JUNE 20th, 2023

4:00 PM





Chair started workshop and Invocation was done. Chair led into the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.



Chair asked CA if there were any amendments to the agenda.


CA stated they had a request for Proclamation regarding Bicentennial to be added as 15A. 



The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Citizens are free to speak for up to three (3) minutes on non-agenda items. Public comments and participation are also encouraged for items on the agenda. Additionally, if you are unable to attend a meeting in person, comments from the Public can also be submitted via email to until noon on the date of the meeting. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.  Citizens are further encouraged to participate via Zoom using the credentials on the County’s website. The Board’s meetings are also broadcast live on the Board’s Facebook page.


Chair read aloud the above statement.


1.       Review and Discuss the June 20th, 2023 Regular BOCC Meeting Agenda

CA stated Item 8 was the approval of Lease-Purchase of two Frazer Chevy 3500 Type I Ambulances. He stated they needed to finance two new ambulance boxes to go on their chassis.


Chair stated they had a fiscal impact of $424,368.57.


CA stated one loan was coming to an end that they have out there right now. They were looking to continue that loan at those dollars. CA stated the loan was for previous ambulances.


Chief Hood stated the current lease will expire in April 2024. Current lease amount is $124,000.


Holt asked CA for his recommendation. CA stated he recommended to finance it for 3 years.

Holt asked was that because they already have ARPA money? Dixon stated it was because it was already there and also it was a cash flow thing. He stated they could buy them, but it would reduce everyday cash flow.


Holt stated if they do it for five years, and did extra payment of the principle, they could run the interest down.


Simpkins stated they wanted to make sure it was not one of those deals where they had already included the interest payment. It did not matter if you pay it off sooner.


Ms. Daniels stated this was not ARPA money. Chair verified the payment is coming out of EMS Fund? Daniels stated yes.


   Dixon stated Item 9 seeks re-appointment to the Quincy-Gadsden Airport Authority. Mr. Ralph Higdon will serve a three-year term if he were to be reappointed.


   Green asked if Mr. Higdon has been notified or was he still interested in serving.


  Dixon stated he may have spoken with Mr. Bradley.  


   Green asked regarding the money that was saved, where did it go? Dixon stated it would go back to the funder. 


  Dixon stated Item 12 was requested by Simpkins.


   Green asked if they had done the cost analysis across the county?


  Dixon stated they were going to look into what they are able to do this summer.


  Green asked if they had an idea of what the other parks are.


  Dixon stated St. Johns, Friendship, and Sawdust.


   Simpkins stated this was something she has been requesting since November. She stated there was not a park in that community. They have ARPA funds and should be able to show citizens where they have something substantial that they can show after 2025. She stated the community deserves equipment. They need to use the ARPA funds. She stated they do need to address all communities but especially this one.


 NeSmith asked how many county parks they have. Curtis Young stated 12.


 Holt stated she cannot vote for parks until they could see about getting the one that she had been asking for 4 years to be looked at, which was St. Johns Park. 


  Holt asked Simpkins if there was a restroom there. Simpkins stated yes but not sure if water was running. Holt stated for them to do an inventory to see what they need to do. She stated she cannot support anything until they get the inventory.


  Green stated they needed a report card for all of the parks.  He stated they need to be categorized on a needs assessment. He stated he was disappointed that Shiloh was not in the top 3 or 4. He asked where they were with finding someone to oversee this department. Dixon stated they were developing it now.


 Dixon stated they hoped to do those things now for certain parks in terms of upgrades. He stated the park in Sawdust is wide open and could easily add new equipment.


  Simpkins stated it bothers her because a couple months ago they said for them to get the parks ready for the summer. She stated now they want an inventory and it would take longer to do that. When they meet again, they will already be almost going back to school. She stated there was nothing in that park. She stated they were quick to do things like the Bicentennial, but when it came to having things for the community, it was a long process. It was not fair for that community to not have anything for the summer. She stated for them to put a number out there and say they want to spend that amount on parks. They were not meeting again until August.


  Dixon stated they have completed the assessment of the parks.


  Holt stated if they spur tourism, they will make money. She stated hopefully they will have some things to produce more money.


