Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

November 17, 2020

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Eric Hinson, District 1

                                Kimblin NeSmith, District 3

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5

Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Vice-Chair, District 2

Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Henry G. Grant, Interim County Administrator

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk


Reorganization of the Board

   Chair called meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.


Election of Chairman and Vice-Chair

  Green, on behalf of citizens, thanked V for his service as Chair.


Green nominated Holt, NeSmith seconded


V called for vote


Passed 5-0


Chair Holt thanked Dr. V and then asked for nominations for vice chair.


NeSmith nominated V for vice chair 


Holt explained don’t need second for nominations and asked if any other nominations, there were none


She called for vote


Passed 5-0



   Holt asked for moment of silence and then led in Pledge



  Grant asked to add 3 items at 13a-FDOT Maintenance Agreement, 13b-Approval to Adopt a Resolution Supporting the Goal of Affordable and Reliable High-Speed Internet throughout Florida and 13c- Approval of the Contract Supplement with Rudd’s Pest Control, Inc. (In Minutes as Items 14a, 14b, and 14c)


Green motion to approve/V


Passed 5-0





Briefing on the CRTPA Regional Mobility Plan 2045

  Diane Quigley, Growth Management Director, appeared before the Board and said she was presenting the item on behalf of Board because Chair Holt wanted to be updated on plans.


Hinson left the meeting at 6:10 p.m. and later re-joined the meeting by ZOOM.


  Green asked when planned to put us on plan for more bicycle trails.  She explained 3 trails on there.


  V said to Green he was the County Representative for CRTPA and was immediate past chair.  Working on 2 bike trails, one from Havana to Leon County. 


  Holt asked if any co-sponsoring of funding for bus transportation, etc.  Quigley said was federal $$ for that



  V approve/Green 5-0



Ratification Memo



Approval of the 2021 Holiday Schedule



Approval of Library Annual Plan of Service 2020-2021



Approval of Minutes

·         June 18, 2020

·         June 19, 2020

·         June 26, 2020

·         July 21, 2020

·         July 21, 2020

·         July 31, 2020

·         August 17, 2020

·         September 15, 2020

·         September 16, 2020

·         September 17, 2020





Due to COVID-19 and the efforts of Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners to continue the practice of social distancing, Commissioners want to continue to hear from citizens under the Citizens Requesting to be Heard section of the agenda.


If citizens have any questions, comments or concerns, please email and anticipate receiving a response within 48 hours.



   Rev. Willie C. Green, 296 Bradwell Road, Quincy, FL appeared before the Board.  Happy for new composition of the BOCC.  Here to remind that the citizens were very excited about election.  County has been at or near bottom in some categories and at top in others.  Encouraging them to work collaboratively to do best to improve life in Gadsden County.  Number 1 challenge is to improve employment in county.



   Marshall Williams, 211 Horseshoe Drive, Havana appeared before the Board.  Hs residential subdivision request that was denied.  He asked the Board if there was any remedy.


Holt said he could discuss this with Administrator.  There was discussion between the attorney and the citizen.


  Hinson said he had opportunity to speak with Williams.  He asked if county issue or state issue.  Should be rule in place for extenuating circumstances. 


Holt said needed to be agendaed to be discussed.  Hinson asked if policy Board put in place or something state did.  If Board did, could change.





PUBLIC HEARING-(Legislative) Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 2020-005 to repeal Section 7001.1, ‘Citizens Growth Management and Planning Bill of Rights’ and to add Subsection 1306, Community Meetings to Chapters 1, Administration and Enforcement of the Land Development Code, (LDR 2020-02)

Item Pulled



Public Hearing-Approval of Resolution 2020-065 Budget Amendments for FY2020

  Grant introduced above item.


  Jeff Price, Sr. Management & Budget Analyst, appeared before Board.  Said every year go through this process to balance budget.  Said Clerk Thomas been very helpful this year.


