Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

First Budget Hearing

September 12, 2023

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Kimblin NeSmith, Chair, District 3

                                Eric Hinson, Vice-Chair, District 1 – arrived late

                                Alonzetta Simpkins, District 2

Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5 – appeared by Zoom

                                Georgette Daniels, Assistant County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair NeSmith called the public hearing to order at 6:02 p.m., Commissioner Simpkins gave the Invocation and led in Pledge of Allegiance




No amendments


Holt/Simpkins 4-0



The Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Citizens are free to speak for up to three (3) minutes on non-agenda items. Public comments and participation are also encouraged for items on the agenda.  Additionally, if you are unable to attend a meeting in person, comments from the Public can also be submitted via email to until noon on the date of the meeting. Comments submitted after the deadline, but prior to the meeting, will be added to the official record, but the County cannot guarantee that Commissioners and staff will have adequate time to review comments prior to the meeting.  Citizens are further encouraged to participate via Zoom using the credentials on the County’s website. The Board’s meetings are also broadcast live on the Board’s Facebook page.

  Chair NeSmith read aloud the above statement.


William (Bill) Farr, 564 Middle Creek Road,

Cathy Farr





Public Hearing-First Public Hearing for Adoption of Tentative Millage Rate and Tentative Budget for FY  2023/2024

 NeSmith explained this was the first of two public hearings to discuss and adopt the millage rate and budget.


 Daniels read into the record the proposed millage rate of 9.5000, is 20.87% more.


 Cathy Farr, 564 Middle Creek Road, Quincy, FL  32351, appeared before the Board to speak against the increase in the millage rate.  She said they were requesting the millage rate stay the same or roll-back.   Also mentioned Bay County rolled their millage rate back.


  William (Bill) Farr, 564 Middle Creek Road, Quincy, FL  32351, appeared before the Board and spoke to oppose the increase in the millage rate. 


 Commissioner Hinson appeared at 6:18 pm.


 Ms. Daniels said tentative budget at 9.5000 mills would be $63,993,581 and is 11.4 % higher than prior fiscal year budget.


Impact of increase from 9 mills to 9.5000 is additional $975,000 and has been added in Reserve for Contingency in 2023/24 budget pending Board direction and will be earmarked for EMS and Fire.


 Green said NeSmith did a good job on the purpose and said there were major issues with fire services.  Attempted joint meeting with City of Quincy to discuss but need to have town hall meeting to discuss the need of raising the millage rate. 


 Holt said have conundrum to figure out what to do about fire training and services.  If do not get someone in there that is certified, insurance going up.  Felt getting churches involved would help.  Asked Daniels the increase in dollars at 9.5 would 975,351  Asked if could be earmarked for fire service and EMS-Knowles said did not think could lock in, have to be done in separate motions-if want to earmark within budget after passing tentative millage rate, could there.


  Holt said at Property Appraiser had to adjust property taxes and would increase property taxes anyway.


  Hinson asked about Fire Control and the increase in the budget of $338,359. 


He also asked about Elderly Affairs and the budget of $810,859 and asked what going to. 


NeSmith said that was a department under the BOCC that they staffed. 


Hinson said they put $475,000 in a non-profit.


 Simpkins said with Elderly Affairs, they did not give the non-profit the $475,000 but the BOCC has an Elderly Affairs Department. 


 Daniels said that department includes 5 full time positions that are Director, coordinator, program manager, lead case manager, Office clerk; 10 part-time positions including fiscal officer, part-time fiscal officer, part-time fiscal assistant, 5 activity coordinators, kitchen manager and 2 activity assistants.  Also budgeted for operating supplies, etc.


  Hinson wanted to make sure constituents understood had 3 separate budgets.  Out of ARPA will receive $475,000


  Hinson said Board agreed to set aside $475,000 out of ARPA, have CARES and General Fund. 


  Daniels said in current fiscal year had allocated money; Board approved allocating $475,000 to newly created department.  Re-allocated some money that was coming into general fund


  Hinson said by next meeting, will pull the documentation


  Holt said that department was board approved, have to deal with numbers in budget, cannot base budget on anything from State or federal that was not reoccurring. 


She asked where in this budget could they find carry-over from 23 to 24. 


  Simpkins felt they were hounding on fire and EMS but have not set with other municipalities and do not have a plan-do not know what cost factor will be. Have citizens that have lost insurance and have done nothing about it.   Going through the budget line by line was why she asked for a workshop.  Don’t know amount needed because have not set down, had a meeting.  She asked for this in a meeting to be able to discuss this with her counterparts, need to have discussion collectively.  She said Board has relied so much on Administrator and staff but they were not requiring info to come to them.  Couple of weeks away from this being due to State and have not set down and reviewed line by line as a commission to decide what needed.  Administrator does not get beat up, commissioners do

 by citizens.  Don’t know what needed because have not come up with plan. 


