Thursday, May 12, 2016

6:00 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners Chambers

7 East Jefferson Street

Quincy, Florida 32351


Present:           Commissioner Regina Davis, At - Large Member, Chair

                            Commissioner William Chukes

                            Commissioner Lori Bouie

                          Commissioner David Tranchand

                          Commissioner Doug Nunamaker

                            Commissioner Frank Rowan

                            Commissioner Marion Lasley

                            Commissioner Roger Milton, School Board Representative

                            Allara Gutcher, Planning & Community Development Director

            Jill Jeglie, Principal Planner II

                          Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk


Absent:           Commissioner Gerald McSwain

                           Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges – Bright

                         Commissioner John Youmans

                         Commissioner Edward J. Dixie

           Willie Brown, Principal Planner    

           David Weiss, County Attorney



1.                  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  

Chair Davis called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with a quorum present. She then led in the pledge of allegiance to the US Flag and asked each person to silence their electronic devices for the duration of the meeting.


2.                  INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS/ROLL CALL   Tranchand/Lasley 7-0 Approval of Agenda

              Each member present stated his name and district for which he represents.              

3.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – APRIL 14, 2016





5.                   PUBLIC HEARING (Legislative) (LDR2016-04) – Consideration of amendments to Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement of the Land Development Code  

This hearing is required to offer a recommendation to the BOCC for the amendment of Chapter 1 of the Land Development Code as to the consistency of said amendments to the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 7 changes were voted on at the April 14 hearings).


Mrs. Gutcher said this is a continuation from last meeting. 1700 page 5 of 7. After the Planning Meeting and all other meetings 7 days after is her question. It leaves them a chance to present a different document.


Gutcher said the BOCC has the final authority. Planning is recommended body.

  Lasley comments – top of page 7, cooling off period


Chair Davis said the only thing that was changed was from highlighted area.


  Gutcher’s response

  Bouie – if there is a need for a change or you question the time change.

  Lasley – it allows the applicant a chance to make


    Bouie’s comments

  Gutcher’s response


   Lasley’s additional comments

  Bouie – suggested added the language. She believes if you add language that

 Gutcher’s response


 Motion -Change BOCC to PC and strike adoption - Bouie/ Nunamaker7-0 pass 


  Lasley questions regarding newspaper advertisement.

  Tranchand – comfortable with rewrite.

  Davis – is language acceptable.1700 part a page 5-7 passed as mentioned today concerning the changes   Bouie/Chukes 7-0 pass


Public Comment   

Michael Dorian, 145 Alligator Rd – spoke on the Citizen’s Bill of Rights and keeping it.

6.                   PUBLIC HEARING (Legislative) (LDR 2016-04) – Consideration of amendments to Chapter 5, Section 5100, Subsection 5106, Supplemental Standards for Manufactured Housing of the Land Development Code     


Mrs. Gutcher said this section is as presented. This hearing is required to offer a recommendation to the BOCC for the amendment of Chapter 5 (Development Standards), Section 5100 (Residential Standards), Subsection 5106 (Supplemental Standards for Manufactured Housing) Land Development Code as to the consistency of said amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Florida Statutes.


It has been acknowledged that Subsection 5106 of the Land Development Code is inconsistent with § 320.8285, F.S. which speaks to the local land use and zoning regulatory exceptions for the location and placement of mobile homes.


Spoke on page of 2 of 4 using the word allowable.

  Tranchand – commented on structure elements.

  Gutcher replied the Building Official will look at the information and it is located in the Florida Building Code.


  Lasley commented why you don’t remove age language in the Code. The standard for mobile homes needs to be upgraded. Mobile homes are taxed as a vehicle and there is not much revenue, no tax base for the county.


  Gutcher said they are allowable in a residential land use. No enforcement to deed restrictions


    Nunamaker comments

Language is being amended.



  Gutcher – we were directed to be streamlined.

  Lasley comments

  Lasley – density bonuses – If you offer affordable housing. It increases the density even more.

  Bouie commented on normal process of giving notice concerning mobile home parks.

  Chukes asked Lasley, where you would suggest putting mobile homes.

  Lasley replied I would like for them to be in Type 2.

  Chair -   

        Bouie –

  Rowan/ Chukes – accept motion for staff 6-1/ motion pass as presented by staff ( Commissioner Lasley opposed the motion) 

7.                   PUBLIC HEARING (Legislative) – Discussion of Amendments to the Sign Regulations, as adopted in Section 5700, (Signs) of the Land Development Code  


               Ms. Jeglie discussed the forthcoming amendments to the Gadsden County Land        

                Development Code (LDC), Chapter 5 (Development Standards), Section 5700 Signs and   

               Subsection 5609 (Clear View of intersection public rights-of-way and driveway.)


               On April 19, 2016 the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held a workshop to discuss

                the County sign regulations. The Planning & Community Development Department was

               directed to being the sign regulation back to the Planning Commission for consideration

               of amendments.


   Jeglie -Billboard v/s Animated – June 16, 2016 Planning Meeting will be brought back.

  Gutcher – looking for comments. General consensus

  Nunamaker comments

  Tranchand commented on TCC, further subdivide signs. The technology on LDC signs is much better now as in the past. Define the definition on animated sign especially red flashing sign. Mentioned the Cell Tower Issue.  

  Bouie said she likes new digital signs, would like change to language as well to help ease some of the concerns.

  Gutcher said they are allowed to make changes and give them time to come into compliance, referring to persons that have older signs.

  Lasley said look careful at FL Statues, how long are messages 479.1 6. Comply with Florida Administrative Code.

Gutcher said you can’t regulate content

Animated billboards shouldn’t defy anyone.

  Lasley said they should have a clear vision as to this process.

 Ms. Jeglie said the language will comply with the FDOT standards - Jeglie

  Chair Davis asked Commission to use table and make comments, notes, make notes before the next meeting. We would need comments before Memorial Day Weekend to be given to staff. Post on website.

  Billboards- Jeglie


Public Comment

  Dr. Randy Ross – Pastor of Tallavana – Spoke in favor of signs, sign code regulation was not taking into consideration for churches.  Code is too restrictive.  Animated sign is anything that change text. Spoke of the importance of having a sign. He asked that they look at and make it more uniform for everyone in the County. Technology is a good thing. Please consider to take prohibition off of animate signs.

  Rev. Charles Morris -23201 Blue Star Hwy, New Bethel AME – Spoke in favor of signs, two things need to be changes. His church serves a number of organizations. It’s tuff trying to change signs. Would like to adopt the Florida Transportation Guidelines. Section 15104 – Animated signs, look into. Come into the 21st century in the way we do things.

  Michael Dorian – I talked to Ken Pye at the state. He said they want frozen signs on Hwy 20. If churches are allowed to use animated signs then business would want one. Thanked Marion Lasley for asking hard questions. He also commented on the CBOR.

  Gary Freeman, Elder of Tallavana –Spoke in favor of signs, where aren’t here to change billboards. We are here to discuss signs.

  Nunamaker asked how big the sign is. 8ft wide 5*8 digital sign is 2ft  



  Bouie address density. Address without disallowing. Take into consideration issues and still comply.

Jeglie asked how tall sign is.  

Pastor Ross replied about 10ft.


The Commission was asked to submit comments to the Planning Department before Memorial Day Weekend. This item will be brought back at the June 16, 2016 at 6:00p.m. Planning Meeting.




Commissioner Lasley’s comments were submitted to the Commission.

9.                    PUBLIC COMMENTS –N/A

10.               DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS –N/A


11.               ADJOURNMENT @ 7:37pm