First two deals with EMS-was over budget and had to move money to bring within positive balance.  Reason was over-budget-salary increases and main thing was EMS vehicles.  Ended up leasing and was different way to handle accounting wise.  Moved $ from General Fund balance to EMS balance.


Next was Supervisor of Elections-virus took care of little bit-had increase in overtime


Third was Landfill-Mosquito control-never had issue before but was short a mosquito control person for couple months and they decided to hire commercial contractor to come in.


Fourth was Building Inspection is its own fund. 


Holt said no fund there-$6,441-was shortfall.  Had to increase revenue to offset.  Holt asked where pulled from-Revenue source


Holt asked when comes, bring definition of each one so when negative balance and moved, the why is there.


  Green asked in General Fund-did that include $ from CARES ACT.  Price said Cares Act will be in this fiscal year


  Clerk said some things that have been submitted and will mention in his report about getting reimbursement on EMS from CARES Act, but does not need to be mixed up with what he talking about now.  Are seeking reimbursement for CARES Act for EMS but separate issue from what Price doing.


  NeSmith asked about second item.  Was EMS also-have to have 2 separate budget amendments, one for General Fund and one for EMS fund.


  Holt asked for explanation on what happened with EMS.  Price said EMS had negative expenses with salaries and vehicles.  In order to cover, moved $ from General Fund and transferred to EMS


  V said his understanding[MPB1]  was moving $120,000 from General Fund to EMS. 


  V said only comment was presentation-understood what being done.  Commissioners do not know what going on in head of financial manager.  Presentation should be presentation for dummies.  Make it easy for anyone that comes off street so will know what going on.


Holt cautioned new commissioners if have any questions, to get with Administrator.


V motion to approve option 1/Hinson second


Passed 5-0





Approval of Signatures for Special Assessment Liens and Rehabilitation Contract-State Housing (Referred to as Item 6 by Administrator)

  Grant introduced above item


  Green asked process and procedure for anyone that wanted to apply.


  Sonya Burns appeared remotely


V stepped put at 6:55.


  Burns said put together welcome packet to give them understanding on how Department works.


Holt asked will of Board


Nesmith/Green 4-0



St. Hebron Walk and Bike for Trail Amendment (Referred to as Item 7 by Administrator)

  Grant introduced above item


V returned 6:57 p.m.


  Grant said amendment allowed for portion of planning expense to be recovered and extended project expiration date by one calendar year.  Was competitively bid and awarded to Peavy and Sons for $364,693.75.


Green/V 5-0





  Grant introduced above item and said was for discussion only regarding annual payment to each fire department. 


Holt said did not need to look at this until had proof of calls.


  V asked if fund upon approval-goes it go directly to volunteer fire station or when disbursed or to the municipality.  Grant said fire stations in unincorporated areas go to fire station, ones in municipalities go to municipalities.


  Green said he also had question on how come up with numbers-do they look at each facility and what would take to operate facility. 


  Holt said have done before-have departments come in and explain what they are doing and the amount of calls they receive.


Grant asked if wanted done in form of workshop-yes


  Nesmith asked with fire departments in unincorporated areas-does county acquire equipment or them—They pay out of money that is budgeted to them.  



Cooks Landing Road SCOP (Referred to as Item 9 by Administrator)

  Grant introduced above item.  No fiscal impact to County


V approve/Nesmith 5-0



CR159 Dover/Scotland Road LAP-Supplement Agreement (Referred to as Item 10 by Administrator)

  Grant introduced above item.  Reduction in costs-new agreed amount $503,749.00.


V/Green 5-0



CR153 Iron Bridge Road LAP – Supplemental Agreement (Referred to as Item 11 by Administrator)

  Grant introduced above item and was also reduction in costs to agreed amount of $366,336.00.


