Special Meeting to Interview Candidates for the County Administrator Position

Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

5:00 p.m.


Present:               Anthony Viegbesie, Ph.D., Chairman- District 2

                                Brenda Holt, Vice-Chair- District 4 

                                Eric Hinson- District 1

                                Sherry Taylor- District 5 – arrived late

                                Gene Morgan- District 3

                                Henry G. Grant- PhD., Interim County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles- County Attorney

                                Lonyell Butler, Human Resources

                                Beth Bruner- Deputy Clerk


These meetings ate being held virtually in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order No. 20-69 as extended by Executive Order No. 20-179.


**All interview questions are listed at the beginning of the first interview**


General Business

1.          Welcome (Anthony O Viegbesie, Ph.D., Chairman)

At 5:06p.m. Chair Viegbesie welcomed everyone to the Special Meeting to Interview Candidates for the County Administrator position. He called the meeting to order and asked for heads to be bowed in prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.






Chair V- 6 candidates to interview in the next 2 days. Recognized Ms. Butler and her hard work during this process and said she would answer any questions.


Ms. Butler appeared before the Board and gave the guidelines of the interview process. One commissioner was absent. Every 4th Question is for Commissioner Taylor, who was not present which would move each Commissioner up a question.


Morgan suggested to stick with each individual question and each commissioner will rotate the questions that were for Commissioner Taylor to ask and Commissioner Taylor could pick up where they were when she arrived.  


Butler- If the Bord got to question #4, which was Commissioner Taylor’s question and she was not at the meeting yet, Taylor could not be part of the interview if she did not start the interview process. Must begin and end the complete interview process with whom it began with on the panel. If she showed up before the first candidate was through being interviewed, she could not participate in any of the interviews.

Morgan asked why and Ms. Butler said Must begin and end the complete interview process with whom it began with on the panel according to the fair labor laws.


Chair V- the same people must interview all of the candidates the same way.

Ms. Butler said Taylor would have to show up before the first candidate was finished being interviewed to be a part of the interview process.


Ms. Butler said the ranking form was in the packets to be completed and turned in after the overall interview process.


Morgan- Had packet a while, did anyone share the questions and who came up with the questions.


Butler- No questions were shared; some questions were in the last interview process and some Ms. Butler researched herself.


 Chair heard someone at the back door and Dr. Grant went to check.


5:20 p.m. Commissioner Taylor arrived


Chair Viegbesie asked Ms. Butler to give the guidelines to Commissioner Taylor, and she did.


Chair asked for Mr. Hawthorne to be brought into the interview. Trouble viewing the applicant on the monitors in the chambers, getting technical help.



(AV) 1. Please describe how your previous work experience has prepared you for the position of County Administrator of Gadsden County.


(BH) 2. What interest you most about being the County Administrator for Gadsden County?


(EH) 3. Please explain the role of the County Administrator within local Government as you see it.


(ST) 4. As the County Administrator, how would you interact with and engage the citizens and different organizations within the community?


(GM) 5. This position requires you to develop the County’s budget. Explain to us the key to a successful budget and what has been the largest organizational budget that you have developed and managed.


(AV) 6. Explain your experience in goal setting and financial forecasting.


(BH)7. Share with us your experience with developing and implementing a strategic plan.


(EH)8. Provide a time when you were able to identify a complex problem, evaluate the options, implement a solution, and the benefit(s) the solution had for your employer.


(ST) 9. Describe your experience in working with citizens from various cultural backgrounds and the approaches you have used to ensure adequate attention is given to the varying needs of these groups.


(GM)10. What have been your biggest work-related accomplishments and how were you able to attain them?


(AV)11. What do you see as the most critical part of an Administrator’s job?


(BH) 12. In your experience, what is the key to ensuring Gadsden County is compliant with all laws, regulations and standards that are applicable to the operations of the organization?


(EH) 13. How do you assess the strengths and weaknesses of an organization and identify opportunities to make improvements?


(ST) 14. How would you keep the County Commissioners informed on issues, projects, and/or citizens’ concerns?


(GM) 15. Tell us about your experience working with small local city/county governments and what do you consider the primary difference between small local governments as compared to a larger governmental entity.