  Green stated he was not against the community having equipment. He stated they need to grade the other parks to see what was everything they need. He stated he did not want any lawsuits.


  Chair asked CA if they could get an assessment of all their parks. They need a chart and need to know the conditions of the parks.


   Dixon stated there was no budget until now for parks. He stated Simpkins changed the trajectory of the park. He stated they will have that info for them ASAP.


  Simpkins stated it was about what the community wants. The community would like for their kids to have somewhere to play. She stated while they were waiting for the funding on the multi-purpose center, she wanted the playground area for those kids.


  Dixon went on to Item 13. He stated inside the rails, it belongs to the railroads. Outside of the rails belongs to the County or the City.


  Green asked how long were they anticipating on the wait and the research that DOT is doing.


Dixon stated they will be back in touch this week.


  Green asked what were they expecting from DOT. Dixon stated they were expecting some clarity on whether or not they have to reimburse them.


  Simpkins stated she was getting weekly calls about those railroad tracks. She was under the assumption they were about to get this taken care of. She asked when were they hearing from DOT and who was doing the repairs.


   Dixon stated inside the tracks, the railroad will do the repairs. Outside of the tracks, his understanding is the county would be responsible. They were still trying to figure out to what degree. 


   Simpkins asked when was DOT going to reach out to them.


Dixon stated as soon as they possibly could. He stated they spoke with DOT last week.


  Simpkins stated the callers were saying it was affecting their tires.


  Chair asked CA if DOT has observed the track. 


  Dixon stated not sure if the gentleman he was speaking to has been to that area. But some reps and railroad track has been out there and they agreed it was in bad shape.


  Simpkins asked what was DOT determining.


  Dixon stated they were determining who pays inside of the tracks. They know the railroad track pays, but do they have to reimburse them. He stated the County was responsible for the outside track but because they are a fiscally restrained County, how much were they responsible for that. Dixon stated when they call back, they will have those answers for him.


  Holt stated if they were fiscally restrained, would they consider applying for funding under SCRAP or SCOP.


  Chair asked if the issue was coming from inside or outside of the track.


  Dixon stated inside of the track.


  Chair asked how many tracks were there in GC. Dixon stated about 20 sets of tracks.


  Holt stated citizens should slow down for the tracks. She stated the track in Gretna is bad.


  Dixon went on to Item 14.


  Holt stated she thought there needed to be 2 or 3 names proposed and to also have the citizens from that road sign off.


  Chair asked CA if this policy was drafted from somewhere. 


  Attorney stated he could not find any bridge renaming policy in the state. He stated one of the things discussed while they were developing this was how do they keep a bridge from being renamed over and over.


  Green asked what made him do the research. Dixon stated he had received a request.


  Green asked how soon were they looking for an answer?


  Dixon stated as soon as the Board decides.


  Holt stated the petition process should be in place. She suggested that the policy should state that it needs to be at least 10 years before they could rename the Bridge again.


  Green asked how logical was it to allow Planning and Zoning Board to be involved in this process as well.


   Attorney wanted to verify with Green if he was stating that as part of the policy, the renaming request has to go before Planning and Zoning first, then go to the Board?


  Green stated he thought it should, yes. 


  Bishop Green appeared before the Board. He stated they should have a requirement in the renaming that the person should have some kind of meaningful contribution. Did not want to name a bridge after somebody who has been a terrible person.


 Dixon went on to Item 15.


  Chief Hood appeared before the Board. He stated they were asking to bring this back to them due to major amendments to it. Paramedic School, EMT School, and Fire School has increased over the years. They had a $5,000 limit for tuition reimbursement and they moved it up to $6,000. They also moved up the years the employee has to pay back employment to the County. It was a contract for 2 years and they moved it to 3 years. He stated the surrounding counties had started to pay for the EMT, Paramedic, or Firefighters for their actual school hours.


  Simpkins wanted to clarify that they were asking for an increase of the amount that they would reimburse for each person.


 Chief Hood stated correct. It was a 2-year contract and now will be a 3-year contract.


  Green stated they were asking for more, but based upon what? 


  Chief Hood stated this Agenda item was not asking for additional funding, it was just asking for them to approve the contract agreement.