Hinson/V 5-0



Willacoochee Creek Bridge Repair (Bridge #500040) SCOP Agreement (Administrator addressed as Item 12)

  Grant introduced above item


V/Hinson 5-0



Broadband Contract (Administrator addressed as Item 13)

  V stated item was not in book and Deputy Clerk said was not on website.  Chair said was added on-in email.  Deputy Clerk stated did not receive email.  Steele stated was on website.


Hinson made motion to approve/Holt second


  V said did not believe procedure was appropriate and did not think fair to new commissioners-did not know entire story.  He is supporter for broadband for everyone.  School board is providing broadband to students of county.  First Lady of Florida has proposed plan to provide broadband to every part of State with T-Mobile. 


Also have item on Agenda that was added that was to provide broadband to all rural counties.


Other concern is-all in approving this item, was in total violation of Code of Federal Regulation 200.38 and is code that is on federal grants.  Though CARES Act money, plan on spending $900,000 but request is $1.765 Million difference and is violation of the cost analysis of the federal regulation for funding.  If recall from last meeting, packet submitted by vendor was incomplete.  Proposal does not address how device would be returned, does not state who responsible for overage cost beyond December 30th associated with device rental, and does not specify and/or provide impact analysis, engineer and plans or results of service testing in areas to ensure effectiveness and proper (inaudible).  All 3 were required by whomever submitted proposal for service.  So this particular bid was lacking those and during discussion on approval of the bid to Figgers Communication, he expressed his concerns of the plan as a violation of the federal regulation and if Board approves; first question is-if proposal submitted is lacking and not complete-how did they get to where they were now there to approve the contract.  In conversation of last meeting, Holt said she was looking at contracts and asked the attorney to make sure that all of the concerns, being the lack of information that was requested, be provided.  His question was having the 3 items that were not provided been provided when the service contract was drawn up?


  Knowles said received contract from FCI 3 weeks ago.  Was insufficient, made substantial changes and sent to representatives of FCI and around 9:00 this morning received another contract with additional changes and modifications, most of which did not agree with.   What he did to try to address first concern with regard to devices, contract he proposed effectively provided device, once County procures it and device becomes property of resident, County would pay FCI on a pro-rata procurement basis.  After that 30 days, period is up; device would be the service moving forward, would be the responsibility of the individual who received the device and the County would not be on the hook beyond December 30th.  What FCI proposed, which he did not agree with, was the devices would be procured except in the case of a breach of contract or termination without cause by the County at which FCI would retain the devices and if County terminated without cause, would have to pay them $600,000 for damages.  Also, for first 50 GB of service provided by FCI, every additional 50 GB above that, will pay $50/per 50 GB per device.  Would be costly and do not agree with.  Best way can address devices is that we bought them, we own them, we keep them; we being the citizenry of County.  County only providing service for whatever amount being allotted in terms of data usage, that what buying.  Would not advice Board get into scenario where don’t know.  What understand from IT was 500 MB to a GB for every hour streaming and one thing Hinson said that he wanted to use for was for tele-work and was for school.  Knowles said if doing back and forth like on Zoom and tele-work and using gigabyte every hour, will run out pretty fast and County could be charged significant amount of money moving forward. 


  V said all his concerns have been registered.  Said before and will again, may be wrong and may be right.  If Board approves contract, he will personally file complaint with how using grant money in violation of their requirement unless Treasury Department tells him he is wrong.  Will not support this item.  Has said before and will again, when FBI comes knocking, he has done nothing to open his door because  he has done nothing to knock on his door because he was not going to vote for it and will not support it.  If Board approves this today, within 24 hours, he will file complaint with US Department of Treasury. 


  Green said although he was not part of original conversation, he followed it.  What is deadline this must be approved.  Can they see dialogue between attorney and their representative and would love for representative come to answer questions?


  Knowles said have until December 30 to expend or allocate funds.  Told Green would be happy to forward conversation had and can send all contracts.  Time is of essence.


