Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida


Regular Public Meeting

March 3, 2015

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1-appeared by telephone

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair Holt called meeting to Order at 6:00 p.m., called for silent prayer and led in Pledge of Allegiance to U.S. Flag.  Silent roll call taken by Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk.




V/Morgan 5-0




Proclamation Honoring Aaron “Coach” Battle

  Chair Holt read aloud and presented the Proclamation to Mrs. Arrie Mims Battle.





Cash-In-Bank Summary Report

  Mr. Thomas gave a summary of cash in the bank report for the Commissioners.  He

mentioned the funds in the Transportation fund was the lowest it had been in a long time.


Commissioner Taylor asked questions.


Commissioner Morgan asked questions regarding the boating fund and the transportation fund.



  Morgan/V 5-0



Approval of Minutes

                -December 16, 2014 Regular Meeting

                -January 6, 2015 Regular Meeting

                -January 20, 2015 Regular Meeting



Approval to Dispose of Surplus Property and Equipment











PUBLIC HEARING-Continued-CDBG Grant Application

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.


Chair Holt asked Commissioner Hinson if he needed more research-no-move forward.


V-move recommendation to Citizens Task Force/Holt second Taylor called for questions.


Taylor said question before board was to approve or not the building-item of building new building not agendaed.


Morgan agreed with Taylor and asked Attorney for guidance.


Recommended adopting task force recommendation and disapprove moving forward otherwise.  Recommend motion be amended to not move forward with application.


V asked who owned property and who held title to property-Capital City Bank. 


Mr. Presnell stated if going the way going, will be year out and will miss cycle and does not needed to be decided now.


Adjust motion to apply now or next year and when funds received, use funds to build with recommendation of task force/Holt second  Hinson glad motion adjusted.


Mr. Weiss said before them tonight was option 2, but move forward at later date with different CDBG grant.


3-2 not approve


PUBLIC HEARING-(Quasi-Judicial)-Fletcher Mine Driveway (V-2015-01) Consideration of a Variance Order

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Morgan said good example of how citizens bill of rights was designed to work and did work.


Dr. V said for clarification did this need super majority to pass-yes.


Commissioner Taylor said was public hearing and was not acknowledged with this last item.


Holt said notification process was in place before Citizens Bill of Rights established.


Chair Holt asked if any public comments and there were none.


Dr. V asked if shortening driveway to give property owners more land.


Randy Lane, Consolidated Design Professions, Consulting Engineer, sworn in by Deputy Clerk, moving road 160 feet as opposed to 180 feet and temporary road to service the road and when mining finished, road will be taken away.


Morgan option 1/Taylor 5-0


Mr. Weiss said they did not ask if there were any public comments for Item 5 and asked at this time if there were any comments and there was none.





Approval to Utilize Law Enforcement Funds to Conduct Fourth Annual Rural County Summit

  Mr. Presnell introduced the item.


V/Morgan 5-0



Approval of Fuel Services Inter-local Agreement with FAMU Board of Trustee

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Morgan asked Administrator if agreements could be made only with other government agencies and if this qualified.  Legal questions.  If they qualified, had no problems.


Mr. Weiss said definition would include them.


Dr. V asked about termination and late payments.  Not included in agreement.


V suggested to table until attorneys work out/Morgan 5-0



Approval of 2015 Small County Consolidated Grant Agreement with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Morgan/V 5-0



Discussion of Implementing Workshops Prior to Each Regular County Commission Meeting

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item


Chair Holt said when she mentioned this, crickets could be heard.  Spoke with other counties and they hold workshops but not mandatory.


V said was just for discussion and not vote, but understand intent and what designed to so, but if had no quorum would it be out of sunshine? 


If no quorum, could not have debate


Taylor said Chair beats her up enough to come to workshop for more, would not attend and would not want to attend and won’t support, but if felt items that needed to discuss beforehand, willing to do, but unable to attend on regular basis.


Morgan shared same concerns that V and Taylor said, have hard time staying on agenda items,


Chair asked if Commissioner Hinson had anything to say and he said no comment.


Chair said had no problems with not doing it now, but asked that they consider it for later.



Discussion and/or Approval of Revisions to the County’s Procurement Policy

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Mr. Arthur Lawson appeared before the Board and said it was requested to bring back the County Administrator’s spending threshold.  He said even though Administrator had approval up to $25,000, they receive quotes between $10,000-$25,000.  Also any contracts are Board approved.  He added if threshold set too low, would hinder County and gave example.


Dr. V asked Mr. Lawson what threshold was before April, 2006 when this threshold was adopted-$10,000.


