Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

January 18, 2022

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Chair, District 2

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, Vice Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, District 1

                                Kimblin NeSmith, District 3

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk

                                Sara Green, Deputy Clerk



  Chair welcomed everyone to meeting, called it to order at 6:04; asked Rev. Gregory to give Invocation and then led in Pledge of Allegiance.



  Dixon asked to pull Item 11


  Green/NeSmith 5-0




  Dixon asked that Holt and Hinson abstain from


Green/NeSmith 3-0



Ratification Memo



Approval of Minutes

·         November 16, 2021 Regular Meeting



Approval and Signature for Special Assessment Lien SHIP Housing Rehabilitation Program or Emergency (ER) Program





Anyone wishing to speak on agenda items or non-agenda items should schedule or notify the County Administrator’s Office before attending the meeting and will be asked to follow the Gadsden County Public Meetings Citizens Access Guidelines.  Also, public comment for Commission meetings can be submitted via email to until noon on January 18, 2022.  Comments submitted after the deadline but prior to the meeting will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.

  Green read aloud above statement.







Approval of Actuary Services for required OPEB Report Optional Post Employee Benefit

   Dixon introduced above item, is 2-year agreement


Holt/Green 5-0


Approval of the Agreement for Update to the Gadsden County Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element with the Apalachicola Regional Planning Council (ARPC)

  Dixon introduced above item and said was grant in amount of $50,000 to improve Transportation Element


Green/NeSmith 5-0



Transportation Agreement between the Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit, Inc. to Provide the Gadsden Connector Bus Service from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2024

  Dixon said items 6, 7, 8 9 all interconnected – agreements with Big Bend Transit.  Comes with slight rate increase.  Going up to $5,900/month


Holt made motion to approve with discussion. V second


Hinson stepped out at 6:16 p.m.


  V said request as to signage as to where bus stops so people would know.


  Hinson returned 6:17


  Holt asked amount of increase-$1,000. 


  NeSmith said had shortfall-what caused-was increase-what cause increase?  Employees, fuel


  NeSmith then asked if have schedule of bus stops and times? Yes. 


  Dixon said with upgrade to website, will be able to highlight programs.



Transportation Agreement between the Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit, Inc. to Provide the Continuation of Gadsden Express Services from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021

  Dixon introduced above item and said sought approval for Gadsden Express.  Anticipated fares to be collected is $


  Hinson asked if reached out to City of Quincy?  Next item.


  V asked where was in budget.


  Daniels appeared-get grant from City of Tallahassee-we have $50,000 in budget and they pay the other $50,000


  NeSmith asked if pay monthly $9,180; Daniels said we pay first and get reimbursed.


  Green said made mention had conversation with City of Quincy, is there possibility they will be able to help?  Dixon said can ask because serves all cities. 


  Hinson felt should ask City to join in, they utilize every place in Quincy, they just stop in other cities. 


  Green said conversation maybe all cities could be included, based on amount of services.


  Holt said was an agreement has long time ago.  Will have infrastructure money coming down. 


Holt motion to approve/Hinson second with question.  Hinson said meet with BBT every couple of months


  NeSmith questioned contract started October 2021 and it was now 1/22.  Dixon said working on contracts as fast as can.  They been providing services.


  Chair called for vote.  5-0



Transportation Agreement between the Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit, Inc. to Provide the Quincy Shuttle Bus Service from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2024

  Dixon introduced above item.  Quincy Shuttle only goes around City of Quincy.




Holt asked toto provide number of ridership.


  NeSmith asked if receive numbers-required in contract-yes.


  V asked to make part of quarterly when they provide ridership data to make available to Board.


  Board voted 5-0  



Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Tallahassee (c/o StarMetro) and Gadsden County, FL

  Dixon introduced above item




  NeSmith said hearing Tallahassee, StarMetro, how different?  Dixon said transportation different an appeal to different grant for funding.  All designed is to get people into and out of Tallahassee.  Each line requires different grant for funding. 


Chair called for vote-5-0


  Hinson said sounded far-fetched, but 



Microsoft Enterprise Annual Renewal

  Dixon introduced above item.  Se




  NeSmith asked about contract being 10/21 – been providing services. 





Motorola Project Maintenance Contract



Re-Approval of the Gadsden County CARES Act Residual Funds



  Hinson proposed-in 2020 was able to make commitment to communities to use money for homeless programs and used rest of funding for small business and residential program.  Can make changes:  Havana Community Development asked for help past 10 years and been unable to help; was in Gretna and was impressed and saw there were needs in Gretna as well.  Want to award City of Gretna $250,000.  Need to help those that need help in County.  Asked for $600,000 and Holt asked to add Gretna in.  When went there, understood.  Would like to share half to Gretna-want to make bold move and hoped have Holt and Chairman’s support along with everyone else.  $250,000 for HCDC; $250,000 to City of Gretna.


  V said conversation was what workshop was about-have already approved spending $250,000, reimburse Sheriff’s office $9,000.  What discussed and came up with during workshop, $280,000 should be allocated to small businesses that need assistance and need to use rest.  If do that, $7??? Will go to zero.  Asked which one was not a priority, ambulance or sheriff.  All really had was $140,000.