2.       Discussion Items by Commissioners:

Commissioner Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

Commissioner Brenda A. Holt, District 4

Commissioner Ronterious Green, District 5

Commissioner Eric F. Hinson, District 1

Chairman Kimblin E. NeSmith, J.D., District 3


  Holt stated that her comment was that they limit the amount of time they give for comments in the regular meeting. They need to say 5 or 10 minutes because they were going too late into the night. They need to make sure to vote on that.


  Attorney stated it was currently an ordinance, so they need to advertise the ordinance.  He stated they could direct them to advertise it.


  Green asked if pulling item 13 and 14. Dixon stated yes.



Workshop ended at 5:52 pm.




  Chair started meeting at 6:02 pm. Barkley Lewis provided invocation. Chair led into the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.



  Chair asked Dixon if any amendments to the agenda.


  Dixon stated they were adding Item 2A, a presentation of Bicentennial Proclamation and Item 15A, approval of Bicentennial calendar.





1.       Proclamation recognizing National Homeownership Month – June 2023

  Dixon presented the above proclamation for National Homeownership Month. Chair NeSmith presented the proclamation to the Housing Department, recognizing National Homeownership Month.


2.       Proclamation honoring Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week July 16th – July 22nd

  Dixon presented the above proclamation. Chair NeSmith presented the award to Ms. Rylands.

Ms. Rylands thanked her Staff for their hard work. 


3.       Recognition of Bostick Temple Christian Center

  Green presented the recognition of Bostick Temple Christian Center to Deacon Sanders. 



  Green/ Holt





a.       April 11th, 2023 @ 12:00pm Strategic Planning Workshop

b.       May 15, 2023 @ 5:00pm ARPA / CARES Funds Workshop

c.       May 31, 2023 @ 4:00pm Special Meeting


6.        Approval of Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles - Memorandum of Understanding - Annual Certification Statement
(Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator / Temeka L. Rollins, Probation Division Manager)


7.       Approval of the Bridging Barriers, LLC Contract
 (Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator / Temeka L. Rollins, Probation Division Manager)


8.        Approval of New Road Name “Searcy Lane”
  (Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator / Morris Young, Sheriff Rachel Harrison, Enhanced 911 Coordinator)





The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Citizens are free to speak for up to three (3) minutes on non-agenda items. Public comments and participation are also encouraged for items on the agenda. 

Additionally, if you are unable to attend a meeting in person, comments from the Public can also be submitted via email to until noon on the date of the meeting. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting. Citizens are further encouraged to participate via Zoom using the credentials on the County’s website. The Board’s meetings are also broadcast live on the Board’s Facebook page.

  Dixon read aloud the above statement. 


Alma Venisee, 155 Martin St. Quincy, FL

 Ms. Venisee appeared before the Board. She stated the Rapid Rehousing Program was an intervention designed to help individuals and families to quickly exit homelessness, return to housing in the community, and not become homeless again in the future. She stated there was a shortage in housing in Gadsden County, and also a shortage of rental properties. She stated she needed case management services.


 Green gave thanks to Ms. Venisee for her services.


  Simpkins also wanted to thank Ms. Venisee for the work that she does.


Hinson appeared at 6:29pm.


  Holt stated normally they had everyone present during budget time. That way they could be funded for the next term.   



8.       Approval of Lease-Purchase of Two Frazer Chevy 3500 Type I Ambulances

  Dixon presented Item 8. He stated they were seeking the Board’s approval to finance the replacement of EMS units that have reached their end-of-life stage.


  Chair asked which route did they want to take. They have options. Simpkins stated the first option.




9.        Reappointment to the Quincy-Gadsden Airport Authority

  Dixon presented the above item. This item is seeking approval to re-appoint Mr. Ralph Higdon as one of the Gadsden County representatives to the QGAA.


Holt/ Green


10.   Havana Middle School Sidewalk – Change Order # 01

  Dixon presented the above item. He stated this item seeks approval of Change Order #1 for Havana Middle School Sidewalk decrease in the amount of $5,230.00.


Green/ Holt


11.    Havana Middle School Sidewalk – Change Order # 02

  Dixon presented the above item. He stated this item seeks approval of Change Order #02 for Havana Middle School Sidewalk decrease in the amount of $300.00.