Commissioner Hinson said if looked at Jackson County-threshold was $10,000, Suwanee County $5,000-reason-need to be conservative until find out what direction State is headed.


Morgan said he did not follow what he was saying-purchasing plan in place and how tied into place what State is doing.


Dr. V said if members remembered last meeting, he made motion to a very liberal threshold moved that they keep threshold at $5,000, over/Hinson second.


Taylor said need to be careful, but understand there was a check and balance in place with Clerk’s office and since been commissioner, never had more conservative administrator and why reserves are where are; other counties have different personalities and will now tie arms of government; however dollars spent now are dollars in coffers-not progressive move.  If vote for this, Administrator and Assistant needs to remind Board of hindrance.  She asked Dr. V for clarity.


Morgan said heard conversation, and will cost money instead of saving because of all administrative nightmares.  Have effective policy in place.


Mr. Presnell said $5,000 figure would cause serious issues and two departments, Public Works one and will have no power to do anything.


Mr. Lawson said had been with County 23 years and never had threshold been less than $10,000.  Additional money needed for advertising and staff preparing.  If concerned with no bids before, lot of businesses don’t want to put formal bids out.  Whatever they want will deal with it.


Commissioner Hinson called for comment.


Chair Holt said called couple of counties, Jackson and Madison, asked how they ran it.  If emergency, bring before the Board as emergency.  Upped limit when building


3-2 passed.




Discussion of Possible Amendment to Ordinance 2014-002 Relating to Private Road Acquisitions

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


V asked if considering changing from 60’ to what?


Mr. Presnell said looking at reducing from 60’ and to discuss what width and would it increase amount of roads from private to county-maintained-yes.  Asked how affect original plan for SCRP, SCOP-if accept narrower roadway, hurt chance of receiving future grants. If don’t-would hurt available of being included in future funding.  Need to look at impact of developing roads.


Taylor said with regards to private roads, trying to give citizens relief on roads because they pay taxes-no regards with CRPTA, try to give them roads they can approve, know what criteria is.  Just asking to give citizens relief.


V said met with Transportation and Administrator few days ago to see how would fit with CRPTA planning and now accepting and adopting roads with point system.  Can adopt all roads in County, but must meet CRPTA


Holt said if going to do this, take ones that are 60’ wide and others need to come up to standard.


Taylor said concurred at last meeting and brought months ago to try to give relief to some residents.  Only goal to try to incorporate as many as possible.  Can see staying with 60’.  Asked them to consider that this was constituents. 


Taylor option 3/V 5-0





Update on Board Requests

  Gadsden Legislative day Thursday, March 12th 9:00-1:00 p.m.


Friday, March 13th 12:00 p.m. at Winn-Dixie ribbon cutting for new bus program


Retreat-April 9th 4:00 Creek Entertainment


Citizens Bill of Rights Workshop- March 17th   Starting at 4:00 p.m.


Annual Relay for Life coming up-last year had personal donations from board and if interested


Morgan asked if they gave individually-yes but Board also gave $1,000


Holt said worked Capital and many chairs, tents working legislature and need to step up


Dr. V asked if meant Lawson and Doolin would head-yes.





Update on Various Legal Issues

  Mr. Weiss gave update on Ashford-successful in getting dismissed at trial court phase, getting affirmed at appeal, question on attorney’s fee and if would appeal district court decision.  Not successful.





Report and Discussion on Public Issues and Concerns Pertaining to Commission Districts and Gadsden County.



Commissioner Viegbesie, District 2

  2 items-1-old sign on Highway 12 before where daycare use to be-speeding sign for school sign-citizens said given ticket by trooper but school no longer there-can sign be taken up?


State road-will have to go through DOT


Intersection 12-Point Milliken-needs caution light because dangerous.


Holt asked about light at State highway if DOT had to look at also-yes.



Commissioner Morgan, District 3

  Mentioned if not done so, look at quarterly report from Chamber.



Commissioner Taylor, District 4

  2 things-recommendations made to his office with P&Z representatives-when coming before the Board- 17th


Gadsden County School Board hosting Special Olympics on-Fans in the Stands- Friday, March 6th at 9:30



Commissioner Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

  Thanked Administrator & Staff for outstanding job last month



Commissioner Holt, Chair, District 4

  Holt went to Tallahassee and met with couple of Senators to push agenda forward and need to lobby every chance get.


Goodwill opening-no elected officials present-tried to sell on radio job availability


Gwen Graham’s aid present to meet with commissioners.





a. Mediacom February 6, 2015

b. Gadsden County Health Department Source of Contribution Report





                -March 17, 2015 – Regular Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.

                -April 7, 2014 – Regular Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.



  Adjourned at 7:39 p.m.