(AV) 16. How would you characterize your leadership style?


(BH) 17. Share with us a time when your ethics were tested and the outcome.


(EH) 18. How would you improve low staff moral with limited funds?


(ST) 19. In your experience, what is the key to developing a good administrative team?


(GM) 20. If this position were offered to you, when would you be able to start?


(AV) Do you have any questions of this panel?



2.        5:15 p.m. – Interview – Stanley Hawthorne

(Board of County Commissioners)

At 5:30 Mr. Hawthorn appeared before the Board via Zoom.


Ms. Butler stated it was fine to move forward because there was no communication interference. Mr. Knowles thought the interviewee should be asked if he was okay with no video of him being seen by 3 Commissioners.  


Chair V asked Mr. Hawthorne if was okay with him if 3 of the Commissioners could not see him and Mr. Hawthorn stated it was fine with him.


Chair V asked Question #1

 He stated this was his “build of steady” for many years, He said he went to Troy State University in Alabama and earned a bachelors on Social Science with a minor in Economics. Graduate School at the University of Virginia. Fellowship with the city of Charlottesville for 2 years. Has worked in the City Manager’s Office on Budget and from there he proceeded to his first permanent career position as Assistant to the City Manager for Budgets, Grants and Special Projects. Worked in multiple Florida communities of all sizes and make ups. He stated he had a wide range of experience. Brings professionalism. Most recent, Fort Lauderdale as Assistant City Manager but had held the City Manager position s well.  Local government is what he does and said he does it well, working with the leadership of the community and Staff. Well prepared.  


Holt asked question #2

Family history in Gadsden- father born in Jackson Co. Mom from SW GA. Family person, traveled often and comes through Gadsden County. Got to know the County through Zoom meting and had studied to prepare and it was a community he wanted to be part of.


Hinson asked question #3

County Administrator is a coordinator, a liaison, a college to many areas of government. Prepared to represent at that level. He has experience with government leaders- All about community. Considers himself foremost a public servant, here to serve the public. Leading a team of employees called community builders with all having the job of building the community Jobs are different but Every position is in the position to serve the public and take direction from the BOCC.


Taylor asked question #4

Fort Lauderdale as case example even though it was larger. Community of neighborhoods. An area he directly supervised was the neighbor services office and there was a team to respond to every need. Trained people to be very responsive. Attended meetings with the neighborhood associations. Philosophy of being a Public servant taken literally. “Our neighbors come first.”


Morgan asked question #5

Budget and finance were his discipline for his first position starting with his fellowship at the city of Charlottesville. Prepared the Budget as well as Grants himself in Saginaw, Michigan. Largest budget was $800 Million. Smallest was 100 people. Looked at Gadsden Budget. Had brought significant savings to other budgets. Budget most important because it affected everyone.


Chair asked question #6

Budget should be linked to a strategic plan because the strategic plan takes into account what the governing body in conjunction with the community “want to be when we grow up” Need to have the most ideal budget because then you need resources to address those issues. Every department should know their roll and what is expected of them through plans and objectives.   


Commissioner Holt asked question #7

Led in most organizations and was in charge of strategic plans. Required a lot of effort. Opportunity to tie things together. The model he would propose would be Plan- Do-Check- Act.

Plan- the Budget, Do- know the Commissions objectives, Check- Accountability, how are we doing. All department have something in common. Adds work for the staff but it also assures better meeting of goals of the community. 


Hinson asked question #8

He was selected to be the first city manager of Lauderdale Lakes in Brower County. Residents did not think they were getting what they needed and voted to change the form of government. Previously legislative committee form where there were 9 Commissioners and they each headed up the functional areas of the government even though they were part time. They voted in a professional form of Government and he was voted city manager. Many things needed to be corrected. Focus for the question would go to the project of eliminating fragmentation that went with development of projects. Made a one stop shop involved a plan that did not place the burden on residence having to go to all different departments getting everything figured out. Focus on the mission of building of a community to serve the public.


Taylor asked question #9

Community worked in and issue was the diverse population. He considered himself to be diplomatic, empathetic, professional, and transparent person. When a community is divided, something is wrong. Comments on the Gadsden tower meeting, people said the community that would be served best got the towers. Public relations are important.  Pet Peeve is not being responsive as public servants.


