Present:               Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Chair, District 2

                                Brenda Holt, Vice Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, District 1

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Dr. Henry Grant, Interim County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk





  Chair Viegbesie called the meeting to Order at 1:01 p.m., asked everyone to bow their heads for moment of silence and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag.



Due to COVID-19 and the efforts of the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners to continue the practice of social distancing, Commissioners want to continue to hear from citizens under the Citizens Requesting to be Heard section of the agenda.

If citizens have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email and anticipate receiving a response within 48 hours.

The Board of County Commissioners would like to thank everyone for their patience and flexibility during this time.

  Commissioner Taylor arrived at 1:03 p.m.



  Shelia Shellman sent an email that read “The Bill of Rights expressly limits the power of local governments from such actions where Elected officials grant themselves the power to restrict private personal choices and lawful public behavior in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.


Please don’t misunderstand me.  I recognize the scientific value of personal efforts to control contagion.  But under the Constitution, these social-distancing, wear-your-mask, shut-your-business, stay-at-home edicts constitute mere recommendations that should induce rational voluntary compliance, because the government in America is without lawful power to compel compliance.


Suffice it to say citizens have not be heard as you our elected officials continue to disregard our rights with yet more failed CDC numbers and models and wrong prediction after wrong prediction yet continued infringements and policies we will much less accept the acquiescing more of our constitutional liberties away ˜ More restrictions on our freedoms”



  Karen Stansberry, “Sharing my email to Governor DeSantis as you need this information too.  You’ve built yourselves a little kingdom and your ‘power’ over the people is tiring.  Lift the mandate, this is NOT what the face of America looks like!


(The rest of the email will follow the final Minutes)



  Jessica Sykes, “We the citizens have asked for equality from the Commissioners of Gadsden County regarding the mural, We were reassured by Commissioner Taylor that she would make sure this was on the agenda and she was behind us 100% that was NOT the case, Commissioner Brenda Holt reminded us that it would not be fair in her opinion for this to be made equal for at least 135 years and Commissioner Gene Morgan was not mush help with knowing the fact he gives the impression he was opposed to the entire idea as well as the process.  Dr. V and other commissioners were notified of the agenda we were presenting.  The meaning of Equality – the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.  Thank you and have a great day


  Commissioner Holt appeared remotely



  1:09 PM  Ashley Rogers “Good Morning! I am writing to you today to make you aware of some issues that we are facing in the outer areas of the county.  The community of Sycamore, between Greensboro and Chattahoochee, are facing an issue with road conditions.  Specifically, Rowan road and Aspalaga Road.  There are pot holes in these roads that will ruin an alignment in a vehicle as well as possibly damage tires and rims.  Having to swerve off the road to avoid holes in the road is unacceptable and dangerous.  The holes are filled in and within 3 days they are opened back up again and deeper.  The potholes are not the only issues either.  The sides of the road are breaking off and the asphalt that was put there to “help” is also gone now.  The road has not been paved in over 30 years.  Part of Aspalaga road, going down to the river and toward Liberty county was paved, but the remainder of the road is still falling apart.  The opt layer of the road is gone and now we drive on essentially what is rocks.


As citizens of this county who pay taxes, we have an expectation to be able to drive down the roads that we live on without fear of ruining our car or having to dangerously maneuver into the ditch to avoid holes in the road.  The county has installed a round-about while our road continues to deteriorate.  I hope that this email will encourage you to take a ride out to the outer areas of the county to see what is happening outside of Quincy, Midway and Havana as these areas are often neglected and ignored due to the lower populations.


Commissioner Morgan, I hope that you will read this and understand the frustration of the citizens in your district.  We are fed up with the holes being filled in over and over again.  We are ready for a change and hope that you can speak for your voters and make something happen.”





COVID-19 Resolution 2020-28 Update

  1:13 PM Dr. Grant introduced the above item.


Chair Viegbesie said there were some developments that were occurring in the community currently and asked the Attorney for an update.  