Holt/ Green


12.   Approval of Purchase for Playground Equipment for East Gadsden Recreation Park and Multipurpose Complex located at 2162 Fantana Trail

 Dixon presented the above item. He stated it seeks approval of purchase for playground equipment for East Gadsden Recreation Park and Multipurpose Complex.


Simpkins/ Hinson


  Holt stated she cannot support this park until they get the inventory in. They need to look at the cost and see what they need to do.


  Green stated there was 3 quotes under this item. He asked which quote were they considering. 


  Curtis Young appeared before the Board. They were looking at Quote 3.


  Green asked if they knew the timeframe for the other 2 quotes? Young stated 2 months.


  Young stated Beyond Your Ordinary was a company in Jacksonville and they have the equipment installed now. They just need to decide if they want to just get the equipment or get the equipment and them install it.


  Green asked if the $64,426.00 for Quote 3 was with the installation. Young stated right.   


  Simpkins stated if they could table this to give the CA time to check and see if they could get the installation at a lower price.


Chair stated they could have a special meeting on this.


  Hinson verified they have to pay $20,000 extra for installation. He asked how soon.


  Mr. Young stated they have the equipment in Jacksonville; it would take 2 months to get it installed.


  Hinson stated he was looking at mental health. He stated they need to do something to get kids and senior citizens moving. He stated he would prefer to wait the 2 months; timing is essential.   


  Holt stated she agreed with the park getting done, they just do not have a plan.


  Simpkins stated she wanted to table it and give to CA to give him time to see if he can find an installer other than the company Beyond Your Ordinary.


  Hinson stated they needed to have a special meeting. Simpkins stated yes.


13.   Approval of Agreement between Florida, Gulf & Atlantic Railroad Construction and Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners
  (Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator / Curtis Young, Public Work Director)

Item pulled

14.   Direction and Approval of Policy 2023-003 – Bridge Renaming Policy
 (Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator / Clayton Knowles, County Attorney)

Item pulled.

15.   Approval of Gadsden County Emergency Services Education Agreement
  (Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator/ Kris Hood, EMS Director)

  Dixon presented the above item.


Holt/ Green


 15A. Approval of Calendar

  Dixon presented the above item. It was seeking approval of Calendar and items on it so they could get things moving. He stated the calendar has the work of the committee.


  Green verified if CA was asking that they accept this by way of a motion?  Dixon stated yes.


  Green stated he would make a motion to move approval of the calendar. Holt stated she will second this. 


  Hinson asked if they could discuss this in the special meeting. He stated this was his first time looking at this.


  Green stated he was comfortable with this item because he has been involved with the process and interacting with individuals. He stated they are so behind when it comes to solidifying the type of people that they were trying to bring, they have to have things in place like 6 months ago. He stated they would not be able to solidify any of these dates until they could get some funding. He wanted to make sure to make the process easy for the Clark as well as the CA.


  Simpkins stated they should have an itemized budget for each of the events. Dixon stated that was not a problem.    


  Hinson stated if a commissioner has heartburn with an item, it was standard that they read through it first.


Green/ Holt

4-1 Hinson opposed



16.   Updates



17.   Updates

  Dixon stated he wanted to make sure that everyone was aware that the Bicentennial kickoff was on Saturday at 10AM at the Courthouse square.



18.   Updates

  Attorney stated they need to have another SHADE meeting. He will get with CA to schedule it. Attorney wanted to say to cherish your loved ones due to him being affected from recent passings.



  Attorney requested a motion for the SHADE meeting.


Holt/ Hinson




Commissioner Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

   Simpkins wanted to request a proclamation for the Bicentennial.


Simpkins/ Green



  Simpkins stated she loved the Love Where You Live campaign.


  Simpkins asked where they were with the Parks and Rec Advisory Board. 


  Dixon stated they were still waiting on some Commissioners to provide representatives. 


   Simpkins stated Broadband was a big concern. She asked when they ask for letters of support, if they were looking to see where they were looking to provide service?


  CA stated yes, in general they will show a little bit since they consider that proprietary information.


  Simpkins stated in district 2 there are areas where people can work from home, but they could not because of lack of service.


