Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

December 6, 2016

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1-arrived late

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., asked everyone to stand for the prayer and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag.  A silent role call was conducted by Deputy Clerk, Marcella Blocker.



  1 amendment-presentation from Pat Thomas Ins.

Morgan/V 4-0





  John Pat Thomas, Pat Thomas, Inc., appeared before the Board and presented a check for a return in premium to the County in the amount of $19,783.00.



Gadsden Arts Center & Museum Update

  Ms. Grace Robinson appeared before the Board to give a report on the Arts Center.  They applied for a matching grant and received it.


Commissioner Hinson appeared at this juncture of the meeting.


She said they were able to expand their studio, was almost finished with the renovation and would be exhibiting crafts such as quilting, carving, needlepoint, painting, etc. for short periods of time and asked the Commission for their assistance in getting the word out.



Resolution Honoring the Life of Mr. Robert Louis Williams

  Mr. Presnell said there was a Resolution honoring the life of Mr. Robert Louis Williams.  The Commission came forward, it was read aloud then it was presented to the family.






Morgan/Holt 5-0



Ratification to Pay County Bills









PUBLIC HEARING-(Legislative) Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 2016-021 to amend Chapter 5, Development Standards, Subsection 5405, Corridor Road Landscaping Standards of the Gadsden County Land Development Code

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.


Chair Taylor announced this was a public hearing and asked if there were any comments from the audience and there were none.


Commissioner Holt said at the conference she attended, they were advised to present everything so the audience would know everything that was going on to prevent challenges in the future.


Commissioner Hinson said this was a good point to inform what a corridor road was and the list of displayed corridor roads was shown on the overhead televisions.


Chair Taylor said she had an opportunity to discuss this with the Administrator and this was a double-edged sword, it protected and preserved but also limited growth.


Commissioner Hinson said he concurred and suggested a workshop on this matter.


Commissioner Holt suggested they sit down with GCDC, Chamber and Tourist Development regarding this matter.


Chair Taylor suggested they table the item.




Jill Jeglie appeared before the Board and said if this was not adopted this would not be implemented and would be confusing.


Commissioner Holt said this amendment was better.


Commissioner Morgan said what they had tried to do was adopt language and make documents work more efficient and better and recommended going ahead and approve these changes and it protected the rural atmosphere.


Commissioner Hinson asked the Administrator if they invited GCDC and Chamber in-no not when it came to planning.


Chair Taylor called for the vote-3-2 to table-Holt and Morgan opposed.





Approval of Contract Amendment #1 with DPB & Associates

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.


 Holt/V   Hinson had questions.


Asked the Administrator when would have final figures


Tom Lewis, DPB & Associates, appeared before the Board and was not aware of the date of the deadline.


Chair Taylor called for the vote.  3-2 Hinson/Taylor opposed



Approval of Contract Amendment #1 with JB Coxwell Contracting, Inc. for Emergency Debris Management Services

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.  He advised there was minor changes regarding debris handling.


Commissioner Morgan asked if the attorney had reviewed – yes and had no comments


Morgan/Hinson  5-0



2016 Paving Project Phase III-Bid Award


V option 1/Morgan 


V asked with the striping if it was the same that faded or would it last longer, more durable





Approval of Resolution 2016-028 supporting the Gadsden County Community Transportation Safety Team (CTST) to apply for Transportation Enhancement Funding through the Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS)

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.

V option 1/Morgan Taylor said no fiscal impact


Called for the vote 5-0



Approval of Resolution 2016-029 supporting the Gadsden County Community Transportation Safety Team (CTST) to apply for Transportation Enhancement Funding through the Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS)

  Mr. Presnell introduced

V option 1/Morgan 5-0



1st Street Sidewalk Project-Bid Award

  Mr. Presnell introduced item.

Hinson option 1/V  5-0



Appointments and/or Re-appointments to the Gadsden County Planning Commission for District 1, District 3 and District 5

  Mr. Presnell introduced the above item.

V asked if re-elected commissioners wanted to make changes, if not, go with what had.  Chair said wanted to make sure each commissioner had opportunity to vote.


Hinson motion to approve/Holt second


Morgan said very fortunate to ones that agreed to serve because takes very special person to be prepared and felt representatives on Board was from district they were representing and asked they take board action to ensure each commissioner reached out in each district to have representatives from said district.


