District 1
Dr. ‘V”
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5

County Administrator

TDC Chairperson





October 17, 2016 at 3:30 P.M.

Edward J. Butler Governmental Complex



Keith Dowdell, Vice – Chair (arrived late)

Lee Garner

Jeff DuBree

Brenda Holt

Joe Munroe

Carolyn Ford

Sonya Burns, TDC Administrative Assistant

Joe Bouch, 78 Madison

Attorney David Weiss

Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk



Peter Patel, Chair of TDC

Jerrod Holton

Matt Thro


1.       Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call  


Jeff DuBree, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with a quorum present and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The deputy clerk led in roll call of the Council.


2.       Amendments to and Approval of the Agenda    Garner/Munroe 5-0 approved


There were no amendments to the agenda.


3.       General Business


a.       Approval of Minutes (September)Peter Patel, TDC Chairman     Ford/Holt 5-0 approved   



b.      Events Sub-Committee Appointees, Peter Patel, TDC Chairman  


Ms. Burns said at the last meeting sub-committee to organize events (Ford, Patel, Munroe- alt Holt).


Garner/Holt 5-0 to approve


c.       Youth Sports Complex, Beth Kirkland and Jake Whitfield  


Beth Kirkland discussed the Youth Sports Complex for a competitive youth sports complex. She said it would be located along Interstate 10. She said discussion has occurred among many players in the County.


Keith Dowdell arrived at this juncture.


Jake Whitfield, Redhills Sports Group, SFA/SFM, he did a power point presentation that described this project. He said this would bring new development. He said they made a lot of good relationships throughout the County. 1st class waterpark and sports complex would be a great accent to this county. He said this would be for first class tournaments and destination type touring. He urged the County to take advantage of the location, which is unique.


Why Gadsden County?

·         Access from I -10 and Hwy 90

·         20-25 minute drive from key local markets

·         4-6 hours drive from major metro areas

·         Accessibility to local members/participants



   Economic Impact – Zero cost to Gadsden County. He said they have a private sponsor.  Co- terminus lease agreement with the County for however many years after it is paid off the keys will go back to the County. He asked county to raise bed tax from 2% to 5% and apply to annual lease payment. He said they would not have to apply for a bond.


   Ford asked about the flexibility of the facility. Economic Development to Gadsden County

  Mr. Whitfield communities where building facilities and county. He talked about the Stay to Play, hotels in Gadsden County would need to fill first before they go outside the County. He said they would be working with housing agency to help fulfill this. It would be supply and demand.

  Ford asked about economic impact with transportation. Spin-off business or jobs.

  Whitfield said we envision this being a great partnership with schools in Gadsden, McDonalds, etc.

  Holt discussed the 6% interest rate, no penalty for early payoff

  Whitfield said no. We want to identify the land upfront. Increase your bed tax and some type of letter of intent to get project started. Only thing County is responsible for annual is annual lease payment.  Leasable space in building 2 a portion would go to the County (5,500 space is leasable)

  Garner said with the additional space such as restaurants, ziplanes, bowling, arcade, waterpark, etc.

  Whitfield – Said Midway is the key to selling with the parents.

  Munroe – he said this area makes up a lot. It’s up to Gadsden County to capture Tallahassee while they are here.

  Whitfield said this facility will bring business.

  Dowdell said he was in support of this project. He said this it “what they are looking for. He discussed raising bed taxes.

  Whitfield said maybe additional a 180,000 (200,000-250,000)- who would handle marketing for the increase. He said the Commission would vote. Education folks on tax.

Dowdell - How do we market to the people. We have to be careful about saying raising marketing taxes. Where will get funds to make annual payment.

Whitfield - Annual lease payment, it can be structured however County wants, after 30 years. Bed tax, lease payment. This should not become a political playground. Tremendous resource for youth in sports.

  Ford the issue is the money, how do we benefit.

