Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida


Regular Public Meeting

April 21, 2015

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1-arrived late

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., asked for a moment of silence, led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.



  Move Item 1 to 4A

Morgan/V 4-0





Proclamation - Water Conservation Month

Moved to Item 4A



Gadsden Arts Centers Programs and Operations for 2014

  Angie Berry, Curator from the Gadsden Arts Center, appeared before the Board and gave an update of their operations for 2014.



Mr. Thomas was not present and there was nothing to report.



Morgan/V 4-0 


Commissioner Hinson appeared



Proclamation – National County Government Month



Approval of Minutes

                February 17, 2015 Regular Board Meeting



Proclamation - Water Conservation Month







   Willie Scott, 26 Shaw Lane, Quincy, FL-The Scottown Park.  Mr. Scott appeared before the Board to inform them they had been working on the park and asked the County to clean up the overgrown trees to enable them to keep the park mowed.  He also asked for a sign for the park.



   Wilbert Butler, 264 Career Avenue, Havana, FL  32333 Aquaponics Program, appeared before the Board and said he represented Havana Community.  He had a powerpoint presentation to show the Board concerning the aquaponics program he has in Havana.  He said he was submitting a proposal to be placed on the budgeting process.



   Kara Palmer, 1140 West Clark Street, Quincy, FL  CareerSource Capital Region, 2015 Gadsden County Job Fair, appeared before the Board and thanked them for being a partner in the upcoming job fair that will be held.


Commissioner Hinson asked if the shuttle service could assist in transporting people from Havana to the job fair.  He also asked the commissioners to ask businesses in their districts to take part in this.





PUBLIC HEARING-Board Approval of Bank United’s/Pinnacle Finance Loan Proposal and Ordinance to Refund the Balance of the County’s $3,850,628 2013 Gas Tax Loan and Provide an Additional $6.4 Million of New Money

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.


Chair Holt asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak and there was no-one.


Dr. V asked if this money was exclusive for transportation projects or could it be used for anything.


Jason Breth, Esquire, Bryant, Miller and Olive, appeared before the Board and said by statute this limited to be used for construction of roads.


Hinson/V 5-0



PUBLIC HEARING-Adoption of Ordinance No. 2015-005, An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Gadsden County, Florida, Amending the Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Ordinance of Gadsden County, Florida, Ordinance No. 2012-003, currently codified at Chapter 74, Article I, Section 5 of the Gadsden County Code or Ordinances, to provide for application throughout the unincorporated and incorporated areas of the County; providing for repeal, severability, inclusion and renumbering in the Gadsden County Code, and modifications that may arise from consideration at public hearing; and providing for an effective date

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item and then deferred to the County Attorney to explain.


Chair Holt asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak.


Beth Kirkland, Gadsden County Development Council, and said the Development Council was in favor of this item.


Commissioner Taylor asked about the “incorporated areas” and the municipalities and where they stood in regard to this ordinance.  In favor and everyone was on board.


Dr. V asked if this could be used for personal property that had a home based business in the home.  Mr. Weiss explained there was certain criteria that had to be met to be eligible for this.


Commissioner Hinson said he agreed with this but said they needed to make sure they were financially able to cut taxes before going forward with this.


Chair Holt said they were not talking about reducing the tax, this would provide for a reduction in the added value of property.


Commissioner Morgan asked the attorney if they were talking about amending an existing ordinance-yes.  Would this go to the citizens in the form of a referendum-yes.  He then asked Mr. Presnell if they had looked at potential growth.  He asked if this had been discussed with the City Boards-no.


Mr. Presnell pointed out this was a case by case basis, it had to come before the Board to be approved.


Hinson/V 4-1 Morgan opposed





Update On County Parks and Boat Ramps

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.


Clyde Collins appeared before the Board and said there was currently 10 parks and boat ramps.


Commissioner Hinson said the parks was one of his “pet peeves” and pointed out District 1 was one of the largest districts and had the smallest park.  He would like to secure another area for a park in his district.  He asked the advantage of someone donating property to the County for a park.  Asked what County was doing to obtain funds.


Mr. Presnell said each year the County applies for grants for parks.  He said donated property would be ideal.


Commissioner Morgan asked how they monitored people that used the parks.


Mr. Presnell said other than Pat Thomas, that was gated and money had to be paid, they did not monitor.


Dr. V asked about Shaw Quarters Park-in city limit.  Dr. V asked if ordinance to prohibit alcohol in parks-prohibited by ordinance.  Asked if sign could be placed that spelled out do’s and don’ts and Clyde said should be Code of Conduct sign at all parks.  Suggested Clyde be made Director of Parks and someone be placed in charge of activities at parks-to be looked at during budget season.


Commissioner Taylor said FRDAP grant was limited and while discussing budget, put real dollars in budget and interested in exploring this matter.


Mr. Presnell pointed out the amount of money currently in the budget for parks.


John Maklin appeared before the Board and stated if they could spend $1.5 Million on roads, they could use some of the money that was left over and build a park with that money.  Commissioner Viegbesie pointed out road money was restricted funds.



Approval To Sell Surplus Tractor To City Of Quincy

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item and stated City of Quincy had requested a surplus tractor.


