Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

March 7, 2023

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Kimblin NeSmith, Chair, District 3

                                Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

                                Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5

                                Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk


Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

   Chair NeSmith welcomed everyone, Simpkins gave invocation, and NeSmith led in Pledge of Allegiance.


Amendments and Approval of Agenda

  Pull Items 14 & 15

Simpkins/Holt 5-0


Awards, Presentations and Appearances



Proclamation Honoring Women in Construction Week (March 5 – 11, 2023)

  Dixon introduced and said this was Women in Construction Week.  The representative was not present at this time.  Commissioner Holt asked to hold the plaque in case they showed later.



Presentation Regarding a Community Garden in Chattahoochee

  Mr. Dixon introduced Ms. Pam Medley.


  Ms. Pam Medley came before the Board regarding this project. 


Katherine Beck, State Representative for Mainstreet was present and gave a little more information regarding the program.  


Ms. Medley said the benefactors of the community garden would be the seniors and citizens of the area. She went before the Board to ask they partner with them


Commissioner Holt said this could be a model project they could use. 



  Holt/Green  5-0


Ratification Memo



BOCC Meeting/Workshop Minutes:

a.       January 31, 2023 Workshop

b.      February 7, 2023 Workshop



Approval and Signature on the E911 2023 Spring Rural County Grant Application for E911 System and MapFlex Annual Support and Maintenance



Approval of Animal Control Interlocal Agreement with the City of Chattahoochee



Approval of the Planned Service Agreement with Johnson Controls for Inspections and Diagnostic Test for the Sprinkler System at the Gadsden County Jail



Approval of Time Clock Plus, LLC (Aladtec) Agreement



Approval for Gadsden County Emergency Services to Submit the Application for the SAFER Grant



Berger Singerman, LLP Transition





The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Citizens are free to speak for up to three (3) minutes on non-agenda items. Public comments and participation are also encouraged for items on the agenda.  Additionally, if you are unable to attend a meeting in person, comments from the Public can also be submitted via email to until noon on the date of the meeting. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.  Citizens are further encouraged to participate via Zoom using the credentials on the County’s website. The Board’s meetings are also broadcast live on the Board’s Facebook page.

Mr. Dixon read aloud the above statement.


  Commissioner Hinson read the statement aloud.



   Jeanne Freeman appeared before the Board regarding Neighborhood Medical Center and have been there since 2013.  She explained the services they provide and they are offered on a sliding scale.  Just received funding to build a new location. 


Commissioner Green said he was glad to see her and asked for a copy of her statistics.


Commissioner Hinson said the Board has partnered with them in the past, donated 2 dental chairs


Commissioner Green asked if she could provide something showing services they provide.


Commissioner Simpkins asked they serve the uninsured and she said yes.



  Patrick Brown appeared before the Board and is from North Florida Medical and the Jessie Furlow Medical Center.  He mentioned the services they provide.


Chair NeSmith said the was great information and was worthy of a workshop.



   Emanuel Sapp appeared before the Board. Approved of Item 9 and said senior programs were vital in this community.



   Kathy Brown appeared before the Board and was present representing the Gadsden Senior Center.  Since the item was pulled, only had one question-if funds have been released to the GSS, when would the money be made available.


Mr. Dixon said funding released to GSS, they did not have funding and Board released additional funding until can work out kinks in situation.  They are using money to continue to pay people to be there.  Dixon asked if they went on the trip and trip was to be tomorrow and she said there was no funding.  He said funding was authorized yesterday.  Said it would be worked out.


Edwin Rush, 416 W. Crawford Street, Quincy, question they have on a daily basis is when will the money be coming so they can plan the trip.  Trip was changed because the money was not there. 


Dixon said they had to give them emergency money to make ends meet until could work things out.  He thought the funding was able to get there so they could make their trip.


Holt said they all get the same amount of time.  He approved the money for the trip yesterday.  When he realized they did not have the money, he meant for them to make the trip and bill the them for that.  Holt said with something is approved, they do not write the check, it has to go to the Clerk’s Office for the check to be written.


Ms. Brown wanted to make sure understood, in the $60,000 was it being used…Mr. Dixon said that money was being used for the employees right now.  Was trying to finish their process and should be on the next meeting. 