  Hinson said this was work in process and can change on dime-nothing in concrete.  This money went into general revenue.  Board voted to give $100,000 to homeless program. 


  V asked for the sake of time, for Hinson to make a motion on how he wanted money spent. 


  Hinson said could take money out of budget to redesign Commission Chamber.  Asked Board to restore money that was set aside for homelessness. 


  Hinson motion to add $250,000 to help Gretna; $250,000 to help HCDC & $100,000 to assist with homelessness and to add    Have enough money for these services. 


  Green said thought calling numbers for Item 13 and not for Item 12. 


  V said motion is for $1.77 Million - asked for second-motion died for lack of second


  Holt asked if discussing CARES Act-yes.  Have to have shovel-ready projects; need to have programs in place.  Want Havana and Gretna to have money but have to have money to keep ambulances running.  Just need to vote and move on. 


  NeSmith said have responsibility to utilize public’s money carefully.  $600,000 not enough money for what building needs, need overall plan. 


  Hinson asked to put allocation of funds on screen.  Last budget voted for, voted to provide for these positions.  Voted to add positions on CARES dollars.  He asked why take homelessness money out of budget.


  Holt said was false information given out-FEMA recommended these positions.  Have approximately $140,000 to use.  Can apply for grants to help Havana Northside.  Need to have shovel-ready projects.


  Green wanted to recognize Mayor of Gretna and City Manager.  Would like to have opportunity to sit with Havana and Gretna to see what plan could come up with.  Don’t know needs homeless have-need details. 


  V said if going to deal with homelessness, need someone in Housing program. 


  Holt motion to reserve one of $140,000 to decide what to do later/NeSmith second  4-1 Hinson opposed



Re-Allocation of Funds for the Gadsden County American Rescue Plan (GCARP) Program

  Dixon introduced above item. 

Said $280,000 for Small Business; $240,000 for 1st ambulance; $242,00 for second ambulance & $9,000 to Sheriff.


  Hinson asked about ambulances-4 in year? 


  Hinson said when he gives out information, not inaccurate.    


  Chair asked will of board-


Holt motion approve item with $280,000 for small business; $240,000 for ambulance; $242,000 for second and $9,000 for Sheriff reimbursement/ NeSmith second  Board voted 5-0



Economic Development Professional Services Contract with the Gadsden County Chamber of Commerce Small Business Service Center

  Dixon introduced above item.  Contract is not due until September 30, 2023.  Brought for any direction-board asked for contracts to come for verbiage and direction.  Said do not get much information when comes to this contract.  When do receive information, it is limited.


  Green said wanted to understand that Board paying for services and get no detail what giving funding for.  Dixon said yes.  Green asked if information been asked for-Dixon said did not want to ask until had direction from Board.


  NeSmith said Green asked one of his questions but asked if have current contract-Daniels said


Dixon said Item 13 & 14 were workshop worthy.  If they were going to be partners, they need to be given direction by the Board. 


  Holt said Board spoke before they wanted to have in-house economic development services.  Think need to workshop tis desperately. 


  Green made motion to table until have workshop/NeSmith second   5-0


  Board returned to Item 14. 


  Holt motion to rescind but not present-V said did not mean in person-


Holt moved for reconsideration of Item 14/NeSmith 5-0


  Holt motion to pay Chamber through second quarter/NeSmith Second  Board voted 5-0



Economic Development Professional Services Contract-Gadsden County Development Council

  Recommendation to table


  Antonio Jefferson appeared before the Board.  He asked they not table this because into second quarter.  Was not aware contract expired.  Do report to Board at request of County Administrator.  To workshop, they would have to close their doors until decision is made.  Asked they renew contract. 


  Dixon said not recommending they be defunded, recommending to look at contract.  Have no intention of not paying them but need to talk about contract in entirety.  


  V asked if have been paying GCDC, have they been paying Chamber-Dixon said not recommending either be defunded.


  Green asked how soon could it be defunded. 


  Attorney just brought implication into conversation.  Knowles said if there is no contract with either, won’t be paid. 


  V said already tabled 14.


  Holt said to recommend continue for 60 days and need to know what both were doing.  If going to pay Chamber, they need to report


Holt Motion to approve extension of contract through second quarter/Green second


  NeSmith said was trying to understand motion-they are paid quarterly; Holt said reason said 60 days, would give 30 more days to look at any problems. NeSmith asked if would be prorated?  Dixon said would be paid through second quarter. 


  Holt adjusted motion-pay GCC through 2nd quarter/Green second


  Hinson said they were the Board and had to be careful -easy to make motion and easy to take vote.  Think dropped ball to wait to last minute and they being punished.  Have 30 days to terminate contract.  Need to move forward, have other pressing things. 


  NeSmith said did not know date of expiration.  Jefferson said date of contract was not issue in looking at it.  They adopted budget with GCDC included, they felt Board assumed would be renewed.  Felt issue of contract would be formality of contract. NeSmith said have been discussions all year concerning economic development.  Need to have overall discussion concerning this. 