  Hinson said broadband is something been proposing past 5-6 years.  Had questions that concerned him.  Think lot of dogmatic conversation that someone relayed earlier-said they started at $900,000 and illegal to go up to $1.7.  If recalled, Board agreed to not spend $1 Million on hospital and other things-how can be illegal if Board agreed to it.  Sending mixed signal to community.  If Board agreed to something, it’s legal, especially if everyone there.  Now saying time sensitive-right.  Board voted to move forward with this before school started.  Also, offensive and insulting to him, with all degrees he’s gotten from Moorhouse and University of Miami, he has seen these guys on Zoom, they read and studied this and to now insult them that they don’t know history, was insult to him.  How come there’s been dialogue, why haven’t seen conversation with attorney and their representative.  If County Administrator, Chair and attorney knew was time sensitive, should have moved forward.    Something don’t smell right to him, is insulting.  He said was insulting and when people start talking with sweat on head, it’s a sad day in Gadsden County.  He said if attorney had information, to share so they could make decision and asked how often he and Dr. V talked about this, not fair to Board.  Hate to postpone, but they never get anything.  When one commissioner says school Board has 5G stuff, where is it because students telling him they have nothing. 


Holt asked if he was withdrawing motion-no, waiting to get factual information.  He said something going on and “they” making it personal and was a personal attack.  They keep postponing but attorney never sends them anything, embarrassing. 


  NeSmith asked based on timeframe, is that timeframe they were aware of to expend money-Grant said timeframe to submit is December 3rd, deadline to expend is December 30th.   NeSmith said read over and was a very extensive document.  Did speak to Knowles regarding this and asked for additional time to study agreement.


  Green concurred with Hinson on having factual information-heard other resources and numbers not adding up.  Who taking true analysis on numbers-not happy in going back and forth and asked for better information so can look at this. 


Hinson said would withdraw his motion only if they can address this Thursday and invite company in to discuss.  Holt withdrew second.


  V said was going to reserve comment on what he was expecting of Board.  Have nothing personal.  See Green wiping sweat from head and does not mean thing.  If anyone says anything, preachers preach and (inaudible) if want to make comments, make comments direct, if going to refer to someone, will call by name.


Holt asked to wrap this up.  Said asked for meeting and fell apart.  This company was only one that submitted bid.  Then attorney suggested to be bid again.  He was again only one that bid.  FBI been here 2-3 times, nothing new.  Holt asked for special meeting next week-Monday to give new commissioners chance to look over.  Told both Attorney and Administrator to call contractor and have special meeting Monday at 6:00. 


Hinson asked if contractor knew what concerns and issues were or was it something they should know. 


Holt said attorney would send documentation to each commissioner.  



FDOT Maintenance Agreement (Administrator addressed this as 13a)

  Grant introduced above item.


V/Green 5-0



Approval to Adopt a Resolution Supporting the Goal of Affordable and Reliable High-Speed Internet Throughout Florida

  Grant introduced above item


Hinson/V 5-0



Approval of the Contract Supplement with Rudd’s Pest Control

  Grant introduced above item.


V/Hinson 5-0



Bond Measure

Item Pulled



County Administrator’s Contract

Item Pulled






  Clerk said forwarded a complete update of CARES Act spending-now have received monies from phase 1 & 2-number of deadlines-Grant mentioned 1- was a November 16th deadline-was supposed to have spent all of phase 2 to qualify for phase 3.  They submitted payrolls for law enforcement and EMS to fulfill requirement so still in game.  Said could continue to submit.  Have spent approximately $2.3 Million.  Money submitted for payroll goes into phase 3 and will have for spending plan.  Got work to do in clarifying spending plan and executing it in short period of time. 


Holt asked Administrator for Health Council, did they get money.  Don’t know, they have to submit documentation.


Holt said need to get them back in here, need to hurry up.  Have to get money moving. 


Clerk said one area could emphasize to public-residence assistance program-haven’t spent very much. 