NeSmith said recalled discussion of doing RFP to get idea of where were with fire services.


Simpkins said that came up last meeting, been months since brought up about ISO ratings.  Don’t have time for RFP, RFQ, whatever, if storm comes through now, citizens have no insurance and that is problem.  Don’t have months, need workshop and needs to be top on agenda.


 Green said time is of essence but have to start somewhere.  Asked if have numbers for 9.25 millage.


 Daniels said at 9.25 will be 17.69% more, tentative budget would be $63,505,907 and 10.5% increase over previous year’s adopted budget and would give $488,000 additional over what would get from increase in property value.


 Hinson said Green was right-started with fire control first.  Asked about Interfund transfer.  Was increased by $307,496.  He also said need to have itemized plan so they know increases and decreases.


 Daniels said any funding coming into general fund that needs to be spent in another fund is transferred.  The $2 Million allocated from sales tax because not funding Elder Affairs from ARPA, $500,000 of that will go to Elder Affairs. 


 Hinson asked difference between general fund and reserve for contingency-Daniels explained was a “department” within general fund-have to budget revenue and expenditures. 


 Green said question was about $1.5 Million-could some be moved to aid fire services department without increasing to 9.5 mills.


 Daniels said there were several things they proposed using money for and one was for a debt service bond.  Never was a consensus what would use money for. 


 Green said thought should be number allocate for fire services


 NeSmith asked if appropriate for Mrs. Farr comment again-yes.


 Ms. Farr said lot of new information. IF EMS and fire was so dire, why did we allocate $810,859 for Elder Services for same year when was zero previously if fire EMS was more important.


 Hinson said ½ cent sales tax going into reserve for contingency-yes a portion is.  


 Simpkins asked – see where need was there but in tentative budget only increase request of $320,000 total for fire control.  She said they should not just be addressing this.


 Holt said they met with the person that represented the bond company.  They could do a bond.  If decide to take another avenue, reduce millage rate back down.  She asked if they could schedule a meeting with Administrator before next public hearing and will know where they were.  She said to request that all Constitutional Officers come and the department heads be at meeting. 


 NeSmith said Tuesday was second public hearing-is there enough time to schedule workshop.  Could it be on Monday-yes.


 Simpkins wanted to request a workshop-heard meet with staff but also like having a chance to talk with fellow commissioners about budget and can only be done in workshop or meeting.


Monday workshop at 3:00


  NeSmith said Florida Statutes require Board to address millage rate before addressing each budget.


 Holt motion to approve mill rate at 9.5/NeSmith  2-3 failed Hinson, Simpkins, Green opposed


 Green motion to consider 9.25/Holt 3-2 Simpkins and Hinson opposed


 Holt motion to approve county-wide budget/NeSmith second


 Hinson said few things wanted to talk about.  Aid to Private Org-Big bend Transit-Just Read


Daniels said $132,000 was budgeted for Gadsden Shuttle, Gadsden Express, Havana Shuttle and also budgeted JUST READ program that never materialized and moved money with their approval to the Summer Youth program. 


 Hinson asked about Senior Citizens-budget last year was $100,000 and this year only $10,000.  Why? 


Daniels said now that have Elderly Affairs Department, money moved into that department. 


 Hinson said they need to allocate money for the upkeep of the buildings.


 Daniels said that $ left is for the Gretna Senior Services because they have not been incorporated into the Elderly Affairs program. 


 Ms. Fryson appeared by Zoom and said Chattahoochee and Havana was under Elderly Affairs department.  Hinson asked about Midway.  Fryson said last checked with Midway, was not operating, had work to do and will check back with them. 


 Ms. Daniels said there was not a functioning organization to give money to in Midway.  Fryson said correct and based on her understanding, they did not request additional funding. 


 Hinson said visited several times and was nice-may have moved to another location.  He was told they have tried to contact staff and never got response.  Will get info before next meeting. 


 Green asked for more clarity-having a workshop on Monday and will give opportunity to discuss then.  Just going through process of approving budget tonight. 


 Holt said agreed.  When approaching cities, they should put teeth in game. 


 Daniels said adopted 9.25 mill and budget $488,000


 Holt amended motion and NeSmith amended second


 Holt motion tentative budget based on 9.25 mills, budget is $63,505,907 and is 10.5 increase over previous year budget of $57,446,834/NeSmith second


 Hinson asked amount in general fund fund balance-Daniels said could email number to commissioners tomorrow.


 Hinson said should never come into budget meeting with out having fund balance.  Need that number first before approving anything. 


 Chair called for vote 3-2  Simpkins, Hinson opposed.


 Hinson asked how could he write check without knowing amount in account.   


 Daniels said general fund fund balance is $6,256,457 fund balance   



  Adjourned 8:23 pm





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