Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

October 1, 2019

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Chair, District 2

                                Sherrie Taylor, Vice Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3-appeared by phone

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. , asked everyone to silence phones, gave Invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.



  Lawson asked to pull Item 5 and 21;

Holt/V  5-0






  Hinson asked to pull Item 10 for discussion


Morgan motion to approve with exception of Item 10/V second   Holt asked if needed to mention Item 5 pulled, no


Chair called for vote- 5-0



Approval of Minutes

a.       June 18, 2019-Regular Meeting

b.      May 23, 2019-Budget Workshop

c.       June 30, 2019-Budget Workshop

d.      July 2, 2019-Regular Meeting



Ratification Memo



Approval of Actuary Services for 2019 and 2020 required OPEB report Optional Post Employee Benefit



Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office Training Funding Request



Suppression Gas Systems Test and Unspect-FM200 System



Approval and Signature(s) for Satisfaction of Special Assessment Lien State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) or Emergency (ER) Program



Approval and Signature for Special Assessment Liens-State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP)(Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program)



Approval of Signatures for Special Assessment Liens and Rehabilitation Contract-State Housing Initiative Partnership Program



Approval of the 2020 Holiday Schedule



Approval to Extend the Agreement for Compensation and Classification Services

Pulled for discussion




Approval to Extend the Agreement for Compensation and Classification Services

   Hinson asked it be explained.  Lawson said Board approved in May 2018 for company to do compensation in pay study for Board and when approved contract was only approved for 3 months and was not enough time to complete.  When was invoiced, noticed error should have been approved through August 31, 2019 and they need more time to complete study.


Hinson/Holt 5-0







PUBLIC HEARING-APPROVAL OF Resolution 2019-028 for FY 2019 Budget Amendments

  Lawson introduced the above item. 


V asked if this was for 2019/2020 budget and Mr. Lawson explained was 2018/2019 budget.  V announced was public hearing and asked if there were any questions from audience and there were none. 


Hinson had questions regarding a budget amendment for Public works.  V said this was something done on paper for the last fiscal year budget and has no effect on anything right now, just move monies around so the budget is reflected to be what meant to be.


Holt motion for option 1/Morgan 5-0





Approval to Accept the State Funded Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Grant Agreement #A0055 and Federal Funded Emergency Management

  Lawson introduced the above item and explained one was Federal and one was State.


Holt said this was one that they approve every year.


Hinson made motion to approve option 1/Holt 5-0



CR 65 (Attapulgus Highway) SCOP Agreement

  Lawson introduced above item.


Holt/Hinson 5-0



CR 161 (Point Milligan Road) SCOP Agreement

  Lawson introduced above item


Holt/Hinson 5-0



Department of Economic Opportunity Grant Agreement

  Lawson introduced above item for repairs to Juniper Creek Road, was awarded $300,000 for repairs and in addition and prior to awarding rest of road paving money to repair Hutchinson Ferry Bridge, also received $108,077.99 from Commissioner Morgan to go toward repairs of Juniper Creek Road.


Holt/V 5-0



Cooks Landing Road SCOP Agreement

  Lawson introduced the above item.


Taylor/Holt 5-0



Task Order Amendment for East Gadsden

  Lawson introduced above item.  V asked him to better explain this item.  Original task order was to $60,000 DPB and they were paid $28,846.96 and left $31,153.04 remaining in the contract.  As part of the money paid, DPB was required to complete an archaeological assessment to the County and they sub-contracted this service to Archaeological Consultants, Inc. for the amount of $4,700.00. 


V/Holt 5-0



Transportation Agreement between the Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit to Provide the Gadsden Connector Bus Service from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2021

  Lawson introduced above item


Hinson motion to approve option 1/Holt second Morgan question


Morgan asked if this was 2 year agreement and historically was this done on annual basis-Lawson said not sure and could get clarification from Mr. Price.  Mr. Weiss said last time was considered was for 2 year period but subject to funding clause.  Morgan said very good.


Hinson noted in background of Agenda item “Gadsden County, in partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation and Big Bend Transit, Inc. received a grant to fund the Gadsden Connector, which is a weekday transit service that operates Monday through Friday and provides service between Chattahoochee, Greensboro, Gretna, Quincy, and Havana.”  ALSO NOTE: Refer to Agenda Item 18 Background Information, last paragraph it also states,” That grant is unavailable now and the County must pay for this service”.


Chair called for vote 5-0



Transportation Agreement between Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit to Provide the Quincy Shuttle Bus Service from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2021

  Lawson introduced above item.


Hinson/Holt  Morgan had question


Morgan asked if the City of Quincy has committed to participate as well and Mr. Lawson said no.  Morgan encouraged them to not approve until they have commitment from City and asked they think about financial situation of County in general and how they have approached in past years and cannot imagine them approving without participation from City since their citizens benefiting from this.


Taylor motion to approve/Hinson 4-1  Morgan opposed



Transportation Agreement between the Gadsden County BOCC and Big Bend Transit to Provide for the Continuation of Gadsden Express Services from October 1, 2019 through September 2021

  Lawson introduced


Taylor/Hinson second with question


Chair called for vote 5-0



Appointment  and Re-Appointments to the County Planning Commission for District 1, District 2, District 4, and the At-Large Position











  Reminders-groundbreaker for AG center Friday at 10:00 a.m.


