Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

September 17, 2019

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Chair, District 2

                                Sherrie Taylor, Vice Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair called meeting to order at 6:01 p.m., asked everyone to stand for invocation by Charles Morris and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance.



  Lawson pulled Item 2 and Item 19 

Holt/Morgan 4-0




Demonstration of the Apalachee Online Website

  Sarah Hibbard gave an overview of the new Apalachee Online website.


Morgan stepped out at 6:06 p.m.

Morgan returned at 6:06 p.m.



  Holt/Morgan 4-0



Approval of Addendum for Actuarial Services for Optional Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) a GASB Requirement

Item pulled


Approval of Extension of Contract for D & J Enterprises, Inc. for Emergency Debris Management Services



Approval of the Annual Certified Budget with Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS)



W.S. Stevens School Cafeteria Renovations



Approval and Execution of State Aid Grant Agreement



Approval of the Annual Contract between the Gadsden County BOCC and the Florida Department of Health for the Operations of the Gadsden County Health Department







   Gene DeLuigi, 37 Lake Bluff Lane, Reston neighborhood – Code Enforcement, Contractors refusal to perform work to County Code

  Thanked Al Smythe, so many contractors doing shotty work without licenses and still having same issues from day one.  Al Smythe getting a lot of heat from a lot of contractors and hopes he gets the backing from the commissioners because he’s doing his job.


Holt said she was sorry he was having this problem but did not apply to all contractors in this area.


  Morgan said he understood the discussion and reiterates the importance for citizens to understand importance of applying for permitting on work having done but to  check who contracting with to make sure are licensed and insured



Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Ct., Quincy, FL  Sign Ordinance


Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Ct., Quincy, FL CBOR


Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Ct., Quincy, FL Planning Commission Appointments




Public Hearing-(Quasi-Judicial)-Midway Business Park Final Plat (FP 2019-01)

  Mr. Lawson introduced the above item and said it was for consideration of an application for the final plat approval for the Midway Business Park Subdivision.


Jill Jeglie appeared before the Board and was sworn in by the Deputy Clerk.  She gave a brief overview of the Agenda Item.


Chair Viegbesie announced it was a public hearing and asked if there was anyone that wished to speak in opposition or in support of this item.


Nancy Linnan, Esquire, appeared before the Board. 


  Holt asked Jill where this was located-south of Brickyard Road, west of highway 90. Holt said for those that did not know, turn at the Waffle House.


  Brian Schreiber, Anderson Columbia appeared before the Board.  


V asked in the development, would sidewalks be required to be added?  No, it would be an industrial park.


Holt moved approval option 1/Hinson  Morgan question-all items yes  4-0



Public Hearing-(Legislative)-Consideration of transmittal to adopt amendments to the Capital Improvements Element (LSPA 2019-02)

  Lawson introduced above item.


  Commissioner Taylor arrived at 6:41 p.m.


Suzanne Lex appeared before the Board to briefly explain the item.


  V announced it was a public hearing and asked if there was anyone that wished to speak in support or opposition of the item and there was no-one.


  Holt asked the changes regarding the parks-no changes per say-just standards want to have-revising tables


Morgan approval option 1/Holt 5-0



Public Hearing-(Legislative)-Consideration of Ordinance No. 2019-012 to adopt the Capital Improvements Schedule of the Capital Improvements Element for Fiscal Years 2019-20-2023/24

  Lawson introduced above item.


Holt made a motion to approve and Morgan pointed out needed to see if any public comments.


Suzanne Lex gave a brief explanation of the item. 


V asked if any public comments and there were none.


Holt asked if this was a 5 year plan-yes. 


Morgan approval option 1/Holt second 5-0



Public Hearing-(Legislative)-(LDR 2019-05)-Consideration of Ordinance 2019-013, Amendments to Section 5700, Signs, of the Gadsden County Land Development Code

  Lawson introduced the above item.


Jill Jeglie appeared before the Board and briefly explained the item.   Recommendation from Planning Commission was to approve


V said had Speaker Form


   Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Ct., Quincy, FL, appeared before the Board.  Said she was on the Planning Commission and was pretty comfortable with changes made and hoped they would consider the safety issue and was concerned the electronic signs might be a distraction for motorists.


Holt motion to approve option 1/V second Morgan question


Morgan said understood sign regulations were changing, not much of issue with current ordinance but do not want Gadsden County to start looking like Las Vegas.


