Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County Planning Commission

April 13, 2023 – 6:00 p.m.


 Present:           Rev. Dr. Joe Parramore, Chair, District 5

                         Lori Bouie, Vice-Chair, District 5

                          Eugene Sherman III, District 1

                         William Chukes, District 1

                          Tracey Stallworth, District 2

                          John Youman, District 2

                          Mark Moore, District 3

                           Wayne Williams, District 3

                          Charles Roberts, At Large

                          Karema Dudley, School Board Representative


Staff Present:  Justin Stiell, Planning and Zoning Director

Ellen Andrews, Senior Planner

                        Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                        Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk

                        Adriana Quijada, Clerk Secretary to the Boards


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Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, the County hereby advises the public that: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Board, agency, or meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, affected persons may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  This notice does not constitute consent by the County for the introduction or admission into evidence of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should call the Planning & Community Development Department at 875-8663, no later than 5:00 p.m. at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.



   Chair called the meeting to order at 6:05PM. Moore provided invocation and led into Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S Flag.



   Roll Call was completed:

Rev. Dr. Joe Parramore, Chair    Present

Lori Bouie, Vice-Chair                   Appeared later

Eugene Sherman III                       Present

William Chukes                              Not Present

Tracey Stallworth                          Present

John Youman                                 Present

Mark Moore                                   Present

Wayne Williams                            Present

Charles Roberts                             Present

Karema Dudley                              Not Present




    Chair asked if anyone had any amendments to the agenda.

Motion to approve agenda as presented: Sherman/ Youman 7-0

Rev. Dr. Joe Parramore, Chair         YES

Eugene Sherman III                            YES                

Tracey Stallworth                               YES

John Youman                                      YES

Mark Moore                                        YES

Wayne Williams                                 YES

Charles Roberts                                  YES


   Chair asked for a motion to approve minutes for the February 16th meeting and revised minutes from January 12th   meeting.


Motion to approve minutes: Moore/Stallworth 7-0 









Havana Learning Center Conceptual/Preliminary Site Plan (SP 2022-03) (Quasi-Judicial) – Continuance of February 16, 2023 Consideration of a conceptual/preliminary site plan to construct a classroom building and a gymnasium to an existing school facility on a 7.72-acre parcel located at 2434 Kemp Road, Havana (Parcel ID 2-25-3N-2W-0000-00440-0100).

   Parramore presented the above item.


Bouie stepped in at 6:10PM


   Mr. Stiell was sworn in by Deputy Clerk. He stated on February 16th, 2023 the Planning Commission voted on the agenda item for the proposed Conceptual/Preliminary Site plan. The Planning Commission voted for option 3, referred the agenda item back to the planning staff to discuss with the applicant the following issues and then bring the item back to the Planning Commission. Issue 1 was the numerous traffic study issues. Issue 2 was mediate sidewalk issues. Issue 3 was to get clarity from Talquin on the fiber optic cable markers. He stated most of those issues had been resolved. Outstanding thing not received was traffic study. Proposing same items with those exceptions.


   Sherman asked regarding traffic flow through, why it was not able to be approved.


   Carmen Green was sworn in by Deputy Clerk. Stated she had some preliminary traffic numbers and she read them to the Commissioners. Does not think traffic would be an issue. She stated the other thing that was asked about was security. Cameras that cover inside and out of the school property are present and are monitored through GC Sheriff’s Department and Havana Police Department. Also, metal detector inside building and onsite resource officer on campus daily. Bomb threat and active shooter drills. Stated they had adult staff to monitor pick up daily. Contract with Waste Pro, picked up weekly. Need to install a new, larger water well. Asked if everyone received and reviewed plans.


   Roberts asked if traffic study was for Kemp Road or directly related to facility.


Green stated directly to facility.


   Bouie asked if there’s access to previous traffic studies. Green stated there was not a lot of traffic data. Bouie asked if they brought equipment from FDOT. Green stated no.


  Bouie asking because not certain if there’s been real growth. Gain previous DOT numbers.


  Youman asked if she contacted FDOT. Green stated she did and they were in the process of getting the numbers out.


  Chair asked if she was satisfied with the sidewalk mediation.


     Carmen Green stated yes.


  Stallworth mentioned resource officer and if they were certified with Sheriff’s Department. Green stated she believes they were but she would verify. Stallworth asked how often is septic tank empty. Green stated it is pressure dosed system. Will find out how often they go to empty it and give info to Stiell.


    Chair asked for a motion for Options 1-3 under this item.


