Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

April 4, 2023

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Kimblin NeSmith, Chair, District 3

                                Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

                                Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5

                                Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk

                                Adriana Quijada, Clerk Secretary to the Boards


Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

   Chair Nesmith called the meeting to order. Commissioner Green provided the invocation and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.


Amendments and Approval of Agenda

  Dixon added Item 4A and Item 4B to consent agenda. 

Holt/ Green



Awards, Presentations and Appearances



Holt/ Green



Ratification Memo



BOCC Meeting/Workshop Minutes:

a.       February 9, 2023 Workshop

b.      February 20, 2023 Special Meeting

c.       February 22, 2023 Workshop

d.      March 7, 2023 BOCC Meeting



Approval of Johnson Controls Suppression Gas Systems Deficiencies Proposal



Approval of Resolution 2023-11 and the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) Local Housing Assistance Plan FY(s) 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026





The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Citizens are free to speak for up to three (3) minutes on non-agenda items. Public comments and participation are also encouraged for items on the agenda. Additionally, if you are unable to attend a meeting in person, comments from the Public can also be submitted via email to until noon on the date of the meeting. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.  Citizens are further encouraged to participate via Zoom using the credentials on the County’s website. The Board’s meetings are also broadcast live on the Board’s Facebook page.


  Chairman read aloud the above statement. 



   James Hatton, 170 Tara Way Havana FL, 32333

Appeared before the board to discuss educating the community regarding prevention and sustaining natural medicine to a high scale. 



   Sherri Taylor, 217 W Clark Street Quincy, FL

Appeared before the board to discuss approval of funding for the Gadsden Wellness Center.  







Approval of Funding for the Gadsden Wellness Center-Our Future Inc.

  Dixon presented the above item. Nonprofit that provides senior services. Asked for funding twice, are seeking funding.


  Green/ Simpkins


            Commissioner Holt stated when created, was incorrectly. All nonprofits can apply for other programs, not only place where can get funds. Holt stated she liked the building, but has a problem with the process.

Hinson stated about public private partnership. Hinson read non-compete clause from item. He stated number 11 non-compete clause should be excluded because it could open a can of worms.


   Green disagreed with Hinson. He stated there should be a collaboration between the centers. He wanted to be able to make sure they get money they need.


Nesmith said he visited facility and was blown away and proud. Position is not going to change. Need to develop a process because key to maintaining a great program is sustainability. Major issue is how can keep sustained after funding runs out.


Simpkins stated the seniors that attend the wellness centers are citizens and tax payers. Should be saying how can newly developed elderly care department work with the wellness center. Should be scope of service.


Holt asked if there is letter of agreement that wellness center will withdraw its bids for funds.


  Sherri Taylor stated she had not signed the letter. Asked how would she know what they apply for. How to know, so she would not compete. Asked for lists of grants applied for, does not want to be isolated.


Holt stated its something to be worked out before the vote. If not going to give money, then apply. Asked if they do receive funding, are they going to give the money back.


  Hinson stated need to broaden the scope.


Holt stated no withdrawal letter. If going to follow this, will funds be returned.


  Green stated need to move forward and re state the motion, that there is complete understanding of what this means. Motion should be funds should not be distributed until an agreement from both parties. 


Dixon stated need to add a claw back clause.


  Nesmith stated position is still the same.


Simpkins stated not first time had this discussion. Should’ve made sure all concerns addressed to CA beforehand. If Ms. Taylor is fine with contract, move on.


Roll call done to vote on this item. 

Hinson – Yes

Green- Yes

Simpkins – yes

Holt- No

Nesmith- No




Approval and Award of RFP 23-03 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

  Dixon presented the above item.


Simpkins stated they need to utilize what they have. Spending over 10% of grant.


Dixon stated those grants require certain backgrounds.


    Mr. Stiell stated only grant they have. Don’t want to lose money, best option would be hire grant administrator or reach out to third party consultant to administer the grant.

Dixon said looking for folks for positions to fill.


  Hinson stated board approved grant position 2 years ago.  Need to help out people within the community not all the way in California.


Holt stated have to have a specialty for those areas.


Simpkins stated looking at the administrative services, going to discuss next week. Can keep money in house, make sure that staff they have there, may have the expertise, cannot say they do not. Make sure they are reaching out for these positions. Stated money could go towards housing.


  Hinson stated only fair for board to look at it. Need info first before voting on item.  


Green stated he had opportunity to speak with Sonya over housing. Was going to ask for missing pieces. Wants to know time sensitivity because don’t want to lose the money.


   Stiell said it is time sensitive.


Green asked although info is not there, if can give breakdown.


Stiell stated 45 days to respond.


Holt stated it was online, anyone could have read it. Concern is are they going to send money back? No, so let’s vote. Wants to pass this.


Simpkins stated already awarded grant, not an application. Concern is cost for administering the grant. Wanted to make point about the price being a lot, wants to see it down.


   Stiell read aloud the qualifications.


Holt/ Green 4-1



Approval of Task Order with Alday Howell Engineering, Inc. for Survey and Design of CR 274 (Ben Bostic Road-Project)

  Dixon presented above item.