Chair called for vote 2-3 Hinson, Morgan, Taylor opposed


  Ms. Lasley reappeared before the Board and Commissioner Taylor had questions and Ms. Lasley responded to her questions.


Commissioner Taylor and Commissioner Hinson changed their vote and the votes were 4-1.  Commissioner Morgan was the lone opposed vote.



Public Hearing-(Legislative)-Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 2018-018 for the Amendment of Chapters 1 and 7 of the Land Development Code, specifically regarding the Citizens Growth Management and Planning Bill of Rights (LDR 2018-01)

  Lawson introduced the above item and said this would amend the Citizen Bill of Rights.


Suzanne Lex appeared before the Board and gave a brief explanation of the item.  When brought to the Board at the workshop heard loud and clear that the super majority was very important as well as planning staff would take a more active role in the process.


V said only question was regard to full board not present then would that impede the process. 

 Holt stepped out 7:18 p.m.


   Marion Lasley, 5 Dante Ct., Quincy, FL appeared before the Board, in 3rd Whereas, w


Holt returned at 7:19 p.m.


3rd whereas says Gadsden County planning commission acting as local planning commission reviewed amendment and made recommendation-item as presented was not voted on, was continued and did not make a recommendation and she asked that they continue and remand this back to the Planning Commission as they were close


Ms. Lex said it was a double-sided document that did not get copied double-sided


  Lori Bouie, 816 Hardin Street, Quincy, appeared before the Board and confirmed what Ms. Lasley said.  They were not given a complete document.  She has questioned why there were so many stipulations and she asked that they follow the State Statutes and said it does not encourage team building.


Holt asked what was in this document that they did not see before


V said he would lean to remanding this back to Planning and let them develop a document so the Board could vote on a document.


  Holt asked what was missing-what was there that P&Z does not want.  Ms. Bouie said practically everything presented tonight was not presented to them.  She said there were persons that have turned out on the Planning Board and was told they would remain seated until replaced and she asked if they could serve until replaced so they would have a quorum and asked who asked them to not return.  V explained that agenda item was pulled tonight.


V made motion to remand this item to P&Z/Holt second Taylor had question


Taylor thanked whoever mad sure this item was placed on the agenda.  There are certain portions she was willing to relinquish on the super majority and that has to do with major housing.  As far as business and buildings, not willing to give up super majority.  Don’t agree with ½ mile radius, think should be wider.  Need to look at streamlining better.  Concur with remanding it back. 


Hinson said his position was grandparent that wanted to give niece acre or 5 acres of land or want to sell to someone else.  V said did not think that land use was part of CBOR and wanted to stay on point.  Hinson asked if he was familiar with this and V said he was not a genius like some were that were up here.  Hinson asked attorney if Chair was correct.  Weiss said it addressed additional procedures but not specifically regulate subdivisions and density. 


Holt said even if send back to P&Z, doing what should do.  She said the process was unfair.  She said this Board did not have to vote on anything they had to say or follow their recommendation.


Morgan said important that CBOR was primary topic of discussion and need to be sure to maintain integrity of the land.  People that buy 100 acres of land don’t want a trailer park next door to them.  CBOR has not impeded their growth. 


Hinson said CBOR


Morgan stepped out at 7:55 p.m.


Hinson said at one time had almost a booklet that was being taken away because of taxes. 


Morgan returned at 7:56.


Hinson said he was looking at the citizens because they were the ones that drove the economy.  This was all about the land.  He said he felt the CBOR was driving folks away because they couldn’t afford it.  Sees now homeless folks. 


Chair called for the vote 5-0



Public Hearing-Approval of Resolution 2019-025 for FY 2019

  Lawson introduced the above item. 


V announced this was a public hearing and asked if there were any comments either in opposition or in support and there were none.


Holt asked about this item and Lawson said it was a clean-up item, moving money from one fund to another.  She asked if this applied to solving the problem with the budget the other day-no.


Taylor approval with question/Holt second


Chair called for the vote 5-0





911 Dispatch Center

  Lawson introduced the above item.


Holt/Hinson 5-0



Hutchinson Ferry Road Bridge Repairs-Funding Allocation

  Lawson introduced the above item and was written when bridge first damaged.


  Hinson said thought Board should look at this and did not think should commit-wait to see how much money would get before commit because he promised in his district that a road would be paved.  Two guys are vets and have medical needs and the dirt road needs to be paved.  If start today will still take 8-9 months so why do it. 


