Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

November 21, 2017

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Sherrie Taylor, Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Dee Jackson, Interim County Administrator

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Beryl Wood, Deputy Clerk




Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. She asked that everyone please mute their phones and then asked everyone to stand for the Invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag.



Mrs. Jackson said there were no amendments to the agenda.


The attorney reminded her that numbers 5, 6, and 7 need to be pulled from the agenda.


There was discussion among the Board.


  Attorney Weiss stated you can table at the appropriate time.


Chair Taylor said that they would handle at the consent agenda.



Chair Taylor handed the gravel to the Attorney for the reorganization of the Board portion of this meeting.


Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman  


Commissioner Hinson said he would like to keep as is. Chair Taylor second the motion.  

3-2(Holt, V, Morgan – opposed)-motion failed


Commissioner Holt said she would like Commissioner Dr. Viegbesie as Chair. It was second by Commissioner Dr. V. 3-2 (Hinson, Taylor, Morgan)- motion failed


Commissioner Morgan nominated Commissioner Holt as Chair. Commissioner Dr. Viegbesie second motion 5-0 motion passed


Commissioner Holt was voted Chair and she proceeded with nominations for Vice – Chair.

  Hinson commented on nominations


Vice – Chair   


Commissioner Morgan nominated Dr. V and it was second by Dr. V


Commissioner Taylor nominated Hinson, Hinson second that motion.


Dr. V’s motion was first on the floor and was moved first as 5-0 as Vice - Chair


There was discussion rotation of Chair and Vice among the Board. Chair Holt said in the near future that was something they may look at with policy.








CONSENT   Move  4,5, 6 table – rest of the consent agenda approved 1 & 7 -Morgan/Hinson



Ratification Memo



Approval of Minutes

a.       October 26, 2017-Special Meeting

b.      September 5, 2017-Regular Meeting



Approval of the Library Annual Plan of Service for 2017-2018

This agenda item seeks Board approval to submit the second part of the2017-2018 State Aid to Public Libraries application.


State Aid is an essential part of the Library budget. The State Aid grant award in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 is expected to be approximately $348,470, State Aid is used for materials, salaries, and operating expenses of the William A. “Bill” McGill Library in Quincy, the Havana Public Library, and the Cowen Public Library in Chattahoochee.


This agenda item was tabled.



Approval of the Satisfaction of Special Assessment Lien for Parcel – table ID#3262N5W11910000A0010

On the original was a scrivener’s error it was reported and corrected.


This agenda items seeks Board approval of the Special Assessment Lien for Parcel ID#3262N5W11910000A0010, between Mr. Hudson Nathan and at the Board of County Commissioners and authorization for the Chairperson to sign all related documents.


This agenda item was tabled.




Approval of the Satisfaction of Special Assessment Lien for Parcel - ID#3262N5W11910000B0020

This agenda item seeks Board approval of the Special Assessment Lien for Parcel ID#3262N5W11910000B0020, between Mr. Hudson Nathan and the Board of County Commissioners and authorization for the Chairperson to sign all related documents.


This agenda item was tabled.



Approval of the Satisfaction of Special Assessment Lien for Parcel ID# 3262N5W11910000B0030

This agenda item seeks Board approval of the Special Assessment Lien for Parcel ID#3262NW119110000B0030, between Mr. Hudson Nathan and the Board of County Commissioners and authorization for the Chairperson to sign all related documents.




No items were pulled for discussion. Items 4,5,6 Tabled







Tanesha Miller    667 Charlie Harris Loop (Scottown Community) addressed the Board with her concerns about animals running wild in a residential area. She said she has visited Code Enforcement. We have elderly and sick people concerned with the smell. Park is a big issue, kids are limited at the park.


Chair directed her to get with the Administrator for resolution of her concerns.


  Commissioner Dr. Viegbesie said this is a serious concern of animals in residential area. He said she is speaking of hogs and goats, etc. He said the person that owns the property is not there. He said he Code Enforcement needs to get the animals out of the residential area; this situation has been addressed with them.