  Motion for Option 1: Bouie/Sherman 8-0


Rev. Dr. Joe Parramore, Chair          YES

Lori Bouie, Vice-Chair                         YES

 Eugene Sherman III                            YES

Tracey Stallworth                                YES

John Youman                                        YES

Mark Moore                                          YES

Wayne Williams                                   YES

Charles Roberts                                    YES



Havana RV Park Conceptual/Preliminary Site Plan (SP 2022-04) (Quasi-Judicial) - Consideration of a conceptual/preliminary site plan to construct a recreational vehicle park on a 6-acre parcel located west of U.S. 27 (FL-GA Hwy), south of Bush Street, and east of the FL Gulf & Atlantic Railroad line (Parcel ID 2-22-3N-2W-0160-00001-0120).

  Chair presented above item.


   Stiell came before the Board to discuss above item.


  Moore asked if all the deed work had been straightened out.


  Stiell stated the applicant informed him that they were working on that. Had not received any updates.


  Stallworth asked about Item 3 and how many camps would be allotted for this size.


   Stiell said proposing 18 units. Based on density requirement, could go up to 8 per acre.


  Stallworth asked if they are proposing 18, would that be concrete or addendum added indicating if they move forward, they would have to do Point 1,2,3.


Stiell stated DOH would be the one who permits the number of RV’s that they have and would be based on what would be approved by Board.


  Sherman stated he had concerns about the absence of the utility plan for the water and sewer. Wanted enlightenment of what was the hold up with that plan.


  Stiell stated utility plan would need to be provided at next phase.


  Roberts asked if it was old Hobbit restaurant area or commercial building behind it.


  Stiell stated if facing site on US 27, Hobbit would be to right.


   Robert George, 1967 Commonwealth Lane Tallahassee, FL.


Mr. George was sworn in by Deputy Clerk. He was from George & Associates Consulting Engineers. He appeared before the Board to answer questions based on review Justin provided.


   Roberts stated he had a question about utilities and sewage. What would be the plan because they were not connected to anything at the moment.


Robert George stated they would tie into the public water system, either Talquin Electric or Havana. Would be using medicinal water. No sewer available, so had to put in septic tank system.


  Moore not clear having read through this. If there would be turning lanes


George stated yes DOT was requiring turn lanes.


   Chair had question regarding deed issue. Did he have any idea on when it would be resolved.


George stated had to have it resolved prior to construction.


   Stiell asked if can add in option 1, Limit size of RV unit to 40 feet to be consistent with diagram provided by applicant.


  Bouie asked if the deed issue should be included as well.


Chair stated no would not apply to them. 


  Stiell stated that would be something to include as condition.


  Sherman asked if Attorney can weigh in on discussion so that they would be clear since it was a legal matter.


   Attorney Knowles stated the parcel looked to be complete. They would not be able to get any sort of DO or CO without having clear title. Only way it would work is if they came in with clear title.


  Sherman asked if he could provide guidance if it should be included in a motion for approval.


   Attorney stated only seen what Mr. Moore wrote in email on page 70 or so. Could not see where the gap closes between one of the properties. Ensure that owner has resolved all title issues and has full fee simple ownership of the subject parcel or parcels.


  Stiell stated once they approved the conceptual/preliminary site plan, it would not come back before the Planning Commission or BOCC.


Chair stated if next thing that would come back is the final. Stiell stated no, he will review the site plan, the Board would make their decision based on their recommendations.


  Sherman asked Attorney if that statement ‘NI’ provided sufficient coverage since they would not see it again for the resolution of the title issues, boundaries, and the simple ownership in all parcels.


  Attorney said think should add it and should be explicit. DOT stated that it was not closed off and they could not find a deed. Have to make sure they are the fee simple owner which has a special legal significance.

    Sherman made a motion of moving option 1 with the addition of Item J, to limit the size to 40 feet to be consistent with the diagram provided by the applicant and Item K, to ensure that owner has resolved all title issues, boundaries, surveys and fee simple ownership in all parcels.


Sherman/ Roberts



Rev. Dr. Joe Parramore, Chair          YES

Lori Bouie, Vice-Chair                         YES

 Eugene Sherman III                            YES

Tracey Stallworth                                YES

John Youman                                        YES

Mark Moore                                          YES

Wayne Williams                                   YES

Charles Roberts                                    YES







   Stiell stated they had been looking into the training and education they requested. Asked if there are any additional training that the Commission would like to see in the future.


  Chair stated ethics in Sunshine Law is great starting point.  Even though a little behind, was a critical starting point for them.





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Adjourned at 6:55 PM.





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