Green said in the future they need to figure out how can help with sponsoring activities to avoid these sorts of problems. 


Commissioner Hinson said the elephant in the room said the Board was asked specifically about the $60,000 and he mentioned the money should go for outreach. 


Holt stepped out 7:03 pm


Hinson continued and said I the check was written Friday; they should have received the money and been able to go on this trip.


Commissioner Green said in defense of staff, was sure they understood why the money was not there for the trip, the bigger picture was making sure they could sustain the center.


Holt returned :04 p.m.


Green continued they had to make sure business was taken care of at home before trips were taken.


NeSmith said obviously there was a hiccup, it will be resolved. 


Mr. Rush asked if this was the first time that amount of money was allocated to the center and was told no.  He asked where the money was.


NeSmith said money was to fill a gap and was not the intention of the Board for this situation and will do everything to make sure does not happen again.


   Commissioner Simpkins said they were making sure they will not have these issues they currently have.  Are working so that they will not come in and say they were not working for the seniors.  Have not got all kinks out.  Will be laid out at next meeting.


Ms. Brown said they love their staff and did want them paid, they work very hard to take care of the seniors. 


Holt thanked them for coming and because she was asked on several occasions to explain what was going on. 


  Hinson said they need to earmark money to the seniors.  When a Commissioner directs the administrator and staff to do something, it has to be done.



 Gary Murray appeared before the Board regarding Woodberry Road.  He said he received a letter in July from the BOCC the would be getting started on that road.  NeSmith asked if he had spoken with the County Administrator and he said he has called and has never received a call back.  Dixon said things were not going as fast as they would like them to but would try to move things along.





Public Hearing-Legislative-205 Glade Road, Peavy Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment (SSPA 2023-01) Ordinance 2023-01

  Mr. Dixon introduced the above item.


Green stepped out 7:16 p.m.


Dixon said Mr. Stiell would present the item.


Justin Stiell appeared before the board and said it was for consideration of adoption of Ordinance 2023-01 and its transmittal to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan


Simpkins stepped out


Green returned 7:19 p.m.


Stiell continued explaining the property. 


Simpkins returned 7:19 p.m.


  Stiell explained the options.


   Hinson said had opportunity to review this and was in agreement with it.


  Greg Smith, Remington Green Circle and was representing Mr. Peavy.


Commissioner Hinson said if no questions, would like to make motion


NeSmith asked if anyone wanted to make comments and was no-one.


  Holt asked if well was on already on property-no and no septic tanks.  Are wetlands and will be addressed at site plan. 

She asked if entire property would be ag 1 and Stiell said yes.


Stiell said allows 1 per 5 acres.


Hinson approve option 1/Holt 5-0





Approval of Task Order with Alday Howell, Engineering, Inc. for the Survey and Design of CR 274 (Providence Road Resurfacing Project)

  Dixon introduced above item.


Holt/Green 5-0



FDOT Grant Applications – Resolutions

  Dixon introduced above item.  Staff has put forth for their review the following roads:


Simpkins/Green 5-0


Approval of the Agreement between the Gadsden County BOCC and the Gadsden County Senior Citizen Foundation, Inc.

Item Pulled



Approval of Gadsden County Indigent Burial Policy

Item Pulled



Approval of the Medicare Fee Schedule

  Dixon introduced above item and said was to approve a new Medicare Allowable Fee.  Current rate falls below the accepted standard.  Whether raise rated or not, will come in below


Hood appeared before Board and said been 4 years since rates have been raised.


  Holt asked if this raised fees for the patients


  Hinson asked if should have workshop on this.  Green said this was general scale. 


  NeSmith said this was standard.


Green option 1/Simpkins 5-0 






   No updates






  Dixon said schedule was given to them and Simpkins suggested to have daytime meetings to not take up weekend.  Was trying to get in some activities they had spoken of.  ARPA workshop could be moved to a Monday or Thursday.


  Green said that was a good idea because Saturdays was busy for him with services.


  NeSmith said he was amenable for weekday meeting as well. 


