Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

April 5, 2016

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair Holt called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., asked for a moment of silence and then led in the Pledge to the U.S. Flag.  A silent roll call was taken by Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk.



  Morgan/V 5-0



  Mr. Presnell said three presentations tonight



Recognition of Mari Vanlandingham for Service on the Planning Commission

  Commissioner Morgan said he was honored to present the plaque to Mari on behalf of the Board for her service to the Planning Commission. He read aloud the plaque and then presented it to Mrs. Vanlandingham.



Proclamation Honoring National Library Week

  Mr. Presnell said the next presentation was a Proclamation honoring National Library Week.


Chair Holt read aloud the Proclamation and it was presented to Tabitha Washington, Librarian.  Ms. Washington thanked everyone for their support since she had come on Board.



Super Why Summer Reading Camp

  Mr. Presnell said there was a presentation from Mr. Buddy Harrison, Corporate Support Representative, WFSU Communications, appeared before the Board and introduced Kim Kelly.  She spoke briefly to the Board about the grant project and said the program targeted 3-6 year olds, was a camp that was three weeks long and would teach them different skills.  She brought research data to share with the Commissioners.





  Morgan/V 5-0


Dr. V said before they moved away from the Consent Agenda, in part of the minutes was the December 15, 2015 Succession Workshop minutes and asked when they would work on the process that was recommended at that workshop.  Chair Holt said to bring that up at the end of the meeting.



Approval of Proclamation for Water Conservation Month



Approval of Minutes

a.       September 10, 2015-Budget Hearing

b.      September 21, 2015-Budget Hearing

c.       December 15, 2015-Succession Workshop

d.      January 19, 2016-Economic Development Incentives Workshop

e.      February 2, 2016-Regular Meeting

f.        February 16, 2016-Regular Meeting

g.       March 1, 2016-Regular Meeting

h.      March 15, 2016-Regular Meeting









SECOND PUBLIC HEARING-Community Development Block Grant

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item and said they needed to adjourn the meeting to see if any public comment.


V/Morgan motion to adjourn meeting for discussion.


Mr. Presnell said this was second and final hearing and explained the hearing.  He asked if there was any public input.  Commissioner Morgan asked about the material before them and said he had not had a chance to review the packet and Mr. Presnell said it had just been provided to them.


Commissioner Hinson said this was a lot of information to absorb and asked the Attorney if this was his first time seeing this packet and he said it was.


Dee Jackson, Grant Writer, appeared before the Board and said the entire application was basic and said there was no write-up required for the grant and she explained the allocation of the money.


There was no public input.


Mr. Presnell they needed to re-convene the meeting.

V/Hinson  to adjourn hearing 5-0


Morgan/Hinson to reconvene Board Meeting 5-0


Hinson said had problem with $112 administration fee


Tom Lewis, President, DPB Consulting, addressed the Board said there was a process to qualify a consultant and that was not done.  He was helping because Gadsden County needed this grant.


Morgan asked if the deadline was April 25th, could this wait until the next meeting and Mr. Presnell said he did not want to take that chance.  Morgan stated he was not comfortable voting on this item without reviewing the packet


Hinson Motion to approve/V 4-1 Morgan opposed





Request for Capital Funding for Gadsden Arts Center Expansion Project

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.  Mr. Presnell said Ms. Robinson appeared before the Board earlier and it was tabled to give her a chance to request funding from Quincy CRA.  They have agreed to fund $9,500 Grace Robinson appeared before the Board. 


V said was in favor of this and had taken tour of building and had expansion project shown to him.


Morgan said understood value Art Center brought to County and felt the better way to fund was through the TDC and Grace said felt could fit but her concern was angle of marketing received from TDC.  Morgan encouraged the Commissioner to support finding through the TDC-what it designed for.


Holt said would vote for item but did not think should come through TDC, this Board should bite bullet and not put on another board and believed it was good project.


Taylor said she concurred with Morgan for TDC being funding source but heard Grace say that may compromise funding in the future from TDC.