Chair Holt asked Ms. Miller to get with Administrator and Commissioner Viegbesie to discuss these items.










PUBLIC HEARING-Approval of Resolution 2017-034 Budget Amendments for FY 2017  


Mrs. Jackson said this agenda items seeks approval of Resolution 2017-034 and authorization for the County Administrator, Finance Director and Sr. Management & Budget Analyst to complete and execute all budget amendments necessary to maintain a balance budget for Fiscal Year 2017 BOCC budget.


Chair Holt asked for board discussion and public comment.


   Commissioner Morgan said he thought it would be a great idea to discuss with the public on the budget amendments.


  Jeff Price commented that at the end of each year we have to have a balanced budget. Each amendment it takes it and balances it out to zero. He said the various ones.


Commissioner Morgan said they are running on zero based budgets. You may spend more money is some areas, we do this to balance.


  Indigent Tax discussed the different budget amendments.


  Hinson said this is one of the reasons I wanted to have more dialogue. Overtime with EMS ($813,877) was a concern that needs to be addressed.


  Morgan said this with EMS will require a change in the model. It is concern that we provide services that we are getting recouped. Need to address ASAP.


Chair Holt said they are looking at different items.


Public Comment and there was none.


   Morgan/Viegbesie for Option 1 – 5-0

Option 1 to approve resolution 2017-034, along with the Budget Amendments attached and authorize the County Administrator, Finance Director, and Sr. Management & Budget Analyst to complete and execute all necessary budget amendments associated with FY 2017 pre-close-out process.






Approval and adoption of Resolution No. 2017-036 and the Purchase and Financing Agreements for Purchase of New County-Wide Radio Communication System from Motorola Solutions, Inc.  


This agenda item seeks Board approval and adoption of Resolution No. 2017-036 and the purchase and financing agreements for the purchase of a New County- Wide Radio Communication System from Motorola Solutions, Inc, and authorization for the chair to sign the agreements and all related documents.


Morgan/ Viegbesie for approval. Discussion occurred among the Board.


  Attorney Weiss said on the purchasing agreement it is slightly abbreviated from the original.  He said the attachments are abbreviated.


Chair Holt called Motorola up.


  Commissioner Hinson asked about the 3%.


Mr. Weiss said it is a separate legal entity.  My understanding is I have not attended the Bank. He said the Assistant Manager did.


  Mr. Johnson said if they look at the bottom of the package. He said in the early acquisition stages we went on based on the procurement policy. He said across the Boards


  Mrs. Jacksons comments. They didn’t want collateral, like the other banks. They wanted the half cent sale tax put up and we couldn’t by law do that.


  Hinson said they need comparison of the two projects.  Do we have all facts before us.


Taylor stepped out at this juncture at 6:33 p.m. returned at 6:37pm


  Morgan said yes the interest rates are on the incline. He said a 3% interest is nothing compared to lives that will be saved.


  Viegbesie said the bonds are slow. He said the 3% interest is a good rate.


Morgan called the question.


  Taylor asked why this was back again.


  Weiss said what was approved at the last meeting was equipment. The only option that we had was through Motorola all others want some type of security. The determination was made that this was the only option.


  Taylor said the last time it fell through.


Attorney Weiss said board approved the vendor and it had to come back. She discussed going through the State.


  Weiss said it is not purchased through the State. He said this is the final approval.


  Motion Morgan/Viegbesie 5-0  for approval.




Review and Approval of the Amended 2018 Legislative Priorities  


Mrs. Jackson said this agenda item seeks Board approval of the County’s 2018 Legislative Priorities. She added the Stevens School will be added, asking for 1.2 million dollars.


Morgan stepped out a 6:41 pm.


  Viegbesie would like to  add under transportation  - Resurfacing and Widen on Attapulgus Highway


  Holt asked could it been done under SCRAP or SCOPE.


He replied that it could.


