Present:                Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2 - absent

                                Gene Morgan, District 3 - absent

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Dee Jackson, Interim County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Beryl H. Wood, Deputy Clerk



Chair Taylor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the Stevens School Community Meeting. The vision was read by the Deputy Clerk.



The vision of Stevens Multipurpose Cultural Arts Center is to create a one-stop facility that is driven by the needs of the Gadsden County Community.



 To create a comprehensive facility that provides and increases public safety, health and wellness, economic development, youth education and enrichment, recreational activities and cultural awareness.


She said they charged the Building Official with creating a new design.


Collins – How big of a building. 700 sqft. building or 2 3500 building. Existing is almost 7500. He said this is just an example of what you can put on the property.


Carolyn Ford – asked could they not put two 5000 buildings.


Collins anything is possible. He said there are different options. He said they could change some stuff.  He said they are using are the City Codes. He said he would have to work on the angle parking.


Jackson asked about a Pan B.


Collins said yes there was with the two 3500 meeting.


Holt said looking at alternatives is a good thing. She also suggested another opportunity that was presented. She asked that the City start looking for around the facility.


Collins said 1 parking space per 80ft. He said there


Hollis asked where they keeping lunchroom.


Collins yes there


Hinson said his opinion is that they build up. His suggestion was that they go up.


Rosetta asked are going to decide how they will build and then place what goes in.


Holt average, how much?


Collins 130-150 dollars per square foot. It would be about 2 million.


Holt said we would have to do in phases. It cost to put asphalt on parking.


Collins said for parking in 150,000.


Ford said they need time to study. It seems that it is not amendable to children. The space needs to be children friendly.


Battles asked about 1 building.


Hinson said 7,000 square foot. It can still be the same. The foundation is what cost. He said they can an option is upward.


Ford said she must visualize. We need to look at what we would want to put in the building.


Hinson said money would be on first floor and Clyde concurred.


The monies from wall to wall are 7000 sqft. He suggested upward because it’s cheaper. The foundation is confusing.


Taylor said they all have a good point. It because an issue. She said an upright building there is not a lot in this community. I want to come to a focus point. (suggestions, substation, business incubator


Sapp would some category get more funding.


Taylor said yes, because health and police chief are ready with no costs. It can self propel itself.


Attorney Weiss said they is case law. He said he is concerned that you can’t limit budget discretion.


He is saying he doesn’t know where the Board has the authority. He said he needs more time to be 100%


Battles asked for clear explanation.


Holt said the attorney said he didn’t know. She would like for him to find out. I need state statute. I think it would be better to do it. She said they need case law. If we are going to Legislators we need to have things solid.  We need to put numbers.


Taylor said you have to have information. You have to ask for a little bit more. We have talked to Al Lawson.


Hinson said he needs to put something on the legislature agenda. He said it is to late for the House, not for the Senate. He said the money is not for Stevens School, he said it is not obligated.


Ford said she was looking at process. She asked Clyde was there enough money to refurbish the cafeteria and then use in the next 8 months.


Taylor said 1st component and then 2 component. Buildout early, working for where you are now. What we have now is to do phases. Do parking now for Buildout.


Battles said Clyde’s plan can be number two.


Holt said if they get City buy in and help with parking.


Jackson there was a grant before the school burned for 2.5 million. Would have to implement that program.


Taylor 5 things we want done.

1.       All in favor of Buildout in lunchroom and parking space starting where you are now with Board’s approval? (Majority yes, Clyde get drawing of current building. They want something nice and appealing then provide the services.)

What kind of Buildout?


Clyde said there is a lot of fix-ups such as air conditioner (30,000) we had a grant. Mrs. Jackson said they are in limbo because this


Holt commented with Ford on Stevens School. She said they need to focus on economic development to get the money not the social stuff. She said bring business that makes money. Barber, Restaurant. You need USDA.


Alma Venisee commented on renovating the cafeteria.


Collins reiterated the building and put parking lot Buildout.


Inez Holt we need police in this area.


Hinson said he was your friend. In general the money is out there. We can add 200-300 thousand out of the budget, to make it nice. We can do matching grants.


Dee Jackson response to Hinson statement was Carlicia Pye, Roman Alexander aide said the  deadline was 2 weeks ago. We can amend what was already submitted, it needs to be in by Friday, which is Wednesday, due to the holidays. She said if there needs to be an option tonight, if they want to move forward.


Rosetta Anderson said she was not for losing the money. In was in favor of choosing an option.



2.       Which drawing would you like?

Sapp said they should think about open concept. You don’t want a building that is facing the street. We don’t want the sandwich.

Taylor said since we can submit we can get some funding by switching.

Clyde Drawing – Option B 1.5 million

Friends of Steven School will be submitted to legislature. (Mrs. Ford will meet Mrs. Jackson on narrative)


Rosetta Anderson what is tomorrow for? Tomorrow night legislative agenda items


Hinson commented on the CRA can help with this City of Quincy. He said instead of using the money, they could refurbish the building. Let the County build the new building.


Holt if you are afraid your County Commission you need to vote better.


Taylor thanked everyone for coming and their input. She thanked them for collaboration. Happy Thanksgiving from Commissioner Angela Sapp.


Next Meeting: December 11, 2017 Monday at 5:30pm