Morgan asked question #10

Many things, broad example was Fort Lauderdale was an 8-year job and was most enjoyable – large community but not too large. He was asked to fill position, did not apply for it. Fort Lauderdale was backwards and needed to rebuild. Most Challenging place was the first city manager of Lauderdale Lakes. People wanted the community served like they deserved. Demographics were like Gadsden County. Had to build starting with infrastructure. Had to train and bringing in new staff to work with the existing staff to strategize. In resume detailed things achieved were listed.


Chair asked question #11

Basic communication from all angle. No one should be left out. May not be able to shake hands with everyone but wants people to know he was there to serve everyone.   Transparency.  Information belongs to the community and the representatives that community had chosen.


Holt asked question #12

Governing body led by the BOCC. Already started to get to know regulations, statutes, and ordinances. All needed to know the law and talk to and train others, Particularly in the area of Grants. Grants not free if not following guidelines. Close relationship with Attorney.


Hinson asked question #13

Examine strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats. Strategic Planning process (SWAT Process) Starts with basic homework he said he had been doing. Knows what the BOCC expected. Seen BOCC frustrations expressed through different processes. Worked with Commissions that beat up on staff. Tough group and that means they care about the community.


Taylor asked question #14

Depend on the individual Commissioner- door always open – Commissioners expect individual attention, will ensure interaction would be however the commissioner wanted individually. Get information to Commissioners on time. Would work hard. Will get to know each Commissioner personally. 


Morgan asked question #15

Worked in all size communities. Smallest 7,500 people a few in 30,000-50,000 level of people and Largest 100,000 people with much larger Budgets. One thing learned was large or small, all have same basic responsibility. Experience exposure as a whole prepared him to work in either small or large. Workaholic. 


Chair asked question #16

Had great mentors he learned from. Not just working, he chooses where he wanted to work and believed the Administrator was not looking down on the staff but as a team member in a leadership role. Specific jobs needed expertise and he was a participatory manager. Treat adults like adults. More production if you are respectful.


Holt asked question #17

A member of the Governing body may want an unfair advantage. The International City Management Association trained very well on ethics and how to handle it. Not been involved in a situation where there were any criminal intentions. If approached, he would make sure they know we are better than that.


Hinson asked question #18

Fair and competitive compensation.  Another pet peeve is when a manager was not properly trained. Be sure all levels were recognized. Don’t come and show a mood as a boss. Give an environment for people to work in. 


Taylor asked question # 19

 Make sure everyone knew their roll. Every employee’s job is as important as the next and be made to feel that way.


Morgan asked question #20

Right away, Mother passed away 4 days ago.


Chair asked if he had any questions for the panel.

His question was what is the BOCC top 2-3 top priorities for the new Administrator to hit the ground running with


Chair- Building a good administrative team.

Taylor- Did a good job interviewing-clear you have good knowledge- Conduct business without being pulled by Commissioners and bring the board to working together.

Holt- Others are accomplished look at economic development and the upcoming legislative session. Economic package to get back on feet.

Morgan- Understand the roll of County Administrator and have ability to encourage, implement, motivate and succeed.

Hinson- Agreed with all Commissioners- Asked for honesty, directness and professionalism.


3.          6:20 p.m. – Interview – Lyndon Bonner

(Board of County Commissioners)

At 6:39 p.m. Mr. Bonner appeared before the Board via Zoom.


Ms. Baker explained to Mr. Bonner the interview guidelines.


Chair V asked question #1

All experiences in local government have prepared him for the next steps.  


Chair stepped out at 6:42 p.m.


The blend of municipal and county government experience was also a big advantage for him.  County experience; easy for small county to become overwhelmed. Has urban and Rural experience. He is a different kind of advocate the county had not had. Will be an advocate for Gadsden County.


Chair returned at 6:44 p.m.


Takes local government seriously; honor to serve, he said he was well rounded and very good blend of experiences he would bring to the county.


Holt asked question #2

 Been watching the Board over the recorded meetings. Interested board. His ability to assemble information and let the Board members be the policy makers giving them the best information to establish the policy.  Environmental issues that appeal to him.