  Hinson said the State representative said we need to focus at what we present. He recalled a discussion from Broward County anything you put on knows, it is too late. He said they have moved everything up. He said we are just making constituents feel good.


Morgan no comment. Taylor no comment.


Holt said Viegbesie may use FDOT.   Shelter no matching bill, can go after study money.


  Jenkins said we have info on Shelter. He said we have increase on the 5 year work plan. He said it went up almost 2 million dollars. 


Holt suggested the palm cards when we go the Legislature would be helpful.


  Hinson commented on food stamps during hurricane. He referenced the Board of Directors meeting they are saying we need everything.


Holt let’s workshop the issue

  Viegbesie/Morgan 5-0 for amended the 2018 Legislative Priorities. 


Approval to Extend the Lease for Dental Equipment to the Gadsden County School Board for Fiscal Year 2018  


This agenda item seeks Board approval to extend the leased dental equipment that is currently located at Havana Magnet School to the Gadsden County School Board.


Hinson said where is the dental chair? Mrs. Jackson said it is at Havana Magnet. She said she would check and that there are being used.


  Viegbesie said this was leased to the Neighbor Medical Center.


  Hinson said there is two Havana Magnet and Neighborhood Health. 


  Morgan and have the chair moved and recalibrated at their expense. How is the lease different from the prior?


Weiss no changes to


Motion: Morgan/Viegbesie 5-0insHins




Approval of the 2017 State Grant Application for Upgrade of E911 Primary PSAP  


This agenda item seeks Board approval of the 2017 E911 State Grant Application for Upgrade of E911 Primary PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) and authorization for the Chairperson to sign all related documents.


Morgan/Hinson 5-0 Approval





Update on Various Board Requests  


Mrs. Jackson discussed a workshop on Landuse and Growth Development requested by the Consultant.


Morgan comments need to be progressive workshops. He said it should be a building exercise. What impact it has. Review what we have it the second workshop. He said they could bring along the public.


   Holt said we have not workshopped with the Planning and Zoning Board. She suggested invite PC Board.


  BOCC Christmas Float –Friday,  Dec. 8, 2017 at 5:30 asked that all Commissioners be there and ride on the float. Staff will walk along side.


  Tuesday, December 12, 2017 – Tri-State Retreat 4:00 -7:00 pm. Suggestion from Hinson is that they vote on the time in future. 


  Office Closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. Wished them all a Happy Thanksgiving.


  Legislative Conference commented best roads I have seen are in Gadsden County. She thanked Curtis Young and his guys. She referenced FEMA said that Jeff Price has the best records, they were through, She thanked them publically.


  County Christmas Celebration, Thursday, December 14, 2017– 12:00p.m.




Facebook Live


  Facebook Live agenda it for discussion and vote. Hinson said we never voted on it. There was discussion on this item. Hinson commented on the comments of fb live.


Holt gave option of having Mr. Southernland stream on FB Live.


Hinson said you can go in your communities and meet people yourself.


Mrs. Jackson said it was not streamed tonight.


  Viegbesie said the meeting s is being televised. He mentioned the Clerk is streaming. He said they should show and have civility when working with each other.  He mentioned derogatorily comments. He said it should be an agenda item.


  Morgan thanked Administrator for bringing it up. We can have fb live and we can control or citizens can do it. It is worth discussing. It is how we handle ourselves.


  Taylor no comment.


  Viegbesie asked will these be placed on the agenda.


  Holt let’s take it out until we decide. She said it can be attached to a workshop.   She mentioned a marketing department. It is the image of the County.


  Morgan said this is not cost to the County. The only other reason is the image of the County. We could control. Why not offer it and control. The county should host. Will ask for it agenda item.


This item will be placed on the agenda for discussion and vote with a workshop.


Clerk’s Memo


  Morgan recalled the Clerk’s memo where he alert for two grant funded items. Line of Progression, completion of Court House Renovation and Ag Center. He said they have gotten extensions.


  She said they both have been awarded and CRA has been awarded for the Courthouse, she does not have start date. Ag Center would have to yield to Clyde.


