Board of County Commissioners

Rules of Procedure for Meetings

November 2, 2021

4:30 p.m.


Present:               Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Vice Chair, District 2

                                Eric Hinson, District 1

                                Kimblin NeSmith, District 3

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5

                                Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk





Due to COVID-19 and the efforts of the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners to continue the practice of social distancing, Commissioners want to continue to hear from citizens under the Citizens Requesting to be Heard section of the agenda.

If citizens have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email and anticipate receiving a response within 48 hours.

The Board of County Commissioners would like to thank everyone for their patience and flexibility during this time.



  Chair called workshop to order. 


  Mr. Knowles read the above.









Discussion Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners

  Assis. County Admin Daniels came before the board. 


  Green entered the workshop at 4:34

  Knowles asks for guidance on whether the changes to the rules and procedures are what they’re asking for. Start at 6, vice chair can start the meeting if chair cannot, etc.

  Brenda- thinks wording of “most senior commis” should stay, if senior 3 commissioners are out then there’s not a quorum. 

  Dr. V- Begs to differ bc no commissioner here that doesn’t know the process.


Mr. Dixon joined workshop at 4:38PM.

  Dr. V- Doesn’t think the most senior part needs to be in. To avoid confusion, etc.

  Green- thinks both are good but thinks keeping “seniority” bc the person would know if one of the two aren’t here. Likes the terminology. Gives direction to the Board if one of the two are out

  NeSmith- asks Clayton if “seniority” wasn’t included in section how would it read. It would just have a simple definition of who would go next based on being sworn in.

  Brenda- says the wording is for future commissioners too.

  Green- should keep it for future reference.

  V- keep it as it is for future and make sure there are no obstruction to the process. This document isn’t a document for this board but for in case anyone comes. Something in place that is in operation for the future as well. Not about us but about the GCBOCC.   

   Clayton- clarity on “emergency meetings”. This does not impair discretionary limit. What items can/cannot be brought to emergency meetings. Items more than 10k should/should not be brought? Unless disaster.

  Brenda asks Dixon.

  Dixon- always emergency items. Idea is to be clear what an emergency is. “Things that can wait, should wait.”

  Brenda- if Item requires fiscal impact, can see a dollar amount put there. Not bringing budget items to emergency meetings? Dixon, no.

  Dixon- emergency meetings must have great loss to the Board. Something that can’t wait until next meeting of the board without some great loss.

  Brenda- if you put it in there, the dollar amount, you’re obligated to it.

  V- wants to add, only the items on the agenda will be discussed and nothing else. Wants that clear in the policy. CA has discretionary limit, doesn’t see why the specific amount should be in if it can impede an emergency situation.

  Green- agrees with V, what is additional amount to charge attorney for special meetings. And make sure to stick to agenda for costs.

  Clayton- whatever the hours we spend putting it together. 10mins vs 5 hours. Depends on the time. This is designed to keep items to emergencies. Need to define an emergency.

  NeSmith- tries to defer but doesn’t. why the 10k if there’s already the discretionary limit. It’s been board policy, not in procedures.

   V- costs of meetings was one of the dissatisfying elements of the previous attorney. Were having so many meetings and were charging for every meeting. The less emergency meetings/shorter the better fiscally it is for the county.

  Brenda- 10k wording should not be in there. Should only reference staying on track.


Hinson entered the workshop at 4:54pm.


  Brenda- we don’t know amount of items during emergency meetings.

  Clayton- page 6. Commissioners shall limit to max of 6 mins to item. 3 for discussion, 2 for rebuttal, 1 minute for closing.      

      V- time limit isn’t new, doesn’t think breaking down the minutes is necessary. Give 6 minutes, when that 6 is up, it’s up. Commiss should be conscious of time as well. Breaking down the time is too elementary.

  Green- time keeping. Need some structure/guidance but maybe not break it down too much.

  Brenda- 6 mins is fine, it’s easier to look at intervals for the timekeeper. Need to have a process in place.

  NeSmith- 6 mins per agenda item? Yes. Just need to decide who is the timekeeper. Brenda shouldn’t as she’s part of meeting as well.

  Green- says the next chair may not want that obligation of timekeeping so need to find a structure system.

  Clayton- try it, see what works. Leave language and amend later.

  V- commissioners should be conscious of time and be disciplined enough to respect other’s time.

  Clayton- page 9, item 11 want that removed.        

  Dixon- mandate that all meetings are at 6 o’clock. “Unless otherwise by the Board”, include special meetings etc. Misunderstood.

  NeSmith- required by statute? Clayton- no just public hearings. Regular meetings are at 6 per the board’s procedures. Want flexibility for regular meetings? Dixon, not unless it’s needed.

  Brenda asks if regular meetings were started at times other than 6. Dixon says yes. Moving meetings would cause public confusion.

  Green- issue with trying to change the time, was going to say 6 works for those who still work for a living.

  V- agrees with Green.

  Clayton- not in document but is in code, “meetings end at 11”.  Keep? Yes.  If meeting doesn’t end at 11, can vote to extend meeting and conclude all business.

  NeSmith- language is where? Clayton- in adjournment in the County Code not in procedures. Need to align.

  Clayton- explaining the code.

  V- rules for administration of the board and meetings.

  NeSmith- next step? Clayton- advertise it, public hearings, then first reading, then advertise, then second reading, then adopt.             

   V- asking about evaluation, that another workshop or this? Clayton- chair election was changed. Separate workshop.

  NeSmith- will evaluation process be included in rules and procedures? Clayton- separate document. Can add to procedures, may need to workshop it more. NeSmith-Need a process that’ll last. 






Answer Questions on Selected Agenda Items Regarding the November 2, 2021 BOCC Agenda







NeSmith stepped out at 5:26pm.



  Dixon- went through the agenda.



V stepped out at 5:27pm.



NeSmith returned at 5:28pm.



  Dixon discusses Greensboro fire dept.

  Dixon discusses Chattahoochee fire dept.


  Brenda- what would be done with the truck? Dixon, that truck has already been given to a VFD. Has been taken care of? Dixon, yes.    



  Item 12- FEMA awarded, can proceed.

  NeSmith- going to item 13, is that a carryover from years ago? Yes. Run 2-3 years.  



V returned at 5:37pm.



   NeSmith-existing contract allows to extend for a year? Yes.


  Dixon wants to table item 16, FCI Broadband Service Agreement, to discuss with FCI and others.


   Dixon- asked for second ambulance.

  Green- item 18. Look at all formats of how to use the funds. Do a workshop on it rather than voting tonight. Asks to pull and workshop instead.


  NeSmith- agrees.

  Clayton- added item regarding opioid lawsuit. Asks for ability to have chair “sign on” in agreement. Not binding.


  V- appreciates Clayton for bringing it to their attention. Nothing to lose.

  Brenda- spoke with Sheriff, Mr. Barkley, those in jail have problems and concerns. Need some help, have a drug to work program and re-entry.


  Dixon- agrees with Brenda, references “tobacco money”.

   Brenda- drug addicted in with criminals. Housing issue.


Workshop adjourned at 5:45PM. 















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