Holt/ Green




Approval of Resolution 2023-010 Authorizing the Transfer and Accepting Title to Certain Real Property, subject to the conditions and environmental Assessment

   Dixon presented above item.


Attorney Knowles stated DEO contacted him and wanted to make tweaks regarding resolution.


   Holt stated need to approve something that they can see.  


Knowles asked to approve the revised document.


Holt/ Green




Approval of Funding to Partner with the City of Gretna for the May Day Celebration

   Dixon presented above item.


   Ms. Diane Forman came before the board regarding May Day Celebration plans. Will be on May 5th.


   Holt suggested give 6 towns same amount of money.


   Green asked what is overall budget for event.


   Ms. Forman said $75,000


   Green asked what they have categorized in their budget for events.


    Dixon answered.


   Simpkins stated when they are looking at this, are they looking at special events, or the proposed budget for Bicentennial.


   Dixon said they are looking at special events budget.


  Hinson stated he concurred what Holt said to give each $25,000.


   Simpkins stated they have $200,00 budget, needs point of clarification.


  Green stated wants to stick with agenda items. Wanted to vote on item and move.  


   Holt stated if vote to approve $25,00 for each town, that locks it in and it is over.


   Dixon said it was effort to establish relationships with counties.


   Nesmith said need to get through requests then come back to this.


   Hinson said should amend the whole thing, and give everybody the $25,000.


  Dixon stated would require budget amendment.


   Simpkins said she agrees with funding all municipalities, however, needs something to bring back to table.

Need to go ahead and approve this. Wants to believe they can approve this and have the vote at the next meeting.


   Hinson said motion $25,00 for all.


Holt/ Nesmith



Approval of Funding to Partner with the City of Greensboro for the May Day Celebration

   Dixon presented the above item.


Holt motion to approve $8,000

Holt/ Nesmith



Approval of Funding to Partner with the Town of Chattahoochee for the 4th of July Event

   Dixon presented the above item. Asked for $37,000


Green/ Nesmith



Green mentioned the lake Talquin celebration and to not forget them.



Board Discussion and Direction regarding the Gadsden County Bicentennial Project Plan

  Dixon presented the above item.


Hinson stated if in June, need to start as soon as possible.


Simpkins stated she would like to see community members to volunteer to assist with the planning. Would like to reach out to community members.


Hinson stated can put funding to help nonprofit out. Staff does not have to be there, can be finding money on infrastructure projects.


  Green stated Hinson makes great point, but should have been done last year.


Holt stated if going to do this, it would be a little too late.


Hinson stated he is adamant, because now is time to get more money than ever before, need infrastructure.


Simpkins said she agreed with Hinson. Decide what event they say they are a part of, need to look at the calendar for the different municipalities.


  Dixon mentioned outline to identify contacts in communities. 


Nesmith stated they have strategic planning workshop next week.







Nothing to report.



  Dixon requested to be presented the national library week at April 18th meeting.


Hinson/ Green





   April 11th, strategic planning workshop at noon and upcoming rural county days on April 25th. Relay for life held at track on April 28th.






  Knowles stated there was a change in statute of advertisement.   





Commissioner Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

  Simpkins stated there is form of professionalism to display, but make sure not so worried about people from other counties. Need to make right decisions for citizens here. If require additional discussion, let it happen. Not seen any updates to website regarding contract. Need to be a deadline of when Granicus Is going to deliver services. Point Milligan Road, there is trash that’s been there for couple of months now, requesting to be picked up. Requesting a flyer to let know her people know of pick-up dates.



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4

 Holt wanted to thank work done for Ben Bostick Road. Need workshop for hospital contract.  Must have discussion with hospital board. Approved funding for no compete clause that would not work.



Commissioner Ronterious Green, District 5

  Green mentioned firefighter volunteer campaign. Need to follow through with some type of planning to recruit volunteers for the fire department. Mentioned summer youth program, needs to start conversation on it. Received a call from Tallahassee commissioner asking if event on May 20th. Wants to make sure they are there for relay for life. April 26th, read along at 10AM at Quincy library. Gave thanks to whoever responsible for striping …

Wanted to say congrats to Coach Willie Simmons, coach from FAMU.


Simpkins wanted to thank public works facilities that played a part of bridge dedication.

Green asked for clarity, if have public works director.


Mr. Dixon said yes, Curtis Young.



Commissioner Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

  Hinson mentioned bonuses. Dixon said they are ready. Hinson asked state of fire department.


Dixon said they are working with volunteers and city officials to figure out what they need.


  Simpkins stated to take a look at sheriff’s department and looking at incentives.


  Hinson stated need to keep in mind the housing, transportation infrastructure.


Holt stated will not be present on the 11th.


Hinson wanted to add Havana and Midway to agenda next week.



Commissioner Kimblin NeSmith, Chair, District 3

  Nesmith asked Angela Sapp to come forward. 


  Nesmith said need to get parks ready for summer youth program. 


Nesmith asked about Code enforcements.


Dixon stated they hired 2 code enforcements today.


Simpkins gave quote.



  Meeting adjourned at 9:09 PM





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