  Clyde is still reviewing and working on drawings for Ag Center, but hopes to go out to bid in January.  He said it has been a process and said that USDA in Marianna has helped out a lot.


Morgan what happens if we miss the timeline.


  Jackson said they have to finish the project.


  Viegbesie why do we to receive letter from the Clerk. If we don’t get it done, we will lose the funds. We could have started much earlier.


  Weiss said there are a lot of different layers. He said he cannot speak to the County dragging their feet. He said there were different levels of review on the courthouse.


  Holt said they were trying to get additional monies to get all the work done on the Agriculture.


Morgan  we got extensions….We need to prioritize.   We need to focus in the next 8 months. Stay on top, moving forward. 


  Jackson said on courthouse we won’t  lose out for what we don’t do with historical

preservation. We want have to pay anything back. We just don’t receive funds for work that is not done.


Satellite Social Security Offices


  Viegbesie look at establish satellite Social Security access. He asked her to take a look for Havana Library.  He said everyone on the east side of the County would appreciate it.


Holt said they need to show a need.


  Morgan said anytime you offer services, make it available everywhere, he would like one for Chattahoochee.


Board Meetings airing in Chattahoochee




  Morgan BOCC meetings are not aired in Chattahoochee.


 Mrs. Jackson said they are working on it.  Mr. Southernland is working on it and will follow-up with Mr. Southernland.


  Mr. Southernland said the situation is a problem.  I have access to all except to Chattahoochee. He said the company changed hands and they have no one to provide. He said he visited Mr. Garner and he has also tried to make contact, no avail. He said it is aired next day noon next day and stream on the world wide web.  He said Spectra is new company that was assumed by Brighthouse. He said they is a caveat, if you ask. You can stream on you stream.


  Morgan said he would assist that is done. We have to press the issue. This is process between County and City of Chattahoochee. He said they are required to provide a governmental channel.


Mr. Southernland said he had a conversation with Clyde he said it could also stream on fb live. He said it should be on the air, since everyone does not have a smart phone or computer.





COUNTY ATTORNEY   No comment & will entertain questions. Happy Thanksgiving.



 Update on Various Legal Issues

   Morgan existence of the public information request and what legal ramifications for not complying.


  Weiss staff has assembled all documents. We have asked for documents or complete documentation letting us know what they may or may not have. You must respond to public records request. A civil action can be brought also criminal and non-criminal penalties. Morgan County just got in trouble for failing to respond to public request.


Redistricting & Public Records Request Discussion


  Redistricting in the County – he said he just reviewed numbers. He said the numbers are disparaging.


  Weiss said let me research and there is a legal obligation.   He would like to research and speak and report at the next meeting.


  Taylor commented redistricting is based on the census. She said the last one was 2010. She said the percentage wasn’t there to redistrict and that is why it was not touched.  In 2020 we can look at it. She said in 2017 the numbers aren’t there. Public Records request she asked Attorney Weiss to come to her so she could comply.


  Hinson asked could they send to his email.


  Weiss said it is broader than the emails, text and phone calls. If there are not from records that exist. He said they could just tell them. I have sent a few emails and I have not received responses.


  Weiss they can pull if it went to the county emails, everything that staff has access to, we have provided.


  Viegbesie said with the public request he said he provided that there was no communication and nothing to reveal.


Holt said she would need help pulling up.


  Weiss said he could try to tell you how to retrieve emails. He said be careful about deleting public emails.


  Morgan I highlighted because we need to get this done. He mentioned the redistricting again, that numbers have changed especially in one district. We want to make sure citizens are represented appropriately. This Board can manage through the process.


Holt asked that they send email back out to all of them


Morgan stepped out at 7:54pm returned at 7:55 pm




  Weiss it could be revisited in odd years.








Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Brenda A. Holt, District 4  Travel policy; economic development: Gadsden Day at the Capital, concerned with cost. Concerned with floor 22, go after committees that go after the money, be selective


Jackson said they have major sponsors for Gadsden Day.