  V said Hinson said something they need to take to heart-talking about $60,000. 


  Hinson said agreed with Nesmith need inhouse economic development. 


  Green stepped out 8:32 p.m.


  Hinson continued-


  Holt asked when second quarter ended-March-


  Green returned 8:38 p.m.


  Holt said to meet and get plan together


  Dixon said his recommendation was for strategy session-not to put them out of business. 


  NeSmith said Administrator capsulated what he was going to say.  Issue is have to do something different.  If continue same, will have same outcome.


  Chair called for vote Board voted 5-0


**Then returned to Item 14**






  Nothing to report






  Dixon asked if want to cancel second meeting in February-looking at trying to have meeting on 18th for special items.  V said knew 3 maybe all 5 will be at NACO conference and felt they needed to look at cancelling.


Today Small County Coalition Day; tomorrow is


In conversation with Dr. Cooksey, moving – having testing (rapid) – testing and finding 27-30?% positivity.  Little to no hospitalization because of vaccinations.  Not aware of any deaths from Omicron.  Do not have any of monoclonal in Gadsden County, have at FSH to maintain a low infection rate.  Also vaccinating 5 and older. 


Meet and Greet of Interstate of ??? at Havana Community Center…






  Knowles asked for executive session in regard to case that is right for settlement.


V stepped out at 8:55 p.m.


Sill get with Bradley to schedule.


  Holt asked who with – Eric Krebs- for pending lawsuit-Woodard v. Gadsden County-sexual assault at library





Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4

 Holt said have ordinance of building and rebuilding and want it brought back-once house or mobile home demolished has to be replaced within 2 years.


Also, would like to look at project with City of Tallahassee on transportation. 



V returned 8:59 p.m.



Commissioner Eric Hinson, District 1

  Hinson said talked to County Commissioner about issue dealing with Figgers Communication and their contract set to expire February 1st.  Asked for emergency meeting to discuss and extend their time to at least a year to identify 25,000 hotspots.  Will be impossible for them to give service for less than 25,000. 


Knowles said since been in meeting, received email from Mr. Bebe asking for meeting next week. 


  Hinson motion to extend contract for another year.  Motion died for lack of second.


  Holt asked Administrator, been working with FCI, any suggestion on how to extend on how to work out what need to work on.  Dixon said been trying to work with FCI all along, had what thought was good idea, ran down to sources, went back to representative, heard nothing.  Told them time was running out.  Jut received email this afternoon.  If they won’t come to table, don’t know what to do.  olt askeHolt Holt asked if 30 more days would give time to do something.  Dixon said 30 days might man 30 more days.  If they ask for meeting, will have meeting.  Holt said did not see email-asked it be sent to her.  She said she would like to end this and hopefully could help some citizens in community.  Holt wanted to know if they were interested in meeting.  Dixon said they asked for meeting and unless Board aid otherwise, plan on meeting. 


Knowles said they were meeting on 1st, day contract expires, can discuss then. 


  Hinson said looking at email, sent out Friday and received Monday.  Asked Administrator for all emails between Administrator and Figgers-ready to bring this to closure.


  V asked how many representatives have worked with FCI-


Hinson asked for public records request for copy of all communication between Figgers Communication and Ed Dixon so can see for himself what transpired.


Said asked about situation with homelessness, was told got to have information.  Have lot of people that live in abandoned houses.    



Commissioner Kimblin NeSmith, District 3

  Said Holt brought 2 issues to his attention-concur on recommendation on houses that were burnt or destroyed.


  Holt clarified her comment-wants to give them opportunity to beautify property-give them more time-like 5 years instead of 2. 


  NeSmith asked in order to amend, what’s required.  Stiell said was section 3 of Land Development Code.


  NeSmith asked who initiated contact for meeting-just came in email during the meetings today. 


Knowles said sent email to FCI-they responded asking for meeting next week. 


  Dixon said just glanced at email.  NeSmith asked if felt could move forward-no idea-know our intentions, have no idea their intentions. 


  Had opportunity   


Commissioner Ronterious Green, Vice Chair, District 5

  Green said received call from constituent from Lake Talquin area about Neighborhood Watch program. 


Glad to hear about County Health Department extending their hours regarding COVID.  Can order own home test kit for COVID. 



Commissioner Anthony O. Viegbesie, Chair, District 2

   V said would talk on one topic mentioned several times.  Had workshop on homelessness and affordable housing. 


Other is-hap opportunity to meet with gentlemen-keep talking about revenue and generating revenue.  Gave Dixon business card and asked him to explore.


  Hinson wanted to make sure before getting into it, have all information.  Don’t want to take people’s property. 


  V said have always, before making any recommendations, County Administrator invite them to come before body so questions could be asked. 


  Holt motion for proclamation for ??/ Hinson second 5-0


  V said finally, his comment was something for them to think about.  Went to meeting today and what was told today did not make him happy. 


V motion that Gadsden County Commission create a Gadsden County/NeSmith 5-0


Receipt and File





  Adjourned at 9:40 p.m.





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