Commissioner Brenda A. Holt, District 4

  Holt stated on July 11th there will be a Town Hall Meeting in Gretna. They will also have another one in St. Johns Church on the 17th


  Holt stated she would like to bring back ordinance on commission meetings and include time limits on comments. She stated they were running way into the night due to the comments section.


  Attorney stated they did not need to vote on this and he would get with the CA. 

Commissioner Ronterious Green, District 5

  Green asked if they could get things that are objectives to know how to find the right people for the Parks and Rec Advisory Board.


  He stated he hoped they could get some attention to the Courthouse on painting it.


  CA stated they just applied for a Preservation Grant.  

  Chair asked CA since it was a historic building, they were not able to just paint it? Dixon stated correct.


  Green stated welcome sign in Midway did not make him feel Gadsden proud. It needed some attention.


   Steele stated she already got with Mr. Young and they have already spoken on this.


  CA asked if they could clean it in the meantime. Steele stated yes. 


  Green thanked Ms. Burns and Mr. Stiell for putting on a great Housing program.


   Green stated he wanted an update on Stevens School project. He was aware that they have been granted an extension on the funding piece of it. He stated the Sherriff was responsible for having conversations with some appropriate people to make sure they had that extension. Wanted to make a proclamation to honor Sheriff from Board on behalf of them.


Green/ NeSmith



  Green wanted to ask each Commissioner to make themselves available to the Boys and Girls Club.


  Green stated he would like a motion for a proclamation for Bishop Elect J.D. Harris. 


Green/ Holt



  Green stated Dr. Little was a native to Shiloh Community. She accomplished many great things and wanted to give her a proclamation.


  Green stated he would like to include Dr. Little on the mural.


  Holt stated that would attract tourists.


Commissioner Eric F. Hinson, District 1

 Hinson wanted to thank Alpha Kappa Alpha. They had 37 small businesses show up. 


  Hinson asked Dixon what was the deal with the Summer Youth employment.


  Hinson stated there was list of 60 people on a thread and an email was sent out saying they were denied getting a job. He stated it was an embarrassment.


  Dixon stated they had accepted almost over 250 kids into the program. Only people who were denied were not denied because of space. They accepted every kid they thought they possibly could. He stated there were people from the program that have gone to people’s houses looking for documents that were needed from them. It requires a kid and a parent to put in a little work.


  Hinson stated from his understanding, all the information was sent on time and there was no reply to the email.


  Hinson stated he wanted an emergency meeting on this. Information was sent on time and there was no reply to emails. He asked CA about a mass email to a group of kids and everybody saw it.


  Dixon stated they sent email out to the ones who were not eligible for the program.


  Hinson asked was it a blind copy or everybody could see who did not get accepted?


  Dixon stated he was not sure and would have to check.    


  Hinson stated he would call them tomorrow morning and ask them to send him the documentation itself and he would forward it to the CA. 


  Simpkins suggested to Hinson to ask CA to check on those individuals tomorrow with Ms. Maas and follow up with him.


  Green stated they follow a process. He stated the 3 individuals he spoke with who had issues getting into the program were able to get accepted because he went behind the scenes and intervened.


  Hinson stated they were talking about one or two students, but he was talking about 60.


  Hinson stated he wanted to thank again everyone that came out for the Bizz Crawl.    


  Simpkins stated she wanted to thank Sheriff’s Department for their service. Offers responded well to a call on a mental health issue. 


  Holt stated August 16th is the anniversary of the Lake Talquin drowning where 17 people drown. She stated they need to put a recognition at the Blessed Hope Church and at the Lake.


  Holt also stated when they request workshops, if they would go ahead and provide info for the agenda item. 


Commissioner Kimblin E. Nesmith, J.D., District 3

  Chair asked CA where they were with the Website. Steele stated they gave out a report stating it would be launched in August.

 Chair stated they needed to look at how they were going to move forward with all the great non-profits. They need to think about having a department or division that could assist in empowering these non-profits.


  Green asked if they have filled the Grant Writer position or were they still searching?


  Dixon stated it was filled.


  Chair asked CA about Stevens School. Dixon stated they were close.


  Green provided a green light moment.      



Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm






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