Commissioner Taylor asked if this had been surplus and the value fair.


Taylor/V Hinson had comments before vote taken.


Morgan said may be reason priced way it was and asked that it be left as was on agenda.





Approval Of Local Agency Program (LAP) Contracts For Atlanta Street

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.

V/Holt 5-0



Approval of the Criteria of the Summer Youth Employment Program 2015

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.


Hinson asked if mentally handicapped kids that no age bracket be placed for those.  Dr. V pointed out the politically correct term was “mentally challenged”. 


Commissioner Taylor pointed out almost impossible to hire a student that was not a friend or family to the commissioners.  She asked if each commissioner was still allowed to pick 5-yes.  She asked that they consider to allow 5 and if they would allow one student to have a lower


Curt Richardson, 206 East 10th Avenue, Havana, FL, appeared before the Board and said had been unsuccessful in past to get couple of students to work with their aquaponics program. 


Mr. Presnell directed him to Mr. Lawson.


Commissioner Morgan asked the fiscal impact-$104,000.  Mr. Presnell said additional money would come out of contingency.  After this money comes out, would leave $15,000 in contingency.  Commissioner Morgan asked if good idea to take out over half of contingency money for this.


V/Hinson V withdrew motion and second withdrawn


V motion to adopt with modification to include equitable method of selection that was impartial as well as the accommodations for those physically and mentally challenged using ADA guidelines and for the selection of students that the commissioners choose should be consideration for at least one of the five that might not meet the grade entirely but have a minimum of “D” average/Taylor 4-1 Morgan opposed



Request Approval Amending the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners Procurement Policy to Provide for a Local Preference in Bid Awards, to Permit the Utilization of Contracts of Other Entities on the Same Terms and Conditions if the Contract was Competitively Bid, and to Permit Bid Awards to the Next Lowest Bidder After Rescission of the Low Bid Without a New Solicitation

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Mr. Lawson appeared before the board and stated gave local preference and further explained ordinance to commission.


Dr. V said this was one of first things discussed after he became commissioner and had questions for the county attorney.


Commissioner Taylor pointed out with businesses, by-pass, etc., not many locals employed, not many locals used for building of by-pass and not many work at casino.


Mr. Weiss pointed out this only pertained to County procurement, the County could not tell companies who to employ.


Chair Holt said a workshop needed to be held regarding this matter.


Hinson said had problem because something County Administrator handled with his “threshold”.


There was further discussion around the Board.


Commissioner Morgan stepped out at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Morgan returned at this juncture of the meeting.


Dr. V made motion to workshop item/Holt second 5-0





Update on Various Board Requests

  Thursday CRTPA holding workshop

May 12th Gadsden County Development Council 10:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Creek Entertainment

May 14th-workshop 5:30-6:30 at Library DOT holding workshop on bike trail

 850 magazine Gadsden County mentioned in magazine for incentives

Retreat-need another to finish up and move into issues commissioners have-discuss next meeting

Workshop on incentives





Update on Various Legal Issues

  Nothing to report


Commissioner Hinson said concerning Havana Heights- issue had previously been discussed before fire, need to be aggressive in contacting owner and figure out how to sit down and discuss this.


Chair Holt asked what his request was-need to have dialogue


Mr. Weiss said Board could address safety, health and welfare issues, private property owner generally has right to exclude, thinks property insurer would have problem along with HUD.


Holt suggested to look at what the Board was allowed to do.


Taylor said residents’ civil rights were being violated.


Suggested attorney send letter.


Taylor cautioned them to be careful what was put in writing.


Morgan left the meeting at this juncture.





Report and Discussion of Public Issues and Concerns Pertaining to Commission Districts and Gadsden County



Commissioner Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, PhD, District 2

  Dr. V said only had one thing-citizens complaining about electricity bill and asked attorney if anything that could be done to help relieve citizens.



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor, District 5

  She asked Administrator if continuing to document SS satellite office-yes, kiosk was next step


Heard comments around board regarding county administrator’s procurement threshold and asked at last meeting to revisit this.


Hinson said his concern was echoed by Taylor


Dr. V said Jackson County was bigger and their threshold was low.


Taylor said she was concerned with Gadsden County, where she was elected, not Jackson County.  She was wanted dialogue around the Board as to why this change was made, not saying rationale was wrong in doing this, just wants clarity.


She said Holt mentioned FAC and said she had not run across anyone wanting to come to Gadsden County.



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3



Commissioner Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

  Asked Mr. Presnell about Stevens School, interested in property to bring up to date.  Adams Street, Stevens School and ? was put in for historical property for funding.


Dr. V suggested grant writer reach out to ? in Tallahassee because she might be able to direct grant writer to available grants


Hinson said when start hiring directors, make sure they can write grants


Mr. Presnell said last year directors were able to obtain approximately $12 Million in grants


Pastor Charles Morris, 23201 Blue Star Highway, Quincy, appeared before the Board and thanked them for the Proclamation for President Magnum, FAMU President.





Florida Department of Health-Gadsden Quarterly Progress Report





May 5, 2015-Regular Meeting

May 19, 2015-Regular Meeting



  Meeting adjourned 8:49 p.m.