  Weiss – He did speak with Jake they discussed the financing options. He said they discussed the lease for 30 years. He said no longer than from year to year, put the money in the budget. He said if there is no consequence then this will work.   Tourism Development Tax – is very specific, one thing is public owned & operated convention centers, etc FS.   I’m not sure if a lease of the facility would be ok in compliance. He said the publicly own peace is what concerns.

  Whitfield it is equivalent of those dollars come back to the lease. He said this is where they sit down with the attorney. This will open up CDBG.

  Holt said this can be sold in a marketing plan that this is good idea and can they get reelected.

  Holt asked why can’t we obligate on budget, but we can on a bond. No property tax of the land.

  Weiss spoke on specific source of funding. 

  DuBree asked are they looking at other counties.

  Whitfield said they are looking at Jefferson County. Who is coming to the table and who is willing to negotiate.

  Dowdell asked Beth to lead contact with the EDC to market idea among municipalities.


  Holt said Midway voted (GCDC) voted 8-0. Marketing part Commissioner’s get something from their districts.

  Whitfield said there is a facebook page they can send. What is the next step.

  DuBree said pursue discussion.

  Garner/Ford to pursue to move on to the County Commission for further consideration 6-0, motion approved.

(Will send presentation and facebook page)       


 d. Approval of FY 2016-2017   

     Marketing Recommendations

     Media Plan(s)

Joe Bouch, 78 Madison Advertising and Marketing- commented on the packet with a summary of what they did last year and it included recommendations for 2016-2017. He also presented the media plan, Dashboard: Website, Discover Gadsden, Gadsden County Tourism, Gadsden County Tourism Print Advertising. Next month I will be able to have year to year to measure.


Mrs. Ford left at this juncture.


Mr. Dowdell left at this juncture


Mrs. Ford returned at this juncture.


Mr.  Dowdell returned at this juncture.

  Budget is almost identical to last year. We increased in some areas and decreased in some, additional in Southern Living and added AAA Living Magazine.

  Ford committed on the African – American  Directory.

  DuBree asked about co-ops ( AAA and Visit Florida)  Rack cards at the welcome centers.

  Ford asked if they considered the 850 Magazine, they have a lot of local people featured.

  Garner/Ford  2016-17 Marketing Plan  6-0 approve

  DuBree commented on bed taxes be lower.

Bouch responded travel is low, due to presidential election and zinka, but he was not sure.



e.         Approval of FY 2016-2017 Strategic Plan    Ms. Burns presented the 2017-18 Strategic Plan.

  DuBree said they should look at the Tax Collector collecting tax.  Finance gets reports. They should get public records to see who is paying and not paying.

  DuBree said one concerns was not a system for bed nights. Focus should be trying to get heads in beds. He commented on scoring system if you can produce more nights.

  Bouch we outlined how the criteria would read:

  Burns it was discussed but not implemented in the last plan. He said you added the certification.

  DuBree said he would like

  Munroe said he would like more time to go over.


  Dowdell/Garner - move to table until the next meeting to discuss the bed tax tabulation 6-0 approve. (Sonya asked that they email her suggestions and she would get to Joe.)


Weiss - Create a proposed point system   



f.        Items of discussion from Council members (no vote items)


   Munroe – Porch Fest this Saturday; talking to business owners interested in opening downtown Quincy. Interview talking about

  Ford – visioning process for Gadsden County. Grass-root Community, how they see Gadsden in the future.

  Garner – successful native pow – wow this past Saturday with 30 different mixes. Final Friday – Main Street activities from 6-10pm, getting ready for Christmas

  Holt – tomorrow grant (8am) for Stevens School for $500,000 applying for funding to bring facility up to standards.   (RA Gray Building) Gave history on Stevens School Munroe and Ford. CDBG for $750,000 to improve the community

Mural – moving slow, trying to get us in gear.


 5.    Public Comments (3 Minutes) – no comments


6.     Adjournment @ 6:20pm