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2    I am happy to represent at the CRTPA as Vice – Chair happy to be voice of the County. He said they are soliciting membership for Advisory Committee/Board look into recommend Citizens multimortal committee.


Holt asked that it be added to the county website for nominations for the committees.



Commissioner Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1   He thanked Chair and Vice – Chair. Jesus is love. He said his hope is to move Gadsden Forward. GCDC do they have 2 year contract. What is stipulation? Do we give 80,000 in one lump sum for a total of $160,000.00? He recommended that it be divided up in $12,000. In case we part ways with them.


  Weiss said they way it was drafted is a two year contract with extension of one year. He said that is correct that they get 80,000 in one lump sum.


  Holt said any contract has to be tied to deliverables. It has to be done in the contract.


Hinson stated he recommended monthly or 3 months.  I think we should give then the money every two months. I would like to protect County.


Holt we have not put anything in place. We have contract, we didn’t do are due diligence.


Viegbesie stepped out at 8:05 p.m. returned at 8:07pm


  Morgan we should have them hear at the meeting. It should be agenda.


Motion: Hinson /Holt – Holt withdrawn after discussion due to her wanting the Chamber to be present.


 Taylor second for GCDC on Economic Development for t he December 5, 2017 meeting for discussion and vote.



  Motion: Hinson/ Taylor motioned  December 5, 2017 BOCC at the Economic Development at BOCC Meeting with GCDC for discussion and vote.


Holt voiced her concern about voting at the meeting and felt it should be for discussion only.


 Procurement Process


  Hinson asked said how were the builders selected for Courthouse. How can we add additional architects?


Mrs. Jackson said we have two.  One is from Quincy and One is from Tallahassee. She said she sends the information to both. Procurement policy is that it has to bid.


  Holt said she would like to see it out there.


  Mrs. Jackson would like to create a local preference policy. We will have to bid it. She said they have to put their name in to be considered.


  Weiss until we adopt a local preference, we can’t put any weight on this.


  Holt said bring back procurement policy as a discussion item.


  Morgan said it need to be talked about among the Board. He said they clearly went this a short time ago. He asked what the issue was.


  Hinson said they may not want to be a part of the process. Dr. Henry Grant you should talk to him about the Ag building. He asked that we consultant with him.




 He also discussed the situation that happens with Major Barkley, his brother passed on yesterday. He asked for prayers. He mentioned to tragic situations with kids where girl dad Angela Bush (Neal’s Temple Road) she has 4 children would like to donate to family: Freda Houston she has 4 children as well worked together would like to help children as well with this family. He asked for the Board support on a personal level. He said AKA’s and Alpha’s would also help and fresh in his heart. He asked for prayers and thanked the first responders and Former Chair Taylor.


  Hinson said we called people that worked in the County. He said they have staff upfront and have a table upfront. He said he would like for things to be smooth.





Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3   Make sure Staff understands that is was Commissioner Hinson wants them up front, Happy Thanksgiving, have so much to be thankful for.


1st – redistricting agenda item for discussion on what changes have occurred since 2010.

Motion: Morgan died for lack of second


  County Administrator search for discussion and action: Motion: Morgan/ Hinson said entertained after the second meeting in January. (Died for lack of second)


  Viegbesie I understand Morgan’s point of view. Right now we have a interim, this interim needs better understanding, so that when someone comes in they have something to transition. He said it is too soon know.


  Morgan said that is what I was trying to do.



Commissioner Sherrie D. Taylor, Chair, District 5  Congratulations Vice – President twice in one day. She thanked Holt as well as Chair. She also thanked for the opportunity to serve. She thanked Morgan.


WS Stevens School is moving extremely well.  Thanked the former Administrator and new administrator for all their work.


Receipt and File




Death Resolutions

Letter from FDOT

Letter from DEO

Letter from Florida Health

Letter from the City of Miami Beach





December 5, 2017-Regular Meeting – 6:00 p.m.