Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Second FY24 Budget Workshop Agenda

June 13, 2023

4:00 p.m.


Present:               Kimblin NeSmith, Chair, District 3

                                Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1

                                Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5

                                Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk

                                Adriana Quijada, Secretary to the Boards



  Chair called meeting to order at 4:01 p.m., asked for moment of silence and led in


The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Citizens are free to speak for up to three (3) minutes on non-agenda items. Public comments and participation are also encouraged for items on the agenda.  Additionally, if you are unable to attend a meeting in person, comments from the Public can also be submitted via email to until noon on the date of the meeting. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.  Citizens are further encouraged to participate via Zoom using the credentials on the County’s website. The Board’s meetings are also broadcast live on the Board’s Facebook page.

  Green read aloud above statement.





Introduction/Summary Highlights

  Mr. Dixon appeared before the Board and gave a brief overview. 


Issues with EMS, fire departments, parks, elder affairs, Summer Youth.  Seeing increase in Building funds.  Funds going to budget for: opioids and tribal.  Have not done much multi-year planning but need to.  Valuations going up.


  Holt arrived at meeting 4:13 p.m.


  Ms. Daniels appeared before the Board. 


  Hinson arrived at meeting 4:15 p.m.


  Hinson stepped out 4:15 p.m.


Had Preliminary Fund Balance received from auditors. 
Overall ending is $6.293 Million; Transportation is $3,212,519.00; Building Inspection $457,561.00; EMS Fund $768,860.00 as of September 30, 2022.


  Hinson returned 4:18 p.m.


   She said as Dixon indicated, Building Inspection services doing lot better.  She said in the past they had to transfer money to them and now since they were doing better they could utilize that money and budget to use their fund balance as revenue.


  Hinson stepped out 4:21


  NeSmith asked total fund balance and Ms. Daniels they could not add all of the balances together for one balance as some fund balances were restricted. 


  Holt asked about using the funds for building inspection instead of moving it back to general funds.  Ms. Daniels explained that.


  Hinson returned 4:24 pm


  Holt said they were looking at putting up buildings on Joe Adams Road and look at upgrading that department instead of paying that money to general fund.  When when when


  Green if able to utilize some of funds for a lead construction person?  Daniels said would have to search statute to see what it states.


  Holt said once had board of contractors that used to meet on several issues.  Ask Mr. Morris to look into that.


  Holt out 4:38


  Hinson asked what statute-excess fund balance ss553.80(a)(2)         



  Holt returned 4:35


  Hinson asked if could schedule workshop with engineering to see what they are doing.


  Mr. Dixon re-appeared.  NeSmith asked if they had met with engineers, Dixon said met them but not met with them.


  Holt said did not need another workshop, been workshopped to death and not accomplished anything.  Need finalization to some that have had.  NeSmith asked why he wanted to meet with engineers.  Hinson said have 2 new firms and wanted to make sure headed in right direction.  Holt said have them come in for pre-meeting before regular meetings.


  Hinson said have yet to meet with engineering firm they bring in more money than any other organization working with.  Engineering firm very serious.


Summary of Effect 

 NeSmith asked if had chance to go through and tighten up budget?  Dixon said constantly reviewing, but was lean in beginning.


  Holt said need to look at job market. Look at index in county.  Need to look at EMS costs in surrounding counties for costs that have hospital.


Dixon said EMS roughly collects 50% and number continues to increase.


·         Funds Balance Summary


·         Ad Valorem Tax Revenue Summary


·         Major Revenue Sources Update

  Gives idea of where at. Budgeted for CRA.  Remember when budget, budget 95% of what anticipate to collect.


·         Constitutional Officers FY23/24 Budget Requests

  Clerk increase is 6% increase, NeSmith asked if new hires or raises.  Daniels said will find out.


  Property Appraiser had vehicles coming off lease last year and had to purchase.  Now have to purchase one more and software.


  Received Sheriff’s request and total increase is 16% or approximately $1.3 Million.  If Millage rate stays where it is anticipating only receiving $1.8 million from ad valorem tax revenue.  Have $400,000 that increases the budget next year for the FRS rate that went into effect and that comes off top.


  Holt asked if Sheriff’s Office was willing to come back into CHP with County. Daniels said that and purchasing fuel from County.


  Green asked about jail-Dixon said would not be able to bring up to code.  Green said belonged to County and was in bad condition.


  NeSmith asked if all constitutionals seek grant dollars for their own departments? 


  Holt said few years ago put in request for new jail and courtroom and need to look at totally entity.


  Hinson thought BOCC refurbished jail 6-7 years ago.  Asked for documentation on what done.  Also need to put jail in remote area, maybe toward Liberty County.  Would make Quincy exit little more attractive with jail not there.  Need to identify land now for future facility.


  Green said while talking about it, maybe schedule field trip as board to facility and have a grading scale when go.


  NeSmith asked if had info on all county-owned buildings-Dixon said yes.


  Supervisor of Elections-2 elections she has to prepare for before next year.    


·         Department Preliminary Recommended Budget FY23-24 vs. FY22-23


  Green Stepped out 5:23 


  Increase of costs of supplies, etc. have gone up, etc.


  Green returned 5:26


  NeSmith said have done a great job partnering with municipalities and need to look at how to empower them to go after their own dollars.  Money and resources out there.


  Holt wanted to check with insurance carrier on savings if Sheriff’s employee came back in. Partnerships could also include grant for grant, etc. FRDAP, etc.  Holt said had funding before from federal government, but need solid budget.



Board of County Commissioners Priorities and Direction

  Green said thought in introduction Admin already alluded to some of programs that are not completed, i.e., Senior services, etc.


  Daniels said want to start scheduling individual meetings with commissioners to go over questions to get wishes and priorities asap.


  New staff person introduced, Jennifer Carrier, new budget manager.  Former auditor with State and CPA.


  Green said very excited about position being filled and welcomed her.


  Daniels said next budget workshop not until August 1st, and have to adopt millage rate before then.  


  Daniels also recognized Sylvia Newman.



   Adjourned 5:41 pm





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