  Mr. Knowles said Secretary Beshears, DBPR, just issued a requirement that bars were no longer allowed to serve alcoholic beverages and that was incorporated at the last minute into this Mandate; it came via tweet but he had not seen an Executive Order from the Governor.  Also, the Governor was not going to pre-empt local government at this time from issuing mask mandates and also will not be moving into phase 3 anytime soon.  He said they were also required to have their meetings remotely and they could not re-open the meetings to the public until August.  He said the dates changed, the masks remained, and the curfew was the same.


  Commissioner Holt asked to make a motion for approval and Chair Viegbesie asked her to hold off for a second for comments.


  Commissioner Taylor asked the validity of the tweet.  She said there were challenges out there today and asked if there had been anything formally written from the Governor’s office in the event they were challenged so they could said say they were directed from the Governor’s Office and they were following protocol.


  Mr. Knowles agreed and stated if up to him, he would wait until they had something official, but did not want ABT coming into a business in the County and the citizens not knowing and get into trouble.  He said his legal opinion was it would be better for them as a Commission and as a County to have it in and if they get challenged, they would have to take that bullet.  He further stated if they had businesses that were getting shut down and getting licenses suspended because they did not know and we did not give them the information. Legally we may be doing them a bit of a dis-service.  He added he would prefer to have an Executive Order or some sort of official guidance but it was within their purview if that was what they wanted to do.


  Commissioner Taylor asked if they were putting the cart before the horse but wanted to save the public, but should the County move forward with a “tweet”.


  Mr. Knowles said in his professional opinion, the tweet was not an official order of the State Government and if that was her concern, they should take it out.  Commissioner
Taylor said she was trying to balance both, people needed to know but did not want to put it in such a manner that they were mandating because they did not have the authority to do that based on a tweet.    Mr. Knowles said to balance, the best thing they could do, they could take it out, they could adopt the Resolution and Chair Viegbesie said they could add it and could edit to add “to be advised…”


  Commissioner Holt asked what the tweet stated.  Mr. Knowles said DBPR was suspending on-premises consumption of alcohol at bars state-wide.


  Commissioner Hinson said in looking at the Twitter page and it was the official twitter page but still take advise of attorney.  


  V said wanted to share on Sunday went to Family Dollar in Havana next to Harvey’s, observed where he was, was about 8 people including 2 clerks and manager and none had on masks.  He questioned and was told by Manager that the Police Chief told them they did not have to wear masks.  He called Havana Mayor when got home and was told City policy was in accordance with County.  He asked why Chief defying policy of County.  Didn’t know how wanted to handle as Commission.


  Holt said if have traffic light on red and people decide to run light, would law enforcement enforce that.  Need to call the Sheriff and have him look at this. 


  Morgan asked if he reached out to the Chief to see if that was what was said-no.  Morgan said before throwing anyone under the bus, reach out to him first. 


  Holt said she agreed with Morgan but why wait for another concern to come up, why not arrange a meeting with all the police chiefs, Sheriff and BOCC.


  Morgan said if going to meet, ask how they will be tasked with enforcing mask mandate.


  Grant said when was requesting to do this before, they did not show up.


  Holt said if the Sheriff showed, at least someone would show.


  Taylor said to go through the Sheriff to organize.  Thinks Sheriff should designate someone to organize meeting.   


  Hinson said during State of Emergency Major Wood usually here and should put this in his lap. 


  V said Sheriff’s Office has gone under reorganization and Collins in charge of logistics.  Collins and Woods should be art of conversation.


  Hinson said BOCC hired Woods as EM Director, he should always be included.


  Morgan asked they change word mandate to strongly recommend regarding masks-motion-died for lack of second.


  Holt motion to approve Resolution/Hinson second 


Commissioner Hinson    y

Commissioner Taylor      y

Commissioner Morgan  n

Commissioner Holt          y

Chair Viegbesie                 y


Passed 4-1



Approval of the CARES Act Agreement

  Holt motion to approve CARES Act/Hinson second with question


  Hinson said worked closely with homeless population and had questions. 


V said had motion and second and was going to carry vote


Commissioner Hinson    y

Commissioner Taylor      y

Commissioner Morgan  y

Commissioner Holt          y

Chair Viegbesie                 y


Passed 5-0


  Hinson asked about CARES Act, have they decided how money will be spent?  Can they workshop how funds will be distributed 


  V asked Administrator to schedule a workshop ASAP



  1:49 PM Adjourned





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