in economic development.





Gadsden County Development Council January 2015 Newsletter





February 17, 2015 – Regular Meeting

March 3, 2015 – Regular Meeting



Adjourned at 8:40 p.m.