Hinson asked question #3

If the City isn’t doing well, the County isn’t doing well and visa-versa. Work together to tie resources. County is a different government politically and financially. Committed to bring coalition to Gadsden County.   


Taylor asked question # 4

Hands on manager but not a micro manager. One on one interaction with staff. Same way in the Community. Helps him to have a feel of the community. People can ask him anything. Must be transparent. Privilege to work for the people you serve. Will be a face in the community.  


Morgan question #5

Largest Budget was Henry Co GA $364 Million and 16,000 employees. Approach would be same as Wildwood, Florida that was small. What are the resources that would be available and how to get the elected officials to convey their priorities within that budget? Good at reconciling Revenue to Expenditure and presenting the budget. Line item review that involved the Staff and they would be in front of the Commissioners to ask them questions. People knew more about the budget working with him than they had envisioned. Wanted commissioners to consider a longer view of the finances. Day one he would look at a 5, 10, and 15- year program to look at priorities. Key to the future is sustainability. Encouraged by what the Commissioners asked of staff and thought it was reasonable. He considered his Budget work in local government his calling card.  


Chair asked question #6

Goal setting started with everyone. There are experts in each field. Establish priorities and goals early. Deferred essential things, deferring essentials will cost more. Goal setting, prioritization, and long review is one to be a key to Gadsden success.  


Holt asked question #7

Strategic plans are those plans that are off the future. Need immediate plans.  Need long term plan. Look ahead. Follow-up. Look ahead and the impact along the way. Strategic strategy is monitor, develop, and amend sometimes as the record would depict.  


Hinson asked question #8 

When he took the City North Miami Beach job, he was number 7 of city Manager in 5 yrs. Finance directors were a revolving door. Many problems, did not even know how much money was in the bank. Had to lay off 51 people. Because of errors in the County people lost their jobs and the City was set back for many years. Almost went to the State for help.


Taylor asked question #9 

First thing a County Administrator has to do was respect they must demonstrate. Been in a rural and culturally diverse areas. Had been in the minority and not been minority. Engaging with citizens is a treasure. Paid to do the right thing every time. Listened and learned from everyone.


Morgan asked question #10

Not a single thing he could say he was solely responsible for, he worked as a team. Recognize people for their good work.


Chair asked question #11

Improving the competency of the organization. Create an environment where people can learn and contribute, he thought went so far as to making the organization sustainable and a place you would want to work at and be a part of. Building organizational capacity is the most critical. Most important asset is your staff.


Holt asked question #12

Comes with hard Knox, lived and learned. Good people had his back. Required study, discipline and experience at both municipal and County level. Need to support all municipalities.  


Hinson asked Question #13

Do a comprehensive analysis and reconcile too see how close it was to the Budget. Things happen that need to be documented to show how the cappers changed. Listen to staff.  Bring things to elected officials together and individually to know what officials see for the future. Will make sure to meet objectives and goals. Great Grant writer. He is better with a staff and elected body.  


Taylor asked question #14

Tailor to Commissioners individually. Content true information available to every Commissioner. Will not act off of one or two Commissioners. When out in the County, he would let the staff directors respond. Encourage one on one contact.


Morgan asked question #15

Large or small the challenges were as much trying to communicate and establish a working relationship with the elected officials as it was anything else. That was his primary focus to work on. Rural communities could be overwhelming trying to compete with larger organizations with fleet of staff for legislative dollars. Did not think the challenges were that much different, from his experience.  Compassion, requirements of duty are the same to him.  Remain accessible to citizens and staff.  


Chair V asked question #16

Participatory and facilitator.  Engaged in services provided by the County. Not a micro-manager. Try to find ways for others to have an easier path. 


Holt asked question #17

Mayor went to jail and he still thought highly of him. He was not involved in the ethical decision and it was hard for him because he built relationships with individuals. Marched on and stayed focus. Not a distraction, do the right thing.


Hinson asked question #18

Being able to let the staff be more engaged and make decisions. Created the “band” which is a metaphor for all the different instruments and abilities of all the different staff that make something good in the end.  Takes responsibility for mistakes made.   