Commissioner Viegbesie asked the Administrator if there was $25,000 available or did they have to find way to fund.  Mr. Presnell said if the Board chose to do so, the money would be available October 1st


V motion for approval of option 1/Taylor  Weiss said had to be subject to funds available


V amended motion for approval contingent upon money available/Hinson 4-1-Morgan opposed



2016 Paving Projects Phase II Bid Award

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item

Taylor/  5-0


V said did not see change order because he was absent last meeting serving with Canvassing Board




Concord Road Signal Task Order

  Mr. Presnell introduced


Hinson/Morgan  5-0



Interlocal Agreement for Road Resurfacing Projects

  Mr. Presnell introduced

Taylor/V V asked total amount of costs


Justin Ford, Preble-Rish appeared before the Board to address questions


Chair called for vote 5-0



2015 Striping Project-Change Order #1

  Mr. Presnell introduced

V/Morgan 5-0





Update on Various Board Requests

  Men of Action purchased building across from Doughnut shop

Had meeting at Farm Center

Health Council meeting here April 13th

Rural County Summit going on right now through Thursday

April 19th sign ordinance workshop

Joint workshop with municipalities-Havana at Library; Gretna at Casino and would like to get CRPTA representative issue resolved from these meetings

Budgeted money to acquire property in Dogtown for fire station and have found property and has offered really good deal-2 acre piece and asked they vote tonight to proceed  Hinson said he has asked for community center and everything being approved for district 2 and needs to be fair and have things in district 1


V said he was glad to hear Hinson make comment he made but this was for fire service in a dead zone and money was available and budgeted and hoped they could take “I, Me, Mine” out and do what was better for the County.


Morgan asked since it involved dollars, should it be agendaed for approval-Weiss said was OK


Taylor said with money being spent, needed to be placed on agenda


V withdrew motion.


V motion to agenda/Taylor


Hinson said in this part of district 2, before V became commissioner he rallied troops at New Bethel for fire service and he was huge supporter of infrastructure and want them to consider







 Update on Various Legal Issues

  Reported oral argument scheduled for June 7th 9 am





Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

  V make motion to present certificate of Recognition to the Greenery Place owned by Rontarius Green/Holt 5-0


Update of Florida Art Trail from CRPTA-in last meeting 3/21-CRPTA adopted 3 options-hat came from Task Force, length of bile trail, concerns of Tallavana School, May Nursery; recommend to FDOT to complete PD&E; authorize staff to form recommendations; authorize staff to further enhance and all 3 option s were motions for adoptions and it passed with V being only opposition


Bike trail going forward


Institution and Agencies being held ransom, systems being hacked into and asked Presnell if any measure in place county information safe from cyber-yes

V suggested mandatory training to all staff to help prevent hacking



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3

  Morgan asked Presnell if he could schedule ribbon cutting for Rosedale Park



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor, District 5

  Taylor said Presnell mentioned the Health Department having a dialogue and hope he scheduled meeting in near future


Met with couple that talked about cleaning lakes, lot of debris and fallen trees & building dam in Georgia that will affect water from reaching Florida and was told water would be taken from our lakes to raise to certain level in Georgia.  She said Herb Chancy was in that meeting and he may could provide more details


V said he thought that was one of the battles FL/GA/TN has been in for years-water wars


Summer jobs-asked if commissioners still were able to present 5 applications-yes-submit to his office


V said in announcement nothing saying commissioners could recommend 5 students – they can



Commissioner Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

  Recognized former student, graduated from Alabama State


asked to do resolution for  Coach Bernard and he will provide information/V second 5-0


Thanked Board for summer youth employment opportunities and still working on mentally challenged students


Thanked board for Concord road signs then rescinded because funds came from his budget


Mentioned to Board about changing name to Medical Boulevard because everything located in one area


Spoke with Congresswoman Graham about funding for youth programs



Commissioner Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

  Summer Job Program-asked to hold them long enough to have hospitality training


Welcoming small businesses


Receipt and File



a.  Resolution Honoring Melvin Ray

b. Proclamation Honoring Mrs. Roberta Pittman Stephens






April 19, 2016-Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.



  Adjourned at 7:44 p.m.