Clerk said done well with small businesses,


Holt said reason asked about Health Council, may need to bring in couple and they could help out.  If Integrity doesn’t move money, will lose out.


Grant said they put it on Integrity if money was not spent correctly, they’re held responsible.


  Frederica Hamilton appeared before Board-balance that remained in phase 2 funding is $2,141,867.  As of morning, have received 564 applications-problem is having applicants provide required support documentation.


  Holt said did not have problem with what she was saying, if some applicants did not know how to get information, help them. 


  Green asked how many persons was working in department-3 in building and 5 remotely.    


Holt said needed help and need meeting ASAP.


  Hinson said he was receiving complaints regarding application process too.  He talked with staff and they were working well.  Constituents telling him still having issues-asked for workshop once week-don’t want to prolong this. 


  Holt asked for Hamilton to get with other members of Integrity and see if available for Monday at 6:00. 


  V said to help Integrity, need to consider GCDC to work in collaboration with Integrity. 


Holt thanked Clerk






  Grant reminded everyone of Special meeting November 19 at 6:00-


Had two department heads, Curtis Young back at Public Works and Extension head is Marcus Boston


Need direction from Commission on how staff needs to pursue Administrator position.


  V asked if appropriate to re-advertise and whomever wishes to apply, can apply. 


Did not think fair to two new incoming commissioners and suggested to advertise position, send through process and let everyone decide who want in position.  Could be motion to make Interim permanent if direction want to go. 


  Green said in respect to vice chair, what is longevity of process of selecting administrator and knew lot of issues that needed to be taken care of.  Have mixed emotions in direction heading.  Has person been notified that contract was denied.


  Knowles said did speak with Elias, was aware of Board’s action of October 20th.  Was aware of counter-offer and response was would not accept $105,000 but said still willing to negotiate.  May need to re-advertise.


  Holt passed gavel-motion is for Dixon to be offered contract-same one offered to Elias at $105,000 for 5 years.  Has more experience-when was chairman of association, wrote grant.  Do not have assistant administrator or someone to step in.  Motion is to offer same contract and not required to advertise.


V said denied for lack of second-holt said have not asked for second.


  Green said agreed with Holt in reference to qualifications, however would like to have opportunity to see what out there and would love for him to apply and them follow process.  Think could be great asset to board but want him to apply. Also feel whomever select should hire assistant. 


V thanked Green for comments and announced Holt’s motion died for lack of second.    Have confidence in Ed Dixon and he has worked tremendously with CRTPA.  His skill unquestionable.  Want them to go through process of hiring, he’s local, knows people, knows history, let him apply.  If re-advertised and he applies, if goes through process he would have his vote but need to go through process.

(Passed gavel back)


   Hinson said fair is fair.  Personally, don’t have dog in fight.  Don’t know Derrick too much. 


V stepped out 8:27 p.m.


Heard withdrew application and now hear may be willing to negotiate.  Ready to move on with anybody. 


  Holt said if remember correctly, have not selected one person off list since 2008. 


V returned 8:30 p.m.


  Green said he suggested he was ready to move on, he said Hinson made another comment 


  Hinson said if someone that applied, have 3 commissioners that committed, why go through the motion because have the 3 votes tonight, move on. 


  V said item died for lack of second.  Why are still continuing on that motion-are they discussing motion that was dead or asking for direction for staff.


  Knowles said hearing want new process based on metrics Board selects on how to proceed on contract.


V said why is there hesitation for second motion.  His question was on dead motion, could someone else make same motion-Knowles said did not believe so. 


Holt said opportunity was given and now time for another commissioner.


  NeSmith motioned for new process, knew Dixon was qualified but wanted a process to go through, for him to submit his application to have on record. 


Holt asked what they wanted to do. 


  Green suggested that the 5 come to an agreement that would not make motions without deliberating


  Knowles suggested if could have action workshop-Holt said to add on Thursday.  Holt said to start at 4:00. 


