Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Regular Public Meeting

October 15, 2019

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Chair, District 2

                                Sherrie Taylor, Vice Chair, District 5

                                Eric Hinson, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Brenda Holt, District 4

                                Arthur Lawson, Interim County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair V called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m., asked everyone to silence their phones.


Christopher Erde, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, gave Invocation and then led in Pledge of Allegiance.



  Pull Item 2; add Item 14a


Holt/Morgan 4-0





CareerSource Capital Region Presentation

  Jim McShane appeared before the Board for an update.


Commissioner Taylor appeared at 6:08 p.m.



Integrity Group

Item Pulled



  Holt/Morgan 5-0



Approval of Minutes

a.       August 6, 2019-Special Meeting

b.      September 12, 2019-Budget Hearing



Ratification Memo



Approve the Request to Receive Reimbursement from Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) for Hurricane IRMA and the Sub-Grant Agreement



Mutual Aid Operations Plan Agreement between Gadsden County Fire Departments and Florida Forest Service



Approval of the Lease Extension with Neighborhood Medical Center to Lease the Havana Health Clinic



Approval of Mosquito Control Agreement with Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS)



Ratification of Fleet Invoice



Approval if the Fall 2019 E911 Rural County Grant Application for E911 System and MapSAG Annual support and Maintenance



Approval of Sixth Amendment to Gadsden Hospital Lease







   Auburn Ford, 249 Peters Road, Midway, FL-Building Inspection concerns-appeared before the Board.  Have concerns and trying to work with staff in resolving the concerns.  Have two inspectors and one going in one direction and the other in another direction. 


V said did not know if he had met with Interim Administrator to express his concerns so he could explore his concerns. 


Holt asked Lawson if inspectors give out inspections in writing at the site and he said yes.  She said she has asked for a workshop regarding this. 


Weiss said should be 3 minutes limits and non-discussion by commissions.


Taylor agreed with concerns to that department.  Asked Mr. Lawson if could have workshop because of Commissioner concerns because about to lose about $60,000 in revenue from a municipality that is about to pull out.  Lawson said will have staff look at calendar and schedule workshop.


Hinson said he requested 2 ˝ months ago this same thing because have had a lot of complaints. 



Charles Morris, 23209 Blue Star Highway, Quincy, FL-United Gadsden, Inc.-Trunks of Treats-County sponsorship



   Rosetta Rolle Hylton-Anderson, 825 S. Virginia St., Quincy, Vote meeting, Leadership Gadsden-appeared before the Board.  She said Leadership Gadsden was recruiting and she graduated from the ninth class.  The next class will be on Thursday, October 17th, at 6:00 p.m. at Ed Dixon’s home.  Meeting will be at November 5th at Quincy Library







Scotland-Dover Road Guardrail Project Design Bid Award

  Lawson introduced above item.


Holt option 1/Morgan  Hinson question


Hinson asked for brief synopsis.  Lawson explained.


  Justin Ford, Dewberry, appeared before the Board and gave a brief explanation of the item.


Chair called for the vote 5-0



Ironbridge Road Guardrail Project Design Bid Award

  Lawson introduced above item.


Holt/Morgan 5-0



Ralph Strong Road Sidewalk Project Design Bid Award

  Lawson introduced item.



Hinson had comment


Chair called for vote.  5-0



Gadsden County Courthouse Renovation Contract Amendment Request

  Lawson introduced item.

Holt/Morgan 5-0






   Nothing to report






  Reminded Board that on October 31st has been brought to his attention that Board in past has participated in Truck of Treats at Wards Lot at 5:30 p.m.


October 29th 5:00 Joint meeting scheduled with GHI on hospital lease


Holt asked if will be meeting with hospital board and attorney; Holt said Board did not decide to invite them, Weiss said idea was will have draft that will be circulated to everyone pretty soon so everyone will have opportunity to review.  V said had meeting while back and felt would be good thing to meet with GHI and put together a counter-proposal


Taylor said her interpretations were different.  She thought that GHI Board rather the Board participate in the proposals.  Holt asked Lawson if he invited GHI Board and he said yes because they still needed to ratify the sixth amendment.  She wanted to know what the counter-proposal would be before meeting. 


Weiss said that could be accommodated.  He said to keep in mind, it is a public meeting and if CRMC showed up, they would have that right.


Taylor asked again about the Building Inspection-asked if she could get him locked in for dates-he said let him look at calendar.  She asked about striping.  She gave up money for Hutchinson Ferry Road but there is money in budget for striping and asked Lawson to look into it.  She wanted McCall Bridge striped.  She said Morgan used his paving dollars to help with Juniper Creek Bridge and she thought the State was doing that.  Lawson said the State was helping with the bridge, not the road.  She said did they now have money for Hutchinson Ferry bridge.  Lawson said still in design phase and was hoping would get that money back from FEMA and if do, can refund what money that used up-front. 


Hinson wanted to piggy-back on that because he was hit the hardest.  He said he called Administration and said he had projects he wanted done.  He asked how could funding be used when you did not have funding.  The commissioners said they were not following what Hinson was stating.  Lawson said prior to the collapsing of the bridge, Morgan had already allocated his money to repairing the road.  When the bridge collapsed, Lawson asked Finance if there was any monies available to help with the repair of the bridge and they said the road paving money.

He said they did not have to approve, he put that before them as an option.  He said it came before them in advance and he was trying to expedite getting the bridge repaired.  If they get the money from FEMA, they will get the money back.  Hinson said he promised these people this road would be done, gave his word.  Hinson said he had no heartburn with the Board, things just needs to be fair. 


Holt said another way to do it was to look at the ranking of the roads through SCOP and SCRAP and they would be paved anyway.  Hinson said he did not want to do it that way.


Morgan wanted to make it clear it was clearly laid out and stated the districts would


Taylor said to Hinson’s point, Hinson had specific roads, she had striping, she waited to see if anyone would reach out to her, she wanted to make sure


Morgan said was unfortunate where pitting districts against each other.


Taylor asked where were at with RFP for attorney.






  Weiss had nothing.


Taylor was curious about  one of lawsuits and asked him to contact her regarding same.





Report and Discussion of Public Issues



Commissioner Eric Hinson, District 1

  Said believed in integrity.


Morgan left at 7:28 p.m.


Asked for a resolution for his Aunt that passed away.  V said Administration does that automatically.  Asked for Resolution for Reverend Maxwell for 100th birthday/Holt second 4-0



Commissioner Gene Morgan, District 3



Commissioner Brenda Holt, District 4

  Building Inspection workshop-hoped it would be as soon as possible and all contractors were invited.  She said she would like to do same thing with Planning and Zoning. 


With the paving, FEMA has tendency to be slow.  Districts 3 & 4 were promised roads would be paved  out of $10 Million that was bonded, changed Commissioners and understands Commissioner’s Morgan’s plight, she’s in same boat.  She’s in same boat.



Commissioner Sherrie Taylor Vice-Chair, District 5

  Commissioner Taylor said first time she became upset with Dewberry was when SCOP, SCRAP, went to District 4 or District 1 and it looked peculiar.  She wants to invite municipalities and City Managers to meeting regarding Building Inspection because was losing them and losing revenue stream. 



Commissioner Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie,, Chair, District 2

  V said only thing he had was going to ask for Resolution of Accommodation for 2 ladies for charity work and volunteering, Mary Bush Smith and  Lee Jones Rush


Holt motion/Hinson 4-0


Receipt and File









Adjourned at 7:40 p.m.