Monday local delegation will be here at 5:00 p.m. in Chambers


Tuesday, 15th,  starting at 2:00 will start interviews for Administrator candidates


V asked where were at with CRMC contract-Lawson said at this point Glazer sent to attorney to CRMC and waiting to get their feedback before scheduling another meeting with GHI.  Weiss said will need to extend Notice of Non-Renewal date and will be on next Agenda.


Holt said to attorney she was contacted by another hospital organization and they are interested in offering their services but they know in middle of negotiations.  He said should consider if they would want part of building or whole building, asked if she could pass along information.  She said she would get the information to him or Mr. Lawson. 


Taylor asked about a memo that was sent out about contacting Department Heads requesting certain services from different department heads and asked if he was asking Commissioners to forego talking to the Administrative Assistant and the Special Projects Coordinator as well and he said no. 








Taylor said was curious about RFP they were to put out (for Attorney contract) and Mr. Lawson said he did not have a specific time.  She said current contract matures in February and thought instructions were given.


Other thing, have various lawsuits she is hearing about.  Will there be an opportunity to have a shade meeting so it can be discussed.  Weiss said usually his office does not handle the litigation, it is referred out by the insurance carrier and he is notified.  In terms of the shade meeting, he would not be the one to participate, the appointed council would be the one that would have more information and be able to discuss strategy.


V said with that understanding, suggested they put together as soon as could the information so Commissioners would know.


Hinson said know because Item 11-reached a settlement and they did not have anything to do with it and was quite interesting and they never had that meeting.


Holt said she never remembered if FAC handled it, that it came back before them. 


Hinson said also on a separate note, in another situation where they went to trial, how could they go to trial without coming to the Board first and knowing anything about it.


Mr. Weiss said when the County makes a claim under the policy and they appoint counsel, FAC has control over the litigation and the County gives that up.  He tends to think if there is going to be a settlement agreement, the Chair would be the one to sign the Agreement but he is not the one to handle the case. Weiss said if something to be approved by County, should be approved by this Board.


Taylor said this payout to this individual, was it legally done?  Weiss said under the terms of their insurance policy, there is a clause that they have control over the litigation, that’s under the policy and he was making point if there was a settlement agreement on behalf of the Commissioners, the Board should approve it even if being paid under the .  Taylor said heard what he said but it was muddy.  Heard him say FAC has right to settle.  If need to put language in policy so can have some say-so on settlement.


Holt said FAC never comes before the Board.  They even filed suit against a Manager and 2 commissioners long time ago.  Can always request updates.  They can’t communicate with emails or phone calls while in litigation that is their rules.  Beneficial to us because only have to pay out deductible. 


Hinson said he thought, not sure, when on School Board, have had a shade meeting in the past. 


Taylor said FAC does not serve all 67 counties.  We have right to ask, important that this not reoccur.


Holt said if a case is filed and it comes before the Board, Weiss handles it. 


V said they could workshop the litigation part of lawsuits





Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Eric Hinson, District 1

  Thanked everyone for a wonderful meeting tonight


Asked for Resolution for Tony Bunion, Jr., whose 7 month old child passed away few days ago


Holt motion to approve/Taylor second 4-0


Glad Board agreed to move budget and hoped they could revisit it in few months.  Also have to make sure when have meeting with County Administrator, possible they could be in cahoots with business and could mess with integrity of County.  If every happens, could be trouble.


V said one of the reasons asked for transparency and gave number for Florida Commission on Ethics again.



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3

No items



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4

  Hemp conference tomorrow morning and is sold out at the Turnbull Center to look at growing hemp here.  Looking at people that may not be farmers but might be looking to lease out their property and is a money crop.  She said FAMU and U of F doing research on this matter.


She wanted to have a workshop with the Building Inspection Department.  Builders and home owners are complaining and thought it might help to have the workshop. 


V thought that was a wonderful idea.


Legislative agenda-delegation will be in Monday-problem had last time when came did not have list and caused lot of disorganization last year.  Need to get with the Manager and get their concerns to him.  She said she spoke with Senator Montford today and said one thing they discussed was recovery. 



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor Vice-Chair, District 5

  Taylor said they could use the same list from last year because they received nothing last year-all have to do is change the date.  All because showed no unity. 


She said there was a 4-1 vote on the budget and the reason was she wanted to send a balanced budget to the State and she wanted to be on the prevailing side.  She said there was a $4 Million increase and she is talking to Constitutionals Officers about the money they asked for and then will be talking to the Administrator.  She said EMS should be giving $1 Million back.  Have already started talking and getting commitments from people.


Last year spent $? On lobbyist and they did nothing


Barbara Hobbs lost her mother and asked for Resolution


Made motion to hire Robert Presnell-died for lack of second



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie,, Chair, District 2

  Informed body on October 24 will be event held for hard work of Farm Share workers


Holt/Hinson 4-0


Receipt and File









Adjourned at 7:23 p.m.