Taylor asked question #19

Trust that is earned – appreciation for each department and acknowledgment of contributions made and coaching. Will help with areas of improvement. Will participate. Blend of people and things to make it all come together.  


Morgan asked question #20

Found a rental today and could start right away upon execution of contract.


Chair asked if he had any questions for the panel.  

He said the Budget was not published et when he was online. When he heard about not being able to reconcile the lines between accounts or understanding the changes, wanted to know if the documents were updated so he could reconcile the current budget and how it would affect the budget. Concerned the County had not accurately accounted for the effect of COVID would have on the State Revenue and local economy.


Chair- work in progress.


What is the biggest concern or challenge?

Chair- Developing a strategic plan that would generate the Administrative change to be able to achieve those strategic plans in line with the BOCC mission statement for the County.


Holt- One the Board is pulled together, and go through the staff and see what helped pull them together, then look at the Economic side. Must get ready to see what we need to get through the virus. Also, to see what Economic Development the Board could put in, in order to help get everyone back to work.


Hinson- Think big and be bold, honest and professional.


Taylor- Caring person to do the best they can, be transparent, compassionate, understanding, patient and honest. She said she was leaving the BOCC because she could not trust people.  Dedication, Integrity, dedication.


Morgan- Motivate and communicate, implement, and deliver. Someone who could develop through staff and be a leader. Understand the mission and the roll of Administrator.


Chair asked for a 5-minute break at 7:46 p.m.


   Commissioner Taylor asked if after the interview process was over did the BOCC select the person at the end of the interviews or turn in the paperwork and select the top three to come back?


Chair asked for the last candidate of the evening to be kept in the waiting room while the process was discussed.


Ms. Butler said she would seek the directive and advise of the BOCC. She stated the top three could be brought back according to the rankings from the BOCC if that is what they directed.


Morgan said he understood the rankings and said the BOCC would choose whoever by majority of the Commissioners vote. Did not have to go by how the rankings came back.


Chair- Most suitable for the job.


4.               7:25 p.m. – Interview – Troy Gilyard

(Board of County Commissioners)

At 7:54 p.m. Mr. Gilyard appeared before the Board via Zoom.


Ms. Butler explained the guidelines 


Chair asked question #1

Gilyard gave the job description and asked what they expected of him.


Chair said the Commissioners would ask the same questions that were asked of the other applicants first and he could ask questions later.


Chair Viegbesie asked question #1 again.

Currently Program Manager for the Florida Office of the Attorney General- Provides strategic planning, leadership, Coordinates business plans, negotiates contracts and contractual requirements. Conducted meetings to ensure the program information was defined and understood so the stakeholder’s needs were met. Seeks input from customers to understand expectations to meet their needs.  Build strong relationships with partners and stakeholders. He was a Captain with Quincy Police Department. He planned, directed, supervised and also controlled the institution of all business, technical, fiscal, and Administrative functions of assigned projects and programs. Involved in the hiring, firing, promotions, and discipline of employees. Also involved with Public relations with the citizens of Quincy. Monitored and executed the Police departments budget. Most important was he was a Child of Gadsden County, raised, went to school, worked majority of professional career in Gadsden County, Worked with some of the BOCC. Honor to be the next County Commissioner.  


Holt asked question #2

Main reason is because of the people. Building real human relationships with the community and Gadsden County employees is one of the most important aspects of work. Share ideas. Knows people in the County that share the same goals he had which was work towards making Gadsden County a better place to live, work, and play.


Hinson asked question #3

Apologizes for the first comment he made. His understanding was the County Administrator’s roll was to be responsible and supervision of the day to day operation of all County departments and staff. Oversee hiring, firing, discipline of all County employees and also prepare, monitor, and execute county budget and advise the board of all Governmental Operations. Know the citizens, be part of the culture.  


Taylor asked question #4

Will attend meetings, church services, attend functions, visit citizens and be there for them. Form Neighborhood watch groups. Diverse community. Will treat every citizen fair and equal.


Morgan asked question #5

Planning is the key. Long- and short-term objectives Plan must align with the objectives, goals and visions. Business strategy. Worked with small organization like Quincy and helped plan the Budget at $3.5 Million Currently worked for the 3rd largest organization in the Country, The State of Florida and was part of the planning and processing for the budget for 2 programs which had a budget of $25 Million for one and $5 Million. 