  Hinson suggested everyone bring personal calendar to meeting and then could schedule meetings. 


  Hinson also said too many things going on with infrastructure and bicentennial.   Also have ARPA money that needs to be spent by next year.


  Holt said with her sitting on the TDC, hope they have bicentennial celebration.  She asked why having State of the County on a Monday, should be 10 minutes before the meeting.  NeSmith said this would be different.  Site to be determined and citizens to be invited.  Holt said that should be what happened the past year and be at the end of the year. 


  Dixon thanked them for their confidence during Black History Month and hoped the events were to their liking.






  At point with Figgers requesting a shade meeting on the 24th and asked for an affirmative vote.


Holt/Green 5-0


  Will bring back at next meeting, program through Florida Bar that provide funding for legal assistants in conjunction with probate.





Commissioner Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

  Wanted to give thanks Administrator and staff that played part in Black History hats off.  Wanted to make sure was moving with ISO regarding fire departments and hoped to see plan soon.



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4

  Wanted to let everyone know was damage to round-about and was looking at plan to repair.  Need to look at flow chart on contracts so can compare what being done and what services are.


  Still looking for permanent budget director and grant writer.  Wants flow chart on all grants, funding, contracts. 


  Bostic Road upgrade-looking pretty rough.


  Hospital-1/2 cent was passed for hospital and it stated for other service but first was hospital.  Other is wanted to ask doctor, out of all seen, how many had Medicare that had to go to Leon, Jackson County or Bainbridge.  Need to look at capturing that money in this county.


  Wanted to thank Administrator   



Commissioner Ronterious Green, District 5

  Commissioner Simpkins said with the strategic planning, would they be looking at organizational chart?


  Green said was important to say thank you to Administrator and staff regarding Black

History activities. 


  Want to make sure on target for County celebration and wanted to see it take place and have a discussion. 


  Asked for schedule for striping.


  Hiring process-been looking for Economic Development for while-have any additional applicants applied?  Do they need to come back to table and asked hiring process for supervisors and managers. 


  Dixon said for ED, Board has last voice.  He asked process for directorial process.  HR has final say before person is offered, once happens, paperwork brought to him for final process.


Dixon explained each department different.  Generally, they are people at or above level being hired.


  Stephens School update-received letter need to do full scale environmental study and are to do nothing else until done.  Meeting with lobbyists to see what this was happening.  Stiell said received verbal approval to   


  Had no idea that full scale environmental study would need to be done.


  Upgrades on parks-how are they looking?  Have to travel to Tallahassee for pickle ball and is a great activity.  Asked if could have pickle ball court in some of county parks.


  Dixon said was working, engineering looking at parks and renovations and hope to come very soon with plan.  All are looking aged and dated. 


  NeSmith said with regard to ED director, spoke with HR director and is on several sites now.



Commissioner Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

  Hinson thanked and dittoed what other commissioners said about Black History committee.  Everyone did great job.


  Dixon said City of Quincy already asked if County was get involved with movie night, etc.


  Hinson said have young lady from Havana, having an All Black Legacy Party presented by Havana Community Development Corporation on April 1st 7:00 p.m. – 12 AM and will have Ms. Denesia  “Blue June” Andrews.  She will be celebrated at event.  Posted on One Gadsden Facebook Page.  Asked for Proclamation/Green second 5-0


  Hinson said wanted to host biz crawl at Courthouse square on June 10th.  Also wanted a proclamation for Dr. Gerald Hinson


  Green said also wanted to offer condolences to Sheriff on transition of his Father. 



Commissioner Kimblin NeSmith, Chair, District 3

  Simpkins congratulated Green on opening of store and wanted to challenge them, listened to Leon County and wanted them to take up challenge to help small businesses.


  Thanked Simpkins for reminding them of this.  Was comment made asking why he was always thanking staff, etc., and hoped that person saw this board had a different spirit. 


  Hinson said had


  NeSmith said democracy was very delicate institution and last week had opportunity to represent citizens at symposium and brought back plethora of information. 


  Economic symposium was great


  Greenlight moment-thanked everyone for their comments.  Reflect on a mindset.    



  Adjourned 8:33 p.m.





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