  V said would not be available at 4:00-have canvassing at 1:30.   Said for clarification, Holt stated Dixon had applied before.  V said must have before his time. 






  Knowles said have Resolution that out with mask mandate, no curfew, need to know how to address with new members.  Is it something Chair can sign or have another meeting?  Holt asked if Hinson wanted to change anything.  Hinson said would love to hear comments, has come heartburn, especially as related to curfew.


  V said on that Resolution, suggested have emergency meeting where Resolution is discussed so new commissioners were involved if new items want to add. 


  Green said could do Friday at 10:00; NeSmith said would be at work, could do at 4:00.


  V said since coming into holidays, think Board needs to meet and come up with Resolution before coming into holidays. 


Holt asked if anything new from Governor, Knowles said not that he had seen. 


Grant said Thursday meeting is advertised as emergency meeting and could be added to it. 


Emergency Meeting now changed to Thursday at 6:00 p.m.





Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Eric Hinson, District 1

  Thanked constituents for chance to serve another 4 years.  Congratulated 2 new commissioners.   Told them to remain positive.  Know have Assistant Administrator open.  Think should put freeze on all positions until find top level position.


Holt said would second for discussion.


Holt asked if hiring assistant administrator-yes, because need help. 


  V said given direction Board going, would Hinson consider amending motion to not freezing all positions but freezing management level positions.  Hinson said he could agree with that.  Reason being never get into hiring and firing but also try to keep down lawsuits. 


Altered motion will only affect leadership and management positions/Holt second.


NeSmith asked to be clear on what positions would be.


  V asked about management positions that were needed like yesterday. 


Holt called for the vote.  5-0 



Commissioner Kimblin NeSmith, District 3

  NeSmith thanked Hinson for words of support. 



Commissioner Ronterious “Ron”, District 5

  Thanked everyone for job done thus far.   Have an approachable leader.  Did not expect meeting to go so long.  Are few things will be tackling in next few weeks. 



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie Vice-Chair, District 2

  V said borrowing from Martin Luther King Jr. and read the below aloud:


                “Progress in Gadsden County.


Commissioners, borrowing the words of Martin Luther King Jr, “we have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of collaborative love and honest dedication into the veins of our county's growth and prosperity”.  Commissioners, we don't have to agree on all things as long as we agree that we all love Gadsden County.


If everyone agrees on everything, then someone is unnecessary". It's okay to respectfully agree to disagree agreeably. "There is never a wrong time to do what is right".

Progress should not be compelled by where a person was born; their family; or a person’s race and ethnicity. 


We must not let the politics of fear and sense of divisiveness stand in our path of progress and prosperity and integrity for Gadsden County.

Commissioners, I truly hope and pray that our Modus operandi forward must be a "unity of purpose". We must not see ourselves as a district Commissioner. Rather, we must see ourselves as Gadsden County Commissioners if we are going to make Gadsden County a better place for all of its residents. 


Remember that the mission of the GCBOCC is "To build a better community by offering efficient, sustainable services, encouraging economic development and providing safety to improve the quality of life".


In closing, my question to us is "Can a Community progress, grow and prosper if its people insist on continuing with a culture of self-cannibalism due to individual narcissistic personalities and idiosyncrasies?" I declare not.

In this position, as a Commissioner, I do not have a permanent friend nor a permanent enemy. I, however, have a permanent purpose of making Gadsden County better for all to live in. 


So now Commissioners, let's go to work for the good of Gadsden County.


Thank you and God bless Gadsden County.”





Commissioner Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

  Holt asked if CareerSource called today. Yes. 


Need to get list of paving lists for new commissioners.


Board appointments-need to look at list.


Must look at Comprehensive plan. 


FAC doing training for new commissioners. 


Asked for Proclamation for Maggie S. King  V made motion/Green  5-0


  V said his comment was a congratulatory comment for new commissioners and was looking forward to working with them. 


Receipt and File









  Adjourned at 9:16 p.m.






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