Chair asked attorney if anything in policy to ensure-no-Chair suggested to workshop


Chair called for vote- 5-0



Appointment/Re-appointment to the Apalachee  Regional Planning Council (ARPC)-Municipal Representative

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item.


Morgan option 1/V  5-0



Appointment/Re-appointment to the Apalachee Regional Planning Council (ARPC)-County Elected Representative

   Mr. Presnell introduced


V/Morgan 5-0



Appointment/Re-appointments to the Small County Coalition

  Mr. Presnell introduced above item


V option 1/Morgan  5-0





Update on Various Board Requests

  Concord light-materials coming in on 8th and will start putting up signage and pole work will start early next week.


Have 1 issue with cities and Cochran asked for meeting to help


Holt said regarding bill it is for anything and needed to write up final ASAP and get it submitted as soon as possible.


Taylor asked who expert on staff to help write bills-lobbyists


Morgan stepped out


Holt said they wanted paper trail on everything


Taylor said sounds like purposely done to keep things from happening


V said understanding was to prevent things from being snuck into and getting it passed without knowledge


Morgan returned


Taylor said reason we’re part of FAC-Holt said they were worried also.


Presnell said been going back and forth regarding sports complex and have found piece of property thought would work and had other entities thought would help but have come to a stalemate.  At point need to have expertise to who worked on this previously-asking expense be split 3 ways-not sure if property owner/buyer/county would go for it.


David said not sure if had subsequent conversations but he offered to have conversations off clock


Holt said no reason why he could not come and make presentation before board before a scheduled meeting.


V suggested scheduling workshop before meeting


Morgan said no issue-asked if person bringing project have issue-suggested going through first 2 steps and see if other parties amenable to meeting


Holt said was looking for economic development felt was step should have been taken already


Taylor agreed meet with him sometime in January


Weiss said issue with revenues being promoted as project that would pay for itself-some revenues are restricted and could  not be used to pay for debt services and that is big hurdle

Holt said why bring before the Board-let Board decide-what elected to do






 Update on Various Legal Issues





Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Brenda A. Holt, District 4

Holt said Clerk brought before them about Clerks not being funded-don’t mind supporting Clerk but Clerk must take lead and stand up to ask for money


Not sure what will happen with Medicaid/Medicare-don’t know what President going to do


Apalachee Planning Council


Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

  Update regarding CRPTA-

Captain D’s crossroads-was willing to take look at crossroad and think they are very interested in doing something sooner rather than later.


Listed additional projects that were added


Bylaws for CRTPA was changed and meeting is now third Tuesday of month and next meeting will be January 17th, when accepted position changed his teaching schedule and now need to look in getting someone to represent the County-CRTPA suggested County appoint alternate and he can change teaching schedule for next semester


Taylor in favor of getting alternate until his schedule could be changed.  She asked attorney for legal side if could be done, he felt they had right to appoint alternate  Presnell said could have item on agenda regarding that.


Asked if they could consider to take day to ring bell to help Salvation Army 


Morgan asked V about CRPTA-lighting update-has been designed, engineered-that project is in current project-what he mentioned was for 2018-2022


Holt said glad mentioned-she spoke to secretary of FDOT and asked if could have lights on underpasses and she said was great idea



Commissioner Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

   Asked how close to doing Brickyard Road-probably year away-Hinson asked why so long-because adding turn lane


Hinson asked for an update from engineering firm


Holt suggested if he could forward memos onto commissioner to update him automatically-yes


V said if memory serves right-Brickyard Road project timeline listed and will look back at books to see where project stands


Hinson said in the past 2-3 years have had 6-7 deaths on road


Thanked Board for approving sidewalks today in Havana


Asked for clarification on Concord light-Presnell said if they don’t put up poles next week-won’t meet deadline


Asked if they could do something special on 20th if they are on schedule to have dedication


Thanked AKA sorority for donating to needy families



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3

  Have no items


Holt said forgot one item-would like an update on grants and what they were applying for and would like grant department to update.



Commissioner Sherrie D. Taylor, Chair, District 5

  Thanked Board-everything ran quickly and effectively

Intends to extend olive branch around dais to  work together effectively


Urged they support staff and work with everyone


Receipt and File



FY2016 Budget Amendments





December 20, 2016-Regular Meeting – 6:00 p.m.



  Adjourned at 7:40 p.m.