Board of County Commissioners

Rules of Procedure for Meetings

June 15, 2021

4:30 p.m.


Present:               Brenda Holt, Chair, District 4

Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, Vice Chair, District 2

                                Eric Hinson, District 1

                                Kimblin NeSmith, District 3

                                Ronterious “Ron” Green, District 5

                                Edward J. Dixon, County Administrator

                                Clayton Knowles, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Clayton welcomed everyone to the workshop; asked for moment of silence and then led in Pledge.


Called workshop to Order.


Due to COVID-19 and the efforts of the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners to continue the practice of social distancing, Commissioners want to continue to hear from citizens under the Citizens Requesting to be Heard section of the agenda.

If citizens have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email and anticipate receiving a response within 48 hours.

The Board of County Commissioners would like to thank everyone for their patience and flexibility during this time.


Read aloud statement.












The CARES Act Residual Funds



Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners

  Asked to finish review of Rules of Procedure. 


  V had comment on time limit for Commissioners to speak.  As long as on point, should be able to complete thoughts and not be limited in time.   


Holt said problem is not with public, it is with commissioners that repeat themselves over and over. 


Clayton said Commissioner could call question and once get affirmative vote, take vote.


Holt said they need to make decisions as to how want to handle. 


  V said that was point of what he was saying.  If commissioner on point and still presenting, should be allowed to finish.  Once they start repeating themselves over and over, need to bring to head.


Holt asked how to end. 


  Green asked if possible to use timer?  Started using last week. 


Clayton said he and Chair talked yesterday and V said FAC best practice was to not limit commissioners.  Chair and he said did not want something to drag on for 10-15 minutes when it could have been said in 5. 


  V asked when Commissioner making point and have not gotten to point to


  Hinson said


  Knowles said under FAC’s best practices, Chair should not make motion without passing gavel.


  V wanted them to be aware when it’s called to question, that has to be voted on. 


  Knowles said with this scenario, is there limit to calling question-no.


  Green said was gong to piggyback on what Hinson said. 


  Hinson said Chair should close meeting.


Review and Discuss the June 15, 2021 Regular BOCC Meeting Agenda

  Dixon said first is to discuss CARES Residual funding.


Going to look at Granicus as sole source contract. 


  Green asked if the $87,000 was annual.  Dixon said was 1-time upgrade and asked what annual was-after pay initial fee, will be $32,000.   Each department will have own website. 


  NeSmith asked what was current staffing in IT.  Want to use as much in-house as possible. 


  V said was in support of


  NeSmith asked annual upgrade contingent on annual maintenance. 


  Dixon said they have asked for couple of new positions. 


  V said looking at $337? One time occurring fee as opposed to reoccurring fee. 


Holt said in desperate need of positions.


  V said personally saw nothing wrong with request, only thing will make suggestion


  V asked about operations activities coordinator


 Renovation of Public Works Vehicle Repair area – don’t know if been there recently, have not maintained what they own


  Commission Chambers-talked about redoing Chambers and redoing front and addressing security issues. 


   Hinson thanked Dixon for presenting this to them.  Only fair to constituents to have workshop on what they want in County.  Now telling homeless people no longer important to County.  Board also agreed would use part of $1.3 for small business.  Need to make sure address issues at hand. 


  Dixon said to give perspective, this is $1.3 Million left over from CARES Act.  $6.7 Million was given to various programs.  




Meeting adjourned at 5:54 p.m.





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