Thursday, October 20, 2016

6:00 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners Chambers

7 East Jefferson Street

Quincy, Florida 32351


Present:            Commissioner Regina Davis, At - Large Member, Chair

                               Commissioner Dr. Gail Bridges – Bright

                           Commissioner William Chukes

             Commissioner Libby Henderson

                             Commissioner Marion Lasley

                           Commissioner David Tranchand

                           Commissioner Gerald McSwain

                           Commissioner Lori Bouie

                             Commissioner John Youmans

                             Commissioner Roger Milton, School Board Representative

                             Commissioner Doug Nunamaker

                             Jill Jeglie, Interim Planning & Community Development Director

             David Weiss, County Attorney

                          Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk



                                Commissioner David Tranchand

                                Commissioner Edward J. Dixon




Chair Davis called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. with a quorum present. She then led in the pledge of allegiance to the US Flag and asked each person to silence their electronic devices for the duration of the meeting.


2.       ROLL CALL


Each member present stated his name and district for which he represents.


3.       APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA – Chukes/Bridges-Bright

  Comp Plan Update – Ms. Jeglie checked on #7 agenda item, some didn’t include the strike through.

4.       APPROVAL OF MINUTES – AUGUST 11, 2016 and SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 MINUTES   Lasley – Pg3 (depilated- correction) Bridges – Bright correction of name. Lasley/McSwain 10-0 w/corrections   pg. 7 1stparagraph with flexibility pg. 14 Lasley Correction Bright/Milton 10-0 w/ necessary corrections


5.       PUBLIC HEARING (LEGISLATIVE) (LDR 2016-08) – Consideration of amendments to Chapter 6, Subdivision of Land, of the Land Development Code.  


This hearing is required to offer a recommendation to the BOCC for the amendment of Chapter 2, Definitions and Interpretations and Chapter 6 of the Land Development Code as to the consistency of said amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. She said pg. 27 of 46 j. blocks although should be struck. Pg. 41 one hundred eighty should be struck;  Weiss discussed approval and acceptance; pg 7 of 46 1.e. add and signature after seal; pg 10 of 46 typo; 6301 pg 26 of 46 b strike the word engineer; pg 28 of 46 streets shall be designed; 31 of 46 move sentence in d: 32 of 46 letter g same change; 41 of 46


  Public comments and there were none.

  Lasley - 6003 letter g (change word to parcel to unit)   6102 minor subdivision procedures concern coming from is a minor subdivision road considered a local road.   I would be comfortable with definition  Jeglie most would be.    Lasley C. 5 of 46;  Weiss they want be initially accepted by the County, I don’t think this would prohibit in the future, it doesn’t give me a lot of concern how it reads;   6302 pg.29 of 46     Weiss said that would be appropriate;  6302 G 32 of 46 verify improvements include stormwater and not just roads. Would like to make sure developer has all of that before the final plat. Weiss it cover it, any stormwater that is dedicated to the public is covered there   6303 3 of 6 Flag shape lots – Jeglie no at this time.   Who is responsible for those type of criteria, the Building Inspector? Jeglie said no, what would happen, there is a section in the Code, that talks about meeting with the appropriate people. The County Engineer does it, they are on contract. They also look at storm water   6306 Erosion pg. 40 asked was it areas and trees to be retained. Nunamaker vegetation would be proper would.  6700 family exception how do you monitor property that has been homestead for 3 years   Jeglie said the public defender would know.


Motion:   Bridges-Bright/Bouie 10-0 approve w/amendments     


6.       PUBLIC HEARING (QUASI-JUDICIAL) (SD 2016-01) – Consideration of a conceptual subdivision application for the Midway Business Park, Tax Parcel Identification #’s 4-16-1N-2W-0000-00140-0000 and 4-16-1N-2W-0000-00233-0000 to create thirty – three (33) lots on 191.29 acres. The proposed subdivision is located south of the intersection of Brickyard and Business Park Roads.  


A request for conceptual plan approval of the subdivision of two (2) parcels, described as Tax Parcel Identification #4-16-1N-2W-0000-00233-0000, totaling 191.29 acres into a thirty-three (33) lot industrial subdivision (Attachments #1& 5).


The applicant is Anderson Columbia Co., Inc. represented by Shawn Snyder with Eddie Bass, P.E., Moore Bass Consulting, Inc., as agent, have applied for conceptual subdivision plan approval to subdivide the reference parcels into a thirty- three (3) lot industrial subdivision. Once a conceptual plan is recommended for approval, the preliminary plat application will be processed.


Recommended approval of the Midway Business Park Subdivision Conceptual Plan with the following conditions listed.


  Bouie asked about central sewer and water


Eva Peppers  has worked on the project 15 years ago. She suspects all sewer and water is place. Ms. Jeglie said it

  Youmans asked question on central sewer and water.

  Bouie said her concerns where that Midway couldn’t put in place. It is required as part of approval before final plat approval.

  Nunamaker said he thinks they are already in place.

  Lasley asked where roads complete. Ms. Peppers said it has been done a long time. Lasley - Commented on tortoise relocation; concerns on map. Jeglie said it would need to before preliminary plat. Peppers spoke on gopher tortoise.


  Lasley spoke issues with package, disorganized.

  Davis we can go with staff recommendation or something else.

  Bouie offered a motion to accept staff recommendations. Davis gave clarity on packets and how they will move forward.

  Lasley spoke on DRI, applicant is not here and that was a problem.

  Bouie/Bridges-Bright 9-1 Lasley opposed to approve with staff recommendations          



7.       PUBLIC HEARING (LEGISLATIVE) (LDR 2016-09) – Consideration of amendments pertaining to Neighborhood Commercial and Recreational Vehicle Parks to Chapter 4, Land Use Categories; Chapter 5, Development Standards: and Chapter 7, Development Orders, Development Permits and Development Agreements of the Land Development Code; Renumbering Subsections in Chapter 5; and, deleting 5706.P.11 Development Standards.  


This hearing is required to offer a recommendation to the BOCC for the amendment of Subsections 4104, Neighborhood Commercial, Subsection 4202.C, Neighborhood Commercial, Section 5100 Residential Standards, Subsection 5902 Recreational Vehicle Park Standards and Section 7500, Review Procedures of the Land Development Code (LDC) pertaining to Neighborhood Commercial (NC), as to the consistency of said amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and to correct scrivener’s errors in numbering and lettering in Chapter 5.


  Chair asked for questions from Commission.

  Bouie asked about section 5204 be deleted. Jeglie not the entire section.


Public Comment and there was none. 

  Weiss – Chapter 4 strike redundant; 5101 A- Dwelling unit (clarify language stricken)     2 c issue with language Parks and Subdivisions (Mobile Home or Manufactured) strike parks and subdivisions - 1 C strike (strike subsection 5104

  Davis asked for other questions

  Bouie/Chukes   - motion to approve 9-1 (Lasley opposed)


Director’s Comment  Libby Henderson introduced herself from Greensboro. Also on Town Council of Greensboro. She said she looked forward to working on the PC.


Adjournment: Bridges-Bright/Bouie @ 7:20pm