Taylor asked if could find put which Commissioner willing to give up their money.  Willing to share some of hers but promised some striping in the Lake Talquin area.  Lawson said this was a Board decision, they would continue to look for other funding.


  V said he was at the Capitol last week and was talking with CRTPA and they and DOT will not have any money.  Right now detouring and using a road with a metal bridge and was dangerous.


  Holt said was not being sarcastic but now know where her and Morgan was coming from when everyone else got their roads paved on the east side.  She has made several phone calls regarding the roads, FDOT, Senator Montford, Representative Alexander, Senator Lawson, etc.  Could be dangerous if people don’t pay attention to barricades.  She’s willing to go for this on contingency that their paving road be moved to top of list.


Hinson made few suggestions-they increased budget by over $1 Million last year, this year by almost $3-4 Million; gave Constitutional Officers money; Stevens School $600,000 insurance money; non-profit organizations other than senior citizens; EMS and Sheriff can’t go down that road because road in such bad shape.   Got non-profits, Stevens school money, staff increases, money that can be got if everyone would hold still for one year or at least 6 month. 


Morgan said have 2 immediate needs, safety issue and transportation issue, that need to be fixed-two critical safety issues, one not planned for, that need s to be repaired immediately


Morgan option 1/Taylor second  Hinson question


Hinson said he voted against EMS and Public works surtax last week, if change vote and vote for that, would that cover that costs.  Lawson said that would be money that would go back in the Fund Balance. 


Chair called for the vote.  Board voted 5-0



Hutchinson Ferry Road Bridge Repairs-Professional Services

  Lawson introduced above item.


Morgan option 1/Holt second


V questions. 


Justin Ford appeared before the Board.  Analyzed box culverts


Chair called for the vote.  Hinson question.  How much in budget-will let know-will send email.





Approval of the Contract with I.F.W. Security, LLC to Provide Security Services at the Butler Building and Gadsden County Public Library in Quincy, FL

  Lawson introduced the above item.


Holt motion to approve/V second 3-2 Morgan, Taylor oppose



Medical Director Contract

  Lawson introduced above item, required to have Medical Director.


 Morgan option 1/Holt


V asked if part-time or full-time job for amount of money.  Lawson said required to have Medical Director to operate EMS, is a contractual individual who provides services, oversight of EMS department.


Chair called for vote.  5-0



Appointments and Re-appointments to the Gadsden County Planning Commission for District 1, District 2, District 4 and the At-Large Position

Item pulled


Ratification of Agreement with iWorq Systems, Inc

  Lawson introduced above item.  Was previously approved by previous Interim Building Official and was signed by previous Building Official.


Holt said this was only software being used.


Morgan option 1/V second 5-0





















Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Eric Hinson, District 1

  Told Board members how much he loved them and how awesome they were.


Morgan left at 8:40 p.m.



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4

  Land issue was very important, more than they know.  Need to separate Planning and Zoning from Building Inspection, bring old chart back and need a Planning and Zoning Director and a Building Director. 


Never had a commission that could not set a budget.  Wrote an article and will be in the paper tomorrow.  Would be embarrassing to send budget to State with not at least $2 Million in reserves.    Asked if still time to advertise for ½ cent tax.  Weiss said might be time to advertise in Democrat because have to have 10 days’ notice and need to get in 10 days ahead.  She said if they get down to $600,000 and emergency happens, can’t pay bills, State takes over.


V said she shared she called different places and he called the Capitol as well and we are looked at as a joke, as a caricature.  He said he looks forward to reading her article.  He said terms used about the Board was we were a very unbecoming Board.



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor Vice-Chair, District 5

  Taylor said she learned one thing in politics-have to have thick skin.  They have heard several times from Clerk’s Office that money was low. 


Told Brenda to write her article, won’t be the first time she has written an article, plastered negative comments, bought articles in paper and was nothing new. 


When Hinson started talking about the road paving, when he started talking about insurance money for project she needs to get done(Stevens School) that was when he lost her.   


Believes they will be OK because money coming, just doesn’t look good now, are at the bottom, but not going to run out, not worried about negativism, 



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie,, Chair, District 2

  V said tax that Taylor talked about was on FAC agenda along with Small County surtax


Receipt and File









  Adjourned at 8:56 p.m.