Chair asked question #6

Strategic plan first. Submitted strategic plan for 1, 5- and 10-year goal at his current place of employment. Wants to be here a long time and would build that relationship as soon as possible while still serving the residence of Gadsden County in the most impactful way. In 10-years, Gadsden will be the best place to work live and play. Get to know team strengths. Build lasting relationships.


Holt also asked question #6, she thought Chair asked question #7.  

In Quincy he had to come up with a strategic plan in the area he supervised as well as at the Attorney General. Interact and implement goals. Personal goal was to get his degree and he did. Professional Management Certifications obtained within a year. Florida Contract Service Management Certification in a year. Estimate your future through budgeting, concepts. 


Hinson asked question #8

His organization wanted to go in a different direction, it was a challenge for him. A few months later he was told the program was going into a deleverage, he knew he had to leave his team. He had to build trust. Brainstorm with internal team and build relationships.


Taylor asked question #9

Former roll with the Quincy police department- Know the Citizens, a lot of backgrounds and cultures in the county. Know how to relate and communicate to build trust. Knowing people personally.   


Morgan asked question #10

Obtained many accomplishments. Most proud of in 2006 he saved an infant’s life.  


Chair asked question #11

Building relationships to maximize growth. You can build a team but you had to figure out who to put on the bus. Plan, bring everyone together to be successful


Holt asked question #12

Knowledge of Policies and procedures, state statutes, ordinances. Also advise from the County Attorney.


Hinson asked question #13

By getting to know the team. Need to know strengths and weaknesses. Look out for threats. Plan, policies in place. Knows what is important to develop the County and execute it. Look at what worked and what did not work.  


Taylor asked question #14

Every Commissioner is different. Everything will be brought to Board meetings. It was up to the Commissioner how they wanted to communicate. It is very important. No favoritism. 


Morgan asked question #15

More experience with small organizations and 5 years with large. Key difference is in a small government you get to know everyone on a personal level. Process for the budget is the same, just larger or smaller amounts to budget.  


Chair asked question #16

Have had several leadership styles but he used the servant leader best. Know how to work with a range of experience. Show appreciation.  Micro-managing kills morale. Know how to build a team up and they are valued. 


Holt asked question #17

Tested a lot but he is professional. Will not do unethical or illegal things. In current roll, 2-3 times a year he had to schedule a conference and when visiting a hotel site, and there were bids put out for proposals, he was offered things of value and knew they were trying to get the bid awarded. He could have got FSU season box tickets and he did not accept.


Hinson asked question #18

Show appreciation to the team and recognize things done that were good, let them know. 


Taylor asked question #19

Learn the team and their strengths and weakness or you set everyone up for failure.


Morgan asked question #20

2 weeks to be professional and give a two-week notice to current employer.


Chair asked if he had any questions.

What does the Board expect from the County Administrator and what was the most important aspect to be accomplished?


Chair- Develop strategic plan that lined up with the Country Budget to enable the County to achieve its mission for economic development and growth, safety and health of the County.


Holt- To be able to help with direction weakest in. Develop a plan to look at Economic development after the virus. Plan together to help the citizens get back to work.


Morgan- Motivate and effectively communicate. Someone who can implement, deliver, lead and understand primary rolls and responsibilities of the County Administrator and effectively fill those rolls.


Hinson- Everything the other Commissioner said and be fair and honest as well as transparent


Taylor- Compassion, Transparent, Visionary  


Citizens Requesting to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items (3-minute limit)

Public comment for Commission meetings can be submitted via email to Citizenstobeheard@gadsdencountyfl.gov until 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16,2020. This allows adequate time for comments to be made part of each meeting’s Official Record and considered carefully by Commissioners and staff. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.


Motion to Adjourn

Butler- meet again tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. for 3 more interviews and then will seek direction from the board.


Morgan- Reminder that the BOCC had to have to wait for all 5 Commissioners to begin the interview process.


Butler said the interview had to be finished with who it was started with as far as the board was concerned.  


Knowles- Asked what happened if all could not